ops- I I I I I I J . on Drainboards Set Phil Dutnom Lino'eum Laying and Venetian Blinds 920 S. Main 1336 SAVE MONEY Our blown rock wool Insula tion, ai applied by profession als, pays for itself in two years through less fuel costs. Metal interlocking weather stripping may be added for additional protection. Applied to new or old homes and com mercial buildings anywhere in Southwestern Oregon. Free estimates; A written warranty with very installation. BUILDER'S INSULATING CO. "Chuck" Edmonds 230 N. Stephens St. Phone 1018 R OLD For Y!Efmri Hermitage, jxciuuinit rrm-jnru -siuirffi tiUrJi rV0ITI" 60 Viir J. pt. O 45 qt A Gentleman's Whiskey from Kentucky National Distillers Products Corporation. i at jf, 8L 8 8 1 mm camnareo! ' T Hi mat T'iiim iaa n yarn umiiih i im m. imnun: iiir i j H.r0UTH Drnim Compromise On Executive Pay Raises In Making WASHINGTON. Sept. 28-.T ine senate, having agreed to raises in military nay, turned more critically Tuesday to presi. dent Truman's idea of boasting salaries for top federal execu tives. A house'passed bill Increasing the pay of cabinet members and other nnrier-bracket official is the next major legislation oi the senate schedule. It was list ed for action late in the day after some other matters are disposed of. It follows in the wake of se nate passage by voice vote Jate yesterday of a bill giving pay raises to members of the armed forces in almost every grade at a cost of about $300,000,000 an nually. A similar military pay bill passed the house earlier. House and senate conferees now will attempt to Iron out the differ ences, which are minor. Raises in the senate bill range from about $3 a month for recruits with five months service to $300 and up for generals with over 30 years service. Much more controversy has developed over the executive pay bill, for which Mr. Truman made another plea yesterday in a let ter to Vice President Barkley. Compromise Offers After a muddle of senators In the office of democratic leader Lucaa of Illinois, Senator Me Karland (DArizl said that 34 senators 20 democrats and 11 republicans have offered a com promise which "is being accept ed." McFarland is leader of a group which wants to scale down the pay raises Mr. Truman ask ed. McFarland said that under the compromise no government of- Inn 4 "'01 MAT 86 PROOF N. Y. 65 Grain Neutral Spirits Wtwta 6twl Urn. carom ftal emit ana rear ' IV rt&n '"! Of 22 quality features found in high-priced ears the new Plymouth hat 21 . . . low-priced car "A" hat 13 . . . low-priced car "B" hat 4. That't why the Plymouth today mora than over before it the low-prktd car most Me high-prkd cent DRIVE THE NEW PLYMOUTH AND LET THE RIDE DECIDE I otrrsua coeroaAtio. Dam) n. tMtpa rrzz rI Mf c4 rW or faJK ANYTHING GOES FOR A DOWN PA YM E NT Employes of Barney Teal, right, above, Detroit uto dealer, unload a customer's "down payment" on a used car. In this case, the down payment was a used radio. Teal's ingenious swappers will accept any item of value from a fur coat to a piece of real estate as part payment on their autos. Business has doubled since they developed the "anything joes" idea. Uriah except cabinet members nd a lew wnite nouse aides would have their pay raised above $15,000 and none would receive more than a 50 per cent increase. For cabinet members, that would mean a boost in pay from $15,000 to $22,500 instead of the $25,000 provided in the pending presidentially backed bill. Aicrariana saia mat compro mise also would cut the $16,000 salary provided in the bill for seven white house assistants to $15,000. But the President would be allowed to emplov two at $20,000 and three at $i8,000 . At present the white house sa lary scale for presidential as sistants ranges from $10,000 to a top, for one position, of $15,000. Clark M. Cliffor, special coun sel to the president, presumably would be one of those moved up to the $20.000-a-year level if the hill should pass. Wife Asks Divorct From State Treasurer Pearson I OREHON CITY. Sept. 28-4PV-State Treasurer Walter Pearson was sued for divorce Tuesday hy Mrs. Pearson, his second wife. She alleged cruelty, said they had been living apart, and said a property settlement had been arranged. The Pearsons were married at Spokane In 1941. .... -...- - - i Dtfll ttodar wt pmii aptioaal at txtn Co. U M Can Russian Planes Hit Targets In United States? Big Problem FORT BENNING. Ga. (.'Pi Russia's reported production of a nuclear fission explosion hit U. S. military heads with a whole book full of problems, led by this: Is Soviet Russia currently cap able of delivering atom bombs on American targets? So far as they know, the big gest Russian bomber is a copy of early models of the U. S. Air Force's B-29 Superfortress. That Russian version is believed In capable of striking targets in the continental U. S. from Russian soil and returning. However, no responsible military man has ever said that fanatic Russiai airmen might not be willing to make a one-way run. By doing that they could reach some major American industrial centers. Possible Seizure A second possibility, and one which military men long contem plated grimly, is the possibility of seizure of American airfields in Alaska which would place the northwest Pacific coast and pos sibly cities in the north central area within reach of two-way missions. It is reasonable to assume this recasting of the picture may IDl n Great Value it built into every beauti ful inch of the new Plymouth. For the positive proof compare ! Put this great est Plymouth ever built up against the other cars feature for feature, dollar for dollar, mile for mile! Look at all three of the leading low priced cars. Plymouth and only Plym outhhas the famous Air Pillow Ride now smoother than ever. The new, more powerful Plymouth en gine has a compression ratio of 7 to 1 low-priced car "A" has 6.8 to 1 low priced car "B" has 6.6 to 1. You get greater performance because Plymouth1! higher compression squeezes more power out of every drop of gas. Plymouth is the only low-priced car with the spectacular new double safety feature Safety-Rim B 'heel a uilh Safe Guard Hydraulic Broken. Patented re taining humps hold the tire straight on the rim in the event of a blowout. Power ful brakes give quick, safe, accurate stops, without grabbing or biting. These are just some of the reasons why the new Plymouth is the car that likes to be compared not just to other low priced cars but even to cars costing hun dreds of dollars more! Visit your Plymouth dealer ho will be glad to arrange i demonstration ride. aftbJaa&Taalatauaa saaqiana?Beajp place a new premium on Far North Polar defenses, including a speedup in building an aircraft warning system across the Arctic perimeter of the North American continent. For the moment, there seems to be no plans to build up man power In the Alaskan defenses if Secretary of Defense Johnson's answer to a Washington report er's question was intended to ap ply to Alaska. When asked If tr Russian atomic explosion report would bring a change in the i position of U. S. forces anvwhere, Johnson replied with a one word negative. No Information At this big Infantry training center and home of the third in fantry division, officers apparent ly knew only what they read in the newspapers. Whatever top level decisions are being made in Washington are not reflected here where it is the business to train soldiers and not to make strate gic decisions. However, the militarv high command at Washington let It V known sometime ago that not only studies but training pro grams are under way for defense against atomic attack. Malulv these programs trend toward passive defensive measures au"h as dispersion of military person nel and equipment to make less made in Great Britain where famous woolent have been manu factured for centuries. Colors: Heather Grey York Brown Crest Blue Exclusive at Blimper CrOp Of Wheat Ahead For European Areas PaRIS. Sept 28 (Europe looks forward to a bumper 151 wheat crop, approaching the yield of prewar years. An Associated Press survey of 14 countries disclosed that ex perts estimate he current har vest will top even last yeai'a crop, despite long summer droughts. Only two eastern European countries were Included In the survey, because most Iron cur tain countries have made it a crime to disclose crop estimates. "Karllee this summer," one American expert here said, "we figured this year's crops probab ly five percent below last year's. The figures coming In now make us think that it may be even better than 1948." Kurope's wheat production in 1948 was 36.800.000 tons. This a 86.5 percent of the 1934-38 aver age total. Both totals excluue Russia which refuses to furnish figures. A breakdown by countries showed the following estimates in metric tons: France: An estimated 7.849. T0 tons of wheat, 200.000 more than last year. Italy: 6.86C,000 tons gain oi 12 percent. Britain: Expects about 34 bu shels per acre for some 1,900.000 acres bigger yield per acre but smaller total because of reduced plantings. Western Germany: Expects even larger crop than last year'a which set a postwar record. Belgium: One of biggest har vests in history. Portugal: Dropped badly be cause of long drought. MEETING POSTPONED Social meeting of the Parents' club of St. Joseph's school, sche duled for Fridav in the K. of P. hall, has been Indefinitely postponed it was announced to day. Crofitahle targets for atomic last; medical treatment "I atomic casualties, and control of panic in event of attack. On Its part, the Navy has been hard at work attempting develop ment of decontamination meth ods for removing poisonous ra dioactivity from ships which might be sprayed by mist from underwater explosions. For Sale or Trade IVi ocres of filberts, pears, ond prunes. 6 room house under construction. Will trade for house in Roseburg or close in. Last house south on first road in Suksdorf Addition. Coos Junction Otto Johnson fyirect to oe icltacld - DEVONSHIRE - imported sharkskin and gabardine suits Priced for below normal market cottt. limited quantity offered Thursday, Fridoy and Saturday onyl. 120 N. Jacktoej St. W,I" hp 2. 1949-The News-Review, Roteburo,, Org, ff Britain's Profits Tax Boosted To Check Inflation LONDON, Sept. 28 (.PI Sir Stafford Crlpps raised Britain's p.-ofits tax by one fifth Tuesday to offset the inflationary effect of cheapening the pound. The tax on profits now is 25 per cent. Cripps told the house of commons he is Increasing it "as from today" to 30 per cent. At the same time Crlpps re peated his stand that personal Incomes, Including those from wages, must stay at present le vels. The chancellor of the exchequer also ' warned British business men: "If there is anv further break ing away from the voluntary li mitation of dividends I shall consider myself at liberty to in troduce legislation to restrict di vidends in the next finance bill." Crlpps opened the crucial de bate in the house of commons on the devaluation of the pound. He was fortified bv a labor partv caucus which, Informants said, decided to stand behind the go vernment on the currency issue. A treasury spokesman taid Cripps has authority to raise th tax on business and industrial profits at once. Later, the spokes man said, the chancellor presum ably will submit some sort of formal motion asking house of commons approval, which would R. D. BRIDGES Savingt Repreaentatlve Equitable Savingt and Loan Att'n. Phone 442 Oakland, Ort. You ore cordially Invited to . visit our store during "Home Fashion Time" this week and see the finest in home furnishings. 222 W. Oak double breasted stylings made for men who want the best i iVf' tf : : p M mm v . 1 (Suits similar to Illustration) be virtually automatic In view of the heavy labor majority. Informed observers taw the action as a top to rank and file labor which has been complain ing that the little people will suf fer most from the cheaDenlne of the pound from $4.03 to $2.80. The trades union congress hat been Insisting that even a slight rise In the cast of living would provide unbearable to the lower paid British workers. The TUC has not yet given the govern ment, of which it is the most powerful pillar, Its public sup port on the devaluation policy. In his address today Crlpps in sisted that food price increases "are not likely to come either in large measure or soon." The price of bread, however, already Is up a penny. Crlpps said that It may be that by the end of the year the cost of living index figure may be up about a point, News-Review Classified Ada bring best results. Phone 100. YOU CAN ENJOY TANKS FOR RENT NO NEED TO BUY UTILITY VSEBVICE Pacific Bldg. Roseburg Ph. 23S Phone 348 Also ... . Donegal Tweed Suits Single brown breasted and stylet blue only mixtures Priced ot just $40