The Newt-Review, Reuburf, Or. Wed., Sept. 28, 1949 'Crowded School Told By Roseburg Educators City Officials To Attend Meet Of Cities League Several Roseburg city official! re planning to attend sessions of the League o Oregon Cltlea 24th annual convention at the Multnomah hotel In Portland which opens today and will con tinue through Saturday. City Manager M. W. Slankanl left early this weeK. Mayor Al bert G. flegel plana to leave early Thurdav, and City Record er William Bollman and City In (pector C. H. Bonloli are plan ning to follow Thursday. Ben Irving, county engineer, is plan ing to attend lome of the ses tioni. All major problems facing town and city government! will be tackled by the several hun dred cily officials and civic lead ers attending, It is announced. ' The meeting program will tea ' ture a series of section meetings ' for the various groups of city officials. Mishap Blocks Highway South Of Canyonville Highway 99 south of Canyon vllle was blocked for more than an hour shortly after midnight, when a truck and trailer jack knifed as the result of a broken axle. State Police Sgt. Lyle Harrell reported the truck was driven by William Blomberg, Portland. The accident occurred while he was coming down Canyon mountain. Traffic was blocked until the truck and trailer could be cleared from the highway. No one was injured. Botch Of Drunks Givin City Court Penalties It was necessary to arrest Leo Hamm, Roseburg, twice, before he could appear In municipal court, reported Chief of Police Calvin Baird. Hamm was arrested Monday night by city police on a drunk charge, but he escaped from the officers while the city prisoners were having breakfast Tuesday morning. A warrant was Issued for his arrest and he was again taken into custody last nieht. Arraign ed In court, he was fined $10 and (Continued from Page One) ig Oct. 11 During last year's Riverside Christmas program, he said, "It brought tears to my eyes" to see children climbing up chairs to a table which served as a makeshift stage. This problem will be cor rected, he stated, with comple tion of a gymnasium-auditorium, along with a cafeteria, for which bids will be let Friday night. Such problems of the future, as caring for 300 first graders, compared to a graduating senior class or 1Mb, was brougnt out in The Weather U. t. W.ath.r Bureau Offics Rossburg, Ortgon Fires Fought In North Area Of Umpqua Forest committed to the city ail for - 20 , ,he i,,, Tnere 1, frlhpr ConUnued From Page One) SuHge IrL B Riddle P I ,he hih 8cho01 Problem of """-'acre Adam, creek bla began In Knk Avon Haivev Canyon- dli"K 317 'ud""? entering as; th; Paciie Mm company slash vlllt John Tlnar r KWcrSr Md i"!!!?.1 ! '"ft area. With the aid of a strong Fred Kelly, both of San Fran- Mostly cloudy with a few light today and Tnursaay Highest temp, for any 8pt. Lowest timp, for any Sept..... Highest timp. yesterday .... Lowest temp, last 24 hrs Precipitation last 24 hrs Precipitation since Sept. 1 Excess since Sept. 1 British Labor Rule " Blasted By Churchill (Continued from Page One) Cisco, Calif., all arrested on drunk charges, forfeited $20 bail by their failure to appear In court. Charles Becker, Roseburg. paid a $20 fine on a similar charge, according to Judge Riddle. compared to the loss of only 186jeast wind and low humidity, the seniors. j (lre raced over three ridges and irain, wnn j.t siuuenii ai nen- started spot fires in tour differ CASE IS ARGUED Attorneys were still suomltting their arguments In the trial of Robert D. Nelson, charged In a i gram, wnicn win nave 10 continue son. stated his la the "best school in the city, because it Is the old est. It has stood there since 1912." It has playgrounds on three levels, but the addition of a new gymnasium should greatly aid the recreation program, he said. .Eddy with 32) children at Ful- lerton, explained his two-shift pro- grand Jury Indictment with lar-! until the new building extension ceny, at press time today. u nimiimni, puwui; uy iiar The Jury was not expected to retire until afternoon. Nelson is accused of the theft of a safe from the Gas Appliance Co.. Inc., office at Reedsport. PROGRAM DEFERRED Riversdale Grange booster night program, scheduled Friday, has been postponed until a later date to be announced. ACTIVE CLUB TO MEET ($44,800,000,000) and spent them over four times as much every year as was the cost of running 104 the country In our richer days be- 2 fore the war. 78 1 "They have used up every na si tional asset or reserve upon .22 'Which they could lay their hands. 1.95 I "They have taken 40 per cent .88 o. the national income for the purpose of govemp-vnt adminis tration. And our taxation has been the highest in the world." i Churchill said Britain has been "brought to the verge of na tional and International bank ruptcy." This occurred, he said, despite the fact that "in all history no community has ever been helped and kept by gratuitous overseas aid that is by the labor of other New Uranium Mine In Saxony To Help Russia BERLIN, Sept. 28. (PI Russia has found a new uranium mine in east Germany to spur its atom bomb production, west Ber lin newspapers claimed Tuesday. The papers said the new mine was opened under the direction of Russian engineers In former silver mines at Mansfeld, near Eisleben in Saxony, Sept. 21. More than 1,000 German miners were reported working in the new shafl. The Mansfield mine is the sec ond uranium source exploited by the Russians in eastern Germany. Pineapple Cargo Is Unloaded At The Dalles (Continued from Page One) . i.,.. i tA, h. i.nnn I hardworking peoples to any of forest service personnel, lire!'"'"'', approaching the degree fighting crews Include men from hlch we have been under the the Pacific, Bohemia and Row I present socialist p vernment. River Mill companies, and a I c", Heavily Upped . woods rrew from the Sorinpfield ' . Where are we at the end of Weyerhaeuser plant. Three pump- " - anA thru ...I." n -a atcM tw. ing used. s Disston is about 20 miles east of Cottage Grove. The reduction of the rate of doll. r exchange means that, sub ject to certain minor abatements, v.e may have to pay up to nearly half as much again, for what we Luy much of it necessaries with- , . . . . w "l" ' n ' i laiiuui live tiuin That Ends Fire Threat To the dollar areas." The labor government yester Ocean Winds Bring Rain day In a move apparently aimed t. winning support of leftist so cialists for the devaluation policy, announcen tnat the lax on bus giving Football Suits Needed 'The youth of Roseburg is the city's main resources," he de clared. He pointed out such pro grams as the new municipal swimming pool, the YMCA and the summer baseball program and the part they can play In training children and keeping them occu pied. The athletic program is con tlnuine Saturdays, with football. to he followed bv basketball and inai fir Hicnatr-hpr Rn..h,,rn At,,,. .i,,h M!track. The problem at present is .here's nlentv of fire left but Thursday for breakfast in the acquiring football suits. There are ! ., wihin iincl. The outlook is Shallmar room at 7 a. m. As this 'only 11 suits for each school, and ; dfiniteiy favorable." is the fifth Thursday, the morn-;"" only way a substnuie can en- Ught rajn, gtart.d ast nght devaluation because they ing meeting Is being .held. c.hha"?,iUh and continued in many areas to-1 ciaimed ,ne little manfnot The 'big Oregon Communities PORTLAND, Sept. 28. f,P Rain and a shifting wind today enoea ne immeaiaie mreai jrorn , , . , d f more than 50 forest fires that 25 pnt to 30 per cent. Chan- through western Oregon. Guy Johnson, toresl service re- said NEW BEDFORD, Mass.. Sept. 28. mi The new Bedford , Standard-Times said Tuesday it had confidential information (hat i. ussia held Its first successful test of the atom bomb Aug. 15, 1946. At that lime, the newspaper said, Russian scientists said the Soviet expected to have a stock pile of 100 atom bombs by July, ,1947. The Standard-Times said Its In 'formation came from an under ; cover agent for a far eastern government who at one time was 'a special correspondent for the newspaper. It Included, the paper said, copies of written reports i forwarded to high central intel ligence officials in Washington land has been held in strict confi dence for three years. cellor of the Exchequer Cripps threatened at the same time to restrict dividend payments by law If companies do not abide by a voluntary pledge to freeze dividends. Leborite leftists had been criti- NOW IS THE TIME TO FIX THAT LEAKING ROOF with FIBRE ROOF COATING $423 I Gallon in S't Home Builders Lumber Co. Highway tt at Oardsn Valley Prions 1522 J said. He urged monetary suppon The ra(n mowd ln on ior mis communuy-wmr y.uK... .. winds that reversed fires, turn Ladd reported an Increase of 21 , ,hem ck on themselves, students lor a total of 421 at The flre headquarters for Riverside. He also discussed nia norlhwMt Oregon, at Forest double shift, but voiced encourage- Grove mooned conditions "very favorable for control." Its area includes the fires west of Mc- one, would suffer. Minnville which burned together and covered some 8000 to 9000 acres. Fire headquarters at Dallas, MINACLCS ON CPA 8 WAILS ...ttAurifies KircMNs ano 6ATHS MA MATTE Of HOUKS. cooks ano nas utt rru. VST COSTS USS THAN BtISQUMUfOOrl atKIBLt, CASV-AS-M TO WAIL, TMATS ALL! ArNTtO FSf 8ACXN Asiuaes smoot, TBougusxet tisrAUATroN I OHfmDfL ASSIST MOUUNOtO WtAA A TV... WIPCS CLOW ewettv, EASILY. STATS ' Met canaomtus ur cocoes K vou noor cores ecAues JlbMY. SATISFACTION 6UANANTf9 Of YW MOfJy SAC i SCONOOIIUM.NAIIN INC w,, N I ) It Refresh... Add Zest To The Hour ment with the completion of the school extension program, to gether with the planned new gymnasium. Elliott, speaking for Rose Prin cipal Ell S. Hall, who was unable p attend, told ' that holi L d,, sre f firM ,ndu(1. urn tea expansion ,f' lng the 3000-acre Grand Ronde 5f. er ,. Ei h J: ' ", :'., nt blaze in Long-Bell timber and Stad7h.rl;gI M!j'''lnR, reported all fire, un- A lightning storm last night apparently started no new fires of consequence. 1500-acre fire In Washington's Gifford Pinchot natonal forest, was burning within lines and all but 50 or 60 men were with drawn. Control by night fall was expected. . One Life Lost Estimates of the acreage al ready scorched varied, but lum bermen and state and federal agencies set the figure close to 23,000 acres. Aerial surveys to day may raise the figure if the fires in isolated sectors were worse than believed. One logger lost his life, crushed under a rolling tractor. About a dozen homes and barns were destroyed. One flock of sheep was trapped in a burning field. The loss In timber was set by a federal bureau of land manage ment forester at between 25 and 50 million board feet. A few log ging camps and small sawmills were wiped out. Two coastal resort towns. Can non Beach and neighboring Tolo vana Park, were no longer in any danger today. enrolled. Sahin spoke primarily of the school radio programs. The Junior high children broadcast at 3:15 p. m. each Wednesday, the high school each Friday and grade schools each Monday at the same hour. He said the programs not only afford the students oppor tunities, but much can be learned by the public of the school activities. Congestion At Junior High Junior high enrollment is still Increasing, the latest figures be ing 735, said Principal Brand. As an example of the crowded con dition, a storage room has been converted to handle 38 children. The school has 26 teachers, two half-time music teachers, three cooks, three custodians and a school secretary. Because of lim ited athletic facilities, football Rractlce must be shifted to the ieh school field. Iric-e, who came here from La Grande, stated he is very much Impressed with Roseburg's pro gressive spirit. Roseburg and Springfield are the towns about which most Is heard In eastern Oregon, he said. "To build good citizens requires space," he declared, referring to the overcrowded high school con dition. The state law requiring students to remain in school until they are 18 or have been gradu ated from high school keeps more In school. Furthermore, since only about 20 per cent of graduates en ter institutions of higher learn ing, a program must be worked out to interest the other 80 per cent in such fields as specialized trades. The philosophy of education as RELEASED FROM JAIL I loyd Clncade, 45, Central Point, has been released from the Douglas County jail, where he was committed by Circuit Judge Carl E. Wimberly on a contempt of court charge. Sheriff O. T. "Bud" Carter reported. students to be fast typists, to be enod mathmaticians. he able to practiced In (he high school was throw a football or shoot a basket outlined hrleflv hv Prinrinal Erickson. This philosophy is based on the premise lhat the young boys ana girls are our most Im portant natural resources, and thev must be taught good citizen ship. While It Is Important to teach In basketball. These are not enough. For what good are these tools if the main guide is lack ing? he asked. Andrew J. Murray, local Grey hound depot manager, was in ducted by N. D. Johnson as the newest "bahy Klwanian." Ask for it tilhtr way . . , hoik tnit-mtrki wutn Iht itmi Mi'nf somes UNO authomtt Of thi coca com corxY it Cj.'o-CoIo Bottling Company of R- - O . tl Cntt d'lM YOUR AUTO LIABILITY INSURANCE COSTS LESS WITH FARMERS $5,000 - $10,000 Bodily Injury $5,000 Property Damage Liaoility Paul H. Krueger 636 S. Stephens Phone 218 $10.00 YOU GET Current rates eoch six months. Plus $5.00 non recurring policy fee. A Standard Form Policy With Na Extra Charge for Age, Mileage or Business Use Similar Savings on All Forms of Collision Over 8,000 Policyholder Service and Stability For Over Twtnty-Ona Yean FARMERS INSURANCE EXCHANGE Leaves $9,995 To U.S.. $1 Each To Five Heirs PENDLETON, Sept. 2-P Whether or not he had an eve on federal Inheritance taxes, F. V. Carelle, who lived near Uma tilla, willed $9,995 to the United States government. His will was submitted to probate In the Uma tilla county court yesterday. He left the balance of estate to his family one dollar to each of his three sons, Jesse, Francis, and Laurence, one dollar to his daughter, Agnes, and one do! lar to his widow, Laura G. Carelle. I Unemployment Blamed On Box Car Shortage MEDFORD, Sept. 28 I.V A boxcar shortage is causing un employment ln the lumber indus try here. Four mills have cut work to one shift a day. Lumbermen said about 1.500 men are idle. Pear growers and other farm shippers also reported trouble. Southern Pacific officials here said the harvest season was caus ing shortages of cars everywhere. ea where storage space is limit ed. Teamsters Cooperats Four large trucks arrived here during the night. Raymond Curto, San Jose, Calif., said he was in charge of the trucks. The pine apple Is destined for San Jose canneries. Curto said drivers aie (.Pi-Six non-union workmen began All Teamsters. Earlier Portland teamsters said they would not cross a long shore picket line to handle the pineapple until conferring with Drve Beck, teamster internation al vice-president. Curto would not say whether or not Beck had giv en clearance. Yesterday, however, at least some of the truckers who moved the pineapple at Tillamook, woie AFL teamsters. Clarifying their position Jack Schlacht, Portland business agent, said no teamster had to go through a picket line but added that he would not call off the job any who did. At Portland, W. E. Mackey, longshore secretary, said 200 to 250 longshoremen left for The Dalles this morning to protest the unloading "in whatever way Is lawful." B mid mcrnlng a full crew of 17 men was at work here. Port officials said they would receive $1.50 an hour for a hour day. Annexation Vote Set For Two Districts . (Continued From Page One) r area, thus giving the city maxi. mum benefits from auto license fees and liquor taxes. Taxes In the respective areas would not be affected in this year's tax base. The West Roseburg area would be the same as that voted upon at the 1st election, but an ad ditional strip extending 100 feet south of the old Coos Bay wa gon road would be Included. A small area north of Miller's ad dition was also designated In the ordinance. All persons not registered who plan to vote in the annexation elections must register on or be fore Oct. 1. City Recorder William Boll, man slated that Saturday noon will be the final time to resists- as the county courthouse closes ai inai lime. Cook cauliflowerets in boiling salted water until partly tender. Then dip in seasoned flour, egg, and bread crumbs and fry in deep fat. Winchester Area Dogs .Victims Of Poisoning Belief that dog poisoners are active in the Winchester area was voiced today by Mrs. W. A. Hart, Winchester. She said her dog had apparently eaten poisoned lovi Sunday. It died after a dayV rambling. Mrs. Hart said another dog in her neighborhood L also believed to have been poisoned. She said she wished more dog owners would keep their pets at nome. To prepare an especially good dressing for lettuce add a little crushed garlic and crumbled blue cheese to the oil and vinegar and seasonings. CRASH KILLS DRIVER GIG HARBOR, Wash., Sept. 28 tPl Alex C. Williams, 27, was killed near here last night when the automobile he was driving collided head-on with another au tomobile. The six women occu pants of the other car were In jured, none seriously. Lions, Wives To Attend Sutheriin Ceremony Roseburg Lions club will dis pense with its regular meeting Thursday night, and instead all members and their wives are urged to attend the Lady Lions charter night ceremony at Sutheriin. The Sutheriin ladies will receive their charter at a meeting to be held at 6:45 p. m. in the Suther iin grange hall near the airport FRESH! Fruits and Vegetables They're on ice! Fri. and Sat. GREEN PEPPERS . 7c ib. Fine for stuffing.. TURNIPS Local Bunches 10c each RUTABAGAS For that "stew" 7c Ib. SQUASH Danish 4c Ib. APPLES Fancy Jonathans 10c Ib. COMPLETE FOOD SHOPPING CENTER Highway 99 N. Roseburg FREE PARKING! Blue Lin Tomato or Mustard Large Oval Tin 19c CHASE and SANBORN COFFEE It's a new blend. . ,in 55c 2-lb. tin 1.09 BEST FOODS ayonnaise One of the Pf 27c Best Foods. . Qt.67c DROMEDARY FANCY Grapefruit hearts 19c No. 2 Tin eil6flovn"pk? 5c Krispy Crackers 2,bs 39c Wesson 1 ' Salad Oil o 59c ""jr'' Qu,,! Ln'll with Boons, No 1 tin Jmi C OatS RcoorQuicfc.lne 33C ,n.nj:0B', Van Camp's Ltllll without Beans, No 1 tin OjC Pf.rlf ?" BEASo, 90r Hunt's Solid Pack lOriV Lorqe No 21j tin AwC Franco-American TOmOtOeS Large No 2' , t,n 9C Spaghetti Lge t n 2 f0r 25c Aerowax R- Wrigley's Clorex Gum Double 3 for 10c Bleach 39c Alka Seltzer Roa 60c 49c Tide w0h.n0PowH,r,iq 25c FILM P!e, Dog Food !L, 6 49c god's word BEGMORE 15. Behold, I corns as a thief. Blessed is be that wateheth, DJJ fs)s)D and keepeth his garments, lest h walk naked, and ,h,y,,,h 2Ja''7 BOYER'S MEAT MARKET Effective Fri. and Sot. Veal Loin Steak . 59c Ib. Beef Loin Steak.. 59c Ib. Beef Tongue Fresh. 29c Ib. Bacon Jowls Lean ... 19c Ib. Beef Liver Tender. 39c Ib.