16 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore.-Wed., Sept. 28, 1949 mm X Vzr, sis-,- 13 ectriica AppBicflinices TtiSi iw"6 n .... keen waiting - jst .oBned beeo There U - You Vce. Y . . oher. ooyn"" .., the vr .j hom ..rcr BOme-. KtV APEX drye'- , c 0U hove h.o' ' ' ' . AMECM buy the oppt'"cM !.nf ' . and BUT ana - . tomorr- - -Come rt e I HIS is METER mm' si .. - ........ .t i cui-.iB4-Hvv.wii.iMiAyiwr,T.riw VVtLVS f. Tn T T 7 fin i i M m vrsrr w i ri r MWfift.. 111! llll ffllllf lf T-fc- I I 1 W -XV XX w "V I M 'X. J I l.y-V.M 1 Ifff t 11 ill 11 M1MU 11 dd S vmm ra n NO DOWN PAYMENT on these n(hvQ.Ino Appliances i .jv .... n yjj FREEZERS NO DOWN PAYMENT llluitroted obove it the KELVINATOR HOME FREEZER model FR-6. This 210-pound, 6 cu. ft. freeier it the answer to the food storage problem for any family. 5-surface refrigera tion, two wire storoge baskets, teparote fast-freeze section, compact design, refrigerated by Kelvinator's Polarsphere unit for dependability and economy of operation. This freeier sells for only $219.95. KELVINATOR FREEZERS FROM $219.95 TO $559.95 I I ites , i REFRIGERATORS NO DOWN PAYMENT Illustrated is the Masterpiece model MM that is completely refrigerated from top to bottom. The ample frozen food chest holds 50-pounds of frozen food. There is 8V'j cu. ft. in the shelf area and 1 ', i cu. ft. in the Fruit Freshener Zone. Model MM sells for $389.95. KELVINATOR REFRIGERATORS FROM $189.95 J 222 W. Oak Phone 348 RANGES NO DOWN PAYMENT Illustrated above is the KELVINATOR RANGE model ER-489, the deluxe model of the Kelvinator line. Come in and see how easy cooking can be with Kelvinator's famous "Automatic Cook," the amazing device that does your cook ing while you aren't even there! You'll like the roomy stor age, work space, up-down unit end all the other Kelvinator features. Model ER-489 sells for $309.95. KELVINATOR RANGES FROM $154.95