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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 28, 1949)
14 The Newt-Review, Roieburg, Or Wed., Sept. 28, 1949 Easy-ToFind Public Roseburg's Needs, Roseburg should have a public may stop and eat their lunch. "I cannot think of a single place to direct a stranger who would wish to stop for a picnic lunch," said C. O. Slabaugh, In a speech at the Roseburg Toastmasters club at the Hotel Umpqua Tuesday night. Slabuagh described a recent vacation trip he took with his wife, in which they visited many towns where public works parks are conveniently located for tourists to stop. Although Umpqua park has picnic facilities, It would be dif ficult to direct strangers there, Slabaugh slated. He suggested that that a block long strip of land located north of Douglas street, between N. Stephens street and Rast avenue, be made into a public picnic area. The land Is owned by the State Highway department, he said, adding that the Roseburg Chamber of Commerce ought to accept as a project the conver sion of this property to park pur poses. Other Speakers Heard Other speeches were given at the Toastmasters meeting by Delbert "Stub" Parker, Tom Coates, Bob Harvle and Carl Per mln. The "table topics" discus sion, which opened the meeting, concerned Roseburg's automobile parking problem. Parker gave a biographical sketch of Charles Goody oar, who discovered the process for vul canizing rubber. "He was a sim ple man, not educated, not a chemist, nor a professor with any knowledge along the lines of chemistry, but he made a great contribution to civilization," Par ker said. He told how Goodyear became "obsessed" with his search for the correct combination of chemicals necessary for the rub ber vulcanization process. "He was not a good businessman. He was not after money, but after Volunteers Asked Rehabilitation At Roseburg men can play an Im portant part in the rehahilltati'in of patients at the Veterans hospit al. This was the announcement of Red Cross executive secretary Douglas R. Slmms in connection with the campaign launched this week to recruit volunteers to as sist the local chapter to cany out Its assistance program at the "hospital. Both men and women are ur gently needed and persons win can give even an hour or two a week are requested lo call the local Red Cross chapter imme diately, phone 832. Chances to Assist The following are the types of hospital activities with which men volunteers are assisting In Veterans administration hospitals throughout the United Stales: Under the general heading comes visiting patients In the wards during the evening. The patients may be assisted with let ter writing, playing cards, read ing to them, or Just spending an hour In friendly visiting on the ward. The patients appreciate Ih; opportunity of getting another man's viewpoint on sports, cur rent events, etc. Educational services Include the Instruction of individual pa tients or groups In: playing mu sical Instruments, commercial Mother, All Of Her Quadruplets Taken By Death CHICAGO, Sept. 2R-B-A 33-year-old woman, Mrs. Bernlce Ecker, and the quadruplet bab ies born to her Monday night were dead todav The last survivor, a tiny Infant, died at 2 P.M. Tuesday in Holy Cross hospital. Doctors previous ly had given her a 50-50 chance of surviving. Her husband, Vernon, a truck driver, said his wife was not sure she was pregnant. He had planned to take her to a doctor next Friday to find out. Mrs. Ecker, mother of three children In an earlier marriage, became III Monday night while she was listening to a radio pro gram In her home with her nro ther, Francis Fitzgerald, 30. Fitz gerald took her to the hospital. One of the quadruplets, a bov, was still born. A girl dies less than three hours after birth. The third child who died was a bov, kept alive until earlv Tuesday Jn the hospital incubator. Mrs. Ecker died shortly before midnight. Acute anemia was the chief cause of her death. DEMO POST FILLED PORTLAND, Sept. 28 (.-PI The democratic national commit tee ha named James V. ;ood sell Its finance director for Ore gon. The appointment was announc ed by national chairman William M. Boyle Jr., in telegrams to party leaders here. Ooodsell, former Astoria news paperman, has been executive secretary of the Oregon demo cratic party for the past six months. He will continue to hold that position. PILES (HIMOSSHOIDII RFCTAL AND COtON AILMENTS STOMACH DISORDERS TniM litsNt hipin IpntM te 5 p.m. tvanlngi: Men o(I.a., Wl ond frl., unt.l imjj'ws Writ, orcall for Mil deicrlptiv. booklet The Dean Clinic In Our 39th Year N.I. C.ffl.f I. wmito. mn4 CfViirf A v.. TetoehMM lAif It It Pert). 14, Or. Park One Of Toastmasters Told park, easy to find, where tourists something to help the civilized world," said Parker. Coates said that "problems of the world would smooth out very readily if there were a free interchange among the people of the world." He recalled he had been staiioned in France at battalion headquarters runner during the first world war. One day a German prisoner was brought in. On the battlefield, he was a hated Hun, whom the Americans would have shot. As his captors came to know him, said Coates, he lost his satanic character and they saw he was a boy with the same fears of war as themselves. A recent traveler from Swltz erland told Coates, the speaker continued, that the Swiss people fear Americans as much as they do the Russians. This Is from both their observation of the American leisure class vacation Ing In Switzerland, as well as the destructive power of our armed forces. Ignorance of one another Is the basts "of all our fears and hatreds," Coates declared. In a speech entitled "Har mony," Harvle drew word pic tures by describing color combi nations and ideas generally as sociated witn tnose colors. Permin urged his listeners to contribute to the forthcoming Community Chest campaign, as well the March of Dimes and the Red Cross. These campaigns are not enough to protect Indi viduals against personal misfor tunes, he said, urging considera tion of Insurance which would protect a family against the costs of treatment for poliomyo- litis. To Aid Patients' Vets Hospital subjects, ceramics, block print ing, silk screening; fine arts, such as drawing, painting and sculpturing; fly-tlelng. printing, phologianhy, radio and mechani cal drawing. Recreational services .Include organization of hobbles and clubs, such as stamp, camera, chess, dramatic, glee and toast masters clubs; hand, and current events discussion, creative writ ing, book review, square danc ing, and play reading groups. The following games, contests, sports and programs on wards or in the recreation building in clude instruction in bridge, crib hage, pinochle, chess, checkers. Canasta and others; sponsor quiz events; sponsor a smoker with some type of sports exhibition, such as ping pong or billiards; have guest speakers on spoils, chalk talks, etc.; Inslructnri for -leaching golf skills, tennis, and other sports; hold smokers on wards perhaps have football dis cussion during season, commu unity sliiRlng, Informal games, home movies; sonsor variety shows, magicians; quartets, car toonists, musicians, etc. Also included are the arrangi ment of tours to local places of Interest and to act as guides or assist with transportation; also, to arrange trips to local spoils and other events. Births at Mercy Hospital VAN HORN To Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Llovd Van Horn, 746 S. Mill, Roseburg, Sept. 27, a son. Jimmy Leon; weight seven pounds nine ounces. MAZAC To Mr. and Mrs Theodore Spangler Mazae, Box 93. Roseburg. Sept. 27. a son. Theodore Anthony; weight six pounds one ounce. MOAK To Mr. and Mrs. For rest Moak, general delivery, Myr tle Creek, Sept. 2fi, a son, Tim othy David; weight seven pounds two ounces. FORREST--T-j Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Forrest, Rt. 2 Box 39.VA-23, Roseburg, Sept. 25, a son; David Lane; weight seven pounds eight and one-halt ounces. PAYTON To" Mr. and Mrs. Argyle Dwlght Pavton. Rt. 1. Box 2i , Sutheilin. Sept. 26, a daunh ter. Linda Diane; weight six pounds twelve ounces. VITAL STATISTICS Marriage Licenses MKREDITH-RI'SHEY ert Meredith and Donna Rob J (-an ittisnev. hoth of Roseburg. RITZOW WEBB CeoT ee Al. len Ritzow and Elsie Fave Webb. ooln o Koseburg. Divorce Suit Filed RACKLEY Marvin E., vs. Verda Jean Rai-klev. Married June 12. intS. at Roseburg. Cruel and Inhuman treatment charged. Plaintiff offers custody of their one child to defendant and $40 a month support. GRAND THEFT CHARGED Sheriff O. T. "Bud" Carter re ported that Willie Wilton Hughes is being held in the countv jail for Callforrla authorities. He was arrested on a warrant charging grand theft, and his ball is et at $2,000. Do not use too much mascara when weaiing glasses. It wll be magnified through the glasses. ITCH Sr.htM' ! hterilr eon tarioui and will con- tinti. for lit. It not atoprttft It. anl flu. If the Itrh-mlte, whlrh 1 Immun. to ortfln.rv treatment rXSORA kills tha ltrr--mue atmrtal inttanllv Ontv thre (lava' FXSORA treatment tt require Mall erdera aiven prompt sttantlo Free Merer Orer. laaaeart A PROWLER, HAM? WHAT'RS YOU LOOKIN' FOR AfcOUKJD HERE ? fftllr- 1 'llllllllllllll !".'!& OUT OUR WAY r'VV," i-- rH r I DREAM COMES TRUE-oIlo TlcUm Inn Basfllco, 27, realizes her dream as her Canadian war veteran husband, Rene Gautreau, carries her from St, Anthony's Church in New York after their marriage. The bride has been confined to a wheelchair since she was nine. The couple met at a hospital where Inei worked as a medical secretary. LOCAL Vacationing Dan Mindolovlch sports writer for the MewsRe vicw, is on vacation. Drill Team to Practice The Eagles auxiliary drill team will practice at R o'clock Thursday night at the Eagles hall. Attend Game Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Fies were among the Rose burg residents attending the Uni versity of Oregon vs. Idaho fool ball game in Eugene Saturday. Go to Eugene Mrs. K. A. Pearson and Mrs. L. E. McClin took of Roseburg drove Tuesday to Eugene, where they will at tend the O. G. A. golf tournament todav. Rummage Sale There will be a rummage sale all day Satur day, Oct. 1, In the Episcopal par ish house opposite Safeway store. The hours will be 8:30 a m. to 4:30 p.m. A few antiques will also be on sale. To Meet Thursday Women of the Roseburg Country club will meet Thursday morning at 8:30 o'clock at the club course for golfing, followed by a 12:30 o' clock luncheon at the clubhouse and the contract bridge play at 1:30 o'clock. Chapter to Meet Alpha Chi chapter, Epsllon Sigma Alpha will meet at 7:30 o'clock Thurs day night at the home of Mrs. George Caskey, 2.";s N. Stephens street with Mrs. Donald Casey, hostess All members are re quested to be present. Move to Roseburg Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Helleck and the lal ters sister. Miss Marian Boise, have moved from Coos Bay to Roseburg. where Ihev are resid ing at 1020 Allamorit. Mr. Hel leck is a social worker; Mrs. Hel leck is an Instructor at Rosebuig senior high school, and Miss Boise Is a Junior at Rosebuig senoior high school. SUITS DISMISSED Circuit Judge Carl E. Wimber ly has Issued orders dismissing the following suits: Florence O.-- erton vs. t harles K. Overton, based upon the plaintiff's motion; Douglas Manuiactunng co. vs. a. L. Joelson and Jessie Mae Joe, son, based upon stipulation of th parties; Clinton H. Brown TiT-! I CATS OUT HERE I f BORM THIRTY YEARS TOO NEWS Club to Meet The Past Presi dents club of the' American Le gion auxiliary will meet at a 7:30 o'clock dessert-supper to night at the home of Mrs. Fred Wcnger, 614 Cobb street. All past presidents of the American Le gion auxiliary are invited. Return to Eugene Mr. and Mrs. Don Primrose and son. Jer ry, of Eugene, spent the week end visiting Mrs. Prlmorse's mother. Mis. Fred Miller. Sun day, the Primrose family and Mr. and Mrs. Miller were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Findlay and family on the Keasey road. Brings Mother Here Mrs. O. W, Marshall has returned to her home on East Douglas street, fol lowing a trip to Sumpter, Ore., to bring her mother, Mrs. T. H. Dunn, back to Roseburg for the winter months. Mrs. Dunn is well-known in this city, having come here the last several win ters to reside. Club to Meet All members of the Friendship club of Pythiam Sisters Interested In textile paint ing are asked to meet In the game room of the K. P. hall Thursday night. Sep). 29, from 7 to 9 o'clock. Miss Joan Bolsln ger will give a demonstration of stencil cutting and fabric paint ing. Those attending are asked to bring stencil brushes and mater ial for practice work. Twin Sons Born Twin sons. Ilanv. weighing six pounds two ounces, and Hugh, weighing five j pounds twelve ounces, were born i Tuesday. Sept. 20. to Mr. and Mis. Harry Lee Cross, at Suf-1 folk. Va. .Sirs. Cross is the for- j mer Jean Ritchie of Roseburg i and the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ritchie of Garden Val ley. Mr. and Mrs. Cross also hae a four-year-old daughter, Nancy Jean. The second twin. Hugh, was named for his maternal grandfather, Mr. Ritchie. vs. Grant l. and Letha March, and Grant E., and Naorri March, doing business as March Logging CO.. based upon the stip ulation of the parties. The name of W. R. Wilson has been dismissed as defendant In an original suit brought bv , socialed Timber co.. Inc.. against Earl R. Moore. Melvin E. Loid and W. R. Wilson. ,:" , n aW m. SOOM f-if 0W.WiU.wm5 By J. R. Williams Camp Fire Girls Council Here Has New Secretary Miss Barbara Lou Kitt of Mis soula, Mont., has been secured as the new executive secretary of the Roseburg office of Camp Fire GirL, Inc., according to an an nouncement today by Mrs. Harold Hoyt, president of the Roseburg Area council of Camn Fire Girls. Miss Kitt, a recent graduate of Montana State university, where she received her degree In sociol ogy, will arrive here Friday and assume her duties Saturday. Oct. 1. She comes to Roseburg highly recommended by the New York personnel and training executi.e for camp fire organizations. Her background work with youth or ganizations Includes Red Cross, Daughters of Job, Rainbow girls and various church groups, in ad dition to her extensive experience with camp firj work the last 10 years in Montana. Miss Kitt replaces Mrs. Betty Gibson, who has been directing the work from the Camp Fire of fice in Miller's the last nine months. Mrs. Gibson will continue to be active in camn fire work. serving on the Roseburg Area council, saia Airs, noyr. Damage Case Decision Upsets Oregon Law Rule SALEM, Sept. 2 P The Ore gon Supreme court Tuesday said it doesn't have power to reduce jury verdicts in damage suits In which It is up to the jury to de cide the amount of damages. And the Immediate result of this far-reaching decision was that a Portland girl collected $10,000 damages for a bruised leg and a bruised wrist. Her injuries weren't even bad enough to force her to lose a day's work at the shipyards. The decision, which Is the oppo site of a 1933 Supreme court de cision, holds that the high court can't reduce damage verdicts in such cases as suits for personal injury, assault and battery, breach of promise, alienation of affections, and other such cases where the jury decides how much the Injured party was damaged. The girl who brought the case, and thus threw Oregon's leeal profession into a tizzy, is Lor raine Van Lorn. She went to the music hall, a public dance hall owned bv Paul Schneiderman, to see a friend. Lorraine said Schneiderman's son kicked her out of the place and had her taken to the police station for disorderly conduct. Lorraine soon was released Then she sued Schneiderman for assault and battery, and got $10,000 in Circuit Judge Alfred P. Dobson's court. Schneiderman appealed on grounds the damages were ex cessive, but he didn't contest the fact that the verdict was in Lor raine's favor. Monday's decision bv Chief Justice Hall S. Lusk upheld Judge Alfred P. Dohson. The decision means that the court, in such cases, can either uphold them, or order a new tri al. VAGRANT JAILED Robert Leonard George Porter, 2S. of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Can Tuesday was sentenced to 30 days in the Douglas county Jail on a vagrancy charge, reported Jus tice of Peace A. J. Geddes. He was arrested by slate police south of Roseburg. Leona'Bell Thompson, -42. Rosebui g. arrested by city police on a drunk charge, was commit ted to the county jail in lieu of payment of a $40 fine, according to Geddes. JUDGMENT SOUGHT R. N. Foster, doing business as Roseburg Machine and Iron Works, has filed suit in circuit court against J. M. Revins. ask ing judgment for $-l!5.76 as a bal- j ance alleged due for materials IUUIM!?U uir m-ii-!uim. GAME POSTPONED BOSTON. Sept. 2S Ths baseball game between the sec ond place Brooklyn Dodgers and the Boston Braves was called off today becaus of ram. A doubieheader will be played tomorrow. Financial F. H. A. LOANS ""umpqua realty 111 N StepKeni Ph 1S3S-J Acraoa from Poat Office on Hisnway M Logging Equipment ALLIS CHALMERS CAT... $1800 Model L-O AIHi Chalmcri lojfinf rmi with doier and drum, needs tome repair. Will take half in trade-in or termi. contact K. A. 3COM, xoncaua. Phone Yoncalla 3-r-33u D4 CAf serial number 7-J-41T2 with ' Hyiter drum and La Plant Choat, hy draulic anger K-wn. rasn. sea at iyee Lumber Co. Sutherlin, Ora. or phone hva hutneriin. fOR SALE DT lTTnternatlonal tractor. A-l condition. BX 200 Skagit yarder A-l condition KS International dump trurk. Ph 51H-J-3 evening! K-? INTERNATIONAL dual drive and Walker trailer: real bargain for quick sale. SI. VK). 4.10 Wett St. Farm Equipment TOR SALE CHEAP One 2-bottom 14" plow, and almoat new Maaoey Harrii tractor, model 30. Mutt tell. Call 144-R-Xor 149-J-S. FORDSON TRACTOR, plow, harrow. dic and mower, for I ISO. Arnold Pfaff, Rt. 1. Box 120, Rifle Range Road Ph. 38-F-13. CASE SC tractor witn plow, disc and harrow: uaed only few houra; I2OO0. RL 1. box 43.A. Yoncalla, Oregon. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Frank D. Holmea, who hn heretofore been associated with David A. Johnson as a co-partner in the operation of the Igloo Tavern in Riddle, Oregon, ha retired from said partnership effective September 3d. 14. and will not be responsible for any debts contracted by David A. Johnson or in the name of tha Igloo Tavern after said data. FRANK D. HOLMES "Room For Rent" Lures Wild Bull Into Home LOUISVILLE. Ky., Spt. 28 (JP) A 1,500-pound bull broke from a truck here Tuesday, lop ed two blocks down Market street and bolted into a bedroom at the home of Mrs. Leonard Ash craft. Mrs. Ashcraft said she had up a "Room for Rent" siRn but had no idea she would receive thai sort of response. The bull climbed up on the bed and refused to budge for several minutes. Finally, police shot the ani mal. "I wanted to rent that room," Mrs. Ashcraft said, "but a bull's too reckless." Appointment To State Dept. Post Divides Senate WASHINGTON. Sept. 28-I7P) -The Senate overrode Republican criticism of the administration'! China policies Monday to con firm the appointment of W. Wal ton Butterworth as assistant sec retary of state. The 49 to 27 vote came after Senator Bridges (R-NH) told his colleagues that approval of the nomination would add up to an endorsement of "the complete failure of American diplomacy in China." He said he had no personal ob jections to Butterworth, but that the appointment, as head of the Stale department's Far Eastern division, had become a "symbol" of unsuccessful American policies In China. Another Presidential appoint mentthat of Leland B. Olds to a third term on the Federal Pow er commission came under GOP fire at a meeting of the Senate Commerce committee. Senator- Ives and Dulles, New York Republicans, declared th :ir opposition to approval of the ap pointment. Olds was an official of the New York Power authority at the time he was first appointed to the federal office by President Roosevelt. The committee decided to allot each side six hours to present its statements on Olds. That means hearings likely will not be completed before the end of this week. MARKETS LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Sept. 27 (I'SDA I CATTLE. Market slow and uneven; partial clearance al weak to 50 lower; holdover main ly common and medium beef cows with few steers; very few steers sold earlv; odd lots low medium grades $19.00 $2J 50; few common $15.50-518.00; cutter and common dairv tvpe steers and heifers $11.00 $13.50; few common beef heifers 14.00S16.50; medi um heifers $17.00-519.00; canner and cutter cows $10.50-11.50 few to 12.00: common and medium beef cows $12.50 514.50; few good young cows $16.00; one good "heavy sausage bull $17.75; scat tered lots common-medium sau sage bulls $14.00$16.00; good vealers $21 .00-823.00 : good 330 lb. calves $20.00 ; 465 lb. $18.00; common and medium vealers 12.5O-$18.00. HOGS: Market around 25 low er; good and choice 180-230 lb. $21.25-$21.50; 250-270 lb. $19.50; good 140 160 lb. $19.00519.50; good 320-500 lb. sows $16.50 $18.00; good and choice feeder pigs $20.00-522.00. SHEEP: Holdover 500; market slow; few sales weak; odd lots good and choice but mostly good lambs $20.50; common and me dium grades $16.50$18.00; good around 70 lb. shorn feeders $17.00; few good ewes $6.00; com mon downward to $3.00. HENRY A. BAILEY DIES Henry A. Bailey. 59. died t the home of his son, Bernard Bailey, I at Cave Junction Tuesday short ilv alter noon, sccordinR to word ! received here. The body will be jhroiiRht to Roseburg today, and I funeral arracements will be an jnounced from the Roseburg Fu 1 neral home later. Shop and Save With Classified Ads Loans MONEY tin 3S rw.rrs si no 200 S300 UP TO SAO0 Borrow on your uliry All taadily m- filoyed mm and women may qualify oday for a ulary loan up to 9300 whthr you'ra in a nw iota or an old on. Borrow on your emr or fumltur. Vout furniture or aulomobil make excel lent tecurlty at Local Loan paid for or not Dp to S300 on your furniture ua to 1500 on your car. Special "Pay Oar" Loana. S10. 925. 50 loaned till "Pay Day" or lonfrr Pav only for the actual number of daya you keep tha money. $21 coita lftc for one week. No other charge. Phone for your Loan LOCAL LOAN CO. Lao Sevy. Mar S33 No Jack ton Phone 1173 Lie. 8-375; M-353 ftoaeburf LOANS UP TO $300 Ob your Signature, furniture or Livestock UP TO $500 On your automobile (paid for, or not Loana made quickly, privately for any worthwhile purpose auch as Unexpected expense Medical and Dental bill! Consolidate debt Re-financing When you borrow get your money from the Company that makes It convenient to borrow and convenient to repav Lower payment! now available up to 30 month to repay. CALKINS FINANCE CO. 90S Douglat County State Bank Bldf Phone 4A6. M-337 State Lie. S-2A4 FEDERAL LAND BANK LOANS on farms are made for 20 to 40 yean, 4 percent Int. . liberal pre-pay merit Firl vi leges. Refinance your farm ob igations now. Roseburg National Farm Loan Association, 203 Medical Art Building. Notice No Trespassing ON MY PROPERTY C. D. Burgoyne Riddle, Oregon , NO HUNTING or trespasntng on our property aoum or tne worm umpqua River to the Garden Valley Road and West of the R. R. tracks to the South Umpqua River. Ed Marks, John Marks. Ora Welker,Ware Bros. WE wrtX Prosecute anyone " found hunting or trespassing on our prop erty on Roberta Mountain Road. TMerle H. Doering and J. Carl Ooer in NO HUNTING or trespassing on the weatnertora Hancn East of nignway M and North of Newton Creek Road. L. L. Porter and Al Hughes. NO HUNTING or trespassing on my properly at wiiDur. uregon. ti. w. Short. HEREAFTER! will not be responsible lor any mm not contracted, oy my self. Annie May Mode. NO HUNTING or trespassing on our property ivortn ana fc-ait oi iNewton Creek Road. Ware Bros. POSITIVELY NO HUNTING on the V. J. Philippl Ranch, formerly known as the Parrot i Ranch. NO TRESPASSING on the C. E. Gil- breath Ranch at Glide. C R. Clump ner. NO HUNTING or trespassing on my Property, inciuoing tne narris piace. hil Strader. Glide. NO HUNTING on the Burnett Ranch at Round Pralria and Roberts Hill. G. F. Burnett. NO HUNTING or trespassing on my Roberts Creek property.Ray Rauch. NO HUNTING or trespassing on my rancn at Kouna rratrie. Henry weor. NO HUNTING or trespassing on my property, j. c Livingston, unae. NO HUNTING or trespassing on the Lane Mountain Ranch. Ora Welker. NO HUNTING or tret-passing. Krus tiros. NO HUNTING on John H. Robinson Ranch. NO TRESPASSING on the Grub be ranch Bernard u rub be. Trucks Used Internationals . 13 D J 1 ton Pickup. 47S 00 1:I7 C 30 l' ton Staka 500 00 19U K 7 4 yard Dump. 1450.00 BANK TERMS TRADES Truck Lot at North End of No. Main St. Sig Fett INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 927 No. Jackion SI Phon. 1IJO DODGE POWER wagon, fully equipped, low mileage. One owner, cash or term. W. L. Littlepage. 3 miles on South Myrtle Road, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. 1 1M INTERNATIONAL pickup. 1 1948 International pickup. I alngle axle piling trailer Tor Information Phon. 4.'l2l293nd Av. South AXLE SHAFTS for all make. oOrucka. Rar'a Truck Shop. 2035 N. Phon. 4MJ-4. Timber Sawmills Used Qhain Saws Bucking Saw. Beaver, S100. Mall, 4 fool bar 1 Mall, S foot bar S223, guaranteed. Mall. 3 foot bar $230. guaranteed See thene and many more chain aawe at Pacific Chain Saw Co, Garden Valley Rd. at Hiway M N Timber Wanted One to four million feet good second growth stum page, must be winter show. C. F. Graser, at Looklngglaaa Store Ph. 27-F-22 Wanted Second Growth Logs COOTACTWTLBlJILt'MBERCO RANTED TO Bl'Y 1 million to 4' mil lion feet of timber .accessible in win ter. Ph 85-X. Myrtle Point, Oregon. Bo 334. WANTED 9 million ft or more of good timber. Ph 17S Canyonville, or write D C. Brown. Myrtle Creek. FOR-SALE Sawmill or any part. CMC dieeJ edaer and other unlta. Roy Denny. t35 W'tncbaster. Personal ALCOHOLICS AVONYMOV1. Pa Be lilt a Phone m adt-J. 1 ' A utos Better Buys At Barcus BARGAIN DAYS ltMl Studebaker Commander Land Cruiser sedan 1M0 Chev. Coupe with factory built pickup box. . 194fl Studebaker Champion Cpa. 1918 Packard Coupe lB.'tfi Studebaker Sedan .... 1B.T7 Ponttae 3-Pass. Coupe. .. 1936 Chrysler Sedan . MPs . 443 , 323 , 293 . 2S3 . 129 FORDS 1940 V-8 Coup. 19.17 V- Sedan 19.13 V-8 Sedan. 1934 V-8 2-donr Sedan. 19:tS V-g Sedan 1129 Modal A Panel. ... . 303 , 243 . 129 . 100 TRUCKS 1049 Dodge 'i ton pickup, ttaka bed. 7.000 miles, like new. ..1MS 1944 Studebaker pickup, excel lent condition - BM 1946 International ton pick up. - W0 BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Highway 99 N. at Gard.n Valley Road Consensus of Opinion Invariably you find Used Car buyers come to US first! They know our se lection of Guaranteed Used Cars is varied, our prices are FAIR, and our integrity for honest deal ing is behind every pur chase made! May We serve YOU? Corkrum Motors, Inc. Your DeSoto Plymouth HEADQUARTERS 230 8. Stephen! Phon. 9M-t -We'll Be Her. Tomorrow to Back Up What Wa aay and Do Today!" ATTENTION Received hug. ahipment of topnotch rebuilt motor., backed by Ward'a new motor guarantee iPO dayi, or 4000 mllea, whichever occur! flratl: Chev. -37 and '47 1119 93 exchang. Plymouth '33 to '41 134 83 exchang. Plymouth '41.u '48 1.18 93 exchang. Dodg. -39 to '48 138.93 exchange Montgomery Ward TIRES Si ACCESSORIES DEPT. Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS Reatonabt priced. G M.A.C terma. Chevrolet Buick PonUae Cadillaa trade-ins. 1919 CHRYSLER Royal 4. door sedan. Body cV paint very good. Tires like new. Mechanically in A-l condition. Just completely overhauled Tine trouble-free transportation. Will sell under . Blue Book price. Some terma. Inquire 206 Douglas Co. State Bank Bldg.. or phone 4WI. MUS"T SELL or trade my "equity lii '39 Buick 4-door sedan. 133 N. Flint or call 225-L from 9 a. m. to 13 noon. '37 FORD, long wheel base, excellent condition throughout. Trade for car, pickup or what have you? Phone 38 1 -J-4. MORE MONEY for your car Cash oa the apot. Corkrum Motors, Ine L Soto. Plymouth. Phone 40t. 114 N Rfst; FOR SALE 1937 Nash Lafavette. Thta car is in top condition mechanically as well as rubber and paint. Can D cen at rear of 422 W.Monher. 1939 4-DOOR COMMANDER StudebakeT. fiOOO miles on motor. Price for quick sale. $300 cah Fred's Trailer Court. Garden Valley Road. "SO MODEL-A FORD cou peTI K,,wheel(Tl Enod motor. 1125. 19M Mulholland irtve. FOR S AL Et 942 Ch ev72-inrr sedVn, 7A.000 miles. Fred Burks. Cooe Junc tion. FOR SALE 1947 Buick Conv.. exe'ef. lent condition, low mileage. Call 1005- Y after 6 p. m FOR SALE or trade. EngTuh Aui- tin. Floyd A meson. West Central Ave, Sutherlin FOR SALE1947 Whizzer motor bike, very low mileage, good condition. Ph. IOM-R, or 4 i TOR SALE -gl 936 Ford panel truck. '41 motor, five 0-ply Urei, good ahapi. Ph. 370-R. FOR - S ALE 1 041 Ponttae t 4-door dan. $750 Ph. 1561-J. 1937 FORD V-8 seden delivery fteaonn able 31$ E 2nd Atfe. N. Ph. 1095-L. FOR SAte-Model A. 1077 . Hflf Hay, Grain, Feed ATTENTION TVRKEY GROWERS 10 ton of spelts for sale Harry Weslev. Garden Valley. Phone 31-F-14. eva- ntngs. FIELD CORN Just right" for hog "or turkey feed. 2l,c lb shelled weight- you plck. WC. Thurlow, 3I-F-21. fNGI.ISH AND Italian rvearasa-a germination tt. lie per lb. T enroll Store fOR SALE Austrian peas, vetrh ana) rjr ayaa aad frr cover era, fct, U Box 3m. Roeeburg. I