10 The News-Review, kosebur Ore Wed., Sept. 28, 194 : ... s. . , ... t " . i Vv. : - ' 4 ' v f 4 m ROCKETING INTO THE AIR A V. 8. Navy P-t-V Neptune bomber takes off from (he Worcester. Mas. Muni cipal Airport with III Jto units roaring durinf a demonstration bj the Navy before 60,000 visitors to aa air ahow. Atomic Bomb Announcement Had To Come; War Danger Is Not Believed Increased Bv DEWITT MACKENZIE IAP Foreign Affairs Analyst) President Truman's announce ment (concurred In by Britain) that there is evidence of an WINDOWS DOORS FRAMES PAGE LUMBER I FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 lead Gold Shiftiness TOT limOll IllBlMllfc irurt, few Vicki Va-tro-nol Nose Drops in lien nusiiii Va-tro-nol works rtffht where stuffy trouble it! It opens up cold clojd nose . . . relieves stuffi ness , . . and lets you breathe gain, iry n. .atomic explosion recently In Rus sia should cause no surprise. Such a development was a foregone conclusion. It had to come some- i time. I Moreover there Is no reason to assume that this news has in creased the danger of war be tween Russia and the western powers. In fact, it may give a flip to peace. Prof. Otto Hahn, regarded as a discoverer of nuclear fission, de clared In Bonn, .Germany "the news that Soviet Russia has the alomlc bomh is good news" he cause "if both the United States and Russia have it there will be no war." U. S. state department officials generally take the line that the danger of war hasn't been increased or decreased, but that in fact Russia may now be more ready to make a plan for vieitsw OSI DROPS House, Commercial and Industrial Wiring Electrical Trouble Shooting Motor and Appliance Re pair Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service 17 Yean Experience ACE ELECTRIC Licensed Electrician 316 E. 2nd Ave. N. Ph. 1095-L General Logging Supplies f) Skookum Blocks ft Moll Power Saws Lincoln Welders Coot Kinf Donkey Wire Rope Disston Power Saws Lincoln Welding Rod Waco Wheel Arch 0 Expert Sled Builder Available Anytime Splicing and Ferrule Work 9 Expert Saw Mechanic PITCO of ROSEBURG, Ltd. Phone 733 L 1819 N. Steohens Evenings Phone 1241-R ".fie' PLANNING TO BUILD, REMODEL OR REPAIR? Then be sure of doing a better job by ordering your ma terials from the DENN-GERRETSEN COMPANY! Our large and varied stocks include: Tnp-qualitv Klln-PHcd Lumber, Attractive K'nottv Pine Paneling. Skilfully finished MILL WORK PROD UCTS such as doors, windows, cabinets, moulding, trim! ... at really FAIR PRICES too! Drive down this week. DENN-GERRETSEN CO. 402 W. Oak Phone 128 international atomic control. I Omits Mention Whether that was an Inspired estimate of possibilities, the fact remains that Soviet Foreign Min ister Andrei Y. Vlshinsky in ad dressing the United Nations as sembly at Lake Success yesterday called on the Big Five powers to conclude a peace pact among : themselves. He didn't mention the atomic explosion leaving his eager audience to draw their own conclusions, As remarked, there Is nothing strange In the fact that there has j been an atomic explosion In Rus Isla. It would have been remark iahle if it hadn't occurred, for it was in the books. A couple of months ago this column reported there was wide spread belief among scientific ob- ti'rvpn Ihnt Russia had at least the theorelfcal knowledge, as dis tinguished from the industrial knowledge, of how to make the bomb. Britain also had the secret. Industrial Facilities However, America was the only nation having the vast and complicated industrial facilities and the Industrial know-how to construct a bomb. That's what stvmied Germany in the World war. Her scientists claim she had the know-how for the atom bomb, but lacked the industrial set up. Has Russia now overcome these Industrial hazards? Perhaps no body oulsiile Russia knows. All we have been told is that there has been an alomlc explosion In Russia. No details. But supposing it was an atomic bomb, there is no reason to as sume that the ability to produce one would inspire Russia to go looking for war with a nation which has not one atom bomb but many all ready for emergencies. Still, we can't overlook the fact that the more atomic bombs there are scattered about the world, the greater the chances of explosions. Men who carry pistols for protec tion have tender nerves In their trigger fingers. Don't Want War While we are sure that neither the United Slates nor Russia wants war, we can't call that good enough. As President Tru man says, this explosion in Rus sia emphasizes again the neces sily for "truly effective, enforc ible control of atomic energy which this gov-i mnent and the large majority of the members of the United Nations support." U. N. Assembly President Car los P. Romulo after learning of the president's stalement said the atomic control deadlock before the assembly becomes one of the most pressing problems. Hereto fore all efforts to reach agree ment have failed" because of In ability of Russia and the western powers to get together. Therefore the paramount ques tion of the moment is whether Mr. Vishlnsky's proposal for a five power peace pact means Mos cow Is ready to talk about atomic control. Chllt Says Anti-Tito Movt Is Threat To Peact NEW YORK P Russia's campaign against Premier Mar shal Tito of Yugoslavia has been denounced by Chile as a flagrant threat to peace. Hernan Santa Cruz, Chile's ar dently anti-Communist chief del egate, brought the Tito-Comin-form conflict into the debate of the United Nations assembly for the first time Saturday, after blasting Russia as the moving forces behind the Chinese Com munists. Santa Cruz told the 59-natlon assembly it must weigh Russia's so-called peace offer In the light of these and other problems, such as Greece and Korea. Santa Cruz did not Indicate whether he would make a formal complaint on the Comlnform-Tito issue, as he did after the Com munist coup in Czechoslovakia early in 1948. Coal Mining Is No Place For Men Who Want Weekly Pay Check; Strikes Many PITTSBURGH UPX!P Coal mining can be a tough propo sition for a man who likes a uM.lf)v nav check. ' , Twenty-one major coal strikes ' In the past JU-years, plus u n counted local work stoppages, have deprived many miners of the equivalent of several months pay. The current "no pension no work" coal strike is making fur ther inroads in their pocket books. In many states during recent strikes, coal diggers have had to go without state unemployment compensation! Officials held the miners were not involuntarily idle. With miners able to look for ward each vear to the loss of several weeks' pay because of United Mine Worker strikes, many of them would like t o change occupations. Some are switching jobs. Others find they aren't trained for any other work. Sons Seek Jobs Grizzled miners report their sons are turning to other fields. Young men feel the grimy work, the dangers underground and the frequent strikes add up to the conclusion that digging coal Is not for them. Even dissatisfied miners are quick to grant John L. Lewis, president of the United Mine Workers, full credit for the gains made In their lot. Miners who earned around $3.50 a day before Lewis now get a basic daily wage Tito Accuses Hungary Of Warmongering Act BELGRADE UP) Premier Marshal Tito has accused Hun gary of a "warmongering act" in its trial and conviction of Laszlo Rajk. former Hungarian foreign minister. Rajk was sentenced to death In Budapest Saturday morning with two other men on charges that they plotted to overthrow Hun gary's Communist government and substitute for It a regime sub servient to Tito. Tito is presently at outs with the Cominform (Communist In formation B'ureau Nations!, which accuse him of deviating from the Communist party line as laid down by the Kremiin. News Review Classified Ads bring best results. Phone 1(10. Have Your Home Landscaped on F. H. A. Terms Trees Topped or Removed Lawn Planted Shrubs Pruning Call us for information L. H. McPherson Rt. 2, Box 153 Phone 71S-J-1 MODERNIZE YOUR BATHROOM with a set of COLORED BRIC.GS BEAUTYWARE I 1 I llll? Colored Sets Start as Low As $200.00 Sandstone, Sky Blue, Sea Green and Ivory We also hove Briggs Bath Fixtures and single and double compartment sinks in white. BUDGET TERMS IF PES I It El) KIER-CROOCH PLUMBING CO. 1U MiM It. Mie 1243-K Veterans Administration Disburses $21 Billion WASHINGTON IJPt The Vet erans administration said it has paid out some $21,000,000,000 in benefits for World War II vet erans and their dependents and heirs. As of July 31, when the World War II veterans population was 15,200,000, the total payments were $20,975,947,214. The greatest expenditure has been for education and training under the GI bill $7,871,737,780. Similar benefits for disabled vet erans have cost an additional $965,530,912. The readjustment allowance or so-called $52-20 program of unem ployment benefits now ended for most veterans cost $3,712,-397.702. of $14.05. The average pay runs even closer. It is closer to $16 a day. A miner near Library, Pa., where the Pittsburgh coal Com pany operates a big mine, de clared: "if this strike lasts any time at all. here's one miner who won't be around any more." Cook Wants Security A former short order cook, he said he would rather return to a hot kitchen than risk financial uncertainty in the year around even temperature of 68 degrees in a coal mine. "I wanted to pave my drive way and do a lot of other things around my new house," he add ed. "Now, I can't." He is in the same boat a s many fellow workers who own property and have fixed financial obligations. Since July, coal miners east of the Mississippi river have been working a three-day week o n Lewis' orders. That contract maneuver reduced the average basic pay a week from about $70 to around $40. All told, min ers have lost more than $11,000, 000 (M) from that move alone. During the present strike, their wage loss amounts to approxi mately $7,000,000 (M) a day. coc with our DEPENDABLE FORD Brake Service Lockwood Motors Rose and Oak Phont 80 Soviet Unions Seek Better Work Clothes MOSCOW t.P) The Soviet trade unions have taken action to assure an Improvement In the quality of work clothing issued to factory, construction and other workers. The newspaper "Trud" recent ly reported that the All Union Central Council of Trade Unions had with the assistance of state rxperts undertaken an investiga tion of the quality of ou'put of shops and factories producing work suits furnished to Soviet la borers. Most Russian workers received Ihelr work clothes free from the plants at which they work. Mexico Is named after "Mex Itili", national war god of the Aztecs. Bruce's Motorcycle Sales and Service North Umpqua Read 1949 Harley Davidson 74 Take cor as down pay ment. 1949 Harley Davidson 125 Best offer takes it. 1948 Harley Davidson 45 A good buy. -r , iff , The Honor and Integrity of this firm is the publics assurance of FAIR and REASONABLE prices i ' TOM WIT! fill HERE ARE THREE WAYS TO DO IT IRONWOOD Wood Heaters or the answer to the problems of the family with a limited fuel budget and a lot of house to heat. These heavily-lined wood heaters ore swank looking affairs with all porcelain exterior and your choice of a 20 or 24 inch fire box. Remember, wood is good fuel, it's less expensive than most and there's a plentiful supply. You can get an Ironwood heater with a 4 room heating capacity for 64.50 or a 6 room heater for 74.50. And remember, at Car stent you can make your own terms within reason. ORBON Star Circulator Here's big, efficient wood heater designed for spacious homes. It's really beautifully designed, you'd never guess it's a heating unit by its looks. Heats corners, floors and hallways fine. Good draft control that enables you to fill it with wood and for get it for hours on end. Priced at 79.50.- Remember, wa deliver your purchase as carefully as if we were delivering it to our own home. IPIiTii i .xi A. Ijji Charter Oak Oil Heater Charter Oak one of the oldest names in heating manufacturing . . presents the tops in oil fired circulating heaters. Expertly de signed ta give your home con trolled heat. No fuel to carry, no ashes. Set the dial and enjoy the comforts of uniform clean heat. Whatever your heating problem, Charter Oak will solve it. In two sizes, priced at 129.50 and 149.50. Power circulating blower optional. FURNITURE COMPRNV -CHRISTMAS Is Coming ! M 3 . t and we suggest you makt it a practical Christmas . . get some thing for tht homt that everybody will enjoy. Select your gifts now at Carstens where selection is best, avoid Christmas shopping crowds. Make a small layaway payment on tha Items of your choice and your Christmas shopping worries art over! 117 W. Cow St. Pnont 10