Would-Be Count Muchly Shocked. Along With Other Would-Be Counts BERLIN. Seat. 26 Ml Brigitte was a charming girl, with plenty of allure. Richard, a wealthy business man. found her so fascinating he wanted to marry her right away. But Brigitte sadly shook her bright blonde head. "You know yourself what I feel for you. dear," she said, "but It just can't be." Pressed for the explanation why it couldn't be, Brigitte at last confided that she had been born a princess. Her mother later had married a simple common er. But, before she died, she had made Brigitte promise that she would marry at least a count, or never wed at all. Richard was amazed, downcast and confused. His Brigitte a COVER MORE GROUND in less time with International Harvester Machinery For Immediate Delivery 1-8 ft. Double Disc Grain Drill MO ft. Double Disc Grain Drill SIG FETT S27 N. Jackson Phone 1150 E) DJIE) UU 3 u Having noted that KRNR and its properties are still Intact that the building housing the transmitter, studio, and staff haven't blown up, burned down, or nuthin' this "Dial Log" writer Is right back to work after a week's vacation. And it ain't easy! Where was this vacation spent? At home . . . listening to KRNR, of course. Yesterday at J:J0, Curlsy Bradley cut out tha ad-lib routine and settled down to the serious business of assuming the title role In the Monday, Wednesday, Friday "Tom Mix" sorts , , , Been on a summer hiatus you know. Hiatus-achmitus what's this "hiatus" stuff? That's when a regular nine-months-outoftheyear program takes off for th summer months and retucna to th air in th fall . , . Ilk Jack Benny doe every year, for Instance . , , only that's another network . . and we're sorry to mention it. Here's news: The Jake La Motta Marcel Cerdan fight scheduled for tomorrow evening at 7 PST, has been indefinitely postponed. KRNR would not have carried the broadcast because of an Ore gon law which does not permit us to air the commercial part of this feature which is sponsored by an ale and beer concern. But on the other hand, can you feature Lydla Pinkham or Mother's Oats sponsoring a blow-by-blow fight description? What can we say, dears, after we've said we're sorry? ' President Truman's address In observance of Democratic Women's day, at 3 o'clock Paclfio Standard time this after noon and lasting 15 minutes, will be heard avr this station. COUNTRY COTTAGE P JtrJ I '",?eef The pleasing exterior of this small but de lightfully practical home is combined with a useful and convenient floor plan that makes living easy. Not to be con fused with war-time prefab lobs, these units are constructed of sturdy, PRE-CUT LOXIDE materials making this a time and money saving plan. Investigate the reasons for building a LOXIDE home. TODD BUILDING CO. 904 S. Stephens Phone 302 See L. W. Tyler princess! But how could he ever become a count? But Brigitte finally thought of a way to solve the problem. Her uncle, a Count Welhelm, might adopt Richard, she said. Thus formally adopted, Richard would be a count, too, and nothing would be in the way of their marriage. Richard was Introduced to the dignified Count Wilhelm and the deal was made. He gave Wilhelm 1.000 east marks (about $301 "to cover the expenses." The reunion of Brigitte. Count Wilhelm and Richard took place ItDC the New MOONEYmisl tmhwin 250'! um 230'! CMU AT IIOmch. Quick Dtuvlt Buy on BamiTmms Sea it. FivIt- NOW GREEN FLYING SERVICE before a Soviet sectot court. But the count, it turned out, was really Emll Krause and "Prin cess'' Brigitte his legal wife, whose real name was Emma. Richard was shocked all over again, and so were seven other gentlemen, among them a law yer, a doctor, an actor, a news paperman and an engineer all of them would-be counts. The Ingenious couple, It was charged, had netted more than t.ikiu east marks (about at least from the various count deals. The court was informed there were other victims who apparently had kept quiet. "Count'1 Emil Krause was sent to a Berlin prison for three years. And there will be nobody to court Brigitte while she serves a one-year sentence. Russia Rings Eastern Europe With Bases For Launching Rockets Of Terrible Type GIANT LOG FELLED ASTORIA, Sept. 27 IPI A Douglas fir log 10 feet in diam eter one of tha largest ever i-it in Clatsop county was floating In Blind slough today. The log, which contained about 7.000 board feet of lumber, was cut down about two years ago and brought out of the woods last week by the Gnat Creek Logging company. Irene's Beauty Shop OPEN EVENINGS Phone 234 When a tump s a daisy.... . . . watch it vanish under Packard's famed "self-controlling" Limousine Ridel Until you've experienced the si lent, gliding restfulness of this roomy Packard you're just not up-to-date on line car comforts! Packard calls it the "Limousine Rider because .nany of its ad vancements were first developed for the magnificent Packard Limousine. But the tint and fore most secret of its superiority lies in Packard's advanced "self-con trolling" suspension system. "Self-controlling" means it com pensates automatically for changes in load and road. "Self-controlling" means it combines relaxing imoolhnesiwith firm, level-keeled readability. "Self-controlling" means it won't develop "baby buggy bounce" in its later years! Come in do your judging at the wheel ! Delivered here New lower Packard prices begin at $2537 28 'Sttt tnd locml tdxti. if toy, tni uhilt tultudlh (ts thoun shoit). txtrs. Prictt msy isry ilifhtly in tdiainint tress ol trm partition cbmrgti. Packard ASK THi MAN WHO OWNS ONI BARCUS SALES AND SERVICE Highway 99 of Garde Valley BERLIN, Sept. 27-f.V-Russla has dotted eastern Europe with launching bases for deadlier rockets than Hitler ever used in World War II, German and Am erican sources cay. Reliable German sources said at least the Nazi built munitions plant in Soviet-occupied Germany is producing rockets for Russia. The exact location of the Soviet launching bases is not known. But allied military Intelligence officers said they believed Kusiia had constructed a chain of them aimed at Western Europe stretching from the Baltic to the Black sea In Soviet satellite ter ritory. A U. S. Intelligence officer said "it is a matter of speculation" whether rockets launched in Che choslovakia, Poland or the Bal kans could reach the farthest points of Weslern Europe. Military informanta said there was no evidence the Soviet zone of Germany was being prepared as a rocKet tauncning tase. The Soviet zone, however, In cludes Peenemuende, one of the biggest of Hitler's rocket plants on the Baltic coast. Peenemu ende was once smashed by Brit ish bombers but reports circulat ed recently Russia has rebuilt It with German war prisoners as laborers. Another pro-allied German In formant said a huge underground Nazies at Rechlin, In northeast munitions factory built by the Germany, also is turning out new and deadlier rockets than thoe Hitler used to shoot at England. A U. S. Army source said: "It Is perfectly logical that Russia should have a network of launch ing bases for rockets. We know that Russia sincerel" s an at tack from the West." Tuei., Sept. 27, 1949 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. S employes have been on a five day week, and have alternated In working Saturday hours, Fos ter said. Now the office will be A yard of 39-Inch to 42-Inch material with no up or down de sign can make a blouse with short raglan sleeves or short set- open 8 a. m. to 5 p. m., Mondays I in sleeves in sizes 10 to 20, savs through Fridays only. I the Department of Agriculture. Employment Offict To Bt Closed Saturday George Foster, manager of the Oregon State Employment serv ice office here, announced that, starting this week, the oflice will be closed Saturdays. Heretofore, j:jjp SAVE STEPS I Let us save you miles of walking by redoing your kitchen. Cupboards that are conveniently arranged near your stove and refrigerotor. All this will give you lots more working space and lots more storage space too. Call us today for a free estimate.- KRNR Mutual Broadcasting Syitem 1490 on Your Diol RFMAtNINO IOIII TODAT 4-OD Fulton Lew., Jr. 4: 15 Hemins we jr. 4 JO Local Loan Show. 4 4 Muiic. 5 00 Siraifht Arrow 5 JO Captain Midmfhf. 0 oo Calvarade of Safety. 15 Mutual NewtreeL 30 Sport Page. 6 M uilca I Interlude. A 4ft Local Nfwi. 8 451 Hear th Southland Singini. 6 M BUI Henry. 7 oo Frank Purdr- 7:15 Muaic You Remember. T 30 Muilc ol Manhattan. 00 Box 13. 30 Jovtn Jambor. S 00 Newa. B 15 Ruth aV Judy. t-M Guest Star. 45 Fulton Lewta. Jr. 10 00 Gregorv Hood. 10 30 Rum Morgan a Orcheitra. 11:00 Cue to MutlC 11 30 Sign Off. ..WF.ftNF.D AY. FF'TTMBKB M, 14 6 00 Sunna Serenade S 15 Newa ao Muiic S 30 Rlae Jt Shine 7 00 Newa ' T:1S Breakfeat Gang 7:45 Local Newt 7:50 Muale B 00 Muiic for You B.30 Modern Home 8:45 Muatr by Morgan 9 00 Welly 'i Coffee Time 9:15 Book of Barf at na 9 10 Man About Town 0:40 Muiic 9 o Shopper ' Guide 10 00 Newa 10:15 Goipel Singer 10:30 Saw It With Muaia 10:45 Art Baker. 11:00 Ladles Ftret Ilr.io Queen for a Day 12.00 Muiic at Noon 12:15 S porU Page 12:25 Muaic 12:30 Clocking tha Stara 12:35 MuitC 12:40 Local Newt 12.45 National Newe 12 55 Market Rtportg 1:00 Man on th Street 115 Party Line joo Aialmt the Storm j 30 It Requested 3.00 Hoednwn PartT 3.15 School Program 3 .101-MU ate 3:45 Harry Jam Show 400 Fulton Lewta. Jr. VIS Frank Hemlngwey 4:30 Local Loan Show 4 45 News 5 oo Tlpa an4 Tune 5:15 Muatc S30 Tom Mt 00 Men Behind tha Melody 8 15 Mutual Newtreel 30 Sport Pag 35 Muiic 8 40 Loral Newa 8 45 Southland Singing :S5 Bill Henry 7 00 Dick Hay me Show 1 15 Sammy Kaya Showroom 1 .To Claco Ktd 800 What'a the Nam of Thai Song A: .10 Tex Beneh 8 45 BAb Eberle. on New 9 15 Hi Neighbor 9 30 Scandinavian Melody Time 945 Fulton Lewis, Jr. 10 oo John Steele 10:30 Dane Orcb. 11:00 Music 11:30 Sign Off HOME TOWN NEWS Paid for you WHEN you Have an auto mobile accident you will be glad you carried complete insurance protection. Then your insurance company, not you, pays tha claim made against you for personal injuries to others, damage to tha property of others,' and also damage to your own car. Consult this Hartford agency. R. 0. YOUNG Phone 417 205 W. Cast St. Roseburg "NOT FOR FIVE MINUTES . . . THEN IT'S TIME-AND-A-HALF." Five minutes is all you need to order the slabwood and sawdust you require from the ROSEBURG LUMBER CO. Ploy safe ... be ready for winter. Phone 1354 Tomorrow!! JAMES CAGNEY Starring in ME CO-FEATURE . yo"J' .oy ffj k WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL PICTURE! I -you'" toy 5 A WUNutKMl, WUNutKrUL flUluKt! I T) Cl&t &e www BIHMIIMi t Mv iwite Chapman -Me Brennan Robert Paige ' Tonight "A Song Is" Born" and "The Cloy Pigeon" TOflMMl? OUTLAWS AGAINST OUTLAWS for LawIeiM j mm .er . VV W '. '-I - I mi kT-war ii ai nr ii irrv! YlTr HULUt I AM i. --r BEMDIXSfe- . . Will S y -i .. c-' CAREY MONA FREEMAN CLEM BEVINS m tnttmifi iliH nvm Ends Tonight: "The BIG CAT" & "Some of the Best"