Th Nw.-Relew, Rosebjrg, Ore. Mon., Sept. 26, 1949 Society and Gluhi By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER NOTICE Social Items submitted by tele phone lor the society page must be turned in before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday nd by 10 a. m. Friday at whl-h time the social calendar and Sat urday's society page are closed weekly. GLEA80NS HONORED AT GRANGE MEETING The regular meeting of the Sutherlln Grange was held Wednesday evening with the mas ter, Eldon Sanders presiding. Two applications for member ship were presented and commit tees appointed. Roy Nicoson was Installed a member of the executive board. Hostesses appointed for the next meeting, which will be a pot-lurk supper are: Mrs. Ger trude Brlngle, Mrs. Stella French and Mrs. Mabel Pearce. The lecturer put on a clever Advertisement New Hearing Devict Has No Receiver Button In Ear Chicago, 111. Deafened people are hailing a new device that gives them clear hearing without making them wear a receiver button In the ear. They now en Joy songs, sermons, friendly com panionship and business success with no self-conscious feeling that people are looking at any button hanging on their ear. With the new invisible Phantomold you may free yourself not only from deafness, but from even the ap pearance of deafness. The mak ers of Beltone, Dept. 40, 1450 W. 19th St., Chicago 8, 111., are so proud of their achievement they wilt gladly send you their free brochure (in plain wrapper) and explain how you can test this amazing invisible device in the privacy of your own home with out risking a penny. Write Bel tone today. program honoring Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Glcason, who were celebrat ing their golden wedding anni versary the following Sunday. A lovely gift was presented to the Gleasons from the group by Mrs. Stella French. A three tier wed ding cake, topped with a minia ture bride iwith gilded gown) and bridegroom, which was served wilh ice cream by the hostesses, Mrs. Rosemarle Jones, Mrs. I'hreda Wahl and Mrs. Kay Simmons to the honored guests. Mr. and Mrs. I-eslie Gleason, and Mr. an I Mrs. Eldon Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Orville French, Mr. tnd Mrs. Clarence Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Art Sleets, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cook, Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Beck, Mr. and Mrs. Velvie Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nicoson, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bingle, Mr. and Mrs. James Simmons, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wahl, Mrs. Erma Cornish, Mrs. Nellie Peterson, Mrs. Dorothy Clark, Mrs. Kitty Graham, Mrs. Ella Wegner, Mrs. Hallle Martin, Clyde Henderson, George Cornish and Charlie Swindler. Guests forjhe program and re- Mrs. Charles A. Brand Teacher of Singing Voice Building, Song Interpretation Fell Iral September f KELLOGQ HOME EC CLUB HAS MEETING ' The Kellogg Homo Econurnlrs club met. at the Granga hall Thursday for an all-day session. A bountiful pot lurk dinner was enjoyed at noon. The business meeilng was conducted by Chair man, Emma Madison; other of ficers present were Fiances Carnes, vice -Chairman; llnwl Madison, secretary and Kdiih Madison, treasurer. The ladies quilted and worked on fancy work lor their bazaar which his been dated for November 19. The hcl logg club plans to have another all-day meeting Sept. 29; at that time they will prepare the hall foi the Booster program for Octo ber 1. There were eight mem bers present, one visitor and two small children. Door prize was won by Blanche Bullock. Coin march netted $1.69 and was do nated to the Polio fund. mil SHOWER TO BE GIVEN WEDNESDAY A bridal shower honoring Miss Marie Wakefield will be given Wednesday at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. F. Harnhnrt. All friends Interested are cordi ally invited to attend. -. freshments were; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Woodrow from the east, a brother of Mrs. Gleason and Ralph Gardner and Ellen Wahl. The program consisted of a "mock wedding" with Mr. and Mrs. Gleason as bride and bride groom, with 12 others In the wed ding party. A quartet furnished the music with Mrs. Rosemarie Jones at the piano. All members are reminded not to forget the birthday bank, to be held at the oolluck dinner for all those who had birthdays In July, August and September. CANDY We Make It- KITCHEN -You'll Like It 125 W. Cass SUTHERLIN REBEKAH LODGE HAS MEETING The Sutherlin Rrbekah lodge No. 218, met at the Methodist church Thursday evening with Noble Grand Miss Luella Plcuard, and vice-grand, Mrs. Eunice Beck, presiding. Only two officers, the outside guardian and the R. S. V. G. were officers protem. The application of Mrs. Etbelyn Freeman was acted upon and she iwas elected to become a member by Initiation. One application for membership was read and com mittees appointed. Mrs. Belle Cook's ' son Dean, who underwent a major operation at the Veterans hospital in Port land, was reported getting along I nicely and that he expected to De 'able to leave the hospital in about I three weeks. The decision on buying a piece of playground equipment for the school, was laid on the table until next meeting so that the committee might get more infor mation. Mrs. Helmle Burns, Mrs. Meryl Wahl and Mrs. Velma Braunln ger, were appointed a committee to meet with the park board and other committees to see what could be done about giving some kind of entertainment to raise money to buy equipment for the citv park. I L'nder good of the order, dl I rected by Mrs. Nellie Peterson, Mrs. Maude Culver, Mrs. Mary Barker gave the unwritten work In a very creditable manner. The drill team with Mrs. Barker in ! charge had a very good practice 'and will practice again after lodpe Thursday evening, Oct. 6, and the captain asks all members I be present as she wishes to have a complete practice so as to be ready to initiate Oct. 20. Mrs. Helen Squier and Mrs. Doris Rteinbach contributed to i the birthday fund and "Happy I Birthday" was sung to them by the members. The hostesses of the evening, Mrs. Cora Allen, Mrs. Maggie Francis, Mrs. Hallle Martin and Mrs. Maude Culver served re freshments buffet style to Mrs. Hassle Woods, Mrs. Eva Lock wood, Mrs. Olive Blondell, guests; Mrs. Charlotte Parker, Mrs. Alma Anderson, Mrs. Ella Wegner, Mrs. Eunice Beck, Mrs. Kelmie Burns, Mrs. Grace Wood, Mrs. Nellie Peterson, Mrs. Margarie Sheets, Mrs. Belle Cook, Mrs. Bertha Barge, Mrs. Velma Brauninger, Mrs. Marv Barker, Mrs. Lydia Gillette, Mrs. Loon a Slack. Mrs. i Juanita Holgate, Mrs. Jaunita At- I LARGE RECEPTION IS HELD AT SUTHERLIN A very charming reception was : held Friday evening at the school gym, when the student council, school board and the Parent Teachers association entertained for the teachers of the Sutherlin ' grade school, - high school and the outlying school at Fair Oaks and Nonpareil. The nan was Deauuiuny aeco rated with large bouquets of fall flowers, and the stage was decorated with flowers and blue and white streamers. A fine program was enjoyed consisting of group singing lead ! by Mrs. Howard Magill, accom panied at the piano by Mrs. i Archie Amorde. Student council ! president. Frankie Holgate, in i troduced Mr. Riddlebarger, school superintendent of Sutherlln schools, who in turn introduced H. B. Austin, who Introduced the Grade teachers. C. P. , Garrett, principal of Nonpariel school, in troduced his staff. Fred Richard son, principal Introduced the high I school staff. Mr. Riddlebarger ! in turn introduced Mrs. Betty I Plueard, school secretary and : Kenneth Barneburg, County I school superintendent, who spoke I "on welcoming the teachers." Kay and Dixie Lucas sang, "In dian Dawn," accompanied at the I piano by Miss Barbara Miller. Mrs. Helen Briscoe Introduced I the school board. Ralph Thrift 'gave a very interesting talk on ! policies of school boards and stated that the school census had grown from 145 pupils in 1940 to 1128 in 1948. Vocal solo by Dale Ross, was fol lowed by the P.-T.A. president, Mrs. Kanova, introducing Mrs. Wattman, who explained the new P.-T.A. program. Mrs. Kanova thanked the de orating committee and urged ev ery one to Join and attend the P.-T.A. meetings. Piano solo. Miss Miller. Kay Lucas gave a talk on Student Body duties and hopes terbury, Mrs. Lucille Chase, Mrs. Mabel Ross, Mrs. Emma Vanden berg, Mrs. Meryl Wahl, Miss Luella Pleuard. Miss Ethel Man ning and Mrs. Ruth Manning. of accomplishments. Mr. Riddle barger explained the school sys tem. The guests were invited to the lace covered table which was centered with a lovely bouquet, flanked by tall tapers. Refresh ments were served, with Mrs. Mildred Culver and Mrs. Meryl Wahl pouring. MISS HUDSON GIVES TALK AT MEETING Miss Evelyn Hudson gave an interesting talk on The Teaching of Physical Education at the Lin coln County Teachers Institute at Toledo. Monday. About two nun died teachers were present. ELKTON MEMBERS VISIT COTTAGE GROVE LODGE Mrs. Ray Monner and Mrs Enery Stewart took Mm. Carl Moore. Mrs. Charles Hedden Mrs. Howard Carnes, Mrs. Ed Gates, Mrs. Charles Franklin and Mrs. Joe Hudson to Cottage Grove Friday where they visited the Cottage Grove Rebekah lodge. ODD FELLOWS HOLD MEETING SATU R DAY Only eight Odd Fellows were In attendance at the regular meeting at the Elkton Lode last Saturday night. Regular meet ing nights are the first jnd third Saturday nights of each month and members are urged to attend. DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS Zo Nswman J2S Cobb St. Phene M7-RX Talking About a Home? So many people do noth ing but talk about it! But if yrx really want to en your home, consult me now. Personal attention. Economical terms. RALPH L RUSSELL Loans and Insurance Lean Repressnatlvs Equitable Savings A Loan Assn. 112 W. Cass Phono (13 MODERNIZE YOUR BATHROOM with a set of COLORED BRIGGS BEAUTYWARE J5S?SS3 QUALITY PRODUCTS TffjW Colored Sets Start as Low As $200.00 Sandstone, Sky Blue, Sea Green ond Ivory We olso have Briggs Both Fixtures and single ond double comportment sinks in white. BUDGET TERMS IF DESIRED KIER-CROOCH PLUMBING CO. 316 Mill St. Phone 1242-R F1 ft i 1 1 il -: Bifel ' .y 4" 3 Spil MATCHING LOUNOI CHAIR . . . $99.50 ' HS A truly unusual design . . . tailored in j N"?' an entirely new French-Knot Boucle. IV u yjr i V) iHvfr Lovely croscen, .hspod sofa snd chair jv with deep fringe base and boucle ede- l'lv I ' A V V V h Y i' s vii i ) IV, A truly unusual design . , . tailored in an entirely new French-Knot Boucle. Lovely crescent thapsd sofa and chair with deep fringe base and boude edg ing on cushions and back. Knthler "cushionized" construction gives i N unmatched comfort. oCouefu lljalcliinq 0i V 9 Ionian To moke this unusual group complete . . . deep fringe bose . . . boucle edging on top aq ftC cushion to match the lounge chair, wie) 7 Beautiful New Colors .... SEA GREEN PETAL ROSE IVY GREEN CHINESE RED BISQUIT BEIGE PEARL GREY FOREST GREEN Home Rdnishings Here's the greatest paint discovery in 25 years ! onzer Paints NOW GIVE YOU OVER and (IdM'S in flat wall paint, interior gloss, interior enamel, outside paint. Here's the newest, most exciting, most dramatic paint discovery in years . . . Boysen's COLORIZER! There's no blending, no guess work, no waiting . . . yet you can match more than 1,322 different shades and colors. All you do is bring a sample of your drapes, up holstery, wallpaper, carpet or any thing t'se you wont to match ... we select the Boysen COLORIZER you need . . . you take home Boysen paint, add COLORIZER and get exactly the color you want. Come in ond let us show you how eosily you can make your home more fun for living with amazing Boysen COLORIZER. Boysen COLORIZER is available in flat wall point, interior gloss, in terior enamel and outside paint. Practically every painting need, both inside and outside your home, eon now be done with this marvelous new COLORIZER system. You get all these colors at the you pay for ordinary pai same price nts! IT'S FOOLPROOF! Anyone can match any color . . . ond best of oil, you can mix either a pint or 100 gallons ond get EXACTLY THE SAME SHADE EVERY TIME. All you do is buy the base point and the eolorizer tube ond mix them in an instant. You'll find Boysen Colorized paints only at (HSSiMtMi553J m r Come in and see how easy it is to match any color. v jperSonaHized Service jor lite JJc 111 N. Jackson Phone 330 onie