Brute's Motorcycle Sales and Service North Umpqua Road 1949 Horley Davidson 74 Take car as down poy ment. 1949 Harlcy Dovidton 125 Best offer takes it. 1948 Horley Davidson 45 A good buy. $100 Million Approved For Public Projects WASHINGTON, Sept. 24-P The Senate has approved a $100, 000,000 program for planning pub lic works project! all over the country. The bill, which has been called an "anti-depression measure" in Congress, was passed yesterday by voice vote. It now goes to the House. It would make federal funds available to states and commu nities for advance planning of needed public works projects. President Truman recommended such a program last July, as a safeguard "if the business down turn should become more serious." The United States has had only one president of Swiss extraction. He was Herbert Hoover. Dexterous i)appi "The RAINBOW CAFE. Just the mention of the nam mokes me feel better . . . I'll be ready in an hour if you'rt sure that's where they'll take us." Of E)CDE) BO D This afternoon at 3:15 p. m.. your regular school broadcasts return to the air. The schedule will be the same, with the Grade Schools on Mondays, Senior High on Wednesday and Jun ior High on Friday. This year we have nine County schools participating In the radio broad casts and they will rotate on Tuesday and Thursday, Hsrs'a nsws far beys and , girls. TOM MIX will be back en the air as a Units Statts Marshall, along with his dtputy Mike thaw. In a brand new series of mys teries stories. The new Tom Mix program la a half hour long every Monday and Friday . , . and ovary story is complete So kids, bo sure and tuno in "Tom Mix" TONIGHT at 5:30 p. m. At 7:1J p. m.. It's the SAMMY KAYE SHOW with anothar line-up of your favorite tunes ... In another "Lot Ceorga Do It" program tonight, heard at t p. m., Goorgo prevents the murder of a man who is believed to have seen the commission of another murder, but, ironically, is too enfeebled to have seen anything at all. "The Man Under the Elm Trees" la the title of this episode, starring Bob Bailey and Frances .Robinson. I guess I really haven't another thing to say, except your reg ular Dial Log composer will be back with you tomorrow , . She's been on vacation. If you haven't guessed by now. V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.'.J ij1cy Cidsij It back en KRNR Monday, Wedneidoy, Friday 5:30-6:00 PM Each program a complete half-hour story packed with exciting mysteryl Democratic Meet Slated Tuesday Jnaria IAninl Hmim r-, critic Central Committee vie chairman, will he the speaker at the Democratic Woman's day din ner In the Hotel Umpqua Tuesday at 7 p.m.. reports Mrs. Christina Micelli, in charge of local ar rangements. Mrs. Leonard of Klamath Falls will come here from Med ford, where she Is scheduled to speak at a noon luncheon. She will ar rive here In late afternoon, ac companied: by Mrs. Mary Kelly, Jackson County Democratic Cen tral committee chairman. Mrs. Kelly will also have things of interest to report at the meet ing. Her service to her party has been wide and active. She hi district chairman of the wom an's division for Jackson, Jose phine. Douglas, Coos and Curry counties. A practical woman, and a good speaker, she is well worth listen ing to, said Mrs. 'Micelli. Reserva tions for the dinner should be made. by calling her at 870-J or Mrs. Gladys Wilev. 671-J. The j meeting is open to all women Interested. 10 jo Say it with slurtc. 10:45 Art Bakar. 11:00 LadiM ftrat. 11.30 Quhii tor a Day. 11:00 Mutc at Noon. 1 Sporte rasa ol the Air. 11:15 Music. 11 to Laval Nawi 11:45 National Nawa. 11 is M.rkal arporta 100 Man on the Straei . 1:15 Littan la Lalbart 1 30 Hall Vartatlea. I '45 Charlla Splvak. 1 00 Asalnat tha Starm. I 30 Rrquaat Show 3:00 Hoadawn Party. 1 IS School Shaw. 3 30 Muilc. 3 45 David Xoaa Show. 4 00 rulton Lawta, Jr. 4:15 Hamlnaway. 4 30 Local Loan Show. t:4B Musir. SOO Straight Arrow. S30 Ctptain Midnight, 00 Cetlvacmd of iUftty. 13 Mutual NvwartMl. orU Pf. Uaical Intarlutt. 40 Local Nawi. Hear tha South Land Singing. W Bill Henry. TooFrank Purdv T: IS Music You Mmimbtr. T :t0 Mus-le ol Manhattan. 00 Box 13 30 Jovln JamborM. ;00 Nawa. IS Ruth V Judy. I KW. Ouaat Star. M rulton Lawta. Jr. 10 00 Or gory Hood. in m Rum Morgan's OrchMtrt, 11 OA Cua to Muile. It Xl-Sif Off. KRNR Mutual Broadcasting System 1490 on Your Diol REMAINING HOI ES TODAY 4 00 Fulton Lewis Jr. 4 15 Hemingway. 4 30 Local Loan Show. 4 45 Newt. 3 (lO Tipa j Tuna. 3:1.1 Music. 5 30 Tom Mix. 6 00 Sewing Machine Center. 6 15 Mutual NpwumL 6:30 S porta Page. 6:35 Musir. 40 Local Newt. PRUDENTIAL LIFI Inturanct HORACE C. BERG pee la. I Agent 111 W-st Oak Off lot 712 J Rs. I71J 451 Hear th SouthUnd Stngtn 55 BUI Henry 7 00 Dick Hi maa. 7 15 Sammy Kaye Show. 7 30 Tha Ctaco Kid. I 00 Let Ceorga Do It I tO You Nam It S 45 Bob Cberla Show. I 55 Johnny Daamond. t 00 Newt. IS HI Neighbor. v 30 Scandinavian Melody Time. S 45 Fulton Lewis. Jr 10 00 Murder by Expert. 1030 Campus Salute. 11 .00 Cum to Muaie. TrrflDAY, r.PTFMBEB . lt fl 00 Sunrise Sarenada. 15 News. 6 20 Music. 30 Rue V Shin. 7 00 Hemlngwaj 7 15 Breakfast Gang. 7:30 Breakfast Gang. 7:45 Local Newt. 7 50 Beehtv. 7 55 Muilc. . Haven of Rett. 8:30 Modern Horn a. It 45 Novatlme. 0 00 Wally a Coffee Time. B:15 Muae At Music. B 30 Man About Town. 8 40 Musical Interlude. 9 50 Shopper' Guide. 10 on News. 10:15 Sweetwnod Serenade. AM Metal Hat Type Twe Tana Color HALF PINT THERMOS INCLUDED STUDENT'S LUNCH BOX Mon., Stpt. 26, 1949 Tha Ntwi-Rtvlew, Roseburg, Ort. 5 MARVIN SLACK HAS PARTY ON BIRTH OA V Marvin Slack enjoyed a de lightful evening; Saturday when his mother, Mrs. Edgar Slack in vited a few friends in to help him celebrate his sixth birthday. After opening his many nice gifts, Marvin was seated at the table and cut the beautiful deco rated birthday cake which was served with Ice cream to: Mr. and Mrs. Brlttaln Slack, Mr. and Mil. A. L. Wade, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Mattson, Michael and the hostess Mrs. Slack. PAST PRESIDENTS ' CLUB TO MEET The Past Presidents club of the American Legion auxiliary will meet at a seven-thirty o clock dessert-supper Wednesdav evening at the home of Mrs. Kved Wenger, 61 Cohh street. All past nresidents of American L?lnn auxiliaries are Invited. TENMILE LADIES CLUB TO MEET AT POTLUCK The Tenmile Ladies club will meet Wednesday. Sept. 28, at a noon potiuck luncheon at the Ten mile church. All members are urged to be present. HOFFMEISTERS HAVE GUESTS SUNDAY EVENING SUTHERLIN Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hofmeister had as their guests Sunday evening, Mr. and Mil. Joe Page, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brauninger and daughter, Miss Barabara and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Vasar and children, Mickey and Dona. The pleasant evening was spent eating delicious home made ife cream and visiting. News-Review Classified Ads bring best resul's. Phone 100. Reg. 2.19 ond 2.39 i ?& mas men coMtoNDMotr tow INSTAUAnON (xnu Lockwood Motors Rosa ond Oak Phone 80 Stephens and Casa Phone 9T Sts. SEE and HEAR OLSBX mnd JOBXXO.VS FIREBALL FIX-FOH-ALL overy Thursday on Television Wheal brltrr mmtomttblte mrm built BUCK Kilt bmlttt thmm (Guess wMs losing sleep over tMs one? FOR years, (oiks have talked about the "low-priced three" in the car business. For a generation these have been the same three cars, unchallenged for position simply because they were lowest priced. take a look at the beauty pictured here and ask yourself: How would you like to sell against it, with its wealth of Buick features? How would you like to compete with it when it wears a price tag any new-car buyer can reach, gives you straight eight performance for less than many sixes? Truth is, this one sets a lot of standards that are going to be hard to match. This styling is certainly something to start other designers tossing in their sleep. fma m Hf Nffr TArLO. AJC Nt fwo.t. awy Monday vt.'-o. This handy size dream in traffic, yet generous in interior room is a "must" for can yet to come. The lift of high-pressure Fireball power the level-going comfort of the Buick ride the luxury of Dynaflow Drive, here optional at modest extra cost all thest art wanted things others just can't overlook. Jo why not do the obvious thing and go see the car that's causing sleepless nights in Detroit? Study its smartness, test its room and comfort, try its handling, note the precise figures of its delivered prices. You can do all that on a single trip to your Buick dealer's and make your selection of a wide choice of equipment and colors at the same time. TK.X-STRIKE! Only Buick special ha all thetts Feature! TAfHC-HAHDY VII a MOM ROOM 'OR TXI mONlY a OrNAftOW DftfVf optional f eslra net a nr. UNI STfUNO NOW. 10CKIN0 SUA(PI-O0AO OSfUIS MOH-MISSURf MtfSAU STRAIOHT-BOrfT INOINf COU iHtlNQINO All AROUND low-ptiuuai nii on Arr-ioi ims o(atm viuumr ran and at uir-iooxmo iuooaoi uot a sriAor idino rosQii-rusi osivi thru $MAT MODUS WITH SOOT Sf flSHIR V roue KtY 10 OH ATEI VAU ) uosm CO. Rose & Washington Phone 1551 COMING Wednesday lZ DRAMJL.DEEP...DEEP.. rem the HEART of i America DRlMA...DEEP...DEEPr) WAinR IRENNAN BflRfST RUM woNetefttWOOO 1 mm SMaa SHtatt and G-AAEN TONIGHT & TUESDAY FURIOM, RIOTOUS run i tttt , U ; al ,s rr 1 1 e r-f -k CO-FEATURE WALLBOARD Flrtex Sheetroek Masonite PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 Coming WEDNESDAY lUWlI$$m$$T00ll0M tANIWMEANiNeWHIN 1 THEY KOD! WTO UIW tarn t taw i HOLDEN WILLIAM I, y BENDIX Vx CAREY ryfU Mntu Fnaniil 1 . Mon FrMman Clam Bavins V JJ Now Playing . . ROUCHED TO KILL! roaring adventure . . a lavage thrills . , . a sfery ef nfergettabl r human . J kC,. McCALLISTER GARNER rtnto ruiitu FORREST TUCKER SKIP HOMEICR winia aw. ..j r uftciai ay y r3' fcKSf-. Sto, bv UMna Craal UyyiIH h "' " 'Kn. lac. in4 a, iGlf HON riiHS Special Added Attraction mfn SCENES XIJ FROM 25 1 FAMOUS HITS! !T tOO STARS 'A C; IN ACTION! rSOME 0F V THE BESO V (I Rmiu fill HW J? i I Boxoffic Opens 12:40 & 6:45 1HH