The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 26, 1949, Page 12, Image 12

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    12 Th Ntws-Rivitw, Reteburg, Or. Mon., Sept. 26, 1949
Save Money When Your
Power Saw is an I. E. L!
Loggers, you know what breakdowns of your power
sow does to your income. There is none. You will
save money if you investigate the latest engineering
skill in the new multi-port I. E. L chain sow. This
saw is one of the most reliable sows in operation in
the United States. In fact if every power saw on the
market was an I. E. L. the saw repair business would
hove to change over to some other line of work. Don't
hesitate, drive out and ask for a demonstration of
this light weight but powerful chain sow today. It
will pay you to do it now.
rA::r:c chain saw
Hiway 99 at Garden Valley
Phone 1152-J
Record Production Of New Autos Knocks Prop From Used Car Market
A.MirLtad PrM Automotive Editor
" DETROIT (JPl A little more than a year ago car-hungry thou
sands were waiting lor new car deliveries.
They were paying premium prices for new can at second
hand car lots. They were selling year old cars lor more than
they paid for them.
Today all that Is gone. Probably the record-breaking produc
tion rate has had something to do with the change. Certainly
new cars no longer are hard to get. And you can't sell your year
old or even three-months-old car lor more than you paid for It.
Several hundred potential
new car buyers dropped out ot ! produced and having an unfilled
the market when they found
value of their used cars had de
clined rather suddenly.
That's how fast things move in
the multi-billion dollar automo
bile Industry.
Very few auto makers are talk
ing today about unfilled order
backlogs. They are saying in
stead that "business is good."
For some that means they are
selling Just about all the cars
ll.ey are producing. Kor others it
means the drop in sales volume
has not been as precipitate as
many Industry sources expected
at this season of the year.
But mere is a great diirerence
order backlog Into six fiures.
Yet it must be remembered pro
duction and sales this year un
doubtedly will top all previous
years in the industry's history.
And the industry's gross and net
income should surpass that of
any other year.
Moreover there Isn't anything
presently in sight to Indicate the
levelling off expected during the
final quarter of the year will be
of more than seasonal propor.
Many industry chroniclers look
for another 600,000-unit output
this month. The same reporters.
however, expect a production cut
in soiling all the cars that are I during October of as much jk
IS percent from the year's peak
levels. The November and De
cember volume could be reduced
even further because of model
Most of the car manufacturers
apparently are more concerned
about consumer demand right
now than they are about their
supply situation. Generally they
have sizable stocks of steel, pro
bably enough for a month's op
eration of high levels. These
'stocks, of course, would last
much longer if output is cut back
for any reason.
Of consumer demand, most In
dustry authorities explain they
are counting only upon a sea
sonal reduction during the period
from October through February.
They insist there is no reason
to look for more than a normal
winter decline.
So far this year the car fac
tories in the United States have
built more than 3.700.000 pas
senger cars and 875,000 trucks.
In cars alone the total is more
than a million units ahead of
last year's output at the same
COLUMBUS. O.. Le Ron San
ders, Roseburg, has purchased
the registered Jersey. Judith
Pretty Design Wilma. The ani
mal comes from the herd owned
by H. S. A Sidney Cadman at
Langlois, Ore.
Sixty-five per cent of the ped
estrians killed In cities, accord
ing to a survey, were using the
roadway in an unauthorized or
unsafe manner.
in 12-16 and 24 In. lengths
Phent til
ft Baiit:fU Colnrl
THE Thornton is but one of many new designs carved
from these beautiful hard northern granites. Polished
surfaces stay clean always, because moisture from the air
or ground cannot penetrate them. You w ill like their deep
rich colors.
No better quality no lower prices. Comparison Invitee1
Representing Blaesing Granite Co. -For
Douglas Co. Rt. I. Box 52. Roseburg, Ore.
Stlfft a Ctmttery Lot and a Family Monument
Call 100 f sr rws-Rav,w Classified Ads
You'll Find Sensational Savings at MODERN'S
This is your chance to save on appliances you need for your home.
All of the used appliances (taken as trade-ins) are in good condition and
are guaranteed for 90 days. All the floor samples and demonstrotor models
are guaranteed for one year . . . two of them are guaronteed for five years.
Many items are limited and one-of-a-kind so shop early for the best selection.
Buy any of
these items
for only
You'll moke substantial savings on quality furniture by buying our
floor samples now at sharply reduced prices. Some of the merchandise is
slightly scratched . . . some is in perfect condition but consists of discontinued
lines . . . but they all go on sale at reduced prices. All of the items are high
quality merchandise that sold for much more. You'll save by coming to our
store early tomorrow.
9:00 to 5:30
A39-5 Quflntiti ' .... 9$o I
. .x i . ir vu aaaf .... cj m
222 W. Oak.
Phent 348