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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1949)
10 The News-Review, RoMbbrg, Or Men., Sept. 26, 1949 Father, Son Face Car Theft Charge A California father and son' combination wat arrested hv .ate police Saturday evening, cl'jrged with larceny of an auto mobile, according to State Police Sgt. Lyle Harrell. The p&'r gave their namei as Willie Welton Hughes. 49. and Carroll Welton Hughes, 19, Both listed Pittsburg, Calif., as their home town. State Police were notified by a suspicious Roseburg garage man when the two men offered to sell a 1941 model sedan for $100. Sgt. Harrell said the men ad mitted taking and later abandon ing another car in California. They said they also took tires, COMFORT INSURED Insure your comfort with a properly insulated home. Have a home-owned, home operated firm install fire proof rock wool that soon pays for Itself! Phone us NOW for a free estimate. We also apply metal interlocking weatherstripping ior addi tional protection from drafts. A written warranty with every Job not a dissatisfied customer in yeari of opera tion. BUILDER'S INSULATING CO. "Chuck" Edmonds 130 N. Stephana St. Phena 1018-R (0V FUMIGATION (Store Licensed) (Cyonomid Got) Approved method of U. S. Dept. Agriculture HOMES MILLS HOTELS BUILDINGS APARTMENTS Cyanamld Oat Is clean, fast, odorless and economical. It will also destroy any and all EGO LIFE. We also have on hand Cyanogas for Gophers, Rats, Ants or any other Rodent that you may wish destroyed. ROSEBURG FEED & SEED CO. Oak and Spruce Sts. SPECIAL Fred Meyer 98c Christmas Cards 98c Sta-Neet ,0c Toilet Tissue fiu,,,.. 39c Work Gloves j. 15e r T! ueansmg i issues 23c Wax Paper 125.. 7 65 Bathroom Scales I , 1 . - vi 1 Kidney Pills, Doan's S. S. S. Tonic, Worthy Aspirin, 100's Inneraid Tonic Boric Acid Crystals, 5 Epsom Salts, 5 lbs Alka Seltzer, 60c size Jaffe Chocolate Covered Mints 100'$ 49c Fred Meyer 112 N. floor mats and automobile a e cessories, selling them enroute. Both are being held In the Douelas county jail, pending word from federal and California state authorities. Two Dodge Injuries In Upset Of Automobile According tno State Police Sgt. Lyle Harrell, two Douglas coun ty men miraculously escaped serious injury Saturday when a late-model convertible coupe In which they were riding skidded down the highway at high speed and turned over. Sgt. Harrell identified the two men as Shell Ah Flovd Haves, Roseburg, and Ralph Johnson, Kiddle. The accident took place four miles south of Myrtle Creek as Hayes attempted to pass a car, which in turn pulled out to pass a truck. The Hayes vehicle skid ded around in the highway and turned over, causing considerable damage to the coupe. No one was injured in the mis hap and no other cars were dam aged. Sgt. Harrell said. DISSTON One-Man CHAIN SAW Save your muscle. Head for the woods with thn new Ditwton On Man Chain Saw. Light weifht, fa-oline-driven power taw. Fell . Bucks . , . Limbs. Operate at any ancle . , . even upside down. CARL J. PEETZ 920 S. Stephens Phone 279 BARNS FEED HOUSES GRAIN HOUSES POULTRY HOUSES BROODER HOUSES All work guaranteed Phono 374 SAVINGS ..... 39c 43c 6c 29c 215c 15c 5.95 Silk., rolls Galvanised GARBAGE CANS 26 gal. j qq with lids I.Tr zr Garbage pick up will be only once a week starting Octo ber t. Buy the large size can. 35c 79c 9c 79c lbs 79c 21c 49c Jackson V I Do The Job jffltR jYOURsmrMH JIMThe NEWT Jj Japanese Pastor Dated At Church Conference Here REV. F. M. HAYASHI Roseburg is to be host etty (or the Southern District Woman's Society of Christian Service con ference this Wednesday and Thursday, September 2, 29, it was announced this morning by the pastor of the Methodist Church, W. A. Mac Arthur. Over 150 women from Metho dist Churches as far away as Junction City to the north and Klamath Kalis and Lakevlew to the southeast will be here t o fiarticipate In this annual meet ng. According to MacArthur, the frogram begins Wednesday even ng with banquet at 6:30. The Missionary Advance will be one of the major concerns of the con- lerence and the speaker for the banquet, has been chosen be cause of his qualifications In that field. Reverend Mr. Hayashl was born In Japan and received his early schooling, including high scnooi, in mat country. In 1316 he Journeyed to America esta blishing himself in the San Fran cisco area. There he completed additional high school work and then enrolled in Stanford Uni versity. Entering the Methodist ministry In 1934, Reverend Mr. llayashi has had a unique experience In cluding some language teaching at the University of Minnesota during the war years. He came to Portland In 1946 to assume nutios as pastor of the Epworth Methodist church, a Japanese church in that city. Reservations for the banquet are limited, and those rle.lrlncr places should contact Mrs. W. L. Cobb, 740 S. Jackson Immediately. There will be room for additional listeners for the program about 7:30 p.m. In the social hall of the church. Those interested in hearing this remarkable speaker are cordially Invited. -JUDGMENT ISSUED Judgment of $2,736.10 plus In terest of $251.76 was signed in favor of E. A. Pearson against Ihe defendants, W. S. Nugent, Robert D. Sheets, and Lucille A. Nugent, by Circuit Judge Carl E. Wimberly today. BRING YOUR CAR WITH Confidence to Lloyd's Auto Body Shop SOt Fullerton St. Ph. 1025 J OPEN SUNDAVSI 8 to 4 daily Including Sunday Complete engine and body repair on anything with wheels. Guaranteed work . . . guaranteed estimates a' dfvh Get Ready For Winter! Order Your Supply Of Richfield Heating Oils Now! STOVI AND DIESEL FUELS us. in in i m nr.imn mMtt WE FEATURE: ruit proof heating oils. Ellml- mil In your storage tank and system, nates fu.l Automatic Fill Richfield heating oils are manufactured from the very best petroleum crude. Because of their high quality they burn with clean, blue flame, without soot or fumes. We Give CALL 554 FOR DELIVERY 24 Hour Service Ken Linder, Agent Richfield Oil Corp. Xhfl1 CrtS STRAP HAMPER r "The man without a country " WAS A SORRY MESS, O'COURSE. 0-.ep.WiU.iAM5, BUT TH' MAN WITH TOO MUCH COUNTRY I Jb?ZS&l.n8&. ISTH' MAN WITHOUT A HORSE J OUT OUR WAY LOCAL Ledot te Meet Bertha Rebek- ah lodge No. 188 will meet Tues day night for initiation at the Canyonville l.O.O.F. hall. F. S. Club te Meet The F. S. club will meet Tuesday after noon at the home of Mrs. R. W. Meissner, 122 N. Parrott street. On Vacation- Charles V. Stanton, editor of the News-Review, Is taking his vacation. Alpha Chapter te Meet Alpha Theta chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, will meet at a 7:30 o'clock dessert-supper Tuesday night at the home or Mrs. Lnesier Morgan in Laurelwood. No-Hostess Luncheon The Business and Professional Wom en's club will hold a 12 o'clock no-hostess luncheon at Ihe Hotel Umpqua Tuesday. Here Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dodge of Myrtle Point were In Roseburg Saturday. Mrs. Dodge attended the activities of Zuleima club, Daughter! of Nile. Miss Casey to Sptak Miss Helen Casey will tell of her trip to South America at a meeting of St. George' Episcopal Guild Tuesday night at 8 o'clock at the parish hall on East Cass street. All women of the church are in vited. B.P.W.C. To Meet The Busi ness and Professional Women's club will meet at 8 o'clock to night at the Episcopal parish hall with Laura lies, Maude Kidder and Hael Reld In charge of the program. Hostesses will include Elizabeth Helnline, Minnie Clark and Cleo Moats. Meeting Announced Roseburg Rebekah lodge. No. 41, will meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday at the l.O.O.F. hall. Refreshments will be in charge of Ethel Busenbark, Inga and E. G. High, Deni Singleton, Iris Arkell Spring, Ruby Bloom and Nellie Meyers. wuwwiaai , 'ri iaaaat- Tlrk.t printer m.t.r refltter. Prlnti tha numbar of gallona dallvarad en your invoice. Up Service Green Stamps NEWS Visits Parents Miss Frederica Hamilton of Eugene spent the weekend In Roseburg with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hamilton. Return North Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norton were Roseburg visi tors over the weekend with rela tives and left Sunday for their home at Adair Village. Mr. Nor ton will take up his studies at the Oregon State college at Corvallis. Son Is Born A son. William Best, weighing nine pounds, was born at Albany Sunday, Sept. 25, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dishman of that city. The paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dishman, of Roseburg, are leaving Tues day for Albany to see their first grandchild. Inter-Se to Meet- Inter-Se Study club w ill hold its first fall meeting at a 1:15 o' clock lucheon Tuesday, Sept. 27, at the home of Mrs. George Churchill at Glide. "Interior De corating" is the theme of this year's program. For this meet ing, Mis. Paul Geddes will be the speaker on the subect,"De corating is Fun." Back From Bandon Mr. and Mis. James Turk and daughter, Cathy, and F. A. Bart soff of Roseburg spent the week end at Bandon enjoying the fish ing and visiting Mrs. Turk's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Barrows. Mr. Turk, who t advertising manager of the News-Review, caught a silver side salmon while at Bandon. Taken to Eugtne . Eddie Busenbark, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Busenbark and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. John Busenbark of Melrose, wai tak en to Eugene Sunday for eurgery on his aim, which he fractured at the elbow In a fall Saturday. He has been admitted to Sacred Heart hospital in Eugene. Leaves This Morning Miss Helen Casey of Roseburg left thii morning for Portland to spend a few days with Mrs. George E. Houck. of this city who is receiving medical attention in a hospital there. Miss Casey took Mrs. Houck to Portland last Fri day. The latter has been ill the last several months at her home on South Stephens street. Also accompanying her to Portland Fridav were her son and dauth- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs Robert Zurcher, and her daughter, Mrs. Adaline Fields, all ot Portland. s- ;.J fnlPlRIAt L- --as 11 I k 4 st,Dn,n pnon 44 H If Home Fucnishings I i fgHK PERSONALIZED SERVICE FOR THE HOME Williams Wolfords Return Home Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wolford re turned to their home in Rose burg Saturday night, following a trip to Portland to visit their son, Roy Wolford, and to Wenatchee, Wash., to visit their daughter, Mrs. Helen Wolford Edwards, and family. While there, Mrs. Edwards celebrated her birth day. The Edwards have a new son. Brian Scott Edwards, born Aug. 19. They now have two daughters and two sons. Mr. and Mrs. Wolford returned home via Bend and other eastern Oregon points, where they enjoyed their hobby of rock collecting. Called to Long Beach Mrs. Wilbur Culp of Roseburg has arrived In Long Beach, Calif, where she was called last week by the serious condition of her son, Sgt. Wilbur G. Culp, who suf fered pelvic injuries and a dis located hip In a recent automo bile accident. He has asked friends to write him at the Naval hospital, ward C-l. Long Beach, Calif. Sgt. Culp has Just recently returned to the States, following two years service with the U. S. forces in Japan. Enroute to March Field for his discharge, he stopped in Roseburg for a short visit and was on his wav to Los Angeles for a visit with his sister, Mrs. Margaret Culp Lewis, when the accident occured. Births at Mercy Hospital ALLEN To Mr. and Mia. Owen D. Allen, Sutheriin, Sept. 24, a son, Roger Douglas; weight six pounds nine ounces. CRUMPACKER To Mr. and Mrs. Dallen J. Crumpacker, Suth eriin, Sept. 23, a son, Paul Robert; weight seven pounds twelve ounces. BIGLER To Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Lee Bigler, 2035 Otie Lane, Roseburg. Sept. 25, a son, Patrick Lee; weight seven pounds one ounce. BENSON To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Benson. 806 Winchest er street, Sept. 24. a daughter, Kathryn Marie: weight six pounds ten ounces. SPREE CHARGEO TO PAIR Two men "walking in the wrong lane of traffic." on the Pa cific highway near Tri City, were arrested Saturday and charged with drunkenness on a public highway. State Police Sgt. Lvle H. Harrell reported today, lie named them as Leonard Kavon. yus, 39. and Calvin Coolldge Pon- cho, 26, both of Myrtle Creek. The men were taken to the coun ty jail to await arriagnment. Wise buyers look for the Imperial silver label that says the finest in wallpapers. Guaranteed to with stand room exposure without fad ing and to clean satisfactorily when Instructions are followed. By J. R. Shop and Save With Classified Ads Machinery For Sale FOR SALE McCullocb power saw, UMd 3 months, S330. D A. Jacoby, Look tnfgla Bout. Phone IB-r-23 Tractors FOR SALE General tractor with starter. Swinging plow, two-row cultivator, -ft. mower. -ft. disc, pulley. New rubber. $350. M. L. Squler, Sutherlm. Oregon. Business Expands In Winston Area Winson continues to grow, judging from businesses already open, or contemplating an eaily opening In the Coos Juction com munity. Riverside Used Car lot is new; a variety line is being opened by Howard Langlle in conjunc tion with his hardware store; a clothing and variety store Is soon to open in the Roy Thompson duplex business building, next to Koys tavern, ana a new super dining spot is going in on the north approach to Winston. The car lot, owned and oper ated by Jake Jacobsen, is now in full swing. Mr. Jacobsen is well known In Roseburg, and his lot. Is located directly oposite the Treasure House. The other three stores are as yet not open, but their openings will be announced in the very near future. Waterproofing Aim Of Courthouse Paint Job Iff not because of the color that the blue paint is being re moved from the courthouse step, said County Judge D. N. Busen bar. The paint Is being removed with electric ganders to prepare the steps for waterproofing. The new substance will be applied by the J. A. Wiley company of Port land. It Is hoped that the new cover, which will be gray in color, will prevent water from seeping into the offices which have been con structed under the front steps, said Judge Busenbark. The blue paint originally was applied for waterproofing pur poses, but proved ineffective, the judge explained. When the origin al coat was applied, it wat thought to be gray. The new substance to be appli ed is similar to plaster and will provide a non-skid surface for the steps. Prunes Harvested At Glide's Largest Ranch Prune picking and drying t the Roy Bond ranch. Glide, was completed this week, and the yield, according to Bond, wax close to 4,000 bushels. This, while far in excess to the last year' crop, which was spotty through out Oregon, was not up to the 5,000 bushels harvested three yean ago. The 35-acre prune orchard Is the largest in the Glide area and produces both Italian prunes arrl the sweet pinkish petites. UI this year'a harvest, 2400 bushels were Italians and the remainder pe tites. Drying at the Bond ranch is accomplished with a Eugene manufactured Mill dehydrator. Traffic Deaths Lower In Douglas County Five Oregon counties enjoyed death-free traffic accident rec ords in the first six months of 1949, according to statistics re ported by the state traffic safety division. They are Clatsop, Crook, Cur ry. Sherman and Wheeler. Clat sop headed the list by reducing deaths from six In the first half of 1948 to none in 1949. Sherman county is now In its third death-free year. Linn was outstanding among major counties by putting its deaths for the period from 20 to 5. Other leaders in effecting de creases were Clackamas, Coos, Douglas, Lane, Marion, and Mult nomah, all with reductions of 50 percent or more. SPECIAL MEETING A special meeting of Patrick W. Kelly post 2468. Veterans of For eign Wars, will be held Tuesday, Sept. 27, at the Vets lounge. Principal businos will be elec tion of officers to fill chairs now vacant. All members are request ed to be present. Other business is to come up also, it is announced. . Radiator Service . u Repairing Cleaning Recoring ioil Outs HANSEN MOTOR CO. Autos Better Buys at Barcus UMJ Studebaker Commaodar Land Crulaar IMS Ford Club t'oupa, looks and runt lika new flaaa 1947 Dodia Custom aadan. ac H. new Urea, perfect condition. - -.- l 1940 Chav Coupe, with factory built pickup box 1940 Tord V- coupe 49 5 1940 Hudion sedan . 1940 atudebaker Champion coupe. - 19.T9 Chav. Coupe - 449 399. 1934 Ford Tudor, sood Urea, food motor .. -. - 15- 19M Ford aedan . 1" 1929 Model A Panel 19 TRUCKS 1944 Chev. lumber truck, new motor and tirtM. Thornton dual drive, roll and bunki for ihorl logs Responsible party can handle with very amall down payment 1943 Studebaker pickup, excel lent condition lDti G I. 4x4 li um truck equip ped with flatbed; also hat dump bed and Excel lent condition BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer HlfKwar 90 N at Garden Valley oa4 Consensus of Opinion Invariably you find Used Car . buyers come to US first! They know our se lection of Guaranteed Used Cars is varied, our prices are FAIR, and our integrity for honest deal ing is behind every pur chase made! May We serve YOU? Corkrum Motors, Inc. Your DeSoto Plymouth HEADQUARTERS S30 S Stephana Phone 594-J "We'll Be Here Tomorrow to Bark Up What Wa aay and Do Today!" Used Cars At Umpqua Motors 1949 194T 1949 194S 1941 1940 FRAZER SEDAN Overdrive. 4BJ7 actual miiease. New car Riiarantee. S319S FRAZER MANHATTAN, radio, heater, overdrive Guaranteed. 159S PACKARD CLIPPER DFXUXE 4-dr aedan Radio gt heater. . 1499 FORD CUSTOM Fordor Sedan. Radio, heater. 109s OLDS HYDROMATIC 4-Door Sedan. Radio, heater, over hauled motor. 891 CHEVROLET MASTER 2-Dr. Sedan. Radio & heater 949 TRANSPORTATION OLDS COUPE SMS FORD TUDOR ' 2VI PLYMOUTH COUPE . 125 Umpqua Motors 1444 No Stephens 'Next to Snark Shack! Phone 752 WW IB.17 1933 Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS ReeeonabL priced. C M A C terms. Chevrolet Buick PonUae Cadillae trade-In t 1919 CHRYSLER Royal 4 door sedan. V Body St paint very food. Tires like new Mechanically In A-l condition. Jt completely overhauled. Fine trouble - fre transportation. Some terms. Inquire 206 Doug la i Co. State Bank BId..or phone 466. 37 FORD, lonf' wheel ba. excellent condition throuihout. Trade for car 5ikJ A T Wh-t hV" ,our Phone MORE "MONEY for your car Cash on t he spot. Cork rum Motors. Inc um Soto. Plymouth Phone 406 114 N Rose St FOR SALE lttiT-Naah LafaveTteThia car Is in top condition mechanlcallv as well ai rubber and paint. Can be seen at rear of 422 W. Mosher. FOR SALE 1947 Buick ConvexcT lent condition, low ml leaf e. Call lOOiV Y after 6 p. rn FOR SALE by owner. '37 Chev. pick-up Mechanically perfect, new paint Phone 1936 STUDEBAKER sedan. I00. Route iL8,0; 190E- clllna Road or call FOR SALE or trade. Ertflish Au tin. Floyd A meson. West Central AvT -..Sutheriin. FOR SALE 1947 Whirzer motor bike yerjr low mileage, good condition. Ph. lOM-R. or 4Q1 19.17 FORD V- sedan dellverv. Reaon 318 B2ndAve. N. Ph. 1095-L. M CHEVROLET COIPE. Runs food". I US. Call S19-J-S after 3 rOR SALiModel A. 1077 ' S. ' Mill Fuel WOOD Fireplace and furnace. Old growth fir block peeler core, small round core mill ends, planing ends, oak and laurel. Special price on plan er ends for short time See thii wood 1 mile Eat on Douglas St Rt. I, Bo 43 Prompt delivery Claude wtlley. Phone 15-J-J or 143-J-l PLANER ENDS, double loads. ffnpt VI. ley. "niirj-, si mna up. HSUae rnon t.-v-j-.i. FOR SALE Slab wood, sawdust, plane ends Phone 307 Johnson Fuel C ITCH Scabies ft blent con tagious and will con tinue for life if not d its sole cau ts the ttch-mlte. which hi immune ' ordlnar treatment EXSORA kills the itcr--miTe almost inslantlv Only trtreej rtev EXSORA treatment ts requtreeL Mail orders given prompt attention. fe4 Merer Dreg, y y