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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1949)
National Flag HORIZONTAL 1 Depleted it the flag of 8 Gaiters 13 Interstices 14 Guide 15 Age It Heaven (prefix) 18 Prosecute 19 Boy 20 Deserve 21 Mineral rock 22 Pronoun 23 Boy's nickname 24 Throw 27 Stuffs 3 Peruse 4 "Show Me State" (ab.) 5 Astringent 6 Nostril 7 Time period t Stain 9 Mixed type 10 And 11 Travelled 12 Horses 17 Nickel (symbol) 25 Alone 26 Horse's gait 27 It has lost two world 28 Extent 33 34 36 37 41 42 29 Correlative of either 30 Measure of area 31 Behold! 82 Concerning 33 High shot 35 Droops 38 Epistle (ab.) 39 Babylonian deity 40 Bone of chest 42 Weeps 47 Split pulse 48 Gibbon 49 Improper 50 Constellation 51 Entries in lodgers 53 Came in 55 Donkey 56 Sows again VERTICAL 1 Celtic 2 Printing mistakes i ji 15 W 15 It 17 I 14 n ItO III ItZ. 3 in 1 T5 17 3 W f 3 5 ' mmimmimmLmLm L-zr-l w U ho T "t -irTirprTir tt si 5 " 53 5? '.M jail. 'i Jul 1 1 SsstBw-l FUNNY BUSINESS a&a -a s?- -r.-- .. .as "We'll go places with his tackles this year he was . practicing on drumsticks all last summer!" BLONDIE LI'L ABNER - - rX rvE gotta ruTcxnO AIM f2f. j C AT TVE NEXT ) llH fv , ( THAT S6CONO CUP j VO KIM DUMP TH' "j FIFTY MILLION Vt U V OH, SMOI-H j MAH rttT-OKKrTTATTTI HlAlonkH7?Ttw?OaBr FlFTV MIUJON IW IS A IOT(HO BROUGHT AkLUS SkRIkXiS S TM.. REAL.GENOOWIM. NOT pFT'r-. OMNNAAV O YOXUM. THIS BA& AM lSTW7W4rr? WHAT ANYTHING SOMETHIN ALONS J VOKUM FEET tUGGERN ENOUGH. HOOMIN SKULL. WOULD T ALL RtQMT WflV irsriFTY MILLt&i TO IDENTITY 1 TPROVt AH MOST PEOPLE'S - WHAT OF CBACKEO LIKE A THE i0Y.3nOV-WECAN-T YOUBStXFyO A WUM. WHOUCLAIJ fTJ ( ELSE C.T-BUT A r-T WN'EBrrANtt 1 rTSjTl ( G5. H .i-W ."S I . L r- S, VOKUH SKULL ) (lSYOUB4.U Vki gU"1 IWVESTI-, VOKUMt) 1 " ( JnX 1) If, CRACKS TM' VLpoOW f- 1! rge y Ba (sout FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS p5VKI. CXJCUE55 .' LEAVB T MEV, f WHAT A DELIGHTFUL Tl f I was just FEELIN6 Stricrv ALLEY OOP A FiNE TNNG. 'C3 .one e my r5!lCTC- Rv 1 TWE rCSs,'TL'5 ,,-,-T- AiLLE T SNAP ALLEY OC OJT !7F HIS 5TTSAN5E aA.cmA re' TLRNEP TO fVO TO CCNSULT The S?ASD Vv IEB. A SPcOAL'S IN AL,i SC55 T(NS5 BVC TVE K Cf 1 e Amwtr to Previous Punl n 1 1:1 Its largest city is - Drug Equipped Dinner courses Reared Snug 43 Runic (ab.)' 44 Brain passage 45 Sea eagle . 46 Places 47 Venture 52 Medical director (ab.) 54 Eye (Scot) By Hcrshbcrger KEEPIN' citizens it cown- LP IN A SrVSHT BAB- "W-'iDUU. I lIC.. HttTT I . . I . . A &iC HAW trim w sf sw a iiibmjiibj 1 1 m I IBPnil API M HL y l i v .fA A SC HAW Z; tZl such a Sot., Sept. 24, 1949 The News-Rtvitw, Roseburg, Ore). MODEST Mm 1 (I 'He 4a rr i;ut his T2adothat4 maims allthc uotf rrb W5 TELtvWOU 4ET AND AT LEAST FROM NINE TO FIVE Cosh ... my brain is worn mental telepathy on the boss give me 1 TIME 15 PeETiCjS 5kJ WELL HAULA5AXE5 AUVE.VJUST BE 'i Tv.ENty-FC3uei I X CUTA THAT) VM-eNU. WE PATIENT.. 1 HOUES ARE I , MOST A-VvHAT-fiET TO THIS I VC LL fiEt J JUST ABCUT I (CHA-CALUT.'C SAVAfiE TnEB J UP.' JU4 MAIDENS WE D0UT HAVE TO LOOK AT IT. t By Jo Fischer to a sliverl I've been using ALL day trying to make him a raise! By Chic Young By Al Capp By Merrill Blosser A LOAN FUND jusr for us KIDS ? THAT Now toon. IT tSNY SOUN05 LIKE One of MY THAT bad By V. T. HAMLIN Lowell Thomas Badly Injured In Himalayas NEW YORK. Sept. 24. LP) Lowell Thomas, 57, author, news caster and traveler, was seriously Injured when thrown from a horse In a steep mountain pass In the Himalayas, his office aald Friday. The extent of his Inluriea could not be Immediately learned but his office said the army all force had been asked to rescue him from the tiny mountain village of Gyantse. Thomas recently left Tibet with a message from the Dalai Lama to President Truman. His son. Lowell Jr.. was with him at the time of the mishap. The accident occurred In 17, 000 feet high Kara pass as Thom as wa returning to India on horseback from a visit to the Tibetan capital of Lhasa. Tib etan bearers carried him for six days to the village of Gyantse. BUSINESS DIRECTORY RADIO SERVICING Hansen's Radio Service, Sulher- 11 n. Radio Doctors. Phone 491-J. PLUMBINO W. M. Sandall Co, Hlway 99 N, J-hone 1117K. Ace Plumbing Co., 915 Garden Vallev Rd., Bus. Phone 530-R-5, Res. Phone 149-R-3. Kier-Crooch Plumbing Co. 316 Mill. Phone 1242-K. Harris Plumbing Sc Heating Co. 805 South Stephens. Pn. 147H-J. Coen Supply Co. Phone 12L Term's Plumbing. Phone 733-R. A. D. Wallace, Melrose Route. Box 105-J. Phone 165 R-3. HEATING R Plt7mn tTeatlnv Co.. hot ter ana sieam. on ournen. i iuo . . i irt9 Brown. Fh me iutx-J. WASHING MACHINE SERVICI J. E. Newberry's Washing Ma chine service, vxi w. commer cial Avenue. Phone 1015-h, Washing Machine service. Roy and Rusty's Appliance rtepair, 510 N. Jackson. Ph. 1003-R. ELECTRICIANS Roseburg Electric. Phone 123. Ace Electric. Phone 1095-U FLOOR COVERING F. W. Floor Covering. 327 S. Stephens. Phone 1478-R. Philip M. Durnam. 920 S. Main. Phone 1336-1. FIRE EXTINGUISHER SERVICE Fire Extinguisher Sales Service. Glenn H. Taylor. 220 N. Main. Ph. 14M-K. PIANO SERVICE Southwestern Piano Service. runlng.Reconditionlng. Ph 938-J J. PAINTING IMMEDIATE SERVICE Commercial and Domestic ROSEBURG PAINT SHOP Phones 422 807-R 1522 R ROSEBURG PAVING CO. Asphalt Paving Mlllyards. Driveways, Stations Floors. Sidewalks Custom Hading Office: 634 S. Main ftlavhooe eso-a rra BrtauMs "BUT" Laeatter AUTHORIZED BERGH'S APPLIANCE Maytag Cr Norge Sates and Servic Norv. MavtBf Appliincei antl Hamilton CloU.ei Oryvri 1300 South fltepanf Vnr.cina All lfkt Wshr ft, ana 05 Rom burg. Origan DESBIENS & SCHAFER GENERAL CEMENT CONTRACTORS All Tvpe Oment Work Sidewalks, drlvcwavi. (loon. Phon 42-R-l Phone lM-lt-2 ESTIMATES GIVEN Box 105-C. Melrote Ht. Patlosj and foundations. CONTRACT PAINTING JACK PRESTON 504 S. Stephens Ph. 626-T tousFULLR PfllNTotAu goorf place to go" DENN-GERRETSEN CO. 402 W. Oak Ph. 128 CONSTRUCTION TODD BUILDING CO. 904 S. Stephens Ph. 302 haniB (toM Horn CONTILl Decorating Senate Group OKs Truman's Point 4 Program WASHINGTON. Sept. 23.-(JP The Senate Banking committee Thursday unanimously approved legislation designed to help car ry out President T r u m a n's "point four" program for eco nomic Improvement of under-developed areas of the world. The bill states "it Is the policy of the United States. In the in terest of its people as well as that of other people, to promole the development of economically underdeveloped areas of the world." To that end, the bill author izes the export-Import bank to "guarantee United States private capital Invested in productive en terprises abroad which contri bute to economic development in foreign countries, agairmt risks peculiar to such Investments." Senator Maybank (D. S.C.), the committee chairman, told report ers he does not expect final con R. G. LAMBETH Construction and Remodeling Residential ond Commercial Any siia job Melrose Rt. Box (18 Phone 1444-R FLOOR CONTRACTING Hardwood Sandl Laylnt Finishing Old Floor Mad Like New. Melrose Rt, Sox tSAS Carlson's floor service Phone 102 R I 1S Vear Exoerlene SHALE RIVER LOAM Delivered Shevels Traxoavator Bulldoser Dragline Sackhoe Crane Compressor Trucks Legging Roada Built and Reeked Mill Pond Cleaned Basements Dug Rental or Contract S. M. Crltcs Company P. O. Box S2 Office East 2nd Ave. South Phone 134BJ Residence Phone 930-1. 2 Get Those PROPANE AND BUTANE hnttle refilled at the Myers Oil Co. Highway 99 and Garden Valley Road Also Heaters. Hot Plate and Supplies Carl P. Tallon Excavating Contractor Shale rock for Immediate delivery. Shovel, Trucks, Bulldozer, Patrol Blade. Back hoe. For Hire. Roada built and rocked by hour or contract 2340 N. Stphens Ph. 499 R 4 PICKUP AND DELIVERY Free Estimates Expert Furniture Cleaners Upholstering and Repair Fin Rugs Our Specialty 139 Umpqua Ave., Roseburg, Ore. Phone 80 Y rnWTPAClOCS Contractors Commercial and Home Decora tins: All Work Guaranteed Douglas Paint & Hardware Co. KI S. Stennens Phone 9R4-J UMPQUA CABINET SHOP Custom Made Counters, Shelves, Fixtures, Kitchen Cabinets Phone 499 R-3 337 R-3 2040 N. Stenheni Roseburg, Ore. ' Royal TYPEWRITERS Victor ADDING MACHINES Sales and Service Rentals Fast dependable service KEN'S OFFICE EQUIP. 631 S Stephens Ph. 1261-R TRUCKS FOR RENT You drive or drive. Call 1538 Adair's Forking Lot Main and Washington Flegel Transfer & Storage Co. gressional action on the measure at this cession of congress. The project Ls called the point four program because It was the fourth point In a plan for peace and freedom outlined by Mr. Truman in his Inaugural address last January. Charge Of Being Nazi Hits Denazification Head HAMBURG, Germany, Sept. 24 The denazification chief In Bad Seegeberg has been arrest ed for being a Nazi. German police said that Eber hard Ulmke, who had held the denazification post since 1948, joined the Nazi party in 1930 and had been a member of the Nazi SS (Elite Corps). Cosmic rays are nest observed at high altitudes. HENRY H M,LL" Excavating A Road Building Centraotor 140S Willow SL Phone S8I J We sell shale bar run. liver rock and river loam. Mill ponds cleaned and dredged. Shovel, Bulldozer. Boom. Air Compressor. Crane, Dragline, ."ump Trucks by hour or contract Free estimates. HARGIS ELECTRIC Specialists Radio. Refrigeration, Household Appllanee Service 20 Years Experience All Work Guaranteed 111 E. Cats St Phone 944 INLAID LINOLEUM Sales and Installation of all types of floor covering F 4 W Floor Covering Co Ph. 1478 R 327 & Stephens PRINTING PROMPT, EFFICIENT DEPENDABLE SERVICE ROSEBURG PRINTING CO. Corner Cass and Sheridan Phone 943 TRUCKS FOR RENT You Drive? Move Yourself Save Yi Long or Short Trips Bee Hive Truck Rental 738 S. Stephen Phone 14JS-J CEMENT CONTRACTING ALL KINDS FORM BUILDING Will alio put baaemant us Jar old house, Ed Puch. Fuchs Bro. Ph. Residence 1415-J DARBY & FOSTER Excavating Contractors Shale Rock For Immediate Delivery Construction of logging roads. Shovels, trucks, bulldozer, cm iresaor for hire by contract or hour. No lob too large or too small. Phone for live estimate. Ph. 1152-rt. Forest Service Road . West of Landl Iron Work P.&H. PAINT CO. All Types of Painting. Work Guaranteed. Free Estimates. 1230 Corey Ph. 1305-J P & B TOWING 24-HOUR wrecker and crane ervice. No ob too large or too small Truck mounted equipment We nan now handle 34 yard dragline work, log loading, heavy crane work. 74S B. Ststetten St, Phone 2 Dr. E. W. Carter Chiropodist Foot Specialist 129 N. Jackson Phone 1170 Over Rexall Drug Store FLOORING . 0 Siding Finish PAGE LUMBER & FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. S. Phone 242 SOUTH END FUEL CO. Phone 1195-R- 207 Rice St If Your Paper Has NOT ARRIVED By 6:15 P.M, Phone 100 He PLASTERING BUNDY& SUTTON FREE ESTIMATES PH. 1094-Y CERAMIC TILE Shower stall, bath. "alia, floor. hearth, counter tops, store It Comnlete colors and -' e. Glazed and unelazed. Chrome hound alaas doors for hower and tub. By contract or hourly. Estimate Free. Ph. 10.11-Y Byron Powell Box 1281 WELL DRILLING ED MILLER Route 2. Box 2A-k Phone 441-R-3 Roseburg. Ore. ' Venetian Blind Sales and Service Estimate Free CHARLES HODSON 1525 Cedar St Phone 1349-L Nelson & Pyle Woodworking Co. Windows, Sash, and Frames. Mill and Mosher Phon 1242 J FURNACES Roseburg Sheet Metal Vour l Cntr ph. 941 neaung 85o e. it ROSEBURG VENETIAN BLIND FACTORY I15 NL Jackson St.. Rnsehurg, Ore. Phone 1098-J VENETIAN BLINDS WSHADES DRAPES SCnLENS Free Estimate Satlsfacl'on Guaranteed Tool Rentals Floor Sanders, Edgers, Belt to Disc Sanders, Concrete Mixers, Power Trowels, Concrete Vibra. tor. Wheel Barrows, LlghtlnBj Plant. Paint Spray Outfits, Skil. saws. Drills, Air Compressors. Jack Hammers and Hydraullt Jacks. Call us. We may have Jusi what you need. Osbun Electric & Equip Co 847 3. Stephens Phone 1108-aj