f The News-Revlew, Rosebure, Ore Sat., Sept 24, 1949 Attorney and Mrs. Dexter Rice Honored Picture By Paul Jenkini r .'. 'J ORIGINAL WIDDINC PARTY PRESENT An unuiual feature of the Golden Wedding celebration by Mr. end Mn. Dexter Rice wet the pretence of their attendents of SO yeeri ego Seated, left to right, Mrs. Dora Willcini Bolter, Portland, bridal me!d Mr. end Mn. Rice; standing, Rev. John Dewion, Portland, minister, end Stenley L. ' Kidder, Roieburg, beit man. .' " : ; . . . , . f .gout Pf Lis i v3 9 I i rai .hWi;r, Vv-1' -1 FAMILY TOGETHER FOR COLDEN WEDDING Attorney and Mn. Dexter Rice, seated, were poted by the Newi-Revio photographer with members of their immediate family during their Golden Wedding celebration. At left it daughter Mrs. D. W. (Iris) Helliwall, and, standing, grandson James Helliwell and son-in-law, D. W. Helliwell. , m-f pill) ::t . TmwTrr . V I V I J c PRESIDE AT SERVING TABLE Seated: Mn. J. F. Barker. Cutting cake: Mrs. Arthur W. Baum. At punch bowl: Mrs. Stanley I. Kidder, wife of the belt man in the Rice wedding party. Anniversary Draws Felicitations From Hundreds of Friends More than three -h u n d red friends signed the guest book at trie reception bunday atternoon and evening celebrating the gold en wedding anniversary of Attor ney ant. Mrs. Dexter Rire at their beauti.'ul nome at 41 tsoutn Kane street. Hundreds of letters, charge of the reception. Mrs. John H. Robinson, Airs. L. W. Josse and Mrs. Voile Broadway assisted In receiving In the after noon and Mrs. O. ti. Robertson of Agate Beach, Mis. Frank Long. lam. .,.. -irKi .i lamr mini Browning and Mrs. Jefferv Cur inends wishing them continued ! , asj5,ed , ,ne good health and congratulating; . , them iion their golden wedding I .,' ... . , day, while one large room dis- Alternating In pouring during played the many, many wonder- he afternoon were Mrs J I t. lul gifts showing the esteem and 'V,lk,:.r- M";, s,fHlli's' u M?T love of friends and neighbors. I"-:"'1" Rlw Pd f r-1 !""'?,' Enormous bouquets of gold and "narlon with Mrs A. U. bronze chrvsanlhemums. yellow . I,sllm and Ms. M. F. Rice gladioli and' vellow rosebuds were'"1"? ,h Mrs. Clar- sent fcy lriends in honor of the lvl amP ndu Mrs. Wayne occasion Rice assisting with the serving. The most unusual part of the Mrs. Kd Raiiigan had charge of entire celebration was the orig-l11"' lillr'"K ,h" aflornm)!!. Inal wedding partv being together In the evening, aliei natlng In lor the affair. Rev. John Paw- pouring were Mis. II. C Wells, son, pastor of St. Ooige's L'pis lMis. Roy Bellows, Mrs. II. L. conal church In Kosehurc .W'Stiidlcv of Agaie Beach, and years ago, and who married the I Mrs. Kdgar Lew is, w ith Miss Rices, came from IVirtland as did Rosa B. Parrot I and Mrs. V. K. he bridesmaid, Mrs. Dora Nil- Chapman cutting the wedding kins Bolter. The best man, Stan-! cake. Serving were Mrs. R. D. lev L. Kidder, of Rosebiirg. feels Coen. Mrs. Albert Hegel. Mrs. L. he Is most fortunate to be In K. Flos and Mrs. John Young. Roseburg as he was held a pris- Mrs. Phil llarth had charge of oner of the Japanese at Santa the gifts. The guest book was In Tomas In the Philippines during charge of Mrs. A. G. Mennlrcer World War II. I"nd Mrs. Frederick J. Porter. The day Itself was perfrct with Mis. J. A. Harding was in charge nice warm sunshine throughout iof the serving during the eve Ihe afternoon. The serving table nlng. Wayne Rice. Ford Slngle wai arranged on the veranda for ton and IV! McKay also assisted the afternoon serving hours, andiW'i'h the affair. In the dining room for the eve-, The table was centered with a nlng reception. Guests called large Victorian glas bell filled from two-thirty to five o'clock In with pale gold colored rosebuds the afternoon and from seven-'and flanked by everlasting gold thirty until ten In the evening. Irandles In three-tiered candela The Rices' ton ln-law and hi a. The candles were the gift daughter, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. from lawson's Jewelry, when Helliwell, and their son, James Mrs. Rice was chosen as the Helliwell, received the guests. hrldeoltheweek on their KRNR Mrs. Charles B. Wade was In radio program the Thursday eve ning preceding the celebration. Two beautiful wedding cakes, die orated with gold rosebuds were served. The bridal party, relatives and out-of-town guests were enter tained at a six o'clock buffet sup per at the beautiful home of Dr. and .Mrs. Charles B. Wade, resid ing next door to the Rices, close friends for many years, i Mrs. Rice wai lovely In a black afternoon gown of chllfon and 'lace. Her bridesmaid, Mrs. Dora 'W'llklns Bolter, wore an after noon dress of jade green. They ihoth wore orchid corsages. Mr. Rico, Rev. Mr. Dawson and Mr. i Kidder wore yellow rosebuds in 'thoir lapels. Sirs. Ho'liwell wore jan afternoon dress of horizontal sniped taffeta in soft Iiridoscent I hues. Blanche Aiitenrioth, daughter 'of Mr. and Mrs. Kriward Allien 'rieth, was born July 14, 187S. In Yroka, Calif., and moved to Rose ihurg at the age of fifteen. At ' tornev Rice was born to Mr. and ' Mrs. I. F. Rice, of Rice Hill, pio neer Oregon residents. Fehsuary .14, 1ST J. He has resided in Doug las county all of his life. He at I tended school in Oakland. Rose burg and University of Oregon ilaw school In Portland. He has the reputation of being one of the finest lawyers of the state and has been prominent in state ,bar circles during his practice of !law the last 52 years. On his liftieth anniversary practicing law, he was honored by the Doug las County Bar association. He I was formerly a state game com missioner and has been most ac tive in numerous organnatinns and affairs of Kosehurg. Mrs. lK.ce Is known as a most charm- t . ?sj$rjn t , -it . - , fry I l s ' ' J 1 l l i S j , , L . i 1 'f ' ; ... La14Zm it f i w.ai.t;liia-i1warvaTiew- PORTLAND COUPLE SURPRISE HONORED COUPLE Attorney and Mn. Dexter Rice end tha Rev. Mr. Dawion wera overjoyed by the surpriie viiit to the Rice Golden Wedding celebration by Dr. and Mn. Joieph Hailingar and the letter's mother, Mrs. Nell D. Smith, In background of photo above. Dr. and Mrs. Hailinger and Mn. Smith ere very close friends of the Roieburg couple and drove from their homei in Portland to attend the celebration although a appointment forced their return the lame evening. ?! .L-'-'-?;.;-!:c ?-V ' a r r . b ,t M;:at ft tContlnued on rage Sev-en) 4 FRIENDS MEET AT GOLDEN WEODINC RECEPTION With more than 300 p.r.on. in attendance th. Colden Wedding reception at the home of Mr and Mrs. Dexter Rice retulted in much pleeiant viiitieg emong friendi. Pictured above are. from left, Mn. Harold Hoyt, Mn. Edwin Booth Mn Velle Broadway greeting Mrs. E. G. Bolter of Portland; Attorney Rice greeting a gueit, and Mn. John Robimon, whs euiited in receiving gueits during the afternoon hour.!