The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 24, 1949, Page 3, Image 3

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Indian Team
Shows Power
In First Win
Van Horn Shows Class
With 35-Yard Sweep
For First Touchdown
Bill Van Horn and Bob Scott,
Roseburg's slambang halfbacks,
behind much improved line play,
proved to have too much speed
and power (or Coquille's Red
Devils last night as they led the
Indian gridders to a 140 vic
tory. Roseburg's first touchdown
came early in the second period
when Van Horn took off on a
55-yard run around end for the
score. Fullback Frank Weber
Coquille threatened at mid-period
but an incompleted pass end
ed their drive and they punted
Drive Stopped
Roseburg threatened again late
in the period when two first
. downs by Scott and one by Van
-4 Horn brought the Indians to Co-
quille's 15, but the Indians lost
the ball on the eight.
Neither team threatened after
Roseburg's drive late in the sec
ond period and Roseburg led at
the half, 7-0.
The Red Devils kicked off at
the half and Bill Van Horn re
turned to the 40 for Roseburg,
but there the Indians were stop
ped and punted to Coquille. Here
the Ipdians got a break, when
the Coquille safety dropped tne
ball, and Roseburg recovered on
Coquille's 5-yard line. After an
unsuccessful quarterback sneak
by Ron Strlckling, Scott went
over on an off tackle smash
from the two for Roseburg's final
touchdown. Weber again con
verted to make it 14-0. Most of
the playing was In the middle
of the field in the latter part
of the period.
Again Threaten
Roseburg threatened again in
the fourth quarter when Van
Horn made two straight 13-yard
gains to the Coquille 15 but lost
the ball on the 12. Later in the
period, the Indians tried a tricky
double lateral play, from Strlck
ling to Scott to Weber and It
brought them to Coquille's 25,
hut the hall was lost on downs.
Coquille had the ball In her own
territory when the game ended.
Roseburg Coquille
Blanck LE Schweinfurt
Parr LT Scolari
Packard LG Grovea
Boy lea C Plnsjeton
Rausrhert RG .' Wilson
Rowe .. RT Davla
Olson RE Oerding
Striekllnc Q Kay
Van Horn I.H ,, Mulltn
Scott ... RH Parry
Weber ., F Howe
Suba For Roaeburg' Shrum, Coen.
Rtumbo. MrKtnney. Burnett. Wagner,
Lewi, Scofleld, Sconce.
1 3 3 4 F
Roaeburg .. 0 7 7 0 14
Coquille 0 0 0 0 0
By The Associated Prest)
Athland .1.1. Redmond 7.
Red sport .14. Florence 8.
Pendleton 12. Pasco. Wash.. .
Wallowa 4S. Enterprise 12
Junction City If). Independence 0.
Cot t aire Grove 3.1. Sweet Home 0.
Ilniveraity 18, St Mary't 13 (both Eu
gene'. Central Catholic (Portland) 8, Mil
Waukfe 6.
Newber 4.1, Forett Grove 13.
McMlnnvMIe 33, Beaverton 14.
Columbia Prep (Portland. IS, Park
rose 13.
St. Heleni 38. Vernon la 8.
Rainier 20, Seaside 6.
Bruce's Motorcycle
Sales and Service
North Umpqua Road
1949 Harley Davidson 74
Take car as down pay.
1949 Harley Davidson 125
Best offer takes it.
1948 Harley Davidson 45
A good buy.
New Lower Prices
NEW 1949
as low as
Delivered in Roseburg
Rose and Lane Sts. Phone 66
Open Saturdays Till 5:00 P.M.
Trounces Coquille 14to0
Sat., Sept. 24, ,949-The News
High Scores Feature 6-Man
Football Games In County
Douglai county six-man football teams opened their season
by figuring in high scoring games Friday but opposing teams
were usually on the long end of the count.
The Canyonville team stepped
out of its ciass when it Journeyed
to Prospect to absorb a 510 shel
acking. Yoncalla Alums proved
they still had it by pushing across
seven touchdowns and wnackin j
the Yoncalla varsity 45-0. And
Klkton returned from another
non-league affair with Coos River
on the short end of a 3B-14 score.
No exception to the high score
rule was Glendale, which over
whelmed a small Glide team 52
0, to top scoring records for the
week, and Oakland which beat
Riddle, 6 0.
Fumbles Costly
Kumblitis and all around bad
playing was blamed by Canyon
ville Coach Ronald C. Krasky tor
his team's poor showing against
Prospect. Canyonville miscucs,
plus a heavier and stronger op
ponent kept the Douglas county
boys busv trying to keep the score
from mounting any higher. Coach
Krasky had a good word for three
of his boys. Ira Wheeler, Roy
Shuey and Dick Cloud, but prais
ed the play of Prospect's Nelson,
who scored three of his team's
The Yoncalla Alums, compos
ed of several members of countv
championship teams, proved too
big and too fast for their young
er rivals in dropping the varsity
in convincing 450 fashion. The
Grads were granted a request
that the game be shortened to
four, ten-minute quarters which
was, according to one observer,
the reason the score failed to go
Strong on Defense
An excellent display of defen
sive power was exhibited in the
Riddle-Oakland game, according
to Oakland Coach Milban Aubin..
However, he bemoaned his
team's lack of offensive play.
The game's only touchdown
came in the fourth quarter as
Dave Rice took a reverse from
his fellow halfback, Pinky Hold
er, and scooted 12 yards to pay
dirt. The scoring play was set
up by Bob Hill's pass intercep
tion and 35-yard runback, placing
the ball 12 yards from Riddled
goal line.
Oakland nearly scored at the
end of the second quarter, but
with the ball on the Riddle two
yard line, time ran out.
Sutherlin Drops Starter
To Creswell By 13 To 0
Sutherlin dropped Its initial 11
man football eflort against Cres
well Friday afternoon by ab
sorbing a 130 defeat.
Both Creswell scores came on
long ground-gaining plays. Cres
well took a 6-0 halltime lead
when King galloped 25 yards
through the Sutherlin secondary
to score. The touchdown conver
sion failed.
The final scoring play was a
20-yard pass into the end zone
from Dersham to Trueblood. Der
sham converted on a quarterback
sneak through the line for the
extra point.
Twice during the game Suther
lin was within Creswell's ten
yard line, but lacked the power
to score.
A U. S. Navy pilot when he Is
ready to step Into his plane may
have 40 pounds of clothing and
gear on him.
Lloyd's Auto Body Shop
50t Fullerton St. Ph. 1025-J
8 to 6 daily Including Sunday
Complete engine and body
repair on anything with
Guaranteed work . . ,
guaranteed estimates
- Review, Roseburg, Ore. 3
Bowling Scores
Team Standing!
Won Loit
Th Spot Tavern
Peartona Mobil Gaa
vrw -
Dolraa & Mix Bonebendera
Ainri t-rlday Night
VTW. 3. Bonebendera 0; Mobil Gaa 1,
Tha Spot L
High Individual gam won,
jarkiin at. i.
High individual aefiea acora, Gu Spa
koufcky 565.
C. Short 173 181 178 !W0
E. Sargent 170 ISft 145474
A. Jacklin 137 17fi 213 52fl
rreadman 158 181 157497
Total 839 700 891 2030
E Tlngerloa 14 M4 217
B. Root ..1H7 17t 125 471
M. Batt 174 1R2 162518
D. Mentzer 172 1R0 155507
Totals ..
667 703 659 2031
C. Hnpklna 192 1.1S I.W-M
H. Winston -....174 16 14 Run
G. Spakouaky 178 200 1H7 u
S. Short lt5 1S2 178525
Total, 70S 688 S8S 2082
Beuttner 201 125 176 502
Shirtchff 12 15 144 4:u
Mix 177 1 55 1K7 499
Baughman 163 212 167541
665 657 654 1976
Stocky Neilson To Meet
Bear In Wrestling Test
Stocky Kneilson, the Tennessee
grappler, will practically put his
head on the block tonight when
he tackles Ginger, the westling
bear, in the main-event of Sat
urday's wrestling card. The
match will only last 15 minutes,
but fans are predicting that
Stocky won't last that long. Gin
ger has a big reputation for salt
ing away opponents in an awful
Les Welch and Georges Dusette
clash in the semi-final and Pete
Bartu tangles with Al Szasz in
the curtain raiser. Both bouts
will last 45 minutes and should
ho Porkfl'g.
Marriage License
ard A. Gustafson and Mildred Lu
cy Meyer, both of Reedsport.
Divorce Decrees Granted
GRAVES Phoebe L. from E.
E. Graves. Property agreement
DODGEN Laura Masso from
Raymond Dodgen. Custody of
their three children and $75 a
month for their support granted
MILLER Louie Leta from
Steve Miller. Property settlement
MeDONALD Verner F. from
Beth McDonald. Custody of their
three children and $20 a month
support for each granted defend
ant. Property settlement approv
ed. WILDER Naomi from Burton
Wilder. Custody of their one child
and $50 a month support grant
ed plaintiff.
JONAS James A. from Ha Jo
nas. Custody of their two chil
dren granted defendant.
HUNTLEY Agnes G. from Ar
vln L. Huntley. Property settle
ment ratified.
SANDERS Virgil L. from Ar
da E. Sanders. Defendant's for
mer name of Arda E. Jacobs re
stored, and property agreement
Divorce Suits Dismissed
BUSH Grace. E. vs. Morris
MOORE Carl H. vs. Madeline
Me Can. Veller ad Ph SM-J-1
Johnson Sea Horse Dealer
See the QD-10 with Gear Shift
and Mile-MaMer Tank.
Buy on Bank Terma
The largest Landscape com
pany In Douglas county, and
longest established here are
taking orders now for Cat
grading, tilling, lawns, rock
eries, spraying, barnyard fer
tilizers, tree surgery of all
kinds, and plantings.
4 2
4 2 1
3 3 !
i a ,
40 years of Horticultural success is your assurancs
of top quality work. Give your home the best.
So Job Too Small or Too Larye
Jack May Landscape Co.
1350 Harrison St.
Phone 452-J
Van Brocklin Aids
Los Angeles Rams
To Beat Detroit
LOS ANGELES, Sept. 24. (.T)
An untried rookie tied it and a
veteran won it.
And today a splendid Detroit
football team headed east for an
other National league game aft
er suffering a heart breaking
27-24 defeat by the Los Angeles
Rams in their opener.
Norman Van Brocklin, a tall,
cool young man who passed the
University of Oregon to fame
last yeaK was the rookie whose
spectacular throwing tied the De
troit team last night.
Bob Waterfield, the veteran,
was the gent who won the game
with two minutes, 15 seconds to
go, with a perfect field goal boot
from the 46-yard line.
With Los Angeles trailing, 24
17, in the fourth period, Clark
Shaughnessy suddenly dispatched
Van Brocklin to take over Water
field's quarterbacking job. It
was a move of desperation. But
Van Brocklin. making his pro
debut, came through. He clicked
off five out of eight strikes for
live. 10, 32, 11 and 18-for 76
yards, and the last one was a
touchdown throw to Elroy
Hirsch that tied the score at
Soon after the Rams Inter
cepted a pass in enemy territory.
Waterfield and Van Brocklin al
ternated (or three downs, and on
the fourth down from the 46
Waterfield won the game with
a dead-eye place kick.
Drain Outplays
Rugged Oakridge
Team By 12 To 6
Drain outfought and outplay
ed a rugged Oakridge high
school football team last night
to show north Douglas county
fans that they really have a
winning team this year and came
up with a victory that was more
convincing than the 12-6 score
A Drain line, termed by Coach
Bill Chatham as "excellent on
both offense and defense," paved
the way for a pair of Drain scat
backs and built up a two-touchdown
lead going into the final
minutes of the game.
Marvin Swearingen, Drain right
half, scored the initial counter,
after peeling off ground gains
of 30 and 25 yards. The second
touchdown came on an end
around play with Duncan, left
end, carrying the ball 25 yards
to score.
Longest run of the game was
a 40-yard scamper by 100-pound
Earl Simpson, Drain left half.
Lone Oakridge score came aft
er recovering a blocked punt on
Drain's 5-yard line. With the ball
on the Drain one-yard stripe, it
took three tries before Oakridge
backfield ace Bud Beasley could
power through the Drain line.
Primarily a ground game,
Drain's terrific line opened big
gaps in the opponent's front -vail
to shake the backfield men loose
for 14 first downs to Oakridge's
Oregon To Test
Idaho Vandals'
Strength Today
EUGENE, Ore., Sept. 24 (IF)
The Oregon Dticks, co-champions
of the coast conference, test the
new-found strength of the Idaho
Vandals here today in a game
scheduled for 2 p.m. (PST.)
MINNEAPOLIS, Sept. 24 (.fl
Coach Bernie Bierman tested his
1949 Minnesota football team
against the University of Wash
ington Huskies today. For the Go
phers It was the first game of the
season. The Huskies opened with
a victory over Utah last Satur
day. Pre-game discussions made
the Gophers the favorites by from
two to four touchdowns.
PULLMAN. Wash., Sept. 24
(.P Washington State College
was an odds-on favorite this aft
ernoon to win its Pacific Coast
conference football opener from
Montana State university. The
Cougars romped over the Mon
tanans 480 last year but were
upset 1312 in 1917.
ELLENSBURG. Wash., Sept. 74
(P Willamette's Bearcats,
beaten 790 by Idaho In their sea
son's curtain raiser a week ago,
bounced back last night to hum
ble Central Washington college,
News-Review Classified Ads
bring best results. Phone 100.
Tiring Yanks
MllSt Beat SOX
To Keep Lead
Pennant Chances Hinge
On Series, After League
Leader Splits Twin Bill
Aeaoclated Preaa Sport. Writer
The New York Yankees, show
ing signs of weariness, today en
ter the lair of their only road
block to the American league
pennant the Boston Red Sox.
Joe McCarthy's Red Sox, rid
ing a seven-game winning streak
trail the Yanks by two games.
The Yanks have lost two out of
their last three starts to second
division clubs.
McCarthy has his two 20-game
winners, Ellis Kinder and Mel
Parnell ready for the Yank In
vasion. Kinder (22-51 is sched
uled to pilch the series opener
today, with the lefthanded Par
nell 124-7) to go Sunday.
Lefty Ed Lopat i 15-8 1 has been
selected to work for the Yanks
against Kinder with Allie Rey
nolds 17-5) to match skill with
Meet in New York
Following their two-game clash
in Boston the two contenders
will meet again in New York
on Monday to play off a pre
viously postponed game.
Meanwhile, the St. Louis Car
dinals and the Brooklyn Dodgers
resume their pennant bids in the
National league.
The Cardinals, leading the
Dodgers by a half game, enter
tain the last place Chicago Cuos
in a night game while the Dodg
ers play host to the third place
Philadelphia Phils under the
lights at Ebbets field.
Sr. Louis, Brooklyn and the
entire National league were Idle
The Yanks divide a double
header with the last place Wash
ington Senators, losing the ten
Inning opener, 9-8, but bouncing
hack to take the nightcap, 71.
The second game was called after
seven innings because of dark
ness. Two tight games were played.
Virgil Trucks turned in his l!th
victory as he pitched the De
troit Tigers to a 5-0 five-hit vic
tory over Cleveland. The Chicago
While Sox downed the St. Louis
Browns, 41, behind the four-hit
pitching of Randy Gumpert.
PArinr coast i fat.i e
(By Trtt Auociated F reiki
w l,
St-atllt .
San DIpo
San Franciico
Loa Angeles
.51 IB
New York ......
Detroit ......
Philadelphia ..
SI. I,ouli
Washington ....
New York .
Pltt.burKh .
Cincinnati .
Title Quiet Suit Decree
Entered By Circuit Judge
Circuit Judge Carl E. Wlmber
lv has issued a decree favoring
Kenneth R. Van Tassel and Vel
ma It. Van Tassel in a suit to
quiet title brought against Dame
Lyons Reed, Eva I. Reed, Llovd
Knapp, the unknown heirs of E.
Breen and others. The property
is described as lots 4 and 5, sec
tion 22, township 21 south, range
4 west of Willamette Meridian.
Judge Wimberly has issued or
ders dismissing the suit of
E. A. Pearson vs. Harry Griffin,
upon motion of the plaintiff, and
the suit of Theodore Klein vs.
E. L. Clare and E. F. Olllvant,
upon stipulation of the parties.
The four tires on average
automobile's wheels contain
about 800 feet of steel wire.
G. I. Flight Training Is Available
To Any Veteron Who Hos Over 90 Days of Service
Previous to July 1, 1948.
Training is given only in new modern fast airplanes.
Enroll now before your eligibility expires.
Round trip charter trips to all points
Save Time and Money
Try our U-Fly Service and Save up to Vi on your trip
W invite your Inquiries on all your flight problems.
Freight up to 1200 lbs. tken for Immediate shipment anywhere.
Cessna Dealers
Inquire at airport any time for more detailed Information.
Roteburg Airport . Phone 122S J Roseburg, Ore.
With Double Win
Aaeorlated Preaa Sporta Writer
One night after Hollywood
clinched the Pacific Coast league
pennant Oakland sewed up sec
ond place.
me uaks took a twin bill from
Portland, 62 and 32, last night
to make it mathematically Im
possible for third place Sacra
mento to overhaul them.
Rookie outfielder Bill Taylor
made his Oak debut with two
homers and a single, accounting
tor ail tne winners runs in the
second game. The slugging of the
young socker, down from Brem
erton In the Western Interna
tional loop, gave Al Gettel thp
nod over Vlnce Dibiasl in a tight
pitchers' battle.
The Oaks pulled the onener
out of the fire with a five-run
blast In the last half of the
seventh and final inning. Trail
ing 2-1 coming up for their final
bats, the Acorns tied it up and
then saw big Don Padgett blast
one over the fence with bases
loaded to end It with a flourish.
The double-barreled heroics
thrust the Oaks within 31 games
of Hollywood. The pennant win
ners eased up alter winning sev
en straight and Seattle carved out
a 7-2 win. Charley Schanz scat
tered eignt nits, including lrv
Noren's homer, for his 21st vic
tory. His Rainier mates kayoed
Glenn Moulder with live runs
in the third.
Sacramento assured Itself of
clear possession of third place.
Bob Gillespie -checked San Fran
cisco with six hits for a 3-2 vic
tory, the Solon's sixth straight.
It was the eighth defeat In a row
for the Seals. Gillespie notched
his 17th win as his mates ral
lied for a pair of decisive runs
off Harry Feldman in the sixth.
uos Angeles and San Diego
were fogged out at the Harbor
City. A crowd of about 550 fans
waited an hour and a half for
the pea soup to lift, but the man
agement finally had to call it
off and booked a doubleheader
for today.
UCLA Grid Coach Denies
Learning Iowa Secrets
IOWA CITY, la., Sept. 24. l.B
A former University of Iowa
football player slood accused to
day of telling Hawkeye grid se
crets to an opposing coach, who
promptly denied the charge.
Shortly after athletic ofliclals
revealed the alleged plot last
night without naming the "in
former" a two-year letterman,
still a student at the university,
said he is the man accused.
He Is Jim Lawrence, formerly
of Leavenworth, Kans., who play
ed center for Iowa in 1946 and
1947. But he declared his tele
phone calls to Henry (Red) San
ders, UCLA head coach, were
"purely social."
In his statement he was sup
ported by Sanders, whose Uclans
play tne Mawkeyes here this aft
ernoon. Iowa President Virgil Handl
er, commenting on the case, said
a "breach of canons" was Indi
cated. He added that "moral tur
pitude or intent could hardly be
condoned." and that "such a stu
dent would not be Justified In re
ceiving a degree from this uni
versity." Lawrence Is a senior student.
Athletic Director Paul Brech
ler issued a statement expressing
regret over the Incident and say
ing "so far as. we're concerned
the whole affair is closed."
'Bv The Aunriated Preaal
NEW YORK Terry Young. 140. New
York, oulpointed Enrique Bolenoa, 1371,,,
Loa Angctr. 10
MOU-YWOOn Calif Rudv Garcia.
12H. Lo AtiKelei, outpointed Jackie
Blair. I2'l'i, Dallaa. 10.
OMAHA. Neb - Baby Joe Walcott.
1WI',. Omaha, oulpointed Alvln Wll-
lfama, lo2a. Whlchita. 10.
LANDOVER, Md., Sept. 24.
Wi Louise Suggs held a six
stroke etlge over Babe Dldrlckson
Zaharias today as the women's
National Open Golf tourney pass
ed Its halfway point.
Men of the U. S. Navy con
sumed more than 400.000 tons of
meat during World War 11.
Over Million
Fans To Watch
Football Games
NEW YORK, Sept. 24.-UP)
More than a million and a half
fans are expected to turn out
today for the first big Saturday
of college football.
It's an outpouring such as the
the sport seldom sees In Sep
tember, with five games assured
of crowds in excess of 50,000
if the weather Is favorable.
Tha biggest, flock a capacity
P7.1XX) is being counted on 10 at
tend the meeting of Michigan,
tne mytnlcal national champion,
and Michigan State at Ann Ar
bor. Michigan olficials sav 100,-
000 may finally jam into the en
larged Wolverine itadium.
Playt Trojans
lhe days intersecllonal head-
liner, Navy against Southern
California, ii expected to lure
75,000 to this battle of upsclters
at Lot Angeles. The midshipmen
tied Army and tne Trojans (lie
with Noire Dame's Irish, a notch
behind Michigan In the 1948
rankings, pre host at South Bend
to Indiana. This intrastate feud
Is a 56,000 sellout.
Southern Methodist' South
west Conference champions play
Wake Forest, the rugged Deac
ons from the Southern confer
ence, before an anticipated 55,
000 at Dallas.
More than 50,000 are figured
to watch Harvard and Stanford,
two onetime grid greats striving
to regain the upper tier, tangle
In another Intersectlonal leature
at Palo Alto, Calif.
Other games expected to draw
close to 50.000 are North Caro
lina vs. North Carolina State
at Chapel. Hill, Northwestern vs.
i'uroue at bvanston, Llemson vs.
Rice at Houston and Vanderbilt
vs. Georgia Tech at Atlanta.
The leature game on last
night's program, Oklahoma
against Boston College, was
washed out by rain at Boston
and was rescheduled for tonight.
Oklahoma's Sugar Bowl champs
are expected to find a real scrap
on their hands.
Boston University rallied with
two third period touchdowns to
subdue Syracuse before 25,000 on
tne latten Held, 33-21.
Georgia started slowly but
picked up fast to whip Chatta
nooga at Athens, Ga 42-6. Wash
ington and Lee upset favored
Furman, 27-7. Detroit came from
behind twice to repel Tulsa, 20
14, In the Detroiter's first Mis
souri Valley conference football
Authorized Dealer For
(Utility basement) (Floor Units 29" deep)
Phone (41
are real bargains because...
Toa owe It to yourself to see a Ford Tractor
perform. We will arrange that performance for
you; yoa name Ih. spot and w will put the Ford
Tractor throush Irs pares. Whet's more we will
let you operate It yourself. There will be no
chtrge and no obligation for this demonstration.
44 at A. "Pitt VvfUtfutfi awi "pv
12S S.' Pine Phone 614-J
La Grande Tigers
Show Strength;
Medford Winner
Aaeoclateel Preaa Staff Writer
The La Grande Tigers became
the most prominent candidate for
the 1949 state high school foot,
ball championship today.
The Tigers whomped their third
straight opponent last . night to
become the highest scoring team
in the state averaging 50 points
a game. The latest victim was
Ontario, which was beaten 47-6.
The defending state champion.
Grants Pass, gave notice it would
not relinquish the title easily.
The champs trounced North
Bend, 26-7.
There are other strong teams
In the running, too. Medford
bowled over Tillamook, 47-0; Mo
Minnvllle walloped Beaverton,
35-14; Hlllshoro defeated Oregon
City 25-0; Hood River trimmed
Sandy, 350. In a game the dav
earlier. Eugene downed Spring
field, 26 0.
There were a few surprises last
night. Marshfleld was held to a
tie by Myrtle Point, 1414. Leban
on also held Albany to a dead'
lock, 6-6. Corvallls showed grow
Ing strength by nosing out Bend,
Portland schools drew a paid
attendance of 28,378 for their an
nual Jamboree, In which each
school plays one quarter. The
games will be completed Monday.
The quarter scores: Lincoln 6,
Jefferson 0; Roosevelt 13, Ben
son 0: Grant 7, Washington 0;
Cleveland 0, Franklin 0.
(By The Auociated Praaal
National League
B a 1 1 1 n Roblnann. Brooklyn, .343;
Slaughter. St. Loula,-.242.
Runa batted In Kiner. Plttabursh,
122: Roblnann. Brooklyn. 121.
Home runa Klner, Plttabursh. 82 1
Muhlal. St. Loula, 24.
Pltrhtn(Roe. Brooklyn. 14-S, .T3TS
Branca, Brooklyn. 13-3. .722.
American Leasee
Batting-, Boaton, .343; Kelt,
Detroit, .342.
Runa batted In Williams, Boaton, 1SS;
Strphena, Boaton. 132.
Home runa Williams. Boaton, 41;
Stephen!. Boaton. 30.
Pttching-Klnder. Boaton, 23-S, .SIS;
Parnell, Boaton, 24-7, .774.
The Star Spangled Banner was
legally designated as the national
Rnthem bv act of Congress on
March 3. 1931117 years after it
was written.
with'al y
Designed and built by Disiton,
America', foremost taw manu
facturer, this It the taw you
need to lower your cottt and
ttep up your production. It's
easy to operate, and built for
trouble-free tervice.
let us give you all the facts
about the Diitton Chain Saw
with Mercury Catoline Engine.
Come in and talk it ever.
120' S. Stephens
Phone 279
850 C. 1st St.
Demonstration em ycvV fcr..i