Want Ads Wtwli like Anits-Tfoev Toil Till Their Work is Done CLASSIFIED RATH i p " are " 2 . Real Estate Henry C. Kelley, Realtor Highway 99 At Sutherlin SAFE BUYS NOW HANDY TO SCHOOL S-Rom fibtn on Oxino foot lot Between center of autherltn end .rhool,. Immrina poe euion. Only 11.300 full price. ONE MILE TO CITY LIMITS 4-room home with ihow and wire lor electric range Good drilled well, elee trtc pump. Barn, lar.ie. chicken houM. On 9 acre, of food Und. Toul price $3.700 Wrmi. J NICE HOMES One 12x20. the Other 4X.12. modern. On 7x204 foot lot. Tull price U.77S. ,-BEDEOOM HOME. Built In 1M. mod ern, un auxiM niu, iui. .... ............ lently located. Priced at M.OOO. only 91,000 down. HOME. RANCH AND RESTAURANT. 10 acre, nicely located on hifhwiy w i L'nhellevable Price of only 7.500. Terma. t'NREATABLI FARM VALUE. 09 aeree. beat farm land, all in cultivation Nice 5-room modern homa. 24xao chicken houe. email barn. Water eup plv from drilled well, electric pump. Well worth the price of S10.0O0. DANDY OLD ESTATE. 300 acre aetata j Omy 14 miles irIii nu uuiw. " a--ree of fine farm land, mostly river bottom, (.'table building. On good road, with electricity; unlimited soft ennff water piped to house and ham Can be bought for 313.000; only .000 down. We expect price to advance again tn ISM. Henry C. Kelley. Realtor BANK BUILDING, SUTHERLIN Open Sunday Closed Saturday! . We Are In Our New Location 1701 N. Stephens Ph. 1680-J LISTINGS WANTED WE HAVE THE CASH BUYERS FOR GOOD LISTINGS. THIS IS A GOOD BUY 3 bedroom new home lUftt completed 63x120 lot. 61.000 dn full price tfl.ooo Owner will carry bal. on terma to suit. MODERN HOME with 3 bed rmi , Hv. din , kit., bk. nook and utility rm. Also 2 rm. modern cottage in rear that rent for 5-15 00 mo. In city ilmlta. AU for 68.000, $2,000 dn. Good term on balance. 30 ACRES all tillable 3 rm. modern house with front and back porches, garage and fairly large barn on paved Hw , all for 85,000. dn. payment and terms to suit. 38 ACRE RANCH nice modern home 40x60 barn, chickrn hnu. 3 wells, 2iK turkevs, 200 chicken. 2 cow. 2 calve. 1 saddle horse, lots nir frutt trees, all for 66.500. 83,000 dn. Bal. 850. per mo. inc. int. NICE 3 RM HOUSE on Winchester St. with 6 Bldg. lou, all for 65775. Terma ery for inventory and fixture. No phone Information, pleaae. Williamson Real Estate 1701 N. Stephen! Phone 16M-J The Home Of Fine Ranches MELROSE 22 acre. 30 tillable, fenced and cross fenced. 5-room modern home. barn, hen house, etc. 1300 6750 down, eary term. 16 ACRES 6 tillable, good well, nice Sarden, 2 -bed room home, large hen ouse, near store. chool. 64-Htt only S12no down, easy terms. 108 ACRES. W. wire fenced, on good road. Elec. available. 2 creeks, good well, old barn. Fruit, 30 acres creek bottom soil. 64500. term. 750 ACRES One mile from town. 300 acre tillable. Modern plastered B-room home. Good barn, creek. AU fenced, ictn.ono. terms. S-BEDROOM city home, with large free soil lot, bordering on river. Roomy garage, near Junior high. Priced to Sell at 6W300 Terms. WEST SIDE HOME Thi nice modern two'hedroom home on a very large lot i65 by 1.10, has tub and shower, awning, flowers, elec. water heater and' could have two more rooms In the attic, aluo has garage with utility room. Priced at $8250 with onehatf down, NEW MOTEL New Motel with 9 rent als, Gas Station, in city limits of live ly town, with quite a large hiway frnmage. This Is an excellent buy at 621.000 with good term. Jack Realty, Realtor PHONE M0- J 5l S STEPHENS Llovd wuon - Saleamen - Henry Handy GOOD DEALS I BEDROOM HOME, brand new. large front room, with a very nice kitchen, attached garac In nice suburban lo cation. 7f0 00 down to G. 1. Others 61500. Total price 67200. TWO BEDROOM HOME at Dfllard new very modernistic with two bed rooms large front room nice full bath, anti room, very pleasing yard with flower- -cloe to new school Price 6454(0 Will trade for a couple of acre land. DUPLEX CLOSE IN oldr style bring ing good money every month; will pay for itself and give you a nice month ly check. 66600. with 61600 down. BOOMING HOUSE right in Roseburg s PUIinCH Ollllll l. w u: j a apt eauu nun rtntalt : a money maker and onl 612..VO with very reasonable down payment. i THREE BEDROOM older tyl home. 3 bloc from Jackson; fine free soil lot fl2oo with 61300 down, has all utilities and on sewer. ACREAGE- T OTS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Lehman Real Estate 414 Nth. Jackson Ph 722-J We Can Help With the Down Payment Trade 13 ACRES with river frontage for votir equity in a cit- or suburban homa. Gie or take difference Hayden H. DeCamp, Realtor 7 8 Stephens Street Phone 173-L When It s Reai Estate tn Mrtlt Crtefe and South Douglas Co Winston & Wynter Realtor MYRTLE CREEK.. Ore PHONE 4a Always Have It Surveyed Jtm Daughertv theengineer Pn 7 R APPROXIMATELY 1 acre on South Umpoua rner: 4-room. mooern nuu- fireplace. 3 room cabin, garage. .- . niimn 8 Trull i tree, strawberries, lawn, hedge Hr- t old Yo-t. 3 miles South of Roseburg on Tipton Road. Real Estate LOCATION Minute from down town Roseburg. In another world from the hustle and but tie of industrial and business activity. Na turally beautiful rolling terrain hat been divided Into Large lots by con toured itratti paved for perma nence and cleanli ness, with each lot affording a view Cloverdale Park la Roseburg's largest and m 4 fui suburb. CONSTRUCTION FOUNDATION. continuous eon rrrte FLOOR JOISTS, on 16" centers, PUB'fraded. No. 1 and better CEILING JOISTS on 16" center. 2" K PUB trade d. numoer 1 or better WALL STVD DINGS. on 16" center. 1" a 4" PLIB traded. No. 2 or better. DOUBLE WALL construction, papered or painted inside wall. Reynold Alumi num foil Insulation, wood eheeunf. building paper, siding PLUMBING AND WIRING according to CEILING INSULATION of Klmaul In baits WINDOW GLASS are exceed FHA rO- quiiriiiriin. WINDOW VENTILATION ditto. ATTIC VENTS lomered FOUNDATION VENTS screened. INSPECTIONS BY APPOINT MENTS WATER HEAT ER. Rheem C gal electric FURNACE. TO.. 000 BTU. oil forced air, aulo marie, spun glaaa nitereo. WINDOW SCREENS. Rvlock aluminum. DOOR SCREENS, front and rear. WINDOWS, Lock wood, "non-stick, float' ng aath". weather stripped. DOOR BELL, front and rear. DOOR LIGHT, front and rear. GUTTERS DOW " SPOUTS, aluminum. BATH TUB. Brlggs, "non-skid." SHOWERS in every bath. FIRF PLACES, eenulne "Heatilator". LAWNS, planted and tended to first cutting. 14 PIMANr.P FHA financ ing on low Interest, low ment. long term scneauies. or -''-TRACT financing fnr as little a 65O0 down, or NO DOWNPAYMENT special arrangement. "Live in Cloverdale Park" Drive out now or phone for tranpor tatlon. It doesn't cost a dim to look. FIES AND CLUTE REALTY Exclusive Agent Phone 15M Open 10 a. m. p. m. Cloverdale Office Open Dally Including Sunday DO YOU WANT A CLOSE-IN FARM? Here Is a place all ready to move into, even furniture. 'No lock or equipment. 2.15 acres with about 50 tillable Balance Is fine pasture land. Dandy five room home include a full base ment, furnace, fireplace, plas tered, hardwood floors. It is a lovely home with good modern lines Inside and out. Located on paved highway, only about 20 minutes from Rose burg. 612, 000. Easy term. JUST A WESTSIDE DANDY A huge lot with full lawn seta this attractive home off nice ly. Two nice bedroom with plenty of space Kitchen and di nette are combined The front room ha pretty wallpaper de sign on walls with a plastered ceiling and velvety carpet on the Uoor Nice bath. large utili ty and attached garage Picture window. Heated with ga wall furnace units. Flowers. hruh and felting are something ou'd be proud to own. 10 wi'h 61000 down- Balance can be paid like rent. rqsEBURG REALTY ar INSURANCE CO. Umpo.ua Hotel Lobby Realtors 1 9 Herirrwtm modern home Close Dining room, living room, kitchen. hath Mnfi fnf Not new but gnnd condition. Paved St. sidewalk 4400 00 61500. dn. Term. 2. Extra good 3 bedroom house on 1fl, close in. Large living room. Kitch en, hath, basement, furnace Land 142x342. if iou want a good house see this one, 610.500 00 term. 3, 3 bedroom house good condition and well located, large living room, kitch en, bath, utility and fruitroom. ga rage, 2 large lot only 67000.00 term. 4. 2 bedroom house, modern, close In. , basement, good garden lot .Vorion, garage, a food buy for 6425000. Terms WE HAVE OTHER GOOD BUYS, see us before you buy. Paul H. Krueger, Realtor A U TAYLOR. SALESMAN I'M g, Stephens Phone 216 Hoseburg, Oregon 2 TWIN 6-ROOM bungaiow. hardwood floor, all modern Double cement drlvewav and garage Lot 90x300 ft . industrial part of town Worth 616. 0po Full price 8!0.5no. 67 500 cah. balance terms Call 624-J. if no an ser call 456-Y EASY TERMS, or will take trailer house as down pavment 3 acre with un finished house and small barn 8 E. of town. 2 mile. See Jacfc Butler. Rn'ehurg Feed A Seed Co. Oak St Spruce S'l. rnn SALE Two bedroom, modern home well-loce'ed on bus line. lon 10 ft . mce lawn My equity and ba'anre. x W month. 16 Miller Lane Off East Douglas. IS J5 d 4 Inspector FkalrVsvV ' flrianc V vtflSS,, Inspectors arW j-ov &&Ji ' general I rnViS-a contractor M "H 1 t (lpC7. Inspector I 1 "rl V of Rose- I 1 'eafW burg TV 1 1 77 n ? 0 m ' l V'' yl Inspector pendently. i home buyer. Real Estate DUPLEX. In good location. Near school. Modern. Partly furnished Inc. electric stove. 2 refrigerators, dining sets, davenports, chair. MxWO lot Beau tiful shade tree. A real buy at 6.500.00, 61000.00 down. DANDY 4 ROOM HOUSE Funilhed Close In Lot 75xino. Near school 4t shop ping center. 65000- Only 6750 00 down. 16xM CABIN on MxWO lot. Cloae In. Now vacant. Possession at once. Only 61300 00. BEAITIFUL COUNTRY HOME 3 bed room: large living room, fireplace; kitchen; dining room, utility room; garage; large chicken house mew. Good well. Electric pump 4 acre good soil. On paved road. School bus. Daily inalL 6&0O0.00, 1 ROOM CABIN. 1 acre on paved road. City water, electricity. Only 6&O000. Term. NEW CABIN, nearly finished City water, electricity. 50x100 lot. Close in. Possesion at once. Only 61300.00. Terma ' DANDY 3 BEDROOM modern home, furnished Close in. 100x100 lot. 60000.' 00. 61400 00 down. 63 ACRES on river. No building. Beautiful location on paved road. El ectricity available. Also city water available. Water for irrigation. A real value for 64650 00. Terma. SUTHP.RL1N need a Second Hand store. Make an offer oi; building located on Main street. Possesion at ence. 10 ACRES on Hwy m. 15-room house. 10 room house. Large chicken house. FamMv orchard Good soil. Real .value at 66500.00. 61000.00 down. 4M ACRE STOCK aV DAIRY RANCH. Stocked at equipped Good diary herd. Plentv of farm land. GotmJ modern home. Large bam 4r Grade "A" dairy. On all year stream, 6J0, 000.00. Terma. GROCERY STORE on buy comer In fast growing community. Owner state over 640OOO0 per month business Liv ing quarters. Modern- (21.000.00. Terms. Paul H. Krueger, Realtor BRUCE TAYLOR. SALESMAN OPPOSITE CITY HALL SUTHERLTN, OREGON PHONE 971 L 14-A. RICH PRODUCTIVE FREE SOIL. Motlv cleared All level except high er spot Just the right lie for build ings. Year round live stream. Sub Irngatcd o that it produced heavy crops even thi year. Choice apples, plums. On good county road only 2 Mi. from pavement. B Mi. from Roie burg 15 Mkn. drive from two of the largest plants in Douglas County. New building 12x24 that ran be lived in while you build your house. Ideal for lovely productive country home con veniently located for schools, stores and a Job If desired. Widow must sell. U4.950 and EZ Terms. 320-A. STOCK FARM. Lota of water and belt of graring. some is rolling but none ia sleep. 40 A. cult., bal. pas ture with appro million ft of sale able timber. Good family orchard. Modem ft room house, guest house, garage. 3 good barn, one small barn and a good cabin. Completely fenced and cross fenced with woven wire. Fences are in very good condition. Dea'h of husband force this sale 610.000 wHh 62.000 Dn., Bal. ft.ooo per vr U ACRES on Highway No. 43. 13 miles from Roseburg. Rich level free soil Lots of water "for house stock and garden from good electric pressure system. AIo good year round creek mm throuah the rear of thi Dime. Three good cabin. 3-rm house under construct ion. New barn, 'd brooder house for 1.5on chicks each. Large chicken house not (arm Irom log a in operations and sawmills. Good loca tion if you are logging or sawmillim Also Ideal set-urt fnr the chlrkei butiness. S5.950. 61.500 Dn.. Bal. 750 per yr. CITY AND- suburban lota and building sites. 6800 00 and up. 6100 dn., small monthly pa.vDienta. 302 ACRES located 2fc miles out of Drain: 125 acre cleared, 40 acres cul tivated and 50 acres of timber. 7 good springs, lot ot water. H room nouse. big 42x72 ft. barn with storage for l.V) tons of hay. In good condition. Chicken houe, other bldg. 1 milk cow, 40 hens and pullet, rake, mower. harrow, hay w aeon, cream separator. Price 67.750 and KV5nn down Balance 6600 per year Including Interest. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FRED Ll'MM SALESMAN Phone 433-J-X or JAMES L. PAYNE. BROKER Phone. 1501 112 Brock way St. Only 6'ono down buys a lovely three bedroom home well lo cated In Oakland. Thi Is one of of those buy that seldom cornea along Located one block from the new high school. See It today. 1500. Mavhe a Mttle lest ihan 11000 down will be satis factory. 6790 down will buy you S't acre on a good street with city water, lights and convenience. All level land, modern house and ome nvit building. Total price only 65250. $750 down and 6250 every six months pay menu. Oakland Branch ROSEBURG REALTY A INSURANCE CO. Across from Bank Valley Real Estate Agency New home 3 bedrooms, bath, living room, kitchen Plastered Interior, stuc ' coed, oak floor; the best In construc tion. Concrete foundation. H5.500 qual ity. Owner leaving city. Says sell 64.750. or 64.475 cash. Will carry state GI loan. Valley Real Estate Agency 115 West Cass Street Phone 846 FOR SALE 10-acre modern farm, building and fences white. Other fence new. River bottom soil, or chard. 18 walnut tree. 2 young heif ers freshen in spring Out Garden Valley Road, turn at Piversdale school and store One mile down Riversdale road. Clyde Goodman. Rt 2. Box 224. Surveys Maps Plans Percy C Armstrong Civil engineer 11 So. Main St. Ph. S17-RX SACRIFICENew 3 B R. nous, best of suburban locations, near river: hardwood floor througnout. landscap ed, lawn started 87750. with terms; les to person with 62750. for down pa mentPh IflflR-J-l. MUST SELL before Oct. 10th81 750 down. New 3-bed room house, attached ga rage, plentv built-ins and closets, beautiful hardwood floors. Insulated, gas floor furnace- Near Vet's Facility. Full price 87!.-i0 Phone 3R1-J-4 MAKE AN OFFER' Some family will be luckv! Come A Inspect this excel lent ranch with beautiful home' Own ers business elsewhere C Swanson, Shoestring Road.Riddle, Oregon. HOUSE. 8fui0 down. SKiS per month. 81800 full price Vernon C Green. Rt 2. Box 3ft-J. Roseburg. Highway M. No. FOR SALE by owner. 3-bedroom home. West Roseburg Also small apartment with separste Income 67250, 62500 down term. Phone 10B7-L.. FOR SALE in Canyonville. two lota in Mt. Reynolds addition, on paved road, lights, water and sewer avail able. Phone 7.I7-L. Boseburg TWO BEDROOM house, modern with ' baement On 'i acre. 83 100 cash North W to Sunset Market, right. ; tat onleft W.CGood , FOR SALE 9 acre view property Look right in airport. Will take car or trailer house in trade Full price 62A75, terms. Phone 65-R-3 40 ACRES for sale, imsll rabins. 12 miles out Will lake Jeep as down pavment. C Clark. 1st cabin Fred Trailer Prk. Gard-n ValleyRoad. ROADSIDE CAFE. Oakland. Oregon Across from mill working 24 hours a dev. nines of son. forced to sell Terms COTS FOR SALE' City ater and lights available. Lod down na ment Eugene r) irlennur Phone 730-J-5 ACREAGE FOR SALE 4 miles south Rosenurg on old highway. Inquire at place. Mr. R. R Reif. They'll Do It Every SEE?IT WOBBLES- U IT NEEDS JUST A ) ft Little takes off f 0NELES. BUT BE J a CAREFUL. ITS A A HOW A DOES Real Estate Buy While Prices Are Low YOUR DREAM HOME in the country with nearly acres oi tne very nnesi bottom oil on ihe river. The house Is new and soundly constructed, there are 3 generous sized bedroom, nice bath, large living room with dining alcove, handv kitchen, utility it dou ble garage The other feature are a clr. fireplace, Venetian blinds, gas flo-tr furnace, all hardwood floors, fully plastered and Insulated. The price is reasonable at 615,750, terms If desired. 1000 DOWN for a better westslde home. rnis piace is nae new ww. rooms and bath, attached garage. Venetian blinds, wall 10 wall carpet ing. 3 panel ray wall furnace, plas tered at papered, insulated. AOxinO free soil lot with lawn, shrubs and trees. A buy for 610. 500. CLOSE-IN ACRE Modern 3 -bed room house and garage, nice snaae ire-. citv water A bus service: thi family knmi ! well wor-i h vnur investiga tion Priced below cost at AW0. 62850 down. YOU SHOULD SEE thi Immaculate home near the Meirose no u was constructed by a very reputable build er, the large living room haa a cozy clr. fireplace, there are shiny hard wood floors tn ail the room. 3 big bedrooms, tiled bathroom with tub A shower, well arranged kitchen wlfh plen'v of bullt-ins. breakfast nook, utility, oversized garage, a new vel vetv lawn In front and back beside other landscaping and walka which are complete in every detail. Priced right at 611. BOO. 61350 DOWN and move right Into this 3-bed room city home with a 50x175 lot bordering on the river. There Is a part basement with laundry facili ties St garage, the yard leading to the beautiful river frontage is In a setting of berries and fruit trees. Priced for quick sale at 6&5O0. WE ALSO HAVE A FINE SELECTION OF RIVTR AND CREKK FRONTAGE ACRES. USUALLY THE TERM5 CAN BE ARRANGED TO SUIT THE BUY ERS. Hayden H. De Camp, Realtor 740 S. Stephens Street Phone 173-L Live Listings CHOICE LOCATION near new munld- fial pool. Attractive homes surround ngs apparently home owners of the better class. Well kept yard. The interior of this newer home Is Im maculate; central heating; has part basement Two bedrooms, could have three. 84)500 toul price. Cash to loan, or FHA terms May be purchased completely furnished ELEVEN ACRES near Melrose, well lm- R roved with modern one bedroom ome. large garage, barn. Land is fenced, near level, pressure water system 85750. Owner might consider 6500 down navment. NEW S BEDROOM home five blocks to shopping district. Nearly lftoo square feet of floor space, half basement. A dandv home in a better location and modettlv priced at 615.000. Term, lotto DOWN buys 2 year old home 4 mile south of city limits. On con crete foundation: hi dining room, full bath. 2 bedrooms, tevel lot. Im mediate possession. 84100 total price. SIX ACRES of choice Dillard land bor der, ne the 8 UmDoua river with lovelv new home of outstanding con struction. This home hss manv fea tures to satisfy the particular buver. Two Urre bedrooms. Insulated, fire place, double garage. 815,750 full price Terms WESTSIDE HOME, nicely landscaped n fumica heattne. overhead outlet. insulated, plastered: dining room. 2 bedrooms, utility, garage. 6A5O0. 82900 down pavment. TWO ACRES on Buck horn road with large starter nouse. rrameo in shakes for siding, water. 82250. 81000 down oavment 8700 DOWN to state vet on new 3 bed room home near Green. Weil arranged home, attached garage, level lot, close to school. 87200 total price. SEVERAL .3 bedroom home in the 68000 price range to chose from. Stanley E. Short Realtor 114 West Lane St Phone 10A3-R HOMES FOR HAPPINESS! Just about the finest three bed room home we've seen for age. The house presents a pretty pic ture from the paved street in the south end to town. The rounded front entrance lend you Into a very nlre living room with wall-to-wall carpets which disappear Into the dining room. Three ample sized bedrooms open from a hall handv to the bathroom. One bedroom with an outside entrance can be con verted to a den for hubbv. The kitchen Is conveniently close to the dining room and utility. There Is an Inside entrance to the garage and game room over head. The landscaping Is excel lent, the lawns are green, and you will be happv In this home for 812.300 with terma We are fortunate to have this hom in a restr.cled district to offer you where you get a full dollar value 'Not Pound Ster ling Two large bedrooms and a grand sired living room with large windows on one end and French doors opening onto a patio at Ihe -other Smokeless fireplace and builtin bookcases. Dining room, nice kitchen, at tached garage with utility Large lot. citv bus servtce This arlto crat Is located a couple of miles out, the other In the city This one Is 68Q50 with good term. Take your choice. ROSEBURG REALTY A INSURANCE CO. Umpqua Hotel Lobby Realtor For Sale Or Trade For farm or acreage near Roseburg, 15 acres and 2 house at Wolf Creek. Oregon , on new Wi Highway. Good drilled well. presure stem, rented for 840 per month. Phone 239-R-X-4. Koterturg FOR SALE 3 bedroom house at Win ton with or without acreage Rea aonably priced with terms. Ph. 1571-Y. S. VALUABLE ftA Caw ANTIQUE- ) V Time 1 W in Wfc-r u I LEAVE THIS TO ME WHAT CO KU THINK I INVEST IN S0OO TOOLS POff? WATCH CRAFTSMAN HIS STUFF- Real Estate CHOICE LOTS In a very good building location. Priced to sell Also a few fine North Umpo.ua River lota for sale BEAlTTIFtrL six acre tract on the river. New three-bedroom home, living room with circulating fireplace, dining area, well arranged kitchen, utility room and double garage. A gardener's par adise. WELL LOCATED, near V A., three-bedroom home, modern features, oil fur nace. Cacy's Real Estate 303 W, Casa St. Phone 137T-J Home Phone 1012-R FOR SALE Small, modern house, to be moved. Detster, Pag Road, Winches ter. Loans MONEY 6tft t?5 650 675 6100 6300 6300 UP TO 6500 Borrow on your salary All steadily em- ployed men ana women may quamy tndav for a salary loan up to 8.100 -whether you're in a new lob or an old on Borrow on your ear or furniture. Vow furniture or auiomonne man excei lent security st Local Loan -paid for or not Up to 6300 on your furniture up to 6500 on your car Special "Pay Day" Loans. 810. 825. 650 losnen uu ray way or ioni rmj only for the actual numoer oi oi you keep the money 606 costs 18c tor one weak. No other charges. Phone for your Loan LOCAL LOAN CO. t-eo Sevy, Mgr. 835 No Jackson Phone 1173 Lie. 8-376: M 353 Roseburg LOANS UP TO $300 Os) Four Signature. Furniture ar Livestock UP TO $500 n vmir sniamnhlls matd for. or not) Loans made quickly, privately for any worthwhile purpose sucn as Unexpected expenses Medical and Dental bills Vacation expenses Consolidate debt Re-financing When you borrow get your money from the Company that makes it convenient to borrow and convenient to repav Lower payments now available up to 30 montns to repay. CALKINS FINANCE CO. 308 Douglas Counts- State Bank Bids pnone son. M-3.TT State Lie - 8-384 Wanted - Wanted Bttf. VEAL. AND PORK Fred Boyer Phone m-lt-l. or 40, R-s or writ Route 1. Wowriiirt Will Pay. Cash W Biry used furniture, all tvpes Call all tvp lone 180 at 444 NO. J season, mono iow The Bargain House WANTED Yourfavorlte handmade ar ticle to ell on consignment. The Clover. 4 block! W of Fairhaven. Mel rose Rosd. Call 444-J-4 for tnforma- WANT TO RENf 3-bedroom. unfur- nished house, reasonable. Couple snd Write Box 13, News-Re WANTED Electric brake control that connects from csr to trsller house, I mile East Douglas. Route I. Box Li. WANTED TRANSPORTATION for 2 from Dillard to nosenurg nn n Mnndav through Friday. Call 6M-J-X WANTED Junk, all kinds; cooper, brass, aluminum, lead, rags, batteries. Bob's Salvage Yard, itt N. Stephens. V ANTED Furniture, sewing machine and tools Anvthmg sf value, -nvaie party Phone BVVR-T CALL Al's for a fair bid on your fur- nlture Al's Furniture Center. 814 Win- Chester St Phone 1127-8; WANTED TCT BUY All kinds of ture Let us hid on your house of fur n.ture c.i. 3-R at m,N J.ckn 8 WANTED -Pisno for Winston Communt - ty Hall. Anyona h.vlng same. c WANTED TO BUY- Hides. West rn nnnne Tmi Business Opportunities Experienced Shoe Shiner Hotel Grand FINANCIALLY RE9PON8IBLI By Jirrimy Hatlo JriAsr report stEzt HE HAD LEVELED IT PRACTICALLV TO THE 13 fH 6R0UNO"ANDITWAS -JM I STILL ROCKY" 4V. I eoea. isex us tmtrm t .-tcATt. w. wruia near im' L Help Wanted Wanted Auto Mechanics Service Salesman ALSO SERVICE FLOOR HELPER NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Lockwood Motors MAN AND WIFE, free lo travel north- west, i-cmome pleasure wnn finan cial Independence. Work is steady year around, and you build a con stantly growing clientele icom mission basis'. This is a proposition that has dignity and tne Decking oi ine van ous communities in which you tern porartly live We have five openings only, so writ at once if you wish to ne interviewea. write nm it News-Review, and please stale tele phone numher sight- pays you up to 100 cah New profit' Religious, Humorous, PLASTICS, Kiesia. Everyday, ImDrinted Nankins. Floral others. "Leader'' on approval, plus FREE Imprint samples. STYLART, U'O Samee, Dept 52, Los Angeles 55. Calif. Wanted Experienced Studebalcer Mechanic CAR HOP WANTED At THE DRIVE INN I mile smith on HKvay 80 Law Office Secretary Top Salary. Ph. 364 WOMAN TO DO housework and care for children. Write Box 30, News- Review. PRUNE PTcRRSWANfKDr"Ted Road"- man, Rt, 2, Boa 312, near Umpqua store. MALE CAMP COOK. 30 years or under in age. Appiv at Lamp in hock tree. Douglas County Lumber Co. CADIES Would you invest 5 hours a day for earnings of 640 each week 7 Write Box WRij News-Review. WANTF.D Loading angineest Jhone I5-J-4 after a P;m- WANTED A set of fallers. Phona 15-3 after a 5FFICF NURSE wanted. Call 1474. Work Wanted Rsbg. Sanitation Service Septic Tanks Cleaned Tanks opened free, prompt service, rea sonable rates. No mileage rharge. Phona 12114. Y T48 Short St. J. Fdmond, Prop. ALL du'lLbTNU construction, new and old. remodeling, 10 down, no Job too large or too small. All type masonry construction, flagstone and brick: barbecues and patio a specialty Mag nesite floors and dra inboard. Phone 11f0-R.l, contractor. A R Snow fb"-9 ?ORHlRF, Will do roadhuiifilng. basement digging, lot leveling, etc Also equipped fr logging. Good angle blade with hydraulic tilt. Contact Art Crocker, 104T W. First St., or call Tfi7-J. nRKSKMAKINd. ALTERATIONS. AlT tvpes. Practical nursing Taking care OI your nome ana cniiaren wnne fou are vacationing or wees; ena rips or hour work. Call 1146-L at 412 Fowler. FORMER cTVlirBervice employee de sires emploj ment Experienced as re ceptionist and general office work. Phone 1M1-J ARRANGE FOR YOUR fall plowing now 30 to 1000 acres, contract or bv the hour. Good equipment Ph m5-J-5. Notice All septic tanks and cesspool cleaned Special fall rates son gal. tank. 616., 500 gal. lank. 637- Phona 1284-Y. Rsbg. Sanitation Service CocT.INObiCWANtFbnriave D6 cat. d'tnkev and cutting equipment; or will hire out same Ph. B5-X, Myrtle Point, Ore Box:W4. WILL CARE" for pre-s'chool children from 8 00 to S no or during working hours; nursing experience 500 Pitzer, phI14-Y WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN In my home dav time 1st road west on Fairmont Wanda Catei,jl.'t3 Cecil 8l. WANTED-Xoggtng cnntract Cat? loader and new varder. Box 272. Azalea. Ore - gon CURTAINS snd lae tablecloths laun dered snd stretched Alo Irnnin housework by the hour. Call 8M-L. BASEMENTS AND hsch yards cleaned! t Light pickup and delivery C A DealPhnne 15flA-J Ros burg FLOOR COVERING Complete sales and insTSiiaTions f ree emmme man wm It floor enna Phne ALTERATIONS tvpes Mrs Madrnne St DRESSMAKING Don W Garrison. Phone 802 -L All 10O9 FAMILY WASHING done We pick and deliver (all 1704-J-1 j j, ru CARE for small child days 341 8 Pine j ANTnlslilng snd bucking. George j Wauon. Ri 2 Box .TUB K 1 WASHING AND IRONING in my home n MB.r.2 .. fff fr f;fc-x j lSnrt, 91s Garden Vsllev Rnad j Wanted--Ironing lnmv Some 931 !l.,,,,,irMnMtrM.h.rT-fu Practical" 1 nnvn-.m, Rt 1, Box 2ol, Sutherlin. Lost Found OST Between Roseburg and Riddle, one 2-wheeled tubular steel hand trm k Finder please notify McDonald Candy Cr EnST 1T" Jewel Gotham man s wrist watch. Reward. Call 713-J-X-S. I Sat., Sapt. 24, 1949-Th Nw For Sale Miscellaneous SPARTAN 34' - 34) - 30 - 34 The life time trailer Haa body wa believe will last years or mora, no ory row Kit - ii- - 13' 16' - 31- - 26' - 13 Columbia 13' 14' 30 23 . 33 The West's Fs-test Sellers and Other Trailers of Quality Also used trailers, trade-ins accepted Bank contracts. Contracts to 3 years on 8 pa runs. Earl E. Smith N W Larceat Dealer lueene Ore Phone Springfield MSI 1 Mile, Sou to on no It (. Boa 11 Euaena 3 Compart varuum eteanere rompleta wtlh attarhmenta TheM machine, are prarlicauy n.w. Men in uu only about S montha. Will accept bide. 1 tinier electrla Iron. 1 Motorola pnrtahle hatterr or electric radio. Good condition. SS0. Inquire at Srai Doufiae Co. State Bank Bid, or phona aod. Special Easy Terms A BARGAIN EOR THE RIGHT PERSON One apt. ,lra eleclrte stov. One tehl, top hot water beater. One 1ta.h burner. All 1V48 model Erifldalre appliance,. Inquire at Xl North Stephen, St. Houw behind New United Service Statutit River Loam Delivered GOOD FOR GARDENS AND LAWNS We have an abundant aupply. Paul Casey SST W Moihar Phono IH Y Monarch Wood Circulating Heater Large size, excellent condition. Ph. T21-Y-M58. Mill. FOR SALE -5 ton Frlck ice machine, complete with coil and motor, suit able for lockers or targe walk In box. Price 6.150. See at Schemer Bros. Bottling Co., Harvard Ave., West. Ph. Uvn-J DO YOUR WASHING OjlTcKER EASIER ANU LHEArER A I The Self Service Laundry 616 Cobb St. TRY OUR FRIFNDLY 8ERVIC8 iH P low pressure boiler; complete with oil burner and controls; or win aril separate!-. S..HW1 See at Schemer Bros. Buttling Co., Harvard Ave. Wast Ph 980-J. m FULLER BRUSH MAN PHONE 615-Y-X PFHFEX63 CAR HYING CASE ATT ACTT Mr-NT. G. E Exposure meter, carry ing rasa. J nooa lamps, Argis s-n larger and dark room equipment slide holder tl(M. Phone 111. EEEH AND Elk rTfTeTMOfl" Remington, scope sight and nand-niDnen aiocn. Perfect condition. See In morning or after p.m., 721 So. Main 8l. FOR SALE Apt aire electric stove, din ing room set and 2 fotdawav beds with mattresses. All In excellent oon dltlon. Route 1. Box 23, or paona 5aB; FOR SALE Enfield Sporter, myrtle wood slock; Springfield army issue. Bill Wylie, 4 miles Southwest Lbk lngglassSlore JnLarsen Hoad 1 LAK(;E Marshall Wells wood burn ing circulator heater, good aa new. One hole wood range In good ahape. Phone 848-R. 2.1a Ford. MONARCH WOOD and coal' range, wat er Jacket. 40 gal. tank and fitting. Very good condition, price reasonable. Melrose Route, Box 216 TWO BEVERAGE refrigerators, ona 30 cu ft Suitable for restaurant or tavern Inquire at Idle Hour Tavern 5B NJarkson ir.WING MACHINE and' adjustable dress form, 6.15. Student drum, 620. Phone H58-L. fOR SALE 50 lb. Icebox, good condi tion, cork Insulated. E. Strang. 1205 r. jth si 30-30 WINCHESTER carbine, model 84. Excellent condition Shells. case, cleaning rod. SU5 Route 2. Box 21. BED. COIL SPRINGS. Innerspring mat tress, dresser and night stand. Very good condition. reasonable.PhM244.-J. &KLL OR TRADE Deer rifle, .10-40; for sklllsaw electric motor or projector. H A. Rose, Rt. 2. Box40.1-D. GOOD "NKSCO electric roaster, fully automatic, $20. Sunday P.M. only. 305 Kohlhugen. OAS RANGE like new. 6UK) "Ga"heatef, wood range, good condition, 8-15. Call 6221 Sulherlln. fOR SALE24r house trailer, eaiy puTH Ing. Any offer considered. Must sell by Oct. 1st. Hartx Court, Dixonville Road. &ELL kQuTTY In late 27 ft trailer home. Balance 850 month. Telephone 41-F-.12 See at Roy Automotive Serv ice, Oakland. &EER RIFLE. 30-40 Krag sporter. with .1 boxes shells. WO Clifford Westlund. Rt 2. Box 175-C. Keasey Road TWIN BEDS' 810each,' Including good springs and mattress. One 8' burner oil stnve. 8Z5 two S. Pine. FOR SAI.E Two fine Springfield Sport er rifles. 2ai0 tord Si., Hoseburg Oregon ONE BUNK RED and one slnale bed that opens into double bed, all for 825. 1125 W. 1st St. FOR SALE Sard binocular, or trade fnr power mower or shnpsmlth. Call at 1WM Brown Ave. after 6 p m. MODERN. COTTAGE -TYPE trailer" house 8500 R C. Rri7end1ne. Inquire at A. F Suksdorf's. Winston, Oregon 22 CAL. " SEMI -"Au to.- Springfield i 2"5 Weaver scope, 850. First house west of on on Winston-Looking glass Road. ClGHT "PLANT. 5O00 watts; will trarie- rah or livestock. Phona 37-F-23, Oak land. HOUSE Mb'VtRd. ("ouhdstibn. leveling'. 14 years experience PAR Towing. 741 8 Stephens Phone szn. t7Rnr rr.nAB' fence noats for sale. Roseburg Shingle Co.. N Umpqua Rd Phone 1273-J i UOOD CIRC III. AflrVO HEATER: rea- sonable, excellent condition. Mrs. R. C. Sulherlln. Box 4.12 PORTABLE WASHER and wringer, 613- 4H2-J;X-4, iSabin br.r.H RIFLE 305 Savage, practlcsllv new: SJfi Umpqua Valjiey Jflardware. BfO" THERM oil healer. 45 to 90.000 R TU . 8ti Phone14fl-R-5 1PUI27-FT trailer house. Umpqua Trsller Camp 12 BOAT. 8so. Martin 40, 8115 Phone IH-J FfR RALE- 25-39 and 35' automatic. 301 I East 1st Ave North ' FOR SALE Oil circulating heater, rolT I ewavbed. 9t0 N Jackson ' GOOIJ 12' store counter. 812 Jacobs I Kennels. Phone 7:Hi-J I AIHWAY "SANITIZOR for sale. Ph. j 1414-R . NEW 13 ft V bottom boat-Wrne' Snow, Melroe Rt . Box 338. Jl'moqua Park i KITCHEN-range, wood oil stov: elec tric oven witn ratnnei.in.-ii wiriie I SMALL cream "seDaratnr; 1 used sad dle, good rnnditmn. Phone 1214-R BEDROOM "SET. Phone 609-J-2. Rt. "3. Box :i5-C U 5 E D C L A R I N E"TV 84oT P no n a 1140-H. Farm Equipment CASE SC tractor wltn plow, disc and harrow: used only few hours. 62000. RL 1. box 42. A. Yoncalla. Oregon. - Ryiw, Roitburg, 0r. 11 Rentals ro MINT New Clark Floor Sander and POLISHER - Denn-Garretten Co. m W Oa St ' Phone IXS, TOR RENT POLISHER, WAXIR and errtlBBer All in one toot Light .nough an child can handl. linier-tip control. r . F 4 W Floor Covering Co.' 3TT 1 lepnn Phone lttt-l' Rent A Singer , . Clertrte portable aewtna machine . for - ua la J our own home SINGER SfWINO CENTER ' IMNJiclifl. Ph m. Batement UNDER LOCAL store In center of Rose burg. Ideal for storage. Alley entrance. . Contact Manager Joe Richards Men s Store. 5-ROOM CAttlrOear" Wve7haeirse7an3 Roseburg Lumber Co. camps East of Sutherlin. Electricity, water, bmlt-tni, chemical toilet and ell heater. Also fruit trees and garden. Inquire Fay, Wood, near Camus. TRAILER"SPACE BYWEEk or month. Constant hot water, heated showers, laundry; dry, well-graveled park: chil dren welcome. "At-Last-A" Trailer Park, north 60. REFINISH your own ftoors. easily dona with our high speed floor sender tn expensive. Montgomery Ward at Co. Phone 84 3-ROOM HOUSE, 's mile" from Junction on highway 42, 3nd road to left. Anderson HOUSE FOR RENT. 4 miles-south of Roseburg on old highway. Inquire at plaie.Mrs R R Relf. f-ROOM CABIN, 839 per month 1 blocks north Benson school. 1129 J 3rd St. FOR RENT 30x40 warehouse, concrete iionr. new const rucuon, ciosa in. Lehman Real Estate. FOR RENT Sleeping rooms for gentle men, close in. soa sou in j season Phone 1142-L. 3 TRAILERS for rent. 1 trailer for sale. s-soii. urcnara trailer court, a miles South. Hiway ftD. 2 BEDROOM furnished house, close to school and business district. Writ News-Review, Box 19. TRUCKS FOR RENT You drlv. long or snuri irips ore n i irucs reuuii 7:K South Stephena Phona 1436-J TRUCKS and trailers for rant, move yourself. Thompson Signal Service, Stephen at Washington Phone 70S CLEAN SLEEPING room"Tor rent. lOSl Military. Phone bm-y. SLEEPING ROOM for 1 or 1 508 f. Douglas. CLEAN WARM room for man. 003 K. jacKson, inone enu-L,. house "Trailer, "aoii Ruiur LanX Ph. 715-J-5. SLEEPING ROOM for rent. Man pre ferred. No drinking. 321 No. Kane TrooM MODERN house for rent, partly lurnisnea. rn. NICE clean room for rant 343 Booth. Ph.15l2-L. NEW 1-RF.DROOM APT., unfurnished". Call 302. m 5EDROOM FOR rent. Privste entranre", very atlractlvejlose inPhone 1246-R. UNFURNISHED DUPLEX for rent. 84a per month. Bert Laurence. Dtllard sTlNGLE- SLEEPING Room near high school. 11M Military. LEEP ItfG ROOM for rant Phona 1483- fon R NT 4 1 eeping ' rooms. " PKona Iti42-J miles N. on iw. pacmct,aninr ijn.iB.3-j.j. BOO MS FOR RENT, with and without kitchen privileges. Sua Fowler iTDHlVE TRUCK rental Winston Trail- er court, jvinsion r"nonskru-j -a . fllRNlSHED APARTMENT. Ph. 12&7. APTS.'fb JlENf : 821 L Miller. SLEEPING ROOM.0;iO N. Jackson. TWO ROOM apt, nqulre 222 8. Pine St SLEEPING"" ROOM 1303 N. Jackson. SLEEPING ROOM 697 W Mosher. Livestock Bring Your Livestock WHERE they bring in the most asoney. Sale every Friday. Livestock 12 o'clock. Furnituro f f ga. Roseburg Auction Phone 161 FOR SALE -Purebred Jersey bull relit l'i months' old. from highly pedi greed stock. Good bet for future pro duction See pedigree, coma to Aus tin's Fern Greenhouse. W" ANTED -Fat ' lambs, yearlings anti canner awes. Write or call. Jamea E. Lewis. Mvrtle Creek, Oregon, ph. 84; Dsn-til W Ray, Rt. 3. Box 308-B. Roseburg, Oregon. Ph.IW5-B-l WANTED TO BUYFat and feeder lambs. Also young breeding ewes. Inquire I.vle Marstera or John Rohr, Happy Valley Ranch. Phona 17-F-3 or iTF-19 . WANT FATeeder and fat yearling. Any kind old ewe. Isldoro Inda, Route I, Box 8. Oskland. FOR SALE -One good Jersey mila7-cow, 8125. Will be fresh soon. Tom t. Fitch. Owktand Oregon. WANTED FAT AND "FEEDER Iambi and yearling. W A. Blackert. Myrtle Creek. Phona 282 WANTE&-AI1 kinds of" livestock rL aT Cox Cell 9O0-J-4 Poultry Baby Chicks Hemps, Reds, Crosse- every week tn the year. Best of breading. Pullorura passed. hatching Eggs Wanted Year around market City agent Douglas Co Flour Mill Carr's Hatchery Lookingglaes Rt. Phona 18-F-3 oT Rabbits FOR SALE New Eealand White does, Sr 'a. bred to registered bucks, a ni; Jr '. 3 to 3 month of age. 64 no. Guaranteed to be in food health and condition. Relding Rahbitry, Rt. 1 Box 1018. Grant Pass. Ore. "WITH RABBIT MEA't" A MEALS COMPLETE, I V RB A ffcEW A'LAN"B"hUtToM, 2 double hiitche 510 Tlsrg St Hay, Grain, Feed FOR SALE Oats snd vetch seed, com bine run. about 10 percent vetch. 8.1 7 a hundred Ti mites up north Myrtle Creek rosd. Jake Tavenner ATTENTION TURKEY GROWERS 18 ton of apelt for sale Herrv Wesley, Garden Valley. Phona 3J-F-14. eve ning r ENGLISH AND-itallan re grass. 4'i germination lest. He per lb. Tenmlle S'ore FOR SALE-Loose 4th cutting alfslfa hay: god for sheep Cheap Phone 838, F I Belts. FOR SALE Austrian peas, vetch and rve grass seed fnr rover crop. RL. 1 B" ?oi. Rosehurg Sot ice therfrtrri Ranch Fast of highway M and North of Newton Creek Road. L L Porter andAI Hughes NOHUNTING or trespassing on my pmpertv. including the Harris place. Phil Ktrarter.Glide. fid "HUNT INi. or trespassing on thi Lane Mountain Ranch Ore Welker For Trade 61150 EQUITY tn '48 Ford, only 4nnt miles; for property, lumber or what have you? Wrtla Box 18 News -Review.