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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1949)
I The News-Revlew, Roieb Society and GLU By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER MVTIr"T I CAM Aft VALLEY GRANGI INU I IV-C HOLDS FINE MEETING Social items submitted by tele- ir.n... r- . v.u tUTJZ 'Jl? E&Sf K,'.5KIS be turned in before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday and by 10 a, m. Friday at which time the aortal calendar and Sat urday's iociety page are closed weekly. ANNUAL REUNION IS ENJOYABLE AFFAIR About 65 people attended the fourth annual reunion of Co. D. 162nd Infantry of the National Guard, which was held at the Canyonville Community hall Sa turday night, according to Glenn Gilmore, Canyonville. chairman for th affair this year. The members were Inducted Into service in 1940. Since the government Inactivated the divi sion the company has a reunion each year. The government has now ac tivated the division and several of the old members are still with the company, which has been transferred to the 186th Infantry. Colonel I. Irving, who was Company Commander at the time the company was called into service, has been called back to Washington, D. C. by the War department. Captain Fague of Seaside, a former omcer, was present. During the evening a moment of silence was observed honoring the boys of the company who were lost In action overseas. Glenn Jackson and James Todd, both of Oakland, were elected Chairman and co-Chairman respectively of tha next year's reunion. Besides fried chicken the group pnjoyed a Smorgasbord lunch. Dancing was the entertainment. Those attending who are well known In this community were: Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Bowman of Myrtle Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Smith of Days Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gilmore, Mr, and Mrs. Dean Smith, both of Can yonville; Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Ulam, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Wis ner, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wis ner. all former Canyonville resi dents; and Henry Black, former ly of Myrtle Creek. ALPHA THETA CHAPTER TO MEET TUESDAY Alpha Theta chapter, Beta Sig ma Phi will meet next Tuesday at a seven-thirty o'clock dessert supper at the home of Mrs. Ches ter Morgan In Laurelwood. All members are requested to be present. BLOUSES For work, dress or play buy one of these. Tailored or lace-trimmed in white. 2.95 SKIRTS Just the thing for school. All wool ploids in novy or red with semi-flare. 3.95 SLACKS Pick your color ond size! Pin stripes, stripes and many others in blue, tan, brown, green, black and grey. These ore fine for loafing or that Fall picnic. 4.95 HOSIERY Broken lots but a complete size range moke these nylons a deluxe bargain at this price. 99c DRESSES If you hove o special date coming up or if you just need a good dress Luverne can fill your needs. In all colors ond junior sizes and i sizes you will find what you want here. 9.95 and 14.95 124 N. Jackson - irg, Ore. Frl., Sept. 23, 1949 "ular meeting Tuesday eve- nlng. Mr. and Mn. Norman Coon were given their first, second, third and fourth degrees. After Ihe regular meeting re freshments of pie and coffee were served in the kitchen It was decided that there will be a reception for the teachers at the school house on Tuesday evening September 27. The pub lic is invited. A short program is being planned. The members of the faculty are: professor, Mr. Chelsea Flock wood; assistant high school teachers, William Meeks and Mrs. Kverett Moody; seventh and eighth grades, Stanley Robinetle; fltlh and sixth grades, Mary Jane Klnnan; fourth grade, Mrs. Dor othy Meeks; third grade, Mrs. Norman Coon; second grade, Mrs. Betty Farrand; and first grade, Mrs. Lucille Counts. CHARLIE APPLEGATE CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY Charlie A polecat e celebrated his birthday Saturday evening. with a dinner, held at the Con gusto Cafe. A delicious baked ham dinner with all the trim mings was served to the follow ing: Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Apple gate, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Slock, Mrs. Annie Kruse, Mr, and Mrs. Vincent Applegate, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Applegate, Janice and Bob Applegate. Mrs. Percy Applegate baked Ihe large beautifully dec orated birthday cake, which was served with Ice-cream for desert. HELEN CASEY TO BE SPEAKER AT GUILD MEETING TUESDAY NIGHT Miss Helen Casey will be guest speaker at the meeting of St. George's Episcopal Guild to re held at eight o'clock next Tues day night at the parish hall on Kast Casa street. Miss Casey will tell of her trip to South America. All women of the church are urg ed to be present. B. P. W. C. TO MEET NEXT MONDAY NIGHT The Business and Professional Women's club will meet next Monday night, September 26 at Ihe Episcopal Parish House, In stead of at the armory as prev iously arranged. The program will he In charge of the Finance committee. Laura lies. Maude Kidder, and Hazel Held. Host esses for the evening will he Eliz abeth Helnline, Minnie Clark, and Cleo Molas. SLIPS Tailored or lace trimmed, you'll find one of your choice here. 1.95 and 2.95 CHENILLE . ROBES Lay-away now for one of these fine robes. They come florol patterns and a wide size range. 4.95 5.95 (Formerly Excel Dress Shoppe) NEW OFFICERS INSTALLEO AT INTERESTING MEETING Tha North Douglas Assembly of Rainbow Girls met at Elkton Thursday to install the new offl cers for the next term. The follow ing officers were installed: Van da Randall, Worthy Advisor; Es ther Benner, Worthy Associate Advisor; Lois Stewart, Charity; Dorothy Swearlngen, Hope; Lois Wright, Faith; Eleanor Binder. Chaplain; Bernica Beal, Drill Leader. Color Stations: Love, Juliana O'Brien; Religion, Joan Price; Nature, Donna Devore; Immor tality, Rosemary Gates; Fidelity, Dolores Knypstra; Patriotism, Carol Fallen; Service. Dolah Nutt; Confidential Observer, Bet ty Currier; Outer Observer, Al thea Lambden and Musician, Shermaine Chapman. Refreshments were served to the group of visitors later In the evening. ACTIVITIES PLANNED AT DINNER MEETING The Canyonville Lions club met Monday evening at the Cedars for their regular 7 o'clock dinner meeting. This week had been set aside as "One Hundred Percent Attendance Week," in honor of the president of each Individual cluh. The purchasing of the resui- cilator was discussed and decid ed upon. It was announced Ellis Andrews of Portland will be on hand at the Amateur Boxing Matches this Saturday night to demonstrate It. There will be a dinner for the local Lions and their wlvea at Ford's Cafe on Monday, October 10. The affair will be honoring District Governor Forrest C. Lo- see of Roseburg and his staff. All Lions are invited to attend. GUILD HAS FINE MEETING TUESDAY The Guild of the Methodist church In Canyonville met at the home of Mrs. Eskle McNees Tuesday night. Plans were dis cussed for the Bazaar to be held In the Canyonville Community hall Friday, October. 28. New members in the Guild are: Opal Irwin, Barbara Morris, Eth el Metcalf, Bessie Hackenberg and Juanita Cannon. Other members attending were: Mrs. Olive Hays, Mrs. Ev elvn Clark, Mrs. Vera Clocksi.i, Mrs. Mae Taylor, Mrs. Virginia Morris, Mrs. Leona McNees, Mrs. Lela Thompson and the hostess, Mrs. Eskie McNees. CANYONVILLE LADIES AID HOLDS MEETING The Canyonville Ladles Aid met last week at the home of Mrs. Sharp to tie a quilt. The meetings from now until the lat ter part of October will be spent working on articles for the Han dicraft booth which the Ladles Aid will have charge of at the Methodist Guild Bazaar on Octo ber 28. The next Aid meeting will be special on Wednesday. Sept. 28, at the home of Mrs. Glenn Ship- pen. For your Foil savings, Luverne's have grouped together brand new merchandise for your buy ing. You will be oble to have that extra skirt or a new coat this fall at these low, low prices. Shop and save at Luverne's. BRASSIERES Buy two at this low, low price. Better hurry while they lost. Complete size range. 1.00 and 1.50 COATS If you don't have your new coat for fall and winter be sure and see these before you buy. High qualify tweeds and a low price. 26.95 and 39.93 Also a wide selection of 100ao wool gabardine priced at 46 00 and 59.95. Christmas I ""I chenille in pastel there is ' j 6.95 m Phone 565-J UNANIMOUS CHOICE for first place in the Roseburg merchants' Fall Opening window display contest was awarded Mable Lewis' parade of (all fashions. Pictured above is on of tha many scenes shown during tha 15 minuta program. Entrance of models wearing tha latest in fall gowns was preceded by Rosa Marrion, canter, and Mrs. May Mathews, right, attired In gowns worn in Roseburg 70 years ago. Model at left is Elizabeth Worth, wearing an all-white lacs formal. A monologue delivered in rhyma by Del McKay and vocal and piano accompaniment by Mrs. W. S. Plimpton, accompanied tha fashion showing. (Picture by Photo Labi. CLUB ENTERTAINS HUSBANDS AT DINNER The Associated Business Wom en's club of Sutherlin met Tues day evening at the Grange hall for a quarterly banquet, whicn was put on by the ladies of the Home Economics club of the Sulherlin Grange. The tables were very pretty in autumn col ors and centerpieces made from banana squash and centered with beautiful pink dahlias and yellow marigolds were flanked by tall lighted yellow tapers. At Ihe head of the table were sealed the speaker of the eve nine. Mr. Riddlehaiger, the may or of Sutherlin, and Mis. Riddle barger; the president of the Women's club and her husband; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cook and Ihe hosiesses of the evening, Mrs. Dee Atterbtiry, Mrs. Archie Amoirie and Miss Francis rey. The other members and their f uests were: Mr. and Mis. J. C. rwin, Mr. and Mis. William W. Blakelev. Mr. and Mrs. Flovd Squier. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rie- menschneider, Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Correll, Mr. and Mrs. Ted A. Burk, Mr. and Mrs. Prenlice Card, Mrs. Flora T. Cooper. Mis. .luanlla Holgate. Mrs. Meryl Wahl. Mrs. Louise Hancock, Mis. Jean Moreno, Mrs. Florence Gio- shong. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Slelnbach, Mildred Seymour, Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Torrev. Mr. and Mrs. It. R. League, Mr. and Mrs. I.vle Smith, Mr. and Mrs. C J. Bielman, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley (Curly) Thompson, Janice Parks, Mrs. Dolly Parks, Mr. and Mrs. John Chase, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Chrlss. Mrs. Cora Allen. D. J. Atterbury, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Brlgham, Mrs. Leona Slack, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cox, Mr. and Mrs. Clav Hensley, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Wilson. Betty Stamp. Dick Bullman, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Minor and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Richardson. A delightful four-course baked ham dinner waa served by the ladies and during the serving the following program was enjoyed: America accompanied at tne piano by Mrs. Amorde, after which a poem "A Toast to the Banquet" waa repeated bv ail. This being a banquet with the husbands as guests, the presi dent. Mrs. Cook, gave a toast to Ihe "MEN" and Mr. Torrev gave the response. The wives Introduc ed their husbands and told where they had met. The door prire was won by Mr. Torrev. Song 'The More We Get To Gather" by all was followed by the dessert being served by candlelight. Mr. Riddlehaiger gave a very interesting talk. A spelling bee followed with six men on one side and six wom en on the other to see which ones were the best spellers and it was proved the women were. Pro gram closed by singing "God Bless America." r, S. CLUB TO MEET TUESDAY AFTERNOON The F. S. club will meet next Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. W. Meissner, 122 N. Parrott street. All members are most cordially Invited to be pres ent. C0M1INATI0' CREAM tfmtmf at I IJS Fullerton's 127 N. JaekiM to m mw v " fv ft mk tmm iin fin Autumn, Year's Finest Of 4 Faces, Arrives To Spread Joy, Contentment By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK PV There's a stranger In the land today, and the stranger is autumn. Welcome, stranger! He came to our town exactly at 4:04:06 o'clock this morning, an hour after the last saloon closed. The only one who saw him arrive was the milkman, as our official greeler, Grover Whalen. rarely has his orange Juice ready let alone a speech so early in the day. But everyone knew autumn was here. The air felt like a raise in salary. The year wears four faces, and autumn is the finest. Everybody likes it exeppt maybe politicians who have to run for re eled ion and plead that now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party. Man and nature go on a last rampage before Ihe deep freeze sets in. The robin tests its fea thers for the long flight south, and old folks begin thumbing Florida resort folders. The farmer's crop Is In. and now he has time to write letters to his congressman. The fisher man casts a final fly, the hunter nils his gun. And the wary duck along the Canadian border quacks, "oh. hell, oh hell, oh hell," knowing he is the target of tomorrow. At night the moon Is a yellow madness. The fox harks on the hill, the lonesome moose shakes his antlers and bellows in the woods for a tall dark lady any dark ladv on four legs. The rao- bits in the grass review their multiplication tables. Ain't na ture grand? The maple turns again Into a scarlet lass, blushing to see the staid oak shed its leaves and dance around In its shaggy skele ton. The squirrel begins his an nual thrift, and wonders If the rest of the world is nuts. Bachelors, Bewaral This is the tima for retired bachelor railroad men to. beware, for every widow has a mellow eye. She doesn't want to bake pics Just for herself through an other long cold winter. Oh. it s a wonderful season fall is. The pigskins float through the air before the last baseball has been knocked over the fence. Topcoats replace sports jackets in the department store windows. The movies quit bragging It's 20 degrees cooler inside, and start showing "A" pictures again. It's a desperate measure to lure customers indoors. The stage comes to life, the city wears a fresh glitter, ani all girls are beautiful to some one. Vacation tans fade, but there's a bright new look 1 n every eve. People shed summer weariness like a snake dropping a threadbare skin. Autumn is a fine thing every where. It's spring with a wiser look, treasured because it pass es so soon. The boss smiloth. the workman giveth a full dayth's I mean day's- toil and cometh home at evenfali to a cheerful wife. She forgetteth to find fault. Yes. it's a grand tune, autumn too late for hay fever, too earlv for pneumonia. It's a flood in This fxcmrvi new fart cram combines ctfituinf and complwn -iid crrtmi in one formula. It hrnenta cirfttt otf or dr? ikiiu becauf K ahwrha and itmowi both Oil and -srs aolubrt type of facial anm and AsJtf-ap...cfefuet four ikin thoroujthlf. To aid four complfoon. PrirLt in Vint Combination Oram contains lipids from linoU umilar to skin lipids normally pmrnt tn youthful tVifts. It leaves your slnn to toft -foundation u rarefy nixrtsary. With new 'Combinnoii''yoa need no other face actus Rexall Store Phone 45 i ii i tmym" ' the blood, a high tide measured by the turning sun. There's no tax on It. kid, so spend it while you have It. No autumn lasts forever, and there is no real guarantee it will ever come again. Damage Action Plaintiff Given $7,100 Verdict Verdict In favor of the plaintiff in the sum of Sfi.000 general and $1,100 special damages was re turned by a Jury of 12 in the suit of M. K. Brown vs. Clenn E. Marshall Thursday afternoon. The trial, which began Wed nesday and continued most of Thursday, Involved an automo bile accident occurring last Jan uary on Canyon mountain south of Canyonville. , Brown had asked $15,000 gen eral and $1,150 special damages. The latter was for alleged loss of time and medical and hospital claims. This case completes the civil action trials for this term of the court, which is a holdover from the May term, hut two criminal actions are slated for next week Other civil cases scheduled for this term of court have either been settled or set over until the November term. The cases of Nelson James Sawyers, charged with larceny, is scheduled to come up Monday at 9:30 a.m. Sawyers, now out on $500 bail, is charged in the May term grand Jury indictment with stealing a wallet valued at more than 535 and the property of Mrs. Jessie Deririck. The alleged theft took place March 5, according to tne indictment. Following this will be the trial of Robert D. Nelson, also accused of larceny and out on $2,000 hail. He Is charged In the grand Jury indictment with the theft of a sate containing currency and other valuables from the t,as Appli ance Co, Tne., at Reedsport. Totheiwoman who!sgot new; linoleum on her mind Thinking shoot luiBriom sew linoltom? Ttvn you'd better know about beautiful Nsirn Inlaid Lino leum today's finest hoy from every atttle. Nairn tures yam the resilience, toe long life, the radiant colon yen etpect in quality Imo leum. But Nairn gives yoa so swell more! For Nairn alone among fine linoleums - has a patented duplex felt backing. It endi all your worries about the nmightljr cracking, bult ing. and blistering that often mar ordinary linoleum, when the wood floors underneath expand and con tract - as they normally do. Mix your choice is Nairn, your linoleum is always smooth -alwiysheautmitl Dout miss Nairn's peak avion ment of rainbow-range colore, at your fawite floor covering depart ment right now. And aik your nor for Nairn's beautiful new decorat ing book. "Answers to the Most Fre quently Asked Questions on Home Decorating." absolutely free! CongdeuavNairn Inc, Kearaw, New Jersey. CARNIVAL COMMITTEE HAS FINE MEETING A special meeting for commit tee chairmen for the Canyonville O. E. S. Social Club Carnival met Thursday night at the home of Mrs. Don Nell Kent In Tiller. Mrs. Lucia Snyder, publicity chairman, reporta the evening was srjent in discussing the or dering of supplies and equipment for the various carnival booths. It was decided if the new Ma sonic hall was not completed enough to hold the carnival n Oct. 15 there they would use the Canyonville Community Hall. 1 Attending the meeting were: Mrs. Margaret McGee. chair man. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Elrod. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Kent. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Poole and Mrs. Sny der. TEDDY SOUTH IS HONORED AT SURPRISE BIRTHDAV PARTY Teddy South mn of 1i mnA Mrs. Carl South, u-ai ctiroric.! Thursday evening at a delightful birthday party. Games were nlaved and invelv refreshment were served to Teddy. Carla and Timmie South; Glen, Joe. Stevie and Charlotte Sand; Dickie and Dennis Stnoron Donald Dick Brown, David Bartholomy aiiu nip iiiihi na nosiess, Mr. and Mrs. South. CARNIVAL TO BE HELD AT MELROSE Sacaiawea Camn Firm i-i Alelrose are makino- nlan, carnival to be held at the Mel rose Grange hall the evening of Sept. 30. Games, refreshments and other forma of AniAriBinM i will be available. The public is iiiviiru io participate in tnis ac tivity planned hv the girls' or ganization. The affair will hln at 7:30 p.m. Sanorcl'i CANDY We Make It NOTIC Effective Monday, Sept. 26, all deposits on milk bottles will be 5c instead of 10c. CALAPOOIA DAIRY SUTHERLIN 1 .ii Pis: "New linoleum gavemy kitchen a lift" Ton wanted to know the ;" ' T iovij Kixenan. Walls It Is lovaly if J da say a cyselfig . Of course I was lucky enough o ft tha finest of ap- tiiances ina caoineis. But ix- really think a big share '"""i, "f tha oradit should (0 to that wonderful bairn Inlaid llnoleua. It fitted ay eolar acheina p,rf,ctlyi lnd u look day Boutht it. So assy to keep clean you'd hardl, believe how little tiw U tlkei. T Ul?.lnl!.?!!dvC0un!,r r "other thing I can t help bragging about. They're Nairn Llnoleu. too. splashbacks and all" They're so quiet and clean to work on. And I hardly "v.? break or chip ay dishes now that I hire eiinoioua. .-Xf 1 !?rT0" Vi ,t,rl rlItlt "o to plan ??.rI,VitCh,Vr9Vnd 'nli Lino".". t-l. Mir"d 1etl" of colors to eho'.e u..It1,Io.o?o:ohrro;:?sur your r' 'Individualized Floors of Beatitility" 22 w- 0.k Phw 34 MR. AND MRS. HANSON ENTERTAIN AT PARTY Mr. and Mrs. LeRov Hanson entertained at a faculty party at their home Wednesday evening. entertaining members of the Yon raila High school faculty, their husbands or wives. Court Whist was played during the evening, after which delicious refresh ments were served to the follow ing: Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Richat I Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Steait. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Smith. Mrs. Eckersley, Miss Osgood and Mr. and Mrs. Hanson. VITAL STATISTICS Marriage Lioansa GOFF GARLAND Norman Goff and Bessie Garland, both ol Canvonville. Thev were marrlad Thursday by Justice of Peace A. j. ueaaes. Thousands of World War II mine deteclors are being sold to tails and nrlmni tn Amt M..i- smuggled in to Inmates by visit- Mrs. Charles A. Brand Teacher of Singing ' Voice Building, Song Interpretation Maionle Rulldtng rail Tim, t-nona oje-n September s DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS Zoa Newman 2S Cobb St Phona SS7-RX KITCHEN You'll Like It 125 W. Cass '. -a. f a:-W' 1 fatL iHU4Ve i urtienoti