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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1949)
SLABWOOD In 1 2-1 6 and 24 in. lengths OLD GROWTH FIR DOUBLE LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR Prions 651 Used Cars For Sale '41 Chevrolet Panel Ten '41 Oldimobila 4-Door '39 Chevrolet Coupe '39 Ford Coupe '39 Chevrolet 4-Door '37 Plymouth Pick up 37 G. M. C. Pickup '46 Chevrolet 2-Door Sedan '41 Chrysler Coupe '46 Ford Pick up '37 Ford Pick up 38 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan Liberal Trade-ins Any Malt or Model Doyle's Sales And Service Hiway 99 at Garden Valley Phone 611 SPECIAL EVENT on tomorrow night's wrestling card the Roseburg armory will be e combat between Stocky Kneil son, above, and Ginger Jr., a 375-pound bear, pictured at right. General Logging Supplies 0 Skookum Blocks 0 Mall Power Saws 0 Lincoln Welders Coos King Donkey 0 Wire Rope 0 Diiston Power Saws 0 Lincoln Welding Rod 0 Waco Wheel Arch 0 Expert Sled Builder Available Anytime 0 Splicing and Ferrule Work 0 Expert Saw Mechanic PITCO of ROSEBURG, Ltd. Phone 733-L 1819 N. Stephens Evenings Phone 1241-R The watch for the active man S, H If DESIRED 'mm NEIL...1 7 jewels. 14K natural (old fillfd. 1SK applitd gold numeral dial. ILTQNm, 19 jewtli. 14K natural fold, filled. 18K ap. plied gold meral-dc nu diaU It Pays to Buy From jewelers Where Your Dollar Has More Cents Man vs. Bear To Feature Saturday Wrestling Card It's one of the greatest sights ever to see in a wrestling ring. Ginger, the wrestling bear, and Stocky Kneilson, the rough and tumble hillbilly from Tennessee. The big question is. Can Kneilson last fifteen minutes with the I battling bruin? It hasn't been done yet and Ginger has been taking on all comers. She has fought with the best, defeated them all, even going to far as entering a battle royal, and cleaning five men. Just like his mother, the Original Ginger, the junior mem ber of the family is chalking up a terrific fight record in a grand sweep around the country. Ginger stands six-feet, tips the scales at 375 and has been a horn giappler since his early cub days. Few men can climb into ring and whip a bear, fewer, can last very many minutes a gainst one, but Kneilson is going all out to stop the bear inside of fifteen minutes, the length of the main event bout. ! It should be a whale of a bat tle, man vs. bear, with the boys In the know predicting another easy win for the four iegged grappler. Les Welch, one of three bro thers who travel and train with the bear, will take on Georges Dusette in the semifinal go, both men a. couple of power boys, but clean and scientific, Pete Bartu and Al Swisz open the nights action in the curtain raiser in what could turn out to be a slam-bang battle. r aft 1 "A Fs Hi .A:- A A -.AI, "A ' A . v ' A ' : v. . w-.. . ... - Al v . - , - .. I I Frl., Sept. 23, 1949.Th News-Review, Koseburg, Ore. 7 Americans Knoektd Out Of British Golf Strict TADWORTH, Eng.. Sept. 23 Henry Cotton of England knocked the last American out of the British Professional Golfers association championship today when he defeated Llovd Man grum of Chicago, 4 and 2, In the semi-finals. Mangrum conceded defeat on the 16th hole. In the morning's quarter-final round Cotton disposed of Johnny Palmer of Badin, N. C, 2 up. Manganese was first discover ed In 1774. WALLBOARD Ffrtex Sheet rock Misonita PAGE LUMBER . FUEL 164 E. 2nd Ave. 3. Phone 242 n fast r THROUGH I V. SERVICE S TO si . OIL TO BURN For prompt courteous meter ed deliveries of high quality stove and burner oil CALL 152 MYERS OIL CO. Distributers of Hancock Petroleum Products Far Douglas County SEATTLE 6 "UMITEDS" DAILY Tarenf a S.rvlc. wltiit freaifei ONEWAY, only.. $ 7.00 ROUND TRIP, only $12.40 Tiare 2re We l.w.r eres rJP 4 s.. sBev J I St.... . - rw s- W -.ya tii of four new boilers Installed BOILER FIRED Pictured ere two of four new boilers installed In the central heating located next to the senior high school. Fired Thursday for the first time, the boiler est the camera provided emergency heating for senior high school students. Valentine " Sehaaf, job foreman for Industrial Building company, illustrates how heat was provided cordwood. Sehaaf said that by Monday, Fullerton would also be receiving this type of Within two weeks, all four boilers will be converted to sawdust end going full blast. ( photo). plant with heat. Staff stop burning wood to make pow- Existing agencies, he said, are er,' would aid in development of not properly organized to do the processes for utilization of wood ( job quickly and with equitable waste; and through giving to i division of federal money to meet congress n lull plan nil it-Kimim the various resources' needs. "You can't do a multi-billion dol lar job without some kind of comprehensive plan." TOPr So Easy to Clean For those most used pieces of furniture in the house be sure to have glass tops cut to fit. Glass tops makes house keeping so much easier. A damp cloth whisks away the dust and if, per chance, any thing is split you are assured of not having ugly spots. The cost is low. Coll us todoy for an estimate. Vx it El' CVA Means New Lumbering Jobs, Davidson Says PORTLAND, Sept. 23 f.P The proposed Columbia Valley administration would create new jobs in the lumber industry and give it added stability, C. Girard Davidson assistant secretary of the Interior, said here Thursday. In an address at the conven tion of the northwest council of the AFL Lumber and Sawmill Workers union. Davison, said the CVA would speed development of hydroelectric power "so we can development, lead to "more ade quate appropriations for our fo- resi agencies. These, he said, would offset loss of Jobs to be expected in reducing timber cutting to rate of annual growth. This reduction is essential to save the forests, he said, and "we must start look ing now for new sources of em ployment for lumber workers." In addition to new jobs which could be crested by new wood waste utilization plants, stepped up production of hydroelectric power from Columbia river dams would add other new industries and new jobs in the region, he said. "There Is no need for me to tell a labor audience which groups oppose the President's CVA pro posal." he said. "Laboring pen pie and labor unions have met opposition from the same source ever since your first efforts" for Improved working conditions. The CVA. he said, would control "predatory groups" seeking to exploit the region's resources and guarantee "wide availability" of the benefits of federal invest ment in regional development. OUR BUSINESS is giving old floors the beauty of new with smtmcon DURA SEAL The lifetime finish" Phone 102-R-3 Carlson's Floor Service ...topflight refreshment - Sicks' Select U ( I at 4 ... 4 ' t, r-. . .A. a t t-.vl 1 -ir, -: mil r:.!R'!i wm? wia ala 1 s8iSS3&r?z), Stubbys or Cons In fhe handy 12-PAK Quarts, Cans and Stubhys by the case Wherevef beer is sold BUY-TRY-COMPARE with ANY BEER from ANYWHERE .'CKT lrW1NQ COMPANY AUM. OKtOOM FECIAL OFFER TWO WEEKS ONLY Starting Friday, September 23 to October 7 GENUINE KEBUMLT HIM61I1M1S 141 60 INSTALLED Includti Labor, Oil and Gaskets With th. sam. guarantee as a new moterl WHY PAY MORE? GET THE BEST FOR LESS! Easy Terms on Our Budget Payment Plan LOCKWOOO AATESS Rose and Oak Phona 80