16 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore.-Frl., Sept. 23, 1949 HAPPY AFTER JUDCE ACQUITTED Judge Robert Carpenter (left), hli 82-year-old father, R. C. Carpenter (centerl and stepdaughter Barbara, 20, itand among group of well-wlsheri shortly after a jury at Atlanta, Ga., acquitted Judge Carpenter or attempted murder in the shooting ot his one-time business associate, Attorney John Lockwood. The jury freed Carpenter after 59 minutes deliberation. IAP Wirephotol. Madame Chiang Kai-shek Has Faith That Nationalist China Will Win By DEWITT MACKENZIE AP Foreign Affairs Analyst Madame Chiang Kai-shek still has faith in Nationalist China's ability to cope with the life and death crisis created by the south ward sweep ot the victorious Communist war machine. The first lady of China made this statement to me In the course of a conversation I had with her In New York. Madame Chiang has no doubt that the Nationalist forces will defeat the communist armies in the southern theater and ultimate ly will reclaim the territories lost in the north. How long will this great operation require? She doesn't know; she is only sure that It will be achieved. In sup port of this belief she recalled that during the war with Japan the Chinese armies were forced hack to approximately the same line they now hold and flung the Invaders back. She feels certain that the peo ple of China as a whole do not believe in communism or trust It, thouRh many are submissive to It now because o.' circumstances over which they have no control. She envisages a new China hich will come through moral and spiritual rehabilitation. She is returning home to re sume her place beside her hus band in the attempt to make these things come true. . She has absolute faith In Gen eralissimo Chiang Kai-shek. She is furious over aspersions cast on him recently in this country. My meeting with Madame Chiang was at the home of her brother-in-law, H. H. Kung, the Chinese statesman and interna tional banker. She has been in America for some months on a mission which, I think, mav be described as that of unofficial In terpreter at this tragic moment In her country's history. In any event she has had conversations with many prominent people, in cluding President Truman and General George Marshall, and raincx obviously has been pre senting the urgency ot what is happening in China. Madame Chiang Is, so'to speak, going to get back into military uniform. She long has been known as her husband's right hand his wisest and most trusted adviser and his best ambassador. Many times she has won over hos tile regimental commanders to his side. She even has gone into the war zone with money to pay troops who were on the verge ot mutiny. Gen. George C. Marshall New Red Cross Chairman WASHINfrmM Kent Ml4l Presldpnf Truman annnimmH Thursday that Gen. George C. Marshall is being appointed chairman of the American Na tional Red Cross. He said Basil O'Connor, long time chairman, is resigning. The changeover will take place Oct. 1, Mr. Truman said. Reading Workshlp Dattd For Douglas Teacher Douglas county elementary teachers will attend a reading workshop at the Roseburg ele mentary scnooi inursaay ana Friday, Oct. 13 and 14. Arrange ments were made by' Kenneth Barneburg. county school super intendent, in cooperation with the general extension division of the State System of Higher Educa tion. Victor Phelps, field represen tative and assistant professor of education for the extension di vision, will coordinate the course, assisted by a staff ot specialists from Southern Oregon College of Education at Ashland. About 316 teachers are expect ed to attend. News-Review Classified Ads bring best results. Phone 100. I look sign I DECOPAf.NO 1 Icon:c2Ss! IT IS YOUR PROTECTION Fully Guarantc .s (liable Quality Wsrk At No Added Cast Roseburg Chapter P. D. C A. Phone 208 Be Careful With Fires, Cigarets, Urge On Hunters M. M. Nelson. Umnaua Nation al forest supervisor, today Issued an early warning to hunters, ask ing that they take extreme care wltn llres and cigarets during the coming deer season. Nelson said that easterly winds are now prevailing in the higher altitudes throughout the county. He said this constitutes a future lire hazard because of the ex tremely drying nature of the winds. He warned hunters and others In the woods about smoklni? and lighting, warming or cooking files. "This east wind will pick up any untended fire or sparks and whip them Into a large blaze in no time, iveison said. The east winds, not noticeable In the valley, have already forced several logging companies to stop operations, he said. as Hermann If. Field, 38, direc tor oi building plans for Cleve land college, downtown branch of Western Reserve University, News-Review Classified Ads bring best results. Phone 100. IflDoThe Job American Architect Disappears In Poland WASHINGTON, Sept. 23. VP) An American architect has been missing mysteriously In Poland for more than a month. The State department twice has asked Po land to explain. This was disclosed last night h.v a State department official. He Identified the missing man MTOURSELrl Mwm Poput DISSTON One-Man , CHAIN SAW Save your muscles. Head for the woods with this new Distton One. Man Chain Saw. Light weifht, fas-oline-driven power saw. Fells . . . Bucks . . . Limbs. Operate at any ancle . . even upside down. CARL J. PEETZ 920 S. Stephens Phone 279 LET US TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEATING OIL Phone 1 -k Top quality itora and diesel oils. V Prompt home and commercial delivery. -V Courteous service, jf Any quantities. -V Correct metered readings. r it Service closi as you ed readings. JAj) r Phone. HP Smcus SALES and SERVICE Hiway 99 at Garden Valley Rd. "" FUEL OIL J- DISTRISUTORS PERKINS OIL PHONE 1354 Pa A KIM CIGARETTES WON'T BURN IT I HOT IRONS WON'T SCORCH ITl a jf It's hard, it's fough, yet glistening white and beautiful.Thar'i Frigidaire Porcelain made to last a lifetime even under hard usage made by Frigidaire in itt own porcelain plant. That's your assurance of finest quality; assurance that your new Frigidaire Automatic Washer will never rust out. Come in. See all the ofher feahres of this famous automatic washer . . . today I CREASE WON'T STAIN ITl j$ SCRAPING s-r. jEr Mfflk. ' I WON'T MAR ITl 0 tZjh ' SEE LIVE-WATER ACTION -Gets Clothes Really Clean I The Frigidaire Automatic Washer is the ONLY washer with live-Water action that gets clothes natty clean. Entire washing action Is done by rolling currents of dean water. No metal parts rub your clothes. And the same live-Water action that gets clothes cleaner, rinses them brighter in fresh, clean water. Come In. See e demonstration of Live-Water action I BLEACHES WON'T VISCOLOR ITl JUST SEE HOW CLEAN! SPINS SO VRY SO LIGHTl Don't be satisfied with anything less than Frigidaire UMPQUA VALLEY APPLIANCE 124 W. Ook