12 ThoNews-Review, Roseburg, Ore. .Frl., Sept. 23, 1949 NEW LOCATION! Dr. H. B. Scofield Palmer Chiropractor Rifle Ranee Rod 4710 ml. North of County Shops Offlee Houre 10-11 and S-S Saturday 10-11 A. M. X-ray nauto-aatomatar aerviea for apinal corracltoti STRASBURG "I compared and I bought" 3 si.l LAST CHANCE RIMEMIER UST JANUARY . AND FEBRUARY ) I XII I I i n f i l 'i ' ,"iai 1 1, v f ' ' vifc I f : ..J ' ..J , ' J ' v 'V- -a' 1 ' " "a,- I l if j ..(aBBBsaaaaaaeasa-aajesataiPdaas-M r Bd tomfortabld bow and prepared for did reallr cold weather to com. Spark Oil Heateri always f Ivd ro juac tba temperature yoa want wfcda yoa wast it. Sad Cham today. Spark deluad Oil Heaters give both circulating and radiant beat. For Coeapidee con fort, yoa addd both. $77.50 114.20 V-,w V-1 ri-K. - v.a-,-d- .Vf!rK'j - - " -.a. . ., HITCHHIKER WITH A MESSAGE Motorists' near Denver. Colo., slow down perceptibly when they pass this hoary hitchhiker. Ths Rocky Mountain News posted th traveling skeleton lor lust that purpose to give drivers a slight chill and a grim warning to be careful on highways. OIL HEATERS ROSEBURG ELECTRIC 131 N. Jackson Phone 12S Certificates Of Achievement Active Club Plan Certificate of achievement for outstanding contributions to the community will ne awarded local establishments by the Roseburg Active rlub. Members of the club, meeting Thursday morning In the Shall mar, voted to make this recogni tion In order to stimulate com munity advancement. Arlo Jack lln was named rhalrman, with Frank Webster. Bill Oilman and Rav Ward assisting on the com mittee. Announcement was made that plans have been completed fn.- the appearance here Nov. 17 of 'The Great Virgil," magician show. Permission has been granted by Western Equipment company for location on Its property north of Roseburg of a school shelter, built by the club. The shelter will FEED-FEED-FEED FEED QUALITY AND PRICES ARE RIGHT FREE FIELD SERVICE FOR FEED SEED OR REMEDIES W now have a complete stock of hay Roseburg Feed & Seed Co. DISTRIBUTORS H I Centennial Feeds and Centennial Flour Oak and Sprues Sts. Phone 374 be moved as soon as It is paint ed. Dick Oilman reported on his recent Hunting trip to Mccioud district of Northern California. He was hunting with his father-in-law, a timber cruiser in that area. He told of hearing a shot and seeing something rail in the brush nearby, and then he and his father in law heard a sound as though two persons were run ning. They later investigated the supposed kill, and found a 140 pound buck deer. He said even though California hunting license fees may be steep at $35, It Is rather nice to have someone else make sure you get your buck. SILVERSIDES have been taken at the Forks. We hove ell the tackle you'll need. v IB -rsffi. KIIKHAIFII 5 HP Super 5 Head of in clan in iht our. board field! Whip, over the water at breathtaking ipeedi. Idles down gently to s tmooih fiiherm.n'a troll. Quality engineered for veara and years of outboarding pleasure. Proved Full Jeweled Power means leu friction, longer life, aeaion- alter-ieaion of funl j j g0 jq Ml m lallw haaa ikrwekMi KIIKHAIFII 3'l HP mttiCUHy Comet Here's the handy, compact 3 V' h.p. Mercury Comet that ii fa vored by many fishermen . . . and no wonder because it gives years and years of de pendable, trouble - free operation. Full Jeweled Power ii tops with sportsmen. $150.89 fin- Sea our Complete Line of Mercury Motors UMPQUA VALLEY A horn owned and operated store Elkton By PHYLLIS A. SMITH Elmer Buck Fenton was in stantly killed by electrio shock Monday, at the Ora Willigan home wast of Elkton. This man was employed by the John Beck Well Drilling Co. and It was his first day on the Job. A place of easing that ha was lifting In place tipped and touched the power lind. The accident occurrad about 1:30 p.m. and he was not dis covered until i p.m. State Po lice Officer Johnson, Or. Im boden, Coronsr Harry Stearns, and R. E. A. Manager Harold Backan were called to the scene of the accident. Quick thinking on the part of Andy Munson may have saved other lives, as he stayed by the body until the coroner arrived, as the well drilling equipment was heavily charged with elec tricity and anyone touching any part of It would have been In atantty killed. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hauge and family of Sutherlln spent the weekend at the James O. Haines home, where Mr. Hague helped to pour tne roundalion for the Haines' new house. Mr. and Mrs. John Levenhagen are enlarging their living room hy enclosing their front porch. Mr. and M.-. Donald Mode have repainted their home. The Jim Adamos are again working on their new home In Elkton. New residences under construction at Kellogg are the Barlright and Toenniges homes. Mr. Barlrlghf Is employed at the Madison mill and Toenniges hauls lumber. Opens Branch Office The Klklon Bookkeeping sys tem Is opening a branch office'ln Sutherlln. Boh W. Cowbrough will he In charge of the Sutherlln branch. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Madison were Mrs. V. T. Jackson. Mrs. Birdie Barker, Mrs. Robert Klndlav. Mrs. Or ville Wright and son. and Mrs. Pete Rudolf and sons all of Rose burg. Mis. Dora Trayler Is reported Improving In a convalescent home in Eugene. Grandmother Trayler fell two months ago and broke her hip. Mrs. Kenneth Madison has been teaching the first graders In Mrs. Colclasure's absence. Mrs. Colclasure has been ill with a severe cold. Camas Valley By MRS. JAMES COMBS Mrs. William Reiser has lust returned from a seven weeks trip. She visited in Durango, Col.; Oklahoma and Texas. Mrs. Richard Thrush's father. George (Shorty I St. John, visiter! a few days at the Thrush home. Mr. Arthur Church is seriously ill. He has had several strokes recently. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Church of Newberg are visiting In the val ley. Claude Baum Is on his way to Iowa for a visit. Mrs. Baum did not accompany her husband. Tom Kilkenny is taking care of the place for the Buams. Mrs. Carl Housten of Albany Is In the valley to attend the funeral of her brother, Merle Kenyon. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Arnold have moved into their new home. Among those visit I ne at the home of James Combs on Sun day were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mintonye and children, Ross and Paula Susan, of Powers: Ther- man and Fred Combs, of Rose burg; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cen ters, of North Bend; Mr. and Mrs. Thane Goodman and daugh ter, Diane, of Coos Bav: Mrs. George Clinton and John Wilson. of Roseburg; Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Coon, of the va ev: Mrs. Jannet McCann, of Brockway ana J. D. Dulaney, of Metolius, Ore. Stuthbovnd? LG Qnyheuni M.w Air .adllta.W Sm,1m SAN FRANCISCO $7M souns rtir sn.re LOS ANGELES $1173 iouNsmrsn.it II M Ft r.M Tm Tkere 4re Ne tjwe 'ereil eirer JW See. at9fSIff fhejnt tfc4:i4'J!MIJI "Time for Fuller Points, Folks!" This little house know, what's good for it! Freshen-up your home by treating your tired-looking woodwork, walls end siding to on economical coot this very week! You'll like the COMPLETE, easy way they cover! Come in and see our Carnival of Colors today. DENN-GERRETSEN CO. 402 W. Oak Phont 128 Says C. E. "PAT" MANNING of Douglas County State Bank "Dollar for dollar the Cloverdole Park homes give mora down- rioht value than anything I've seen. I'd say tha average home renter eon't offord NOT to buy a homo in Cloverdolo Park. I'm pleased and proud that my family is enthusiastic obout our home. After seeing Cloverdalo Park they wouldn't consider any other choice." . . . C. E. "Pat" Manning, Douglas County State Bank. TOP QUALITY CONSTRUCTION . Every homo is separately built of the finest materials, using highly skilled workmanship. Quantity purchases makes it possible for these exceptionally well-built homes to sell for as much as $2,000.00 less than similar homes in this area. AS LITTLE AS $500 DOWN Save your nest egg for a "rainy day" ... you can move right Into Cloverdalo Park Homo and still hove your savings. WHY THROW AWAY RENT MONEY? For payments less than rent, Including taxes and Insurance you can own your own home. Give your family the kind of homo they have always wanted in good neighborhood where they have big yard and plenty of room to live wholesome lives. PHONE 1566 for free transportation or drive out at your convenience. Inspect Cloverdalo Park homes to your heart's content. It doesn't cost dime to look. JUST SEE THESE FEATURES: Oversize lots. Poved streets and driveways Sewers, water and electricity Fully insulated (save heat costs) Cool in summer "Lockwood" non-stick windows Weather stripped Convenient, attractive room arrangements Colorfully decorated Real wood burning fireplaces Oil-fired, forced-air heating plants Picture view windows Lots of large windows 40-gallon electric water heaters First class plumbing throughout Tub and shower combinations Plenty of roomy e-!osets Asphalt tile floors Sunshine in every kitchen Extra electric heaters in bath rooms Lots of built-ins in kitchens Within five minutes of the city center Good transportation Excellent school within walking distance F. H. A. Approved LOW DOWN PAYMENTS LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS IF YOU WISH If you wish you can buy a model Cloverdole Park home COMPLETELY FURNISHED, with windows sparkling clean, floors highly polished, every piece of furniture in place. Furnishings include family size refrigerator, electric range everything you'll need to move right in. Cost? Only $25 per month odded to your home payments. Com plete furnishings cost about $800. ! sPl!(tj w i iTNrj: 1 ' 'v T j? I f -1 If jrf R1 M : l ; Tfi, More than 100 2 and 3 Bedroom Homes to Choose From CLOVERDALE PARK CONVENIENT TO SCHOOL, STORES AND CITY CENTER If innn i CL0VEBDALE JL sosisveo' HOW TO GET TO CLOVERDALE PARK Orive north en Highway te Alameda Avenue (see the Clovsrdala Park sign on th right) and turn right. Drive straight into tha park. Exclusive Agents YOUR CHOICE of view sites of homes with fireploces of varied interior and exterior color schemes of siding of window arrangements FIES AND CLUTE REALTY Phone Roseburg 1566 202 N. Jackson pk0. 71