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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1949)
it' -3XH3 YOU CAN ENJOY TANK GAS SERVICE Propane Tanks For Rant . No Need To Buy utilityWservice Pacifls Bldg., Roteburg. Ph. 235 1 5MJi THE EMBLEM OF 011 bake your best when you bake with (Cawni Try the Flour Supreme for every baking purpose Reg. $179 La skin Mouton Fur Coats Shortie and Long Styles! Here are the new season's smartest furs at the new lowest prices! Genuine Laskin Moutons at $99.! Regular S179.! Beaver Striped! Beaver Dyed! Logwood Dyed! Blonde Dyed! The popular fur for all purpose wear . . . select your Mouton fur now and save besides having a long season's wear! REMEMBER... EVERY FUR GUARANTEED MUM. Fur Salon, Second Floor Work-Wern American Housewife Uncle Sam's Most Neglected Waif By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK-CP Government"! most forgotten waif It the American housewife. The hand that rocks the cradle may rule the world but it Isn't 'getting any handouts from Washington. And it happens to be the only one that isn't. There is a department of com-1 merce to help tlw tired business n u , drab r(nown and , lmali man solve his commercial wo1-'world after all There is a department of labor i Tne answer, (jirls. is to organize. for the poor working man. AndA poimcai league of housewives there are so many agencies set up 1 wpuid brlng ,he politicians run- to assist nature s nobleman, the i nlnB ,0 reward you for your farmer, that he can plant his vot seed.; upside down in a hurricane I wh'at do vou wanti iaijies? Free and still make money. Isoeds for your flower beds? A But there is no Marshall plan 1 sabbatical leave every four years? for the matrons, No subsidies for housewives, mis is certainly un- Sundays? democratic as there are more Dearies, don't think you cant housewives than businessmen, I get all this and more. And you more housewives than working , wouldn't have to fork over any men, more housewives than dirt i cash to the five-percenters, farmers. j Strike Threat Advised And it is the housewives who All you'd have to do to win any keep the nation going. They con- demand would be to threaten a trol most of the wealth, buy most Icountry-wide strike. No nation of the goods, pay most of the ica.. live by the can opener alone, bills. If it weren't for the finan-1 And if you quit wiping junior's cial genius of the women of the i nose, washing the dishes, doing house, half the homes in America (the laundry or cooking the gro would be bankrupt in a year. ceries why, millions of hungry . , ,,. 1 hi sbands would march on the can- Scant Recognition ij)f1 t(J t anything you What recognition do house ged wives get for keeping the country I But" don't seli yourselves too on an even keel? A few kind cneap. Make 'em dig up some of words on Mothers day, a half :that ,lllny old gold in Fort Knox doze i battered red roses and ,and circuJate jt How about bonus maybe a dinner out at the local ? Why not government-paid beanery. Even then the waiter us- (rip, t0 fcurope everv other year ually hands her the check, since ,0 invMtigate what foreign house she is the only solvent member o(wivei are doing? And wouldn't it he family. 0 a good idea to create a new But it isn t to be a bargain base- cabinet post secretary of the de ment Cinderella one evening of , partment of the home held by a the year, and a grease monkey to housewife a vacuum cleaner the other 384 I And don''t forget pensions. Sen days. So mama mopes and feelslator, gPt them. Whv shouldn't frustrated and Inferior. The kidsvlves? Senators' wives, too. You are going to school and getting ! Kirls Just don't know your own educated; papa makes like a hero n,uscie. because he sallies forth five times j ' a week to bring home the bacon. umjjimr, p-.;-. Auto But all she is doing, she feels, is oaing Parties AUTO chasing dust and wiping dishes. 'government - paid maid service on Soeedina Draws Frowns ASTORIA, Sept. 22 (.n Young people who want to get married will be warned by Astoria minis ters at services next Sunday. The ministers will ask the wed ding party to be more sedate as they leave the church or recep tion. The Ministerial association for mally condemned the practice of "speeding, reckless driving, and pursuit of automobiles" which generally climaxes a weddinj party. The ministers agreed to issue appeals to their congrega tions. Police Chief Casper Leding had complained that wild driving aft er weddings is becoming danger ous here. Soviet Forsees Tito Ousted By Revived Reds MOSCOW, Sept. 22 The official Communist paper Pravda said today that some Yugoslavs are resurrecting a revolutionary Red party to sweep Premier Mar shal Tito from power. Tito's ruling clique In Yugo slavia will be "swept away by popular wrath." Pravda said in a front page editorial headlined "Spies and Murderers in Pow ers." The best sons of the Yugoslav people are leading the heroic bat tle against the Fascist rulers of Yugoslavia," it added. 'They are resurrecting a revolution ary Communist power true to the principles of Internationalism." EASY PAYMENT t ....... - Jg ROUGH LANDINC AT TOKETEE Air strip at Tok.t.o fa, may be uiad only by light planet, such i on pictured above, owned by Dick and Stanley Hatfield, Glide loggers who fly daily to jobs at.Briggs Logging company, near Diamond leke. The field will be developed and tome day may be used by larger planas. Still rough landing for even mm a a the smallest planes, the air strip ripvelnneH nt Tnkptp falls bv the California-Oregon Power com pany may be the key to future fire fighting strategy on the t'mpqua National forest. M. M. Nelson, forest super visor, said the air strip is 4.000 feet long. It is located in such a way, that it may be extended by moving in the necessary amount of dirt. It could be developed into a Class 2 lield. Nelson said the field is not recommended for use now by any except the smallest planes. I The Srafp Dpnartment nf Aero- naiiH-a im Intoi-petAi in th finM las an emergency landing strin. I That part of the Umpqua Nation-1 to expand this the issue is he al forest is one of the largest ' coming: who is going to pay for areas in the state without an ! the support of our growing army emergency landing field now. I of the aged? Nelson said it will be quite an gtee companies, under parti advantage to the forest servii ! cuar attack on the subject just in future years to have the field j now say many of them have had at Toketee. Helicopters used in ' .inn ,nH u.pifare insurance fighting forest fires may be paracnute to the scene or a lire . may also use the air strip. If a forest fire occurred n ; that area now it would not be, practical to send helicopters from I Roseburg. because they are tooi slow. Nelson pointed out. primarily by the California-Ore .er company with the ; of the Briggs Logging I gon power company wnn t assistance of the uriggs Logging company and the forest service. Oregon Forest Fires On Private Lands Increase SALEM, Sept. 22 (31 - The number of forest fires on state and private lands in Oregon is about three times th number last year. Deputy State Forester George Spaur said there were 913 fires up to September 1. There were 3tiR In the same period last year. Spaur said the increase was caused by tlnder-dry forests dur ing most of the summer. He said there still is some dan ger of fires in high mountain ar .'. "'''I Blouted crown, visor brim and cascade of lush ostrich I Imagine all thii $5.00! Come and see it... and all our other Favorite Five fashion finds I Milled Millinery Dept. Second Floor of Foshions - r-" -v. .-- fenSIOnS DCCOme Current Labor-Industry Disputes By SAM DAWSON NEW YORK i& The battle for security is shifting. Who should provide for your old age you, your government or your boss? Some unions say it is up to your boss, If your social security check isn't enough. Some companies reply: "No one unwilling to contribute to his own old age requirements has a moral right to demand that others make that provision for him." There are already some 12,000 security plans in effect in private inriiist rv. henpfittine about 4i million employes. In the battle r, , effect over a period of vears. All, they say, are wining to discus, the matter with labor, b t on,y if tne empl0yee also contribute, to the pension fund, n f d )h d , equitable, and more .. ,dL ,: w?en labor wncentrated Its ficht on celling higher wages, on of. !t arBUJTe"' , J h houli1 k.f '"V.0 aOlC IU JU1 llinr OJMWt iui ma old age. This fall labor Is in- eas, but said he Isn't very much worried about it. Spaur explained that the smoke which is over much of Oregon Is caused bv fires set In slashing.), as well as In areas where they are purposely set to reduce fire hazards. PAINTS All Kindt PACT LUMBER & FUEL (V &. 2nd Ave S. Phon? 242 v - ' Typical of our fashion-wise, value-wise for only 5 wm y.ywa MOIOr ISSUe IH - sistlng that It Is the boss who would put a litte aside for the employee. Union labor reasons that as wages went up, so did prices, so that the worker still didn't have much put aside for old age. The workers argue that corp orations take care of pensions for the top brass and for free In most instances. Why not the working man? This Issups who pays for pensions threatens crippling strikes in the steel, automobile, electrical appliance, coal and other industries. The appeal for pensions used to be an appeal to sentiment the most common figure ' of speech was "putting the old horse out to pasture." Of course, the old horse mlglt have preferred staying in a warm ham eating oats, hut the most amiable corporations put their old horses out to pasture. at Ladies' White Stag SHORTIE COATS Logger Style 100 Wool Plaids In Red-and-White or Black-and-Whit Water Repellent Sizes 10 through 18 Regularly 19.95 Sportswear Second Floor . . . and in the Faded Blue Denims r by White Stag Genuine Sanforiied Faded Blue Denims Slacks are uniform top styled like dress slacks. Jacket is zipper closing two roomy pockets. Jacket Reg. 6.50 Slacks Reg. 5.95 In the Heart of Thurt., Sept. 22, 1 949-Th Nawt-Rtvlaw, Roteburg, Or. 9 Portland Mayor Says Gangsters Try To Oust Her PORTI.AND. Sept. 22 (.P Portland's Mayor Dorothy Lee yesterday said but only by im plicationthat Frankle Costello of New York and the Capone syn dicate of Chicago are backing a recall move to get her out of office. Returning from meetings of the National Association of Chiefs of Police and the American Muni cipal association, she said this: 'The recall movement is back ed by 'big national gambling syn dicates.' In most national gam bling, Costello and the Capone syndicate are somewhere in evi dence." That was as close as she came to naming names, but she went on to say that as early as the seventh week of her administra tion, which started last January, a "gang from Chicago" came to Portland to plan strategy, and they left organizers behind. At the outset of her adminis tration Mrs. Lee attacked gam bling in the city and brought in Charles P. Pray, retired head of the Oregon State Police, as po lice chief with orders to clean up the city. Slot machines and pay off pinball games were the first INFANTS' Infants Gowns Shirts Wrapping Blanketa Towels Pads, Large Pads. Small Wash Rags, etc. Crib Sheets Crib Blankets .. .03 ..07 07 04 ..01 04 .18 DIAPERS $2.50 PER WEEK We featyre Frlgldaire Appliances THEY'RE HERE! i : li Men's Shop quality, 3.95 3.95 Downtown Roseburg to go. The most recent devices to be banned have been punc.i boards. The first 1.000 names on recall petitions against the mayor wer filed yesterday. Needed to fore a special recall election are some 26.000. Mrs. Lee. a grey-haired attor ney, housewife and former state legislator, said she would take no time off to fight the recall: 'The voters will be influenced more by actions than words." D. OF H. ASSN. TO MEET The Degree of Honor Protec tive association will meet Friday at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Mary Curtis at East Douglai and Howe streets. Of the almost three million square miles in Australia, more . than one million are in the tro pics. ervice LAUNDRY Toddlers Shirts Sleepers ....03 -12 rnvi..i. ..07 ..07 ..04 Pads, Large . Pads, Small Wash Raes. etc. . ..01 Crib Sheets 04 18 Crib Blankets . Dally Service Phone 827-LX 95 IWi m IS V mm ft it