Thur., Spt. 22, 1949-Th Ntwi-IUvitw, Rostburf, 0r. 7 IVOHY SOAP 14c SWP HUNTMO FOOD BARGAINS LAROI IVIMY SOAP 217c V nJL3u gsr Happy days arc her again! Our thelvet ara crowded with a tempting variety of quality foods . , . values are better then ever . . . price to low during one shopping visit you'll want to stock your pantry with a month's food supply! So come on in today; Treat yourself to an MEDIUM ' ivy 3 9f PERSONAL IVORY 317c I economy food buying spree! LUMBERJACK SYRUP 5-lb. tin Cane and Maple Flavor ASSORTED CHEWING GUM 3 pkgs CARTON 59c GIOIA SPAGHETTI SAUCE 8-OZ. TIN pure-' HONEY s,r, Pancake Flow sri....: S3c COTOED SEEP ssl M IFLACCEP TUNA 29c AUC Pumpkin 9c 10c TOMAT Hunt's 8oz. Tin C WRISLEY'S TOILET SOAPS IS ffft- lObars "57 C IN RE-USE PLASTIC BAG DEL MONTE APRICOT PRESERVES B) U. S. Fancy & Ex. Fey. Jonarhon Apples Packed Bushel Basket Fine for school lunches or anytime 2.98 Sweet Juicy California Red Yams.. . 3 lbs. 29c Pound Jar 9e Gooo Bam is 1 OGCIDEIITJ FAMILY ( KRAFT MAYONNAISE Pint Jar 34c Quart Jar 59c U. S. No. 1 Klamath POTATOES Juicy Sunkist ORANGES A REAL Savings LETTUCE California's Best GRAPES S- io.ib,;430 Lunch Size, dz. 2 Heads 290 190 .2 Lbs. Serve Often Baked or Stewed Hubbard or Banana Squash lb. 3c Diamond A No. 2Yi Tin.. T --!. l Hunts No. 1 Tin Kerr's Mince Meat SU. iar C for 19 19 35 IVORY FLAKES 28c IVORY SNOW 28c sgfi CAMAY Reg. Sixe 3 for 23c ft ft 1 1 A V r.v llMI.IM I rtMMJ w. ....... MTH SIZE 223c Cranberry Sauce sKSno. i Tm 17i Tea Baas K'X 49 Folgers Coffee Lb. Tin55e; 2-lb. Tin 1.09 Date Prunes S.csE. 2. B0g 29 Walnuts Local, Lb. Bag Sugar Wafters i " Uf-fi Sunshine uiocmmr miners rt n i. urcus reunuis s-oz T,n COW COST 001115?" u u UU LB. Oriole Brand, Half or Whole Small Sizes 12-14-lb. Average m ; mm 550 Kleenex Pk9 300 Count SEPT: 11 24 Large PkJ. 24!SrDocirtairrt 39c Delsey Toilet Tissue 29 49 12-oz. Bag w Blanched O C Xfor OJ 27 2 rolls 29 LAVA SOAP 8c DUZ Ql.nt Site 75c OXYDOL Glint Six. 75c tfSV TIDE (fSSDREFT Wm 73c Dp&n Si ILl 23c 1b. 35c (risco 69c I T-BONE STEAK Swift's Select Lb 85c RIB ROAST Swift's Steer Beef Lb 65c BEEF TONGUES Lb... 35c Skinless Wieners The Tender Kind Lb 39c BEEF HEARTS Lb 35c (p Even A Sandwich ! Don't confine your visits to "while shoppmg." Come in anytime and bring your-friends to enjoy the finest in snocks. Try our deliciously prepared sand wiches and any of our fountain specialties when ever you visit our fountain. NIELSON'S FOUNTAIN LUNCH LARGE WHITE BEANS 25c Wonder Food Marshmallows '2-lb. pkg 10c GERBERS BABY FOODS 3 cans. 25c SLICED BACON Lb 49c Nielsen's Market located one block South of City Limits en Highwoy 99. More than one acre of paved parking space. We suggest that you follow S. Moin street to avoid highway traffic. , City bus service every hour. We reserve the right to limit quantities. eMsnrniriiirTP'Tr Grocery prices in this ad effective Friday and Sat urday and Sunday, Sept. -LL " 1A It Jut.. nA Pm- 9 . iji it's the dAVfnG'Ow every item that counts du pri"' ,,,eetiv' Store Hours 9 a.m. te I p.m., Including Sunday day and Saturday. v