6 Tht News-Review, Roseburg. Ore. Thun., Sept. 22, 1949 4 fhvl SCARF SCOOP ,: ppA ...A. , 1 t JEW YORK (NEA) Scarf-collari and cuffs that ' reverse from a black velvet ide to one of plaid woolen make two other bids besides reversibility lor the approval of today's penny-wise woman. Scarves stay put without a stitch, thanks to a tuck-in collar design. Cuffs turn out from elastic bands. Both collar and cuffs can be reversed and Interchanged to look like whole drawerful of accessories. Typical twitch Is from the plaid woolen side (left) to the black velvet side, which makes collar and cuffs look like an entirely different set of accessories (upper right). ' The twitch (lower right), to half-plaid half velvet that comet from the trick of folding collar and cuffs it another proof of the versatility of these accessories. By EFSIE KINARD, NEA Fashion Editor. 'aw ft ' Cafe. X " ! : .1 Scout Roll Call, Court Of Honor Are Held At Drain Jerry Willis. Douglas county, scout commissioner, and Rollle Quam, scout executive, went i Drain Tuesday night to witness the national roll call, conducted by Sam Wetzel and Ernie Seaton, neighborhood commissioners,' for Drain Boy Scout troop 78, and explorer unit Zfo. Both the troop and explorer units did very well on their in spections, reported Quam. They proved outstanding by showing 64 percent advancements. 96 per cent of the boys attending long term camps this summer, 94.5 percent of the members com pletely ana correctly umiormea At a court of honor, two boys were promoted from tenderfoot to second class scout rank; one boy from second to first, and eight received merit badges. National roll call for Boy Scouts will be conducted between Oct. 1 and 15, said Quam. Neigh borhood and district commission ers will inspect every scout troop, Cub pack and explorer unit on the following points: Scouts present during the Inspection; number of boys advancing one rank during the year; the number of boys at tending a long term camp, the number who had 10 days and nights in a camp other than a Camas Valley 1 "f' - i ' & J ! I ' . hx X, 1 k - w '4 -a w m, r'Wia . . : am. , (UK A Trlrphato) TEMPTING Heavyweight boxer Pat Valentino Just dropped In for a shave but barber Jerry Becerra (left) would love to romp through that head of hair, shears and all. Pat, who'll meet Ezzard Charles In San Francisco Oct 14 for the heavyweight crown, doeon't dare fall I asleep In a barber chair these days the barber might have hi money on Charles. Not even a trim Job Pat s superstitious. U. S. Ambassador To Netherlands Appointed WASHINGTON, Sept. 22-M1 President Trutrmn today nomi nated Selden Chapln. state de partment career officer, to he ambassador to the Netherlands. Chnpln was named to succeed Dr. Herman Baruch who resign ed recently. The retiring ambassador. Get Ready For Winter! Order Your Supply Of Richficlil Heating Oils Now! STOVE AND DIESEL FUELS WE FEATURE: New ruit proof hcllnff ollt. Fllml- Ticket printer meter reittter. Prtnli natef ru.t In your ilorase tank and the number of gallona delivered on fuel lyitem. your involre. Automatic Fill Up Servict Richfield healing oils are manufactured from the very best petroleum crude. Because of their high quality they burn with a clean, blue flame, without soot or fumes. We Give Green Stamps CALL 554 FOR DELIVERY 24 Hour Service Ken Linder, Agent Richfield Oil Corp. brother of the presidential advis er Bernard M. Baruch, said in a recent call on the President that he felt that at the age of 77 he should avoid spending another winter In the cold Netherlands. Chapln, 50, is a native of Erie, Pa. fie has been serving as an advisor to Secretary of Slate Ach eron since he was brought back from Hungary early this year. His recall from Budapest was de. manded by the Communist Hun garian government after he was named in testimony at the trial of Cardinal Mindszenly. The churchman was accused of plot ting with foreigners against the Red regime In Hungary. Chapln denied being Involved, and waa backed by Acheson. HARRY C. STEARNS Funeral Director Our service It for all and meets every need. Any distance, any time Licensed Lady Assistant. Oakland, Oregon Phone 472 or 542 Kenneth Carruth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bud Carruth is recu perating nicely at Mercy hospit al, where he recently underwent a serious operation. Mrs. Westley Smith underwent surgery at Mercy hospital on Tuesday. Mrs. Edith La Bore of Roseburg Is a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wheeler this week. Mr. and Mrs. Buck and chil dren, Arlene, Lorrine, and Ver na, spent Sunday in the valley visiting their many friends. LI vin Buck came to the valley on Friday for a longer visit. The long term camp; uniforms and insignias correctly worn, and parent participation. Unit committeemen and lead ers will also be inspected as to their participation in the scout program, such as training, con ducting of boards of review, con ducting of monthly committee meetings, and their participation in district round table and annual council meetings. Bucks moved to Veneta about a year ago. Mr. and Mrs. John Harmsen and daughters, Shirley and Bev erly attended the automobile show In Coos Bay Saturday. Mr. Harmsen purchased new Olds mobile. Lloyd Roberts also has a new Oldsmoblle. Mr. James Combs and family spent Saturday in North Bend. Mr. Combs also attended the au tomobile show. Mr. and Mrs. Stearns McNeil' of Salmon Valley. B. C, who were enroute to San Francisco, spent three days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wheeler. Mr. Wheeler spent some 20 years as neighbors to the McNeils in British Columbia. Among many things that Mr. Wheeler learned about his former community is that about half of the hay crop was ruined this season due to rain. Mr. and Mrs. 'Gayland Looney went to Grants Pass to attend the funeral of Helen Weaver's father-in-law. ' Do Not Lose Money Because of Saw Break-Downs! It costs you money when your power chain saw la broken or does not operate at top effllcency. Bring your chain saw to jour repair headquarters, Pacific Chain Saw Co. Many repairs are only small and it takes so little time to have them repaired when first detected. Small bugs in your motor now can mean bigger re pair bills if not corrected soon. P ACIFIC CHAIN SAW CO. Hlway 99 North Phone 11 52-J (Psr can you &et i tup tunc, nwrun vimirt I60T IT" IN MV BOX OF RUSXftt REATjy TO EAT CEREAL S IoON'T FORGET "??v!Hl10NT KNOW WHAtA SEEMS UKf fmwr J THE HUSKCTS, Mai' HAmM lF 1 r "Ak75 "SAm 5"f , J M.0M.THI& 15 A,.,-..,,,... ....U.te. ylf"11"" lu dkiwo wnr i intf rui fl rw m u.n ' I tub Lmt " "V U -5uitf ET r i i -v.i.jv - i rn rri rtr ninn ttt rirnrrnf "f Ty 'fl fj A"u"-"' WISE MOTHERS ALWAYS BUY HUSKCTS NO MONEY OR CWPONtio SENp'lN ETTiNA .J r "v WHAT I M W"c tnutiuuii uri-ij NEED TOR Asr Vjl tte.rOAn 1 61-AoTOUTTrlfM . M I All thi...ond a prize too. Can't you imagine how good Jtusfcett tasle with strawberries, sugar and rich milk or cream? KIDS SWAP DUPUCATE PRIZES THERE'S HEALTH 4 FUN IN KVSKSTS H Everyone loves the hearty, whole wheat flavor of Huikttt. They're always fresh tast ing because they're made in the West. e Nutritiousl Deliciousl e A prize in very boxl i GET KUSKtTS TODAY ee et- n etrr wiejpiwtaiuVjinw ip umiii im n i a a cane asms ?3y qbr pt0 c' JSU -...iri - x . ,e-. - - ll' -tr".. I'H'i'i "''t-"w' . ws.-.X'-W''-N'--. j.rjyli' ISlI " M ATCMl't) against the field, those figures in uke news. Mulched titfainst what they cover they're an urgent hint for instant action. Because that sum puts in your garage STYLE that's as fresh as a dew-laden daisy, from those brand-new non-locking bumper-guard grilles to the double-bull's-eye taillights. SlR that's mighty handy in traffic, a real relief in modest-size garages, a wonderful aid in parking. ROOM that rates right up at the top with inches added to all rear seat cushions, a full foot more hiproom in 4-door Sedans. i pow l-R that is lively, frugal, ever-thrilling because it comes from a high-compression, higk-firessurt Fireball straight-eight. Te to "t MIT i rtnoi. UC NA. Ur A RIDR we'll put against anything else you can find, regardless of price soft, pillowy, gentle. We call it matchless because we think you will too. HANDLING? Well, this price is the price on a Buick SPECIAL with finger-flick Synchro-Mesh transmission as light and easy as you'll find on any non-automatic-drive car. But a few more dollars per month will also give you the silken luxury of Dynaflnw Drive the soft, easy, restful drive the very biggest Buicks boast. Figure it out. Check things up. Look this picture over, thenar Go learn more from your f f : fnnck dealer. Ntre as sunrise, you'll make tip your mind to buy this one. rOO LOCAl MUVEKD PRICES TM, .tunning, $2097 . ...naer Coupe, only Six-passengerJ-doorSedoneMnof ,2165 thown) only (not shown) only (ra Price, subiecf ' chong. withouf notice-. extra, rricei .hmtt. Sr.Z in cdioining communilie, du. -PP SPBCAUV NOW Vom rrr to df atfi Vkoi When better automobile are built 111 U K trill build them SEBUE3G AftOTOII! COMPANY Rose and Washington Streets Phone 1551