JOBS AVAILABLE We have jobs for trained workers. If you have the training, we have the job. If you don't have the training, come in or coll tomorrow Fall enrollment now u.ider way GRANT'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 112 N. 8t:phent Phono 1535 R LEARN TO FLY! p . ; ; , i a If i i II II ' - . iiii; Ril : S S h Lr ali MK FREE! G. I. Flight Training Is Available To Any Veteran Who Hoi Over 90 Days of Service Previous to July 1, 1948. Training is given only in new modern fait airplanes. Enroll now before your eligibility expires. ALSO Round trip charter trips to all points Save Time end Money Try our U-Fly Service and Save up to Vl on your trip Wo Invito your Inquiries on all your flight problems. Freight up to 1200 Iba. taken for immediate shipment anywhere. GREEN FLYING SERVICE Cessna Dealers Inquire at airport any time for more detailed Information. Roteburg Airport Phone 1225-J Roseburg, Ore. it jJkisM xni3L 1 HOME FOR FAMILIES MAKING $40 A WEEK The n-w prefabricated home above is being built bv a subsidiary of U. S. Steel to sell for $6300 or less, including a landscaped lot. Known as the "Champion," the low-cost house designed for families making $35 to $40 a week is being"turned out by Gunnison Homes, Inc., at New Albany, lnd. Before long, it will be avai able in all actions of the country. The house is built larcely of plywood. Features include forcixi air hea ' g svstem, complete insulation anl streamlined kitchen. Varied exterior designs will avoid "sameness" when the houses are built in groups. Prices will vary according to location, but the "Champion" is designed to sell for a down payment of as little as $350, and monthly pay ments at about $37. Farthest East School In Douqlas Enrolls 36 Pupils The farthest east school In Douglas county, situated at Cop co's Toketee Kalis development, opened Sept. 6 with a beginning enrollment of 36 pupils, according ing to John Orr, superintendent. The enrollment, which is six times (hat of last year, can be expected to stabilize at around 13 pupils during the winter months, it Is believed by offi cials at Toketee. Facilities at this modern, one room school, erected and pre viously operated hy Coco, com pare favorably with that of any such school in the state. Ray Hen derson, long time Douglns and Jackson county educator, is con tinuing as teacher at the Toketee school. Prior to Toketee, Hender son taught In the Medford school system, where he has his home. The Toketee school foil under the direction of School Dist ri'.'t No. 12, when approximately one half the Umpqua National forest lands, a small portion of holh the Willamette and Rogue River Na tional forests, and other territory was awarded to Glide, hy a deci sion of the Douglas County Boun dary board. July 1, this year. The district now encircles Dia mond lake, borders Crater Lake National park, and Is by far the largest school district In Douglas county. Thurs., Sept. 22, 1949 -The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. 5 - y siu tii !,, i n ' nimir ' ? .WTTTf '! 1 (SKA Tdrphottt TIME SAVER Dr. Vannevar Bush (seated and Dr. Samuel Cald well of the Massachusetts Institute ot Technology in Cambridge, demonstrate an automatic typewriter that photographs lines of type on film which in turn can be used to make a printing p.nte. ins whole process takes only five minutes and is expected to revolution ise the printing Industry. The device Is three times faster than the conventional typesetting machine. "Toothache" Reveals Piece Of Knife Blade SAVANNAH. Ga.. Sept. 22 .P For 24 years. Earl Jackson, a Negro, carried a two-inch piece of knife blade in his face with out knowing it. The left over from a 1925 stab bing was embedded in his cheek bone. Doctors found and removed it when he went to them complain ing of toothache. Some estimates place losses from worthless checks in the U. S. as high as $300,000,000 a year. England's famed Fabian So ciety has never had more than 4,000 members at one time. males pMf & EVERYTHING A TIRc fU DO.. SUPER-CUSHION DOES BETTER! Rough roads leel out like magic under these bigger, softer tires. You ride re laxed refreshed at the end of long trips that tire you out with conventional tires. Enjoy aoiier tor handling greater control on curves Get rid of squeaks and n's reduce repair bills Don't miss the biggest thrill in motor ing . . . come In . . . get it now , . . Super-Cushion! Our big trade-in allow ance pays you ior the unused mileage in your present tires, Be safer with tires that stop your car faster Protect your cor and family with safer tires get longer mileage tool RIDE AS YOU PAY ... ON OUR EASY PAY PLAN CARTER TIRE CO. 444 N. Jackson Phont 1683 : v 1 u iiiauiu.ii.iu - meij Seiiiififil Sedroom Sub ri &rltl JKItsft rl L" .i:s tfflMlM5 18x25.INCH COMPARES WITH SUITES SELLING UP TO $139.00 ONLY $9.20 DOWN 'balance on thrifty payment plan High Quality at Low Price Beautiful Silver Walnut Finish Polished Plate Glass Mirror Five besutiful pieces of high quality walnut veneer Bed room furniture for under $100.00! The set consists of a 4' 6" wide bed (double size), 4-drawer chest, 4-drawer vanity, vanity bench, and a 24x6-inch polished plate glass mirror. Lovely silver walnut finish BED PILLOW $1.49 1 8x2 j -inch pillows filled with 100 crushed colored chicken feathers. Strong, 6.2-oz. ACA ticking. 2-IN-l COMBINATION 1 & PLAY TABLE SO 95 H6 e Non-Tip Safety Design Adjustable Foot Rest Sturdy Hardwood From Safe Play Table Maple or Natural Converts quickly and easily from high chair to play pea ... Has solid panel back w ith oursery desigru 3'3" overail. INNERSPRING Mattress & Box Spring Full Size - 180-Coil Mattress $(ff0S ONLY Cl) i $4.12 DOWN e FULL SIZE - 72-COIl BOX SPRING SOFT CRAY WITH GREEN STRIPES t s-eauce snrin? wirp 1 1 'i.rv,in,I .! int.i:nn -,.,-... white cotton linters batting PLUS 4 pounds flake rubber e. 1 ii 1 1 airap uaouivs lull ventilators. Pa I -- Wa I IceFFS T RO I LE R SPECIAL PRICE Modern Styling Balloon Tires Reg. 10.95 Non-Tip Safety Design Rubber Bumpers Sturdy metal frame with Floating Spring luxury ride. Deep play pan . . . Rigid tubular steel handles with detachable package carrier. Stroller BAG MslX&tl4 AO U H.ovv Blua Duck Rigid Metal Top Hooks on stroller. Ideal for the shopping mother. .n.,.iiiil..iiiniiiJ if Stephens & Cass Phone 97 r THE WEST'S OLDEST and LARGEST RETAILERS OF AUTO SUPPLIES