4 The Newi-Revitw, Roseburg, Ore.-Thuri., Sept. 22, 1949 Notice Of Timber Sal ORAL AUCTION BIDS, will be received by the District For ester, Bureau ol Land Manage ment, Region I, Bt his ollice lo cated at Room 206, Post Office Building, Roseburg, Oregon, at 2:00 P. M PACIFIC STAN DARD TIME, on September 28, 1949, lor the purchase of all mer chantable timber desicnatert for cutting upon tracts hereinafter described. The cutting and re moval of the timber shall be car ried out In accordance with the forest practice rules approved on July 7, 1938 by the Secretary of the Interior. Each hid must state the amount per thousand feet, board measure, that will be paid for each species, the total con sideration which will be paid for the timber and a statement that the bidder will comply with local manufacturing requirements as hereinafter stated. No bid for less than the appraised value will be considered. Each sealed bid must be submitted in duplicate and be accompanied by a deposit. The deposit must be in cash or In the form of a certified check on a solvent hank and in favor of NOTI Effective Monday, Sept. 26, all deposits on milk bottles will be 5c instead of 10c. vowBjeMGs yoc ?so 'smostwodebm cabs Delivered Here 1837 Stat ami Local Taxes, if any, Yet for (he big Nash Stafetman Afr flyte above, the 3-panner n,,incM Coupe. hite ideall lints, YYcaiher Lye Sstem uic op tional extra. Price may vary slightly in different communities due to tramnor taiion charse. All 1VM) Nun AitHiei re new automobile values. Compare! sr i u -" a- NEW! Id t Sky-Lounge! Reclining sir. liner scat 'options! en'tra), plus twin Beds . . Weather Ev . . . new Roll-a. Lock curtain . . . knota recessed. New pull-out glove drawer Curved undivided windshield on ill models. THERE'S MUCH OF TOMORROW COOPER MOTOR COMPANY the Treasurer of the United States. The amount of the de posit will be at least 20 of the first $1,000 of the appraised value of the timber: an additional 10 of the next $9,000; an additional 5 of the amount between $10, 000 and $100,000; and additional 3 of anv amount in excess of $100,000. the deposit will be re turned to unsuccessful bidders: applied as a part of the purchase price of the high bidder; or that portion of the deposit represent ing the minimum required by law shall be retained as liqui dated damages if the high bidder does not execute contract and fur nish satisfactory bond within thirty days of acceptance ol the bid or cannot furnish evidence of his ability to comply with the local marketing requirements. I.i sales over $5,000, and In small sales when required, the high bid der W'ill be required to furnish a sworn financial statement, showing ability to fulfill the terms of the contract. A bond on all sales will be required In an amount computed at the rale of at least 15 per cent of the bid price. Payment for timber will be required In advance of cutting, payment In full at the time of filing the contract being required In sales amounting to $5,000 or less. In larger sales, the Regional Administrator may permit pay ment in a number of Install ments. Timber sold in accordant wilh this advertisement must be manufactured within the market ing area as designated for each tract hereinalter described in ac cordance with the Orders of the Secretary of fhe Interior, No. 228,r, and Nos. 23X0 to 2390, Incl., CE CALAPOOIA DAIRY SUTHERLIN '"JZ. ' AW you can see the See the world's only cars of Airflte Con struction a revolutionary development that brings you new safety economy and rock-solid nmluhiliiy. Sec feel hear the difference in a single welded unit that's tice as rigid . , . free ol body squeaks and rattles that cuts the air ttilh 20 less wind-drag than the average car of current design. Discover the dazzling new Aiiflytc power of Super-Compression Engines feel the Cxfra cushioned smoothness of all Tour wheels. Measure the difference in mileage over 25 miles to the gallon in the Statesman Aiiflvte at average highway speed! And now, in the Nash Ambassador you can have Hydra-Matic Drive and Selcclo l ift starting no clutch pedal, no shilling! See the world's newest interiors . . . with an liner reclining scats . . . Twin Beds . . . l;niscope safety . . . Weather lye System. Voi the prices are nevs! At your Nash dealer's now in two great 1950 series! ASH AMBASSADOR Oak and Pine Streets, Roseburg dated Droembor 11, 194S and No veinlxr 29, 1947, respectively. The United States ha by agreement been Riven the right to authorize Ms purchasers to use certain roads and rights-of-way lor the removal of Umber. Each bidder should ascertain from the respec tive District Forester's office, the location of the road or right-of-way covered by such agreement relating to the tract upon which he wishes to bid. It is the bidder's responsibility to determine for himself the extent to which such agreement will permit the use of the road or right-of-way suh)ect to the payment of reasonable com pensation to the assignor of the United States. The right is here by reserved to waive technical defects in the advertisement; to reject all bids, or to award the timber for the amount of the highest bid to the next highest qualified bidder when the officer authorized to approve the con tract shall deem the high bidder unqualified to fulfill the contrac tual requirement of the advertise ment. Ail tracts advertised for sale for which no bid is received on the sale dale mav be sold on the 30th day after the sale date to bidders offering the highest price during the thirty day in terim. In no case will the timber be sold for less than the ap praised price. Further Informa tion, including copies or the form of contract, bid forms and sched ules of contract payments may be obtained at District Offices of the Bureau of Land Management, located at Salem, Eugene, Hose burg, Coos Hay, and Med ford, Oregon, or at the office of the Regional Administrator, Building No. 1, Swan Island. Portland IS, Oregon. Dated at Portland, Ore gon, this 9th day of September, lf49. IN DOUGLAS COUNTY: OREGON:.. ORAL .AUCTION BIO: DOUGLAS MARKETING AREA: T. 25 8., R. 4 W.p W. M., Sec. 29, all merchantable timber designated for cutting on the E'zSE'i, estimated for the pur pose of this sale to be 1005 M. leet Douglas fir, 60 M. feet In cense Cedar, 55 M. feet White fir, 5 M. feet Western Red Cedar. No bid for less than $5.70 per M. ft. B. M, for the Douglas fir, $2.50 per M. ft. B. M. for the Incense Cedar, White fir, and Western Red Cedar, or a total purchase price of $6,028.50, will in considered. I Sealed bids will be received, bv A. R Collier, Clerk at Jr. High School Hufldlng. Rotebiirg, Oregon, until Sep tember 30th. 1(140, 8 110 o'clock P M. Pacific Standard Time, for the River side Grade S hoo1 Gym-Auditorium Ad dition Building for School District No 4 Douglas County, Roieburg. Oregon and will then and there be opened and puhllclv read aloud Bin's received after the time fixed for opening will not be considered. Plans, Specif lea lions and form of 1950 Nash Airflytcsl Tht coil springing on possible a J S7A7TSMAM TWE AMBASSADOR "e Car Sim 1903 N.tA Mtori 0u N.iMfr Car. D.-, Mfc,M IN All NASH contract document! may b vamlnd or obtained at tha office of Freeman and Havihp. Aaaoc. Archti , 3040 S W. 3rd Avenue, Portland, Ores on, upon a dcpoiit of 925 (Ml, which will be re funded upon the return of the plane and pacification within a reasonable time. Attention li railed to Bidder Prequall flraiioiu, Sertlon Bfl-l'Kl to 9A-lJo In clusive, Orrgon Compiled Lewi An notated, which mutt be filed with the Clerk 10 daye before date for opening of bide and for which forma may be obtained at Ine off tea of the Archi tect. No proponal will be rnnaldered un let! accom pa nled by a certi 1 led check , cashier's check or bid bond wlth au thorised surety company at auretyi made payable to the Owner In an amount of not lew than 3't of the amount of the bid. Surety bond 'or bondu will be required In accordance with the lermi of the contract docu ment!. The School District No. 4, Doug la County, Oregon reeervea the right to reject any or all bid and to waive Informalities. No bidder may withdraw his bid after the hour act for the opening thereof or before award of the con tract, unleaa aaid award 1 delaed for a period exceeding 30 day. A. B. COLLIER, Clerk. rirst publication Sept. 8, 1049. Second publication Sept. IS, 1S49. Third publication Sept. 22, 1B40. Sealed bids will be received by Ber nlre Matthrwi, Clerk at School House, Tiller, Oregon, until October 7. 1049. 8 fw o'clock P. M. for the addition and Iteration! Bulldin for School Dimtrlrt No. 114. Douglai County, Tiller, Oregon ana win men ana mere oe openea and publicly read aloud. Bldi received after the time fixed for openlnga will not be considered. Plans. Specifications and form of con tract documents mav be examined or obtained at the office of Freeman and Hayillp, Amoc. Archti , 2040 S. W. 3rd Avenue, Portland, Oregon, upon a drpo.it of MS 00, which will be re funded upon the return of the plans and specification within a reasonable Ume. Attention Is railed to Bidder Prrquall-flc-atioris, Section U8-10.1 to 9H-1U3 in clusive, Oregon Complied Laws Anno tated, which mint be filed with the Clerk 10 days before date for opening of bids and for which forme may be obtained at the office of the Architects. No proposal will be considered unlets accompanied by a certified check, cash ier's check or bid bond iwlth authorized surety company as surety! made oav- able to the Owner in an amount of not lesa than 5' of the amount of the bid Surety bond 'or bond' will be required in accordance with tha term of tha contract documents. The School District No. 114, Douglas County, Oregon reserves the right to rrjri-i any or an oio ana to waive Informalities. No bidder may withdraw hit bid after the hour tet for the opening thereof or before award of the contract, unless said award it delayed for a period exceeding 30 days. Kirtt publication Sept 10, 1949 Second publication Sept 2. 194. iJLHNK'E MATTHEWS, Clerk. NOTICE FOR BIOS FOR 81KLLT RbPAIR Sealed proposals will be recefved by the recorder of the City of Rose bur. Oregon, at hit office in the City Hall in said city up to S.oo P. M. on October 3. 194ft, for the improvement of all that aart or tnra Street between the South me of Lane Street and the North llrta of Uosher Street, by exca valine and fill ing the dirt area of the street to line and grades established by the City Engi neer; by providing a .10 foot width be tween Street lines of Ford Street and by construction of curb return and by the surfacing thereof with two ? shots of oil, all In the manner provided bv Ordi nance no 1 13J in accordance with the grade, plant and specifications of the City Engineer filed at the office of me i-iiy necomer or said city. All bid must be submitted upon Cnalut Singh Ahmo b Car CMShncrfM It 40 Utrtl In Nash, the world', only ear wilh Airflvte Consiruclion, the entire frame and body, floor, roof, rear fenders, are built as s single welded unit. It is I '4 to 2'i times more ngid than ordi nary construction. Gives new safeiv, new economy, makes smoother ride. DOES TODAY Pronunciation Of "Negro" At Issue In House Dispute WASHINGTON. Sept. 2-VP Speaker Rayburn iDTexasi ruled Wednesday there's nothing wrong In using the word "Negro" in the house although one mem ber was accused ol pronouncing it "nigger." The speaker refused to recog nize a point of order by Rep. Marcantonio (ALP-NY), charg ing that Rep Rankin (DMiss) cast reflections on two Negr congressmen by calling singer Paul Robeson a "nigger commu nist." "There Is a Negro race," and many of its members are proud of it, Rayburn said. The speaker said he under stood Rankin to say "Negro." Marcantonio contended It was "nigger." Rankin said he always says "negro"--although the way h e said it sounded like "niggra." ' That's the way it's said in the south, he told reporter later, al though he always spells it n-e-g-r-o. The flare-up came during a discussion of the violent Peeks kill demonstrations against Robe son. It began when Rep. Javits ID NY J told the House he deeply regretted the whole affair at Peekskill, N. Y. It Illustrated, he said, the need for an anti-lynch-ing law to protect minorities especially "hated minorities." Rankin leaped to his feet to say the sympathies of the Amer ican people are with the war vet erans "who tried to break up the meeting. . . .and not with any Negro communists." Yoncalla Mrs. Bernice Mediki and her son. Richard, have moved to their little new home in Annie's Acres. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Shiery will move into the apartment left vacant by the Mediki's. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Langdon are being congratulated on the arrival of a son, born Aug. 29, named Roy Francis. blank forms which will be furnished upon application to the undersigned and must be accompanied by a certi fied check payable to the City Recorder for .1 percent of the amount hid to be forfeited to the City In the event said bid Is accepted but the bidder shall fail to enter Into a contract and bond with the city In accordance with the term of the bid. A bond of 100 per cent of the amount of the con tract satisfactory to the city will be required from the contractor. The time slated in the proposals for completing the work will be considered In award ing the contract. The Council reserves the right to re ject any and all bida. By order of the Common Council dated and first published September 21, 1940. WILLIAM D BOLLMAN City Recorder Roseburg, Oregon NOTICH FOR BIDS run aiHttr RH'Aiit Sealed proposals will he received by the recorder of the City of Roneburg. Oregon, at his office in the City Hall in said city up to 5 00 P. M on October 3, 1940. for the repair of North Jack son Street between 2nd Avenue South and the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way by the widening and aurfacing thereof to a width of 28 feet on each side of the center parkway and be tween said Southern Pacific Railroad right of way and 1st Avenue South by the widening and surfacing thereof to a width of 22 feet on each side of the center parkway; and by the construction of curbs and gutters along each side thereof, and by the surfacing of said parts thereof to said width as may be necei-sary with asphaltic concrete or concrete surface, all In the manner pro vided by Ordinance No. 1133 and In accordance with the grade, plana and (pecifications of the City Lngineer filed at the office of the City .Recorder of aid Citv. All bide mut be submitted upon blank forms which will be furnished upon application to the undersigned and must be accompanied by a certified check payabla to th City Recorder for percent of the amount bid to be forefetted to the City In the event said bid is accepted but the bidder hall fail to enter Into a contract and bond with the city in accordance of ion percent of the amount nf the i contract satisfactory to the city will be required from the contractor. The time slated In the proposals for com pleting the work will be considered In awarding the contract. The Council reserves the right to re ject anv and all bidt. Bv order of the Common Council dated and first publithed September 21, 1949. WILLIAM D BOLLMAN Citv Recorder Roseburg. Oregon WE ADD MILES MORE WEAR TO YOUR SHOES . . . ond subtract miles of wear from their appearance with our prompt skilled re conditioning service. We carefully treat your shoes in side and out and it costs so little. .OWM Mr If thpir worth wearing they're worth repairing HILL'S SHOE SERVICE 108 E. Woshington County Bills Allowed For Month Of August. August 1-S2850.00 appropri ated lor predatory animal control in Douglas county to be matched with an equal amount of State Department of Agriculture funds. August 3 NW1 Sec. 15; NEj NEi Sec. 22; Nl NWi Sec. 23; all in Twp. 22 S R 11 W. conveyed to State of Oregon lor use ol Forestry department. August 4 Ralph E. Haggard appointed constable for Glendale District at a salary ol $30.00 per month. August 5 $200,000.00 trans ferred from General County fund to General Road fund, to be re placed when funds are available. August 8 Ei; EiSWi; NWI SWl Sec. 26; SEINE! ; SEiSEl Sec. 27 In Twp. 30 S R 7 WW M leased to Harvey Allen Boyd and D. H. Snavely for five years in consideration 10 of gross pro ceeds and ores extracted there Jrom. August 10 Old County Home site east of Roseburg, containing 6.H8 acres sold to (Jma V. Kerr for $5300.00. August 15 September 16, 1949, 10 o'clock a. m., as time fixed for hearing petition for vacation of dedicated road in Roseburg Or chard Company Tract 1, ,Plat 1, and Tract 1, Plat 2. August 18 Contract entered Into with J. D. Walling of Eugene to crush and stockpile 20.0O0 yards rock on Scotts Valley-Elk-head road for $1.75 per yard. August 22 Order to give no tice of vacation of Ada Bridge Section on Ana Hoad In ec. 1, Twd. 20 S R 12 W W M, for hear ing Sept. 30, 1949. August 23 Resolution adopted to acquire quarry site on Bert Houseman property in Section 17, Twp. 26, S R 3 W W M for North Umpqua highway. August 23 EJNESNWJ Sec. 1, Twp. 27 S R 5 W W M sold to Violante R. Short for $200.00. August 29 Agreement entered into with City of Roseburg lor said city to collect dog licenses and enforce dog control law with- j in corporate limits of said city, said city to he paid 80 of fees collected. Elbert W. Naas and Kenneth F. Calhoun appointed dog control officers within said i city. ! August 29 Franchise granted . to W. K. Burnett to Install a wa-' ter conduit along Newton Creek Road from Highway 99 easterly approximately 800 leet. I WARRANTS DRAWN FOR j MONTH OF AUGUST 1949 General County CIRCUIT COURT: West Coast Publishing Co., $10.00; Zina Canaday, $375.00; Edward Hicks, timin. H ,ol I anolnv Sl.'tO 1(1: Raymond Farnsworth Jr., $130.10 and $90.10: Bancron-wnnney vo., ffinnrv. Par- Tel. x, Tel 'r 'M: Harriett F. Tur ner, $5.00; SIAC, $0.35. COUNTY. tUUKi: V. IN. nuscn- bark, $12.50; Assn. of Oregon Counties. $320.00; Shell Oil, $10.43; Tidewater Assoc., oil, $12.9X; Union Oil, $6.47; Commer cial Abstract, $39.84; Pac. Tel. & rl I. V Kerklev. $7.25: G. R. Baker, $5.05; Rsbg. Motors, $5.10; Hansen .vimois, i.ou, Cliff's Station, $2.50; Virginia Owens, $18.65; SIAC, $0.37. JuaTH E tuuit i : Ai'ii s unite EouiD.. $273.28; West Coast Tel. Co., $7.23; Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., $4.80; M. & M. Prinlers, $17.00; A. Drake. Ac't. $25.(K); levl wnue. $16.00; Fred M. Wright, $10.52; Rsbg. Printing, www; nsox. Book Store. $3.60; jury fees, $101.92; witness fees, $149.56; SIAC, $6.24. JUVENILE court: Agnes .vi. Pitchford, $27.75; Standard Oil, cimii nil S24.70: Tide- Water Assoc., oil, $14.34: postage, $20.00; Agnes M. Pitchford, $19.70: SIAC. $1-89 LnsiKii-i sin; "i"" ino c.nnris $0.50: Uictaulione Corp., $12.00; John J. Grabow, Mil $30.00; Grace Robertson, S26.20: Doris Sole, $2.1.89: R. O. nauis s-ifi.30: Pac. Tel & Tel., $31.15; Phillips Office Supply, $4.90; SIAC, $0.37. ASSESSOR: Koke - Chapman Co., $73.66; Rsbg. Printing. $ol.90; Kilham Stationery, $13.11: post age $60.00; Lockwood Motors, $67.40: A. R. VonLehe, $3000; Commercial Abstract, $11-03; Douglas Abstract, $1.00: Phillips Of lice Supply. $16.35; Addresso graph Mulligraph Corp., 51, 347.97; Ben Irving. $42.50; Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co., $11.15; C. Crocker, $151.00; M. Dixon, $123.73; B. Hat tield $134.06; M. Johnson, $146.80; I, Poole, $125.70; L. Walker, $127.14: L. Weir, $129.82; D. Car ter. $111.37; J. G. Stephenson, $283.00; SIAC, $4.61. CORONER: Douglas J. Tudor, $8 15 and $17.00 and $11.30; M. B. Emmett, $10.25; H. C. Stearns. $23.09; Jurv lees, $19.92; witness fees. $16.84: autopsy, $10n.0O; photos $22.00; Mary Wells. $25.00. CLERK: Postage, $69.00: Rsbg. Book Store, $2.49: Pac. Tel. & Tel $5.85: SIAC. $2.31. SHERIFF AND LEGAL: Rich field Oil, $26.62; Art Burnside Co., $55.00; Texas Co.. $11.28 and $10.42; Douglas Paint & Hdw, S'23; Umpqua Valley Tel. Co., $18 25: Standard Oil, $69.68: Shell Oil $116.67: Atlas Stamp & Die., $15 13; TideWate.- Assoc., oil, $97 20; General Petrol. Corp, $71 14; postage. $23.90; Camas Vallev Slore, $2.53; M. & M. Print ers 517.00; West Coast Tel. Co.. $6.66 and 6.01: Commercial Ab stract. $66.18: Union Oil. $41.0.; Signal Oil, $4 S3; Rsbg. Printing, $9 73: Union Garage. $13 89; Han en Motors. $144.12; Rsbg. Book Store, $1.90; Thillips Office Sup ply $73 64; Western Union. SI'VSS- O. T. Carter. $18.00 and $11.25 and $16 00: Ira Byrd. $'-'. and S3.90 and $15.00 and $10.j0 and $11.30: A. Eckhart. $20.00 and 7 00 and 17.20; D. Bennett. $34.00 and $5 95 and 975; O. A. Kenner lv, $303.23: W. M. Jackson. Sl.lb: A J Ward, $3.16: Rsbg. News Review. $10.00: SIAC. $24 95. SHERIFF-TAX Dept.: Postage, $471 SS: Pac. Tel. & Tel., S3.J0; SIAC. $1 .33. SHERIFF AND PER. DEL TAS COLL.: Postage. $36.16; M. & M. Printers. $29 25: Pac. Tel. & Tel . $2.00: SIAC. $0.67. SCHOOL SL'PT.: K. F. Barne burg, $74.71: postage, $100.00: Pac. Tel. & Tel.. $8.30; SIAC, $0.65. SURVEYOR: Shannon Co., $23.80: Diet -gen Co., $6.3S: B. Irv ing. $14130; F. Darby $86.95: A. Evans. $13 57: N. Richardson, $16.92; C. L. Farrfll. $29M; Pae. I Tel. Tel., $6 35; Koke-Chapman Co., $11.50; SIAC, $0.67. ! TREASURER: West Coast ! Print & Bind Co.. $148.80; E. M. Harpham, $1.30.68; Pac. Tel. & iTel.. $3.75; SIAC, $0.54. ! HEALTH UNITS: T. C. Baker, $108.57 and $79.55; L. Fulton, ; $70.75 and 25.20; M. Barrett, $62.66; A. Botlai, $15.00; postage, ,$10.00; F. White Shop, $2.15; ! Doris Cole, $81.92; New Service i Laundry, $2.52; Pae. Tel. & Tel., $11.45; Phillips Office Supplv, $139.75: R. Stanek. $90.17; D. E. jKitching, $8.61: SIAC, $3.86. HOME & HOSPITAL: Lock I wood Motors, $827.00; C. O. P. Co., $62.24; Commercial Abstract, $16 03; Stringers Shoe Shop, $1.75; J. C. Pennev Co., $6330; Boyd Coffee, $30.54; M. Caw jthron, $3.13; Cleo Bakery, $5.60; Douglas Co. Creamery, $21.44; lEwen Bros., $14.00; Bob Frank 1 cm. r t .un.i uiul pi:-.ijj it . fiutigcn, $85.23; W. P. McFarland, $27.50; P- c. Coop. Poultry, $70 30; O. G. Rogers, $64.50; Vallev Wholesale, $12.95: Boucocks Mkt.. $15.52: Chapman Pharmacy. $2.35; Rexall Store, $144.32; Rsbg. Pharmacy, $2.15; Goetlels Variety. $10.95; Marsters Refrig. Co., $2.50; Mont gomery Ward Co., $3.18; Ump qua Furniture, $50.00;- Farm Bu reau Coop., $8.58; Umpqua Dairy, $215.91; McDonald Candy, $38.93; Patterson Bakery, $6301; New Service Laundry, $207.95; Rsbg. Lumber, $66.60; Rsbg. Book Store, $0.60; Pac. Tel. & Tel., $9.40; SIAC, $37.64. COTTAGE: C. O. P. Co., $5.16. JAIL: Dr. Geo. Marshall. S7.00; J. V. Sporting Goods, $56.24; Dr. Roy E. Hanford, $5.00; O. T. Car ter, $10.00; Rsbg. Weld. & Mach. Wks., $14.05; R. Ritzman, $55.38; Dr. Geo. Marshall, $7.00; New Service Laundry, $22.60; prisoner meals, $940 00; Master Photo Studio, $18.97; Rsbg. Pharmacy, $1.25; Dr. Bruce Hetrick, $5.00; Coen Supply Co., $185.65; Dr. B. R. Shoemaker, $5.00; Rsbg. Gar bage Disposal, $4.00; SIAC, $7.37. COURT HOUSE: R. Ritzman, $585.83 and $234.22; Otis Elevator, $43.60: Packer-Scott Co., $8.25; C. O. P. Co., $225.35; Wharton Bros., $5.00; Umpqua Valley Hdw., $14.41; Rsbg. Lumber, $14.00; W. R. Brown, $3.50; Village Black smith, $6.70; Rsbg. Electric, $133.91; Zellerback Paper, $86.25; Arden Burrus, $206.08; SIAC, $7.56. PUBLIC EMPLOYES RETIRE MENT SYSTEM: $2591.29. PROPERTY CLASSIFICA TION: D. Bennett, $46.48 and $28.56 and $214.70; R. C. Gile, $88.77; H. Haskin, $12.90; SIAC, $2.05. WELFARE AGENCIES: Dr. Roy Hanford, $10.00: Dr. C. B. Wade, $20.00; Dr. B. R. Shoe maker, $15.00; Dr. G. N. Lenci, $5.00; Vital Slatistics, $90.25; Childrens Farm Home, $10.00; Boys and Girl Aid Society, $10.00; Calholic Charities. $5.00. SOLDIERS AND SAILORS: Mytle Slennett. $25.00. AGRICULTURE: B. S. Besse, director. $-100.00. PREDATORY ANIMAL CON TROL: The following received $10.00 each for cougar: D. E. Chasleen. $10.00 each for coyote: Norman McK'eel. John Miller, Joe Morris. Virgil Leach, Bob Row land, Fred Perdue and T. C. Freadman. The following received $2.50 each for bobcat: Amie Pepiot, David Ryan and Raymond Jones. COUNTY OWNED LANDS: Armour Murdock, $286.17; Com mercial Abstract, C11.03; Pac. Tel. & Tel., $1.10; SIAC, $2.62. FORESTRY APPRAISAL: Standard Oil. $21.31; Master Photo Studio. $7.20; Powell Sport ing Goods, $18.00: Rsbg. Cabinet Supply, $4.69 and $15.00; J. K. Gill Co., $40.11: Grimm's Grocery, $40.45 and $5.83: Commercial Ab stract, $22.08; Phillips Office Sup ply, $10.(10; R. E. Kleiner, $37.90; Ben Irving. $2.70; Pac. Tel. & Tel., $,.23; SIAC. $14.61. VETERINARIANS: Dr. Geo. L. Nicholas. $79.50; Dr. Dallen H. Jones, $515.00. GENERAL SUPPLIES: Ken's Office Equip., $3.15; Burroughs Add. Mach.. $22.84: Rsbg. Book Store. $44.10; J. K. Gill Co., $35.77. PITRl.tSHING CLAIMS AT REPORTS: Rsbg. News-Review, I $56.70; Port Umpqua Courier, ! $62.30. SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND ! MEASURES: Dept. of Agricul- ' ture. $8.57. j WATER MASTER DIST: 16: Tom R. Pearce, $103.35; SIAC, $0.62. DOG CONTROL: Farm Bureau Coop, $6.05; the following re ceived for sheep killed: Flovd Ramp, $20.00; Elbert Ball, $15.00; Emery Baker, $5.00; O. G. Sether, $15.00; Floyd Ramp, $5.00 for goat; John Ascott, $100 for chicken; V. Weaver, $33.00 for turkevs. TOTALS: Oregon Physicians service. $248 50; slate tax. $259.90; fed. tax, $2301.04; P. E. R. S., $1161.88. WARRANTS DRAWN FOR MONTH OF AUGUST 1949 General Roads and Road Districts The following warrents are drawn in payment of patrolmen and crew: G. Logan, $72.77; J. Levvellvn. $87.67; H. E. Bennett, $28.80; E. Stillwell. $80.84: V. Jones, $53.21: T. Falconer. $109.35: R. Berrv. $55.04; F. C. Frear, ! $302.99: A. Andrews. $242.96; A. Moore, $29 53: L. Kershner, $172.64; M. Smith. $143.11: D. Owens. $295.13; R. Loo mis, $242.41; R. Hnsenvager. S226.90; T. MoLellan. $224.28; J. Wharton. $213.22: F. Reeds. $174.20; H. Gal- i lap, $305.55; G. Kincaid. $233.52; I K. Neavoll, $249.48; R. Duelks, ! $227.67; C. Snutn. $265.72: R. i N a u 1 1. $229 26 : W. Cordon, $221.03: R. Langholff. $304 37: C. Hinev. $293.04: C. Healv, $253.33; I R. Berrv. $16103; R. Fuller, $230.62: A. Hall, $232116; L. ' Kershner. $50 32: A. Moore. $199 37; J. Copeland. $133.06: J. Faust, $132.75: Wm. Hugh's, $1846 and $210.09; L. Redford, $232 51: B. Babh. $240.50: G. Blake. $42.77: W. Bowton, $36.20; E. Kent, $13444; E. Melton, $260.25: T. BeaU, $206 40: I.. Owen. $76.03: L. Daniels. $213.09; W.' Paris. $38.02: M. Ormsbv, $262.52; B. Burnev. $230.86: R. Atvene Sr., $198.49; E. Mills, $198.49; F. Yeaman, $215.09; S. Holder, $205.59: J. Russell, $251 95: H. Carev, $242 86; D. Mav, $219 41: J. Chancellor, $210.29: J. VanSlvke, $16.71; T. Brinigar, $14.32 and $217.02; L. Shinkle, i $250.16: C. Baker, $219.36; E. Tay. I lor. $215.81: J. Ward, $195.53; E. Rand. $286.05; F. Brown, $247.94; C. Brown, $206.01: W. Lively, :$?39.80; B. VanSlyke, $210 49; L. 'Owen, $133.06; E. Stillwell, !$113.45; J. Lewellyn, $134.81; E. Hargis, $239.12: T. Rockwell, $292.19; V. L. Corn, $317.44; P. LMaresch, $240.49; C. Colfell, !$84 43; J. Copeland. $91.61; C. Cut. I ting Jr.. $229.32: J. Gailey. $271.70; R. Griffins, $224.52; W. Mills, $238.10; H. Parker, $251.53; J. Pine. $140.77; L. Robertson, $253.73; W. Rockwell, $249.12; B. iSchrank, $199.09; O. Sconce, $138.89; J. Toi, $238.44; J. Wade Jr $214.09; J. Wade Sr., $249.12; H. E. Bennett, $172.59; C. A. Cof fell $184.00; J. H. Pine, $56.93; O. Sconce, $85.93; J. Wade Jr., i $45.64; L. Robertson. $20.43; W. i Mills, $11.88; J. Coiieland, $12.47; !o. Matthews. $250.11; W. C. jCooper, $117.86; W. G. Cooper, $209.90; J. Lynn, $120.05; C. Stubbs, $231.12; G. Trent, $133.06; lo.'Conn, $104.02; O. Murdock, $7.51; H. Elliott, $214.36; R. Rey. nolds, $232.64; E. Kent, $97.00; F. Haas. $272.17; F. Hedrick, $224.34; L. Cooper, $222.08; K. Conn, $236.77; L. Patterson, $260.71; R. Abeene Jr., $214.31; C. Wulff. $262.09; W. C. Cooper, $28.51; R. Fisher, $243.36; S. Colley, $242.42; E. Cox, $194.58; H. Hatchers, $'90.19: S. Kraft, $193.69; L. Mack, $76 88; R. Calvin, $9.90; E. Mover, $251.95; J. Zumwalt, $242.65: T. Erwin, $242.01; C. Sain, $224.21; D. Falconer, $201.99; J. Martin. $90.24; R. Spalding, $202 42; R. Howard, $240.12; R. Calvin. $159.85; A. Helvey, $224 52; H. Church, $227.70; E. Gallas. $325.46; J. R. Baker, $283.65: H. Kaiser, $247.93; C. Ry dell, $272.97; N. Jackson, $242.00; H. Andrews, $261.36: W. Sylves ter, S201.95: B. Walker, $47.o8; E. Bennett, $186 64; S. Darby, $38.97; F. Berth, $56.20; G. Casebeer, $306.33; S. Darby, $200.71; A. Er win, $240.40; D. Hatfield, $261.76; J. Matthews, $244.11; J. Miller, $266.47; E. Sanderson, $264.53; M. Stone, $265.26; R. VanSlyke, $270.19; E. Webber, $276.71; C. Perry, $262.01; M. McCulloch, $216.49; C. France, $215.04; W. C. Coo(M'r, $43.82; C. Lynn. $57.03. Totals, Oregon Physicians serv ice, $374.50; S. tax. $351.82; F. tax, $2274.20: P. E. R. S., $1497.02; SIAC, $733.01. - The following warrants are drawn from road districts: Mack & V. Brown & Carl V. Trued. $3, 700.00; M. H. McCord, $1,949.50; Armco Drainage & Metal Prod., $17,413.86. The following warrants drawn for express, gas, oil, lumber and supplies: Rsbg. Sand & Gravel, $2,876.03; Whipple Logging Co., $210.00; Rsbg. Book Store, S10.60; Harry Pearce. $36.00; Roberts Shell service, $8.55; Bearing Sup ply, $2.13; Cummins Mach. shop, S24.80; Douglas Supply, $211.99; Doyles Sales & Service, $96.01; Farm Bureau Coop., $94.69; El liott Sales, $6S8.28; Industrial Electrics, $3.50; Multnomah Bat tery Mfg., $234.32: Nelson Equip. Co.. $60.16: Olvmoia Supply, $209.53; Pac. Mach. & Tool Sleel, $452.92; Umpqua Powder Supplv, $134.33; Sec'y of Slate, $1.00; Thomas & Beckley, $7,000.00; J. D. Walling, $.)..-4.h3; Kens ui fice Equip.. $240.90; Joe Book shnis. $281.88; Fogel & Powe j, $5.50; Reedsport Garage, $3.00; J. C. Compton Co., $108,619.05; Columbia Equip. Co., $21.66; Rays Truck Shop, $33.92; Pac. Shop Towel, $10.00; Rsbg. Glass Co., $8.95; Woodbury Co.. $87.65; U. S. Treas., $100.00; C. Heard, $31.55; N. McKeel, $136.40; Umpqua Sand & Gravel, $2.60; R. Ritzman, $1, 333.54; E. Barker, $6.04; Si Dillard Motors, $598.33: Nordling Parts Co., $226.03; Specialized Parts, $749.36; Orchard Auto Parts, $112.67; Smith Motors, $2.71; i'hell Oil, $5.90 and $1,923.28 and $7.58: Hansen Motors, $3,840.32; Standard Oil, $690.72; Texas Co., $60.00; Union Oil, $5,416.48; J. D. Walling, $2,864.50; City of Reeds port, $3.00; Canyonville, $3.00; Arrow Transportation. $479.20; Northern Lines, $351.72; Pierce Auto Freight, $9.74; Transport Service, $710.40; Stancal Asphalt & Bitumuls, $5,386.42; Electric Steel Foundry, $411.31; Joelson Lbr., $601.92; Armco Drainage & Metal Prod., $24,000.00; Groesbeck & Hickson. $S,900.00; Antonsen Painting, $3,000.00: Arrow Trans portation, $1,118.30; Ore.-Nev. Calif. Fast Freight. $8.20 and $3.90; Silver Eagle, $304.86; Cen tral Lincoln PUD, $3.51; Rsbg. Parts & Supply, $2.77; Daily Mo tors, $3.32; Tire Service Co., $796.00; Central Service, $86.00; D. Rider. $7.50; C. V. Stores, $3.70; Reedsport Machine Wks., $11.32; D. Baldridge, $3.00; T. B. Holcomb. $8.00; United Truck Service, $8.85; B. A. Serf ling, $44.23; L. Mack. $56.00; Mrs. Geo. May, $30.00; D. Chambers, $4.70; C. O. P. Co., $60.13; Harry Kenny. $27 00: Timber Structures Inc., $27,930.00: Rsbg. Sand & Gravel, $1,844.25; John R. Gard ner, $228.00; Commercial Ab stract, $1,833.07; Pierce Auto Freight, $9.98; Transport Service, $536.44; Bob's Repair Shop, $16.85; G. & J. Mobile Service, $10.50; H. L. Goodmansnn. $2.70; Elktnn Telephone Co., $7.55: Elk ton Logg Co.. $9.00; J. C. Comp ton Co., $37.95; Geo. Churchill, $4 32; Farm & Indust. Equip., $3.96: Pac. Tel. & Tel., $71.25; lorn Lillebo. $25,400.00; Groes beck & Hickson. $2,975.00; North ern Lines, $1,055.83. Auto Goes On Rampage, Smashes Doctor's Office SPRINGFIELD. Ore.. Sept. 22 (.T Mrs. Delores Berkeley is probsblv having her brakes test ed today. She tried to put on the brake downtown here, and the car: 1. Jumped the curb and smashed through a plate glass window. 2. Crashed Into a doctor's re ception room. 3. Sent a piece of glass inches from the head of the doctor's re ceptionist, Mrs. D. A. Castleber ry. 4. Splintered two chairs which ; patients had just vacated. 5. Finally came to a stop by pinning Dr. Leslie Johnson gen j lly to the wall, i Amazingly, nobody got hurt