Beauty of Line Featured in 1950 Nash 11 Thi Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore. Thun., Sept. 22, H4 More Nationalist Chinese Troops Go Over To Commies CANTON, Sept. 22-JP Trust worthy Chinese reporli thii week said 20.000 Moslem troops had revolted against the Nationalists in arid, northwestern Ninf!ia province and gone over to the Reds. The Moslems beloneed to the command of (Jen. Ma Hung Kwel, who Is estimated to have 80,000 men under hlg command in Ningsla. Ma has been in Chungking trying to get Chiang Kai-shek to allot much needed arms to his troops. The Nincala revolt report fol lowed word both in Nationally China and Communist Shanghai, that 100,000 Nationalist troops tn Suiyuan province, also In the northwest naa gone over 10 uic Reds with their arms. Private reports here said a st rone Communist force was mrikinz westward toward Nlng- sia from adjoining inner Mon golia. Kinhtlng for the big seaport of Amoy rose to full crescendo In the wake of Chiang Kai-shek's pppeal to repel Communist serf dom and save China from be coming a Russian vassal. Official dispatches said three Red armies with two artillery regiments in suoport were as saulting the once thriving treaty port 275 miles east-northeast of Canton. Kail of Amoy, mainland head quarters of the Nationalist south east China command, probably would herald a big Communist drive on already threatened Can ton from the coast. College Students May Register For Selective Service Where Convenient Coincident with the beauty of line achieved in the 1S54 Nash Airflyte cars are th advantases of the scientifically conceived aerodynamic denim which contributes importantly to the unusually hish fuel economy of Nash cars. Nash engineers clsim that recent wind tunnel tests at the University of Wichita revealed that 1950 Nash cars hava tho lowest air ralstanea of any full slia stock tars tested. Passenger comfort as well as economy. Is Increased by reduced rear-end air turbulence. AFL Backs Mors, Angell, Declares War On Cain PORTLAND, Sept. 22 iPi Two Oregon Republicans are friendi of labor but Washington's AUTO GLASS REPAIRS Rainy weather is coming . . . now ii the time to have auto glass repairs made. We handle all types of glass and door hardware. IS years of auto glass service tn Roseburg DOYLE'S Sales & Service Highway 99 at Garden Valley PHONE (11 Sen. Harry Cain Is a target for defeat, the AKL Northwestern Council of Lumber and Sawmill Workers was told at its closing meeting here. Ed Weston, president of the Washington Federation of Labor, assailed Cain and said labor would "cut his political throat," when he came up for re-election. But Sen. Wayne Morse and Rep. Homer Angell drew approv ing support from Joseph D. Kee nan. Washington, D. C, national director of the AKL's Political Education league. "Leave no stone unturned to see that they are returned to the 82nd Con gress," he said. Frank Chapman, coordinator lor the brotherhood of carpenters and Joiners, told delegates to pay no attention to employers' hard luck stories. He said employers were planning to cut vacation benefits. He told delegates to serve notice. "We don't Intend to have anything taken away. And we do Intend to get more." On I. CLASS OFFICERS NAMED Senior class officers were elect ed to office at a special meeting held at Roseburg high school SepU 15. Elected were Don Parr, presi dent; Dennis Hayden, vice-president ; Sue Brown, secretary treasurer and Barry Kenny, ser-geantatarms. ;ske Mix .IS I IIC IIIICM I Iiavo evi'r hmmI." - Myl Mr. Jew Milne. 3 i it . v -f-h .. . i I ' t Come in and see it today! Ask for a demonstration Here's the revolutionary llotpoint Auto matic Range with pushbutton controls and "talking colors" sensational new features that bring you new case, speed, accuracy and convenience , . . plus strik ing new kitchen beauty. Jwit Mbit Hi lilnfl tp4 ytj want Hitn btrttM. TKejt i all yt hav H tto. hHl Yw wmm mm art mm mm4 rtw mxtt mwmkmm e" Pushbutton Cook ng! No other rinse offers more you'll never be unified with one thst offers leu. Comt in see for yourself hy ; I I 344 Everybody's Pointing To Hot point1. i 1 Per Week 30 Ai JACKSON SZ TiLEPNQHE 268 College and university students who become is years 01 age alt er the school term starts need not return to their homes to reg ister under the Selective Service law, Francis W. Mason, deputy state director for OicRon says, but may register at the local board most convenient to them. as may others when they reach the age 01 Is. 'The law reouires registration of all young men with very few exceptions witntn live days alt er their eighteenth birthdav, "Colonel Mason said, "but there still seems to be some misun derstanding as to the place of registration. Ail the young man has to do Is present himself to the local board or registration place designated In that particu lar area most convenient in the place he happens to be when he becomes l. I he registration process is simple and requires only a short time. The data thus gathered is sent to the local board of the community he terms his home and which has Jurisdic tion over him." When the registrant has a per manent home, the nermanent home address should be given to registration officials, Colonel Ma son said. For this purpose "home" Is the place with which the registrant normally Identifies himself and at which he would wish to be classified. Colonel Mason pointed out that there is no liability for service under the Act until the age of 19 is reached, but he emphasized the obligation to register at 18. Penalties For Laxity 'The law Is specific." he said, "and provides severe penalty for failure to comply." Colonel Mason added that the law is also specific In its re quirements concerning obligation of a registrant to keep his local board Informed as to any change In his address where he may be reached bv mail, that la or change In his status under the Act. That applies after the regis trant becomes 26 as well as be fore." Colonel Mason said, "and it means that college and univer sity students, as well as other registrants, should notify their respective local boards when they leave their homes. There Is no form for this. It may be done by mall or personally appearing at the board office." Colonel Mason emphasized that the requirements to register and legal obligations of registrants were In no way altered because there have been no inductions within the past few months. Oregon Residents' Life Insurance Increasing SALEM, Sept. The av erage Oregon resident carries $1. 000 worth of life insurance. That average is for every man, woman and child in the state. State Insurance Commissioner Robert Taylor reported that at the beginning of this year, life insurance policies In force In Or egon totaled $1,507,021,125. That was a 10 percent gain over the previous year. He also reported that fire In surance premiums paid In 1948 totaled $34,350,915. or 17 percent more than in 1947. Fire losses paid during the year were $10,566,625, which was 4. percent less than In 1947. FORM LIBRARY CLUB Senior high school library girls formed a club that will feature guest speakers during the term. The club meets the first Wed nesday of each month. Officers are Carol Morely president; Marilyn Watklns, vice president and Marilyn West, sec retary. Cloyde Rlffe, the first guest GARDEN GROWN IN OREGON! 1 The United Stares le the best country in the world . . OWN PART OF IT SEE US FIRST for listings of residences, farms, stock ranches, acreage, business oppor tunities snd lots and lots of lots. C. FORREST LOS EE u. 230 N. Stephens St. Fullerton Realty speaker, is dated to talk Oct. 1. Mrs. Monger is club advisor. IYJ J WYk SPECIALS FRIDAY and SATURDAY N WfiM5 J'rsT Sept. 23rd & 24th " yello-ripe V byyJ P2h f ( BANANAS TryS, "CVx ' SUNSHINE KRISPY A mg-m I ij? CRACKERS 2 430 ( ib 17c SMALL WHITE BEANS . 25 Slimos 290 Just Right to Eat PANCAKE FLOUR Hungry Jack, 10-lb. Bags. 890 TAMALES 3oosJayoJ'orFollE,in9 350 FLY SPRAY pin,c0n,.RicMdor""nie".... 190 COCOA ,.,b.cs He:,,es.$wee,MilkCMOa 400 ORANGES, Sunkisr, Juicy, doi... SEEDLESS GRAPES, 2 lbs TOKAY GRAPES, 2 lbs RADISHES, Locals, 2 bunches STRAWBERRIES, Fresh-Frozen plcg... 25e 19e 23e -15e -33e Mr U. S. NO. 1's rrV rrr CHOICE MEATS Beef Liver And Fresh, Ib, 49c Rabbits Fryers, Ib 49c Veal Steaks f'SV 49c Chickens Hens, pound . 45c Sausage Links, pound 49c Dried Beef Dried, Vi-lb. pkg.. 45c I I Swift's Luru Silverleof, 2-lb. pkg . 47c To Compliment Your Fall Costume . . . you want your permanent a glowing wreath of supple curls and pliont waves. Yours at the hands of our skilled operators. Henninger's Beauty Shop ALICE MARRION IN CHARGE Opens 8:00 A. M. Phone 522 Store No. I Jackson and Winchester ( POTATOES n il tr , Toilet Soap Bouquet, 3 bars. 25c Cinch Cake Mix Pk9b: 39c Hills Coffee iRtbd Con 52c Corn Flakes s o"09 5 2 TOr25c Lamirada Ripe Olives ,59c Bordens Swiss Cheese 2-lb. Brick 93c CUaaea Melowest vIICCjC Cheddar, American, lb.. 49c Wieners p, emium, pound . 49c Spam Hormel's, 12-oz.Tin.. 39c Vienna Sausage v.Zl cans 17c 3 Henninger's Marts ROSEBURG STORE tor N. 1 Ur N., f a. ttot. fraatntrr! Marl Xr44f Mat-krl Mrtl i rek m.mi BI41 Tbnli Markfti r