Vigorous Hydro Electric Development Is Outlined By Interior Spokesmen Wed.. Sept. 21, 1949-Th. News-Review, Roseburf, Or. 11 Bees Resent Removal, Sting Worker To Death YAKIMA, Sept. 2-i!Py-K Yak ma fruit worker died Monday a few hours after being stung on the throat by a score of bees. The victim, William Henry Dun can, 49, was stung while moving the bees from apple boxes where they had hived. TRUCK KILLS CH'LO PENDLETON, Sept. 2-!PL-Dickie Fellows, two-year-old ton of Mr. and Mrs. Berton Fellows of Milton-Freewater, died shortly after he was hit by a pickup truck Monday, William Mack. Tollgate, drlv er, said that three bovs ran in front of the truck. He slowed down and did not see Dickie until he hit him. The accident was In front of the boy's house. SAN FRANCISCO '.VI A vig orous program at "hydroelectric resource development in the weit was outlined by department o! the interior spokesmen Monday at the Western States Demo cratic conference. Undersecretary of Interior Os car L. Chapman defined the problem as aimed at develop ment of land and industry; the use of power to make up the rainfall deficiency through pump ing and to make up deficiencies in ore grades through mechani zation and electro processing. "Wherever there is a gap be tween the pants and the vest in Flying Saucers Art Seen To Stop And Go Backward SALEM. Sept. 21 I.Vt- Nov those flying saucers can fly back wards. More than a dozen persons telephoned the Salem Capital Journal that thev were watching a group of airplanes at 11:30 a. m. Sunday when they saw a fly ing saucer headed north. Then, they said, it halted for a minute, and then backed up and headed south. It stopped a second time, but continued on south. The witnesses all live in th? Fairmount Hill district, the best residential area of town. this resource development pro gram, we must be prepared to supply adequate power to bring our activity up to our needs and potentialities," Chapman said. Not Whit Eltphants He said Boulder, Bonneville, Coulee, Shasta, Parker and a host of other existing projects are no longer looked uoon as most vociferous opposition." "Hungry Horse, McNary, Da vis, the Aremican River projects and a lot of other dams are un der construction now without ever having suffered from such epithets," he noted. "We have proved one thin; these last 16 years: that our abil this part of the country Is un limited. "We have shown that real de velopment proceeds from mak- Another Interior department spokesman, Assislant Secretary C. Guard Davidson, said "we have not set up some theoretical pattern to be followed willy mil y in every' river basin. We have frankly experimented with dif ferent solitions that would Jit the different situations in ait ferent watersheds." Discussing western water de velopment. Assistant Interior Secretary William E. Warne said 21,000,000 acres are under irri gation and that feasible projects make it possible to irrigate ap proximately 20,000.000 more acres. This would in.-lude water sheds of the Missouri, the Colum bia, the Central Valley of Cali fornia, the Colorado and the Rio Grande. ling available amounts of electric power of such greater degree as to constitute almost a difference of kind from the energy require ments that private utilities here tofore assumed was enough to ity to absorb kilowatt hours "white elephants" even by our i the growth and development of ; satisfy western demands." New Store Hours .Week Days 9a.m.-8p.m. Sundays 10 a.m. 6 p.m. All Meat, Produce and Grocery Specials Effective Thurs., Fri., Sat. and Sunday. Fasting Negro Minister Dies Of Starvation PORTSMOUTH. N. H., Sept. 21 IPl A 70-year-old Negro minis ter is dead of the effects of 3 days of almost continuous fas Ing- The Rev. Taylor L. Lee. pasto of the God in Christ church, died in Portsmouth hospital Sunday. His wife said he had abstained from food to emulate Christ's 40 days of fasting in the wilder ness. Dr. S. Gerard Griffin said it was "a plain case of starvation." Half Billion Needed To Restore National Parks DETROIT. Sept. 21 The U. S. Director of parks said hen that national parks had been ne glected in the past eight veain and would require expenditure of STiOO.OOO.OOO to restore them t j good condition. "Many facilities." said Newton B. Drury, "have deteriorated through lack of proper repair and maintenance." M W For Army Engineer .vrtland Dist. Named PORTLAND, Sept, 2i!P) Col. Donald S. Burns will report Nov. 15 to become Portland dis trict engineer. Col. O. E. Walsh, North Pacific division engineer, said. Col. Burns will succeed Walsh, who was elevated to the corps of engineers' division office last July 1. A West Point graduate in 1920, he has been chief of the engineering division for military construction in the office of the chief of engineers. Young GOP Leaders Of Northwest To Huddle SPOKANE, Sept. 21 UP) Young Republican leaders from Idaho, Oregon, Washington and Montana will gather at Hayden Lake Oct. 1-2. Idaho's Governor C. A. Robins will deliver the prin cipal address of the two-day re gional conference. CONCERNING "OTOMIES" ALBUQUERUE, N. Mex. iJP Unhappy over the high price of trichotomies? Need a pogonoto mv after that weekend fishing trip? The Greeks had a word for it. So does Dr. Lynn B. Mitchell, University of New Mexico pro fessor emeritus of classical lan guages. In case you didn't know, a haircut is a trichotomy. A po gonotomy is a shave or beard trim. You'd never guess it. bu' a beauty shop nail trim is an onychotomy. If it grales on your nerves to say the baby spits up. simplv explain he has a case of anop tysis...and refer the raised eye brows to the learned professor. AUGUST ALL RIGHT NEW YORK (.P All Amer ica Conference owners are point ing to their record exhibition game attendance totals this sea son as an 8nswer 1u many crit ics' who claim August is too early for football. The pro grid mag nates also say the figures indi cate the anticipated tighter lan dollar hasn't hit them yet. Topped by a crowd of 81,272 paid which watched San Fran cisco win at Los Angeles, the 10 August tune -up games for the league's seven clubs drew 267.473, an average of 26,7)8. The old mark was 209.111, an average o! 23.215 in 1918. r Bergh's i Appliance Service 1200 t. tttphtns Complete Service On Home ond Commer cial Refrigerotion. GUARANTEED FAST SERVICE mi Prices in this ad are effec tive through Sat., Sept. 24. We reserve the right to limit quart tities. No sales to dealers. Look at the seal on the end of the loaf Monday' loaf will say "MONDAY," Tuesday's loaf will say -TUESDAY" . . . and so on through the week. This way you can SEE and KNOW for yourself that Mrs. Wright's Bread is FIRST DAY FRESH the day you buy it. It's dated FRESH and costs you LESS. Miscellaneous Values- SAVE ON EVERY LOAF! or Wheat Mb. Loaf .... J4 I'z-lb.Loaf .-20 1: Pitted Cherries, Honeybird No. 2s 29c Tomato Juice, Sunnv Dawn 46-oz. 25c Peas, Stokely's No. 303 Can 18c Peas, Sugar Belle fancy No. 303 can 15c Cherub Milk, Evaporated Tall can 11c Royal Puddings, Variety Pkg. 5c Wheat Heart, Sperry 28-oz. Pkg. 28c Wheat Hearts, Sperry 46-oz. Pkg. 43c Delrich Margarine Lb. 33c Nucoa Lb. 29c 2-Lb. Pkg. 57c Allsweet Margarine Lb. 31c Grade 'A' Butter, Meadowood, per lb. 66c Fresh Eggs, Grade A small Doz. 43c Fresh Milk Quart 20c G. E. Frosted Nut Tat LIGHT GLOBES 40 and 60 watt ea. 12c 75 and 100 waft....ea. 15c libby's Corned Beef 39c Libby's Spinach, No. 2. . 229c Skippy Peanut Butter, jar... 34c Large Ivory Soap 12c M.J.B.-HILL-Folgers COFFEE lb 49c 2-lbs. M. J. B. Hill Folgers Coffee 97c SUNNYBANK Margarine "Plastic tablecloth offer" u 31' Datails at Safeway GREEN BE Fig BARS White or WW At!S WORRELL'S SNACK SHORTENING 1 'Alb. Pkg. 29 CHINOOK SALMON brand No. V'i Can.. 29 Swift'ning Shortening Kitchen Craft Flour Kraft Mayonnaise GaroWda brand- No. 2 Tj(C Standard New pact Cans i Daliciousln 12-ot ) (0C sandwiches Cans II VI of f ROYAL SATIN Now offering a treasure chart Spring Flowering Bulbs. $1.00 Value for only 25c. Get full details on Royal Satin cans at Safeway. 3-Lb. Can 10-lb. Sack 69' 87' $r -Only 39' Pint Jar BREEZE CHEESE Smooth Cheesa Food Mb. 7C Loaf ? Edwards Coffee Nob Hill Coffee Airway Coffee Eitrs RicV, Vacuum, racl.d .tk Whel. (a Whol.. Bsan Mb. Can 47c, V?,42c V?,40c Lb. 93c Bag 83C 79c l: WHITE MAGIC SOAP TELEPHONE QUIZ EXTENDED WEEKS sio.ooo0 Worth of Westing Home pw- aiwF Van mm . (MM 1HI NiW 2- Bag White Magic SOAP Granulated Laundry Soap 5T 26 c White Star Tuna Fancy White Meat.. 37c Hershey Chocolate Syrup 10c 1 -lb. can Granulated RINSO-DUZ SOAP 2 pk9, 49c SPAGHETTI France-American . . cap 12c Kraft Miracle Whip Pint ... Instant Cake Mix 2 pkg, 59c Swansdown Pot Roast Arm cut, lb 45c; Blade cut, lb 43c Rib Roast Grade good, lb. .. 65c; Comm., lb 55c Beef LIVER Tender and OQC flavorful Lb. 07 APPLES Crisp Jonathan, 4 lbs. 29c Fresh Ortley'i 4 Ibt. 25c Sirloin Steak g rode good lb. 75c; Comm lb 59c Yeal CHOPS 1 SQUASH Short Ribs. ' 19c Veal Breast lb. 23c Ground Beef lb. 35c Pork S,dr Rst lb' 45c Pork Sausage lb. 49c Sliced Bacon lb. 45c Pork Steak ... !b 49c Rib or 7KC Loin Cut Lb. Danish lb. 4c Hubbard lb. 3e f) Morbleheod lb. 3e Tokay Grapes 2 lbs. 19c Oranges Volencia, lb. 10c Cabbage Green lb. 4c Cauliflower lb. 15c Crisp Celery lb. 7c Sweet Corn Golden lb. 5c Parsnips lb. 12c Turnips lb. 10c POTATOES U. S. No. 2 50-lb. Sack 98c Sweet Potatoes 2,bs 25c a6X 28c