Dodgers Pennant Race Gap Narrowed To VA fiampc tw i.a.n s. Crucial Series; Yankees Boost Lead In American By WILL GRIMSLEY Aisoclsled Press Sporta Wrlltr Brooklyn's "B" twins Ralph Branca and Rex Barney have hit their old it ride acaln and the Dodger' pitching staff appear at peak strength for the stretch run in tne tignt iauonat ieaguc pennant race. Thli U discomforting news for the St. Louis Cardinals, who saw their lead chopped to a game and a half last night and who have a three-game series with the pursu lnt Dodgers coming up tomor row. Branca and Barney, the erratic roommates who tell short ot tne 20-game victory marks predicted for them in the spring, may play a big role In the Important St. Louis stand. Both fashioned notable con quests the last two days over the inicago uuos. manager uirc Shotton, who has used them spas modically, indicates they can ex pect regular work here on out. Barney turned in one of the best pitched games ol the sea son yesterday in shutting out the Chicago Cubs on one hit, 4-0. He faced only 28 men, none reached second and tne only mow on mm was Phil Cavarretta's single opening the eighth. It was his eighth victory against eight defeats but a vital one for the Dodgers. A few hours later the Cardinals ran afoul a couple of Philadelphia rookies and lost to the Phillies, 4-3, to have their advantage whit tled to 11 games. This adds new pressure to the Dodger-Cardinal series opening with a doublcheadcr In St. Louis tomorrow. Shotton announced he wouldn't use big Don N'ewcomhe In two of the games as originally planned. Newcomhe will pitch the first one, he said, followed by Preacher Roe and Branca or Bar ney as starters in the other two. Yankees Increase Lead While the National League was Growing tighter, the American Kan to loosen up a bit. The New York Yankees Increased their lead to three full games over the idle Boston Red Sox by trimming Cleveland, 6-0. It was the fourth straight tri umph over first division foes for the Yankees and their ninth vic tory in the last ten games. Lefty Ed Lopat pitched a five hitter in shutting out the In dians, recording his lflh victory of the season. Bob Feller was Cleveland's losing hurler. Rookies John Thompson and Ed Sanlckl were the Phillies who LET US TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEATING OIL Phone if if Courteous if Any quantities. if Correct metered readings. Correct metered readings. jJV'',"V. closo at your phone. if Strvict Marcus SALES and SERVICE Hiway 99 at Garden Valley Rd. MOI rove. FUEL OIL mm VgO.' 4 Cut Cardinals' Lead 6 Thi News-Review, Roieburj, Ore. Tuei., Sept. 20, 1949 Player-Coach RaV BrOWfl 111 V ppans renoa RAY BROWN Versatile in Sports Aetivitiet Ray Brown's coaching duties embrace both Junior and Senior high schools. He Is the only Roseburg coach who heads a sport at both schools. Jolted the Cardinals. Thompson, a 29-year-old lefthander, held the Cards scoreless for six Innings and went all the way while giv ing up 11 safeties. Sanlcki, a 22- year-old outfielder, batted in three runs tor tne i'nus, two oi them on a homer. In the other National League games, the New York Giants won ten-inning altalr Irom fttts- burgh, 6-4, and the Boston Braves whipped Cincinnati, 62. Warren Spahn turned In his 19lh pitching victory for the Braves In the game at Cincinnati which was a replay of the previ ous day's 11 tie. The onlv other game In the American league saw the Phila delphia Athletics push over three runs in the eighth to subdue the St. Louis Browns, 7-4. Dick Fow ler won his 14th game of the sea son, going all the way. Top quality stove and diesel oils. if Prompt homo and commercial delivery. service. DISTRIBUTORS PERKINS OIL PHONE 1354 Experience Of VariOUS SOOrtS r ip vr ut id fears Coming here In 1947, Brown was assistant football and basket ball coach and head boxing In structor at Junior high school. Last year, his duties extended to coaching the Indians varsity line and heading boxing classes at both Junior and Senior high schools. He also assists In Senior high track, specializing in the shot-put department. The versatile high school men tor is well-qualified to teach the "art of manly defense," having won the All-Border heavyweight boxing championship in 193K-39, while a student at Arizona State Teachers college at Flagstaff. Brown started his college ca reer at University of Southern California In lftM-ta. He was cap tain of the freshman football team, before breaking his hand in ijm;. Transferring to Citrus Junior college In California, Brown again captained the freshman football team In 1936. At Citrus. Brown was elected All-Southern California first string tackle for Junior colleges the same year. Still suffering from the travel ing bug. Brown again trans ferred, this time to Arizona State Teachers college, w here he was graduated with a bachelor's degree In physical education. After Brown sweated out a year at ASTC as freshman foot hall coach, he was Ineligible to participate in sports due to a ruling requiring a year's wait after transferring from another college. Honors Augmented He was allowed to play football again in limst). at which time he was elected All Border confer ence tackle. In the same year he was voted outstanding confer ence boxer. Sheepskin packed away. Brown settled down to three years high school coaching In Arizona, at McNary and later at Miami high schools. While basketball coach at Miami. Brown relates enjovlng the best season ever in that sport. His teams won 2.1 out of 26 games played. His quintet entered the state tournament and was beaten out in the semi-finals. A two year hitch In the Navy, where he engaged in some extra rurrirular football activity at the "Amphlh" base at Coronado, Calif., took up his time In 1944 46. alter which he accepted a posl. lion as line coach at Globe. Ariz., in 1946. His charges tied for the conference championship that year. In addition to coaching. Brown has engaged In some semi-pro basketball. His team won the league championship twice In the Y.MCA league at Miami. In Roseburg, in addition to coaching. Brown was manager of the Roseburg swimming pool its first year in operation and In structed life saving and swim- mipg classes, under the auspices of the American Red Cross. Used Cars For Sale '4t Chevrolet Panel 14 Tan '41 Olrismobilo 4-Door '39 Chevrolet Coupo '39 ford Coupa '39 Ch jrolet 4 Door '37 Plymouth Pick-up 37 G. M. C. Pickup 't Chevrolet 2 Door (tdan '41 Chrysler Coups '46 Ford Pick-up '37 Ford Pick-up '3S Chevrolet 4 Door Sedan Liberal Trade-ins Any Makt or Modtl Doyle's Sales And Service Hlwsy (t at Garden Valley Phone (11 1 z 1 .-Vnvr Arl Hollies Appear Certain Of Coast League Pennant (By The Associated Pre) As the Pacific Coast League pennant race heads for the wire, the story reads more and more like a pulp thriller you know what the ending will be, but you wait In breathless anticipation anyway. The Hollywood Stars, four games ahead of runner-up Oak land, have merely to take four games in their series of seven with fourth place Seattle to win the flag outright. In other words, nothing short of a minor miracle can bring the pennant to Oakland. Of course, it could happen. In last night's only league ac tivity, last place Los Angeles and next-to-last place Portland parti cipated in an Inconsequential re play of a doubleheader rained out earlier at Portland. The Angels won both games, 9 to 1 and 2 to 1, thereby eliminat ing Portland's chances of taking over sixth place from San Fran cisco. Los Angeles battered Ray Mc Nulty and George Dlehl for 11 blows in the first game, includ ing a round tripper by Carmen Mauro. Homers by Cece Garriott and Rube Novotney accounted for all the Seraph scoring In the fi nale. Lee Thomas' home run In the opener robbed Angel pitcher Booker McDaniels of a possible shutout. Bowling Scores tITr LEAGUE Team Won Lot t'mpqua Chlefi Flour . 6 0 Rotwburf Jewelers . 1 Kfnnrdvs Dutch Mill 4 1 Uilkesnna Station .. 3 1 Olympla Supply Co. 3 3 K J. Quick Lunch 3 4 Howburf Lumber Co ... 1 S (sssruea Mentlar Ktfhl Rnaeburg Jewelerii, Gllkesoni Station 1. Umpqua Chipfi Flour 3, K. J Quirk Lunrh 2, Oly mpia Supply 1. Roseburg Lumiw Co. 0, AcUva Club 0, Kennedy Dutch Mill 1. Remark High Individual game score: Floyd Biuihtnin. 2.12: hlaTh Individual series score; Floyd Beughman, 613. l itiqio Chief Flear t. Helnr lo 181 173311 I. Bruton U.I M 162 4M i. Wellman 1W 111 lt 46 l. Mvers 171 120 . 47S i. Spakoushy 17(1 17 It 5u Hdcp. 09 US 89 257 Totals Ml IM (4S 2402 Active tins C. Chit wood - 1.(2 104 I W .774 Henon IM 177 141492 T. Buettner . I'm IM 1B7 5.(2 O. Jones 142 144 12.V 4M A Jerklln 1S7 170 im49 HUcp 47 47 47141 Total! Rio 819 823 3431 J A at Oelrkt I.Bsirkl C Moller 1.18 IKS SUnrltff 172 1K2 170 4 Sween 182 l.tO4flK Doc Hutchinson A Mill .174 174 1.14 SOU ,. 177 197 127 AOl 110 119 110330 Hdcp. Totals . 9.19 990 871 3900 KetiBaslv's Ralrk Mill L. Spencer 140 1.14 1WI 410 H. Aullman .14 173 2143:19 M. Hammersley 1H7 131 149 4ti7 B. HslMead m 170 ltw 7 S. Warren 184 189 313388 Hdcp 43 45 43 LU Totals .842 9A4 9.10 3638 essberg Jewelers C. Short 187 198 180323 J. Quant 2.11 141 2oi 37.1 F. Ruisk , 189 183 181 33.1 n. Hllllsrd in ixt 171 M r Rsughman 2.12 188 lftl 61.1 Hdcp. ..... 82 S3 83248 Total! ... 1081 913 988 3984 Olymelt 8s pal rtnierloe 148 179 183480 Bearh .. 118 20.1 11522 rtnierloe 148 223 tun s.ti M. Bait - 191 2m 1 88379 u menuer Hdcp. ..142 188 1KO 4fW . 78 78 783.14 Totals 94.1 1004 931 3838 Gllaasent Riatisn 17.1 208 312390 182 139 149 4BO ItO 173 2.11 341 .... 148 190 1.19473 219 173 181373 99 99 99297 Mix Wilev Shu fart Bushev S Short Hdcp. ... Totals 1 938 lOOl 1011 3970 irg Limhr (', 133 191 189313 . 207 172 1 70 349 133 113 2tW 470 . 182 13.1 1QO SOS 191 139 1 BO 338 98 98 88238 Sargent .... Shirlcilff Jones Barker Fresdman Hdcp. .. Totals 948 913 1003 3833 Pep Favored To Defeat Compo In Tonight's Bout WATKRBURY. Conn., Sept. 20 t.VU-A late rush for seats nrom- IrwI to mak a financial dure ess of the Willie Pep-Eddie Compo 1 t fs 1 iis- v-fciii iinc IKJUI here tonight. Twice postponed In Juiv. and spoken about only in whispers. me irounn iiRni apparently caught on over the weekend. tor Pep. the 1 to 4 favorite. the bout his first since he re captured the 12fVpound title from Sandy Saddler last February has double significance. Today is his 27th birthday. Compo, who has appeared In 60 fights, most of them in New Eng land and New York, has lost but once. PLUMBING "W have all morariols (or complete Plumbing Job Bathroom lets as low ot $134.91 We also feature Srlggs Beauty ware, Standard, Kohler, Crane and Eljer Fixtures. Plenty of soil and galvanited pipe and fittings. BUDGET TERMS IF DESIRED KIER-CROOCH PLUMBING CO. 31( Mill St. ir n ,., J. .' . .' ' r ' 1. CHARGED WITH KEEPINC FANS IN "HASSLE" The demonstrative trio in the above picture show free-lance photographer Rod Newland how they will lead Roseburg Indians football (ens in cheering at games during the present football season. Friday night they will travel to Coquille with the squad, where the Indians will play their first league game this year. Above left to right is Jackie Daniels, Willa Wilshire end Yell Queen Pat Mean. (Rod Newland Picture.) Ted Williams Tops League Batters In Six Play Divisions CHICAGO. Sept. 20-P Bos ton's Ted Williams is tightening his monopoly on American league batting marks, taking the lead in six divisions of play. He topped five brackets a week ago and now has added a sixth most runs batted In. In statistics through Sunday's games, Wil liams is ahead in batting with .351; scored the most runs, 143; slammed the most hits, 188, most doubles, 39, and homers 40; and has hammered across 153 runs. Dale Mitchel of Cleveland was tops in three-baggers with '23 and St. Louis Bob Dlllinger contin ued In the base-stealing lead with 18. Second to Williams in batting was George Kell of Detroit with 341.. lie was followed by Dilling er with .316; Dom Di.Maggio, Bos ton, .313; Mitchell, .312; Cass Mi chaels, Chicago, .307; Johnny Pesky, Boston, .306; Bobby Docit. Boston, .305; Hoot Evers, Detroit, .301; and Vic Wertz, De troit, .298. Boston's Ellis Kinder took over the top pitching percentage rec ord with 21-5 for .808. Boston's Mel Parnell had the most com plete games, 25, and the most wins, 23. Virgil Trucks of Detroit maintained the strikeout pace with 141. BASEBALL STANDINGS By The Associated Press) fAClFIC COAST LEAGUE W L Hollywood - 104 78 Oakland 1"0 80 Sacramento ,., 93 99 SeatHV . 9.1 97 Pet .378 .539 .328 .317 .311 .467 ,4.Mt .390 Han Dlrtto San Francisco . Portland Los Anf elea ... 83 99 70 110 AMERICAN LBACII Pet. .Ml .618 .373 .373 .3.11 .413 .339 .315 New York Boston - Dertoit Cleveland .... Philadelphia St. Louis Washington 43 NATIONAL LBAGl'l L Pet. ,:ui .633 .331 .489 .479 .441 . .396 St. Louie Brooklyn Philadelphia ... Boston New York Pittsburgh Cincinnati Chlcafo 32 Indians' Drills T Toughened i-or V Coquille Battle The local sports scene Is quint after a big weekend of football and Roseburg high school Indians are presently recharging their batteries in preparation for Fri day night's league opener at Co quille. The Red Devils of Coquille opened their football season last weekend In a convincing fashion, trouncing Ashland, 45-19, In a non-league game. On the first play from scrim mage, Coquille fullback Eddie Howe cracked the line and went 60 yards for a touchdown. Coquille kept the ball rolling Prions 124J st - " Z it f Grid Gossip In Northwest Loop PULLMAN, Sept. 20 L A 220-pound Tackle seeking his fourth varsity football letter will captain the 1949 Washington State college grid eleven. Jerry Hough ton of Zillah was elected to the post by his teammates yester day. EUGENE, Ore., Sept. 20 PI Coach Jim Aiken's not a super stitious man normally. But wl.en his Oregon Ducks take the field Saturday against Idaho he will be shooting for his 13th consecutive coast conference win. He warned his charges yester day that Idaho will be much tougher than last year when Ore gon pulled out a narrow 8-7 ver dict. SEATLE. Sept. 20 (.Wash ington gridders got no rest cure yesterday for musclea that still ached from the heavy going of Saturday's 14-7 win over Utah. Coach Howie Odell tossed a full scale scrimmage session at the Husky squad in preparation for this Saturday's clash with Min nesota at Minneapolis. MOSCOW, Idaho. Sept. 20 (.P) Four Idaho Vandals came out of Saturday's rollicking 79-0 win over Willamette with inuries. And Coach Dixie Howell still suf fered a slight case of pessimism. End Ken Fourcar and Tackle Bill Fray needed stitches on eye cuts, Fullback Jim Chadband nursed a sore nose and Guard Roy Colquitt also was banged up. All probably will be on hand for Saturday's go with Oregon. Howell's pessimism resulted from Willamette's failure to give the Vandals a stiff test. 'The boys made a lot of mis takes out there Saturday," he commented. after that. Keith Parry went over for two touchdowns, Johnny Knight, Buzz Oerdlng and Jim Kay each got one. Howe account ed for the extra points and a sec ond touchdown. Coach Cece Sherwood will spend most of this week trying to plug the holes in the Roseburg line. After last Friday's debacle, in which Medford's Jack Morris punched his way through what passes as Roseburg's "defense," more work for the linemen is seen as a need by Sherwood. l 1 SSlSSa ' " P '-' '--' -"ii)t ..... .ij..m fr-' T Stop in and see this car that's stopping traffic! New 1950 Studebaker j fry.' aHMtJI lftfitrttj mh94 j j Hifhff compression Champion I j and Comma ndw engine of in- j j creased horsepower Self -ttabtlu- j j inf coil sprint front wheel suspen- j I ston Wide-rim wheels and extra- i j low-pressure tires Self-adjusting brakes Oversixa windows and I windshield Glare-proof "black I light" instrument dials ' Wear-re- j sitting Studebaker craftsmanship. 443 N. Jokion U.H.UHIJtiU.iui'.1..!:; "sot t", T-T . t v. ' . ... ,.' f - , ...-, -..t J' A " ! ' Slaughter Only 3 Points Behind Jackie Robinson NEW YORK. Sept. 20 (.Pi Jackie Robinson of Brooklyn and Enos Slaughter of St. Louis are hooked up in a marvto-man battle for the National league batting title that is every bit as close as the Dodger-Cardinal struggle for the pennant. Robinson's lead, once some 35 points, has melted to three points under Slaughter's persistent at tack. Jackie has faded a bit, to be sure, but Slaughter's sensa tional rise has been the main factor. When the Cards came east on their first trip last spring. Slaugh ter was riding the bench for weak hitting. Now he's smashing the ball at a .341 clip, close behind Robinson's leading .344. Aver ages include Sunday's games, with only two weeks to go. Stan Musial of the Cards, usual ly a factor in any batting race, is an outsider in this one. He could win it but he's third at .332 and trails Robinson by 12 points. After the first three. It'i strict ly a race for fourth position. Only nine points separate Bobby Thomson of New York, fourth at .310. and Red Schoendienst of St. I.ouis. tenth at .301. LEAGUE LEADERS )Bv The Associated Press! NATIONAL LFAfil E Battlns aobinpnn, Brooklyn, .346; Slaughter. St. Louis. 340. Runs baited In Robinson, Brooklyn, 120: Pittsburgh, lift. Homa runs Klner, Plttsburfh, SO; Mu.l.l. St. Louis. 33. Pitching Wllks, St Louis, 11-3. 7B8: Branca and Roe Brooklyn. 13-3. .722. AMrRICAN LtAGl'E Batting Williams. Boston. .331; Kelt, Detroit, 341 Runs batted In Williams. Bolton. 133: Stephens. Boston. 130. Homa runs Williams, Boston, 40; Ste phens. Boston. 39 Pitching -Kinder. Boston. 21-S. .SOS: Parnell, Boston. 23-7. .767. GUTTERS AIR COOLERS Authorized Dealer For LENNOX and KLEER-KLEEN (Utility basement) (Floor Units 29" deep) FURNACES ROSEBURG SHEET METAL p "your HEATING cSSe"-1 THE XEXT LOOKIX CAJIST STUDEBAKER does it again! : : ; Studebaker, originator of the "new look" in cars, now amares the whole motor ing world with this even mors revolutionary "next look" in cars! It's a breath-taking new 1950 Studebaker with the lines and the lure of something jet-propelled! It's longer, more powerful new money-saver of Studebaker designed wiih dramatic distinction from its gleaming aerocurve front to its flight-streamed rear end! Sec the thrifty 1950 Studebaker it's America's most distinctive, most advanced new cart KEEL MOTOR ,',.IIMI..UJl', Mil'. Yoncalla School Has New Coach; Prospects Good Yoncalla high school launches its fooball program this year with a new coach at the helm. He ta Richard Strait, who is introduc ing a new system of football to the boys. For the past two years, Yon calla has won both the Douglaj county and district football chani. plonships. Yoncalla gridders reached the quarter finals of the "state playoffs" last year and were defeated by Mohawk hieli school, who went on to win the state B-school championship. Principal Lee Roy Hanson re ports several good men, lost through graduation, will be sore ly missed. Twelve lettermen returned. Hanson reports the team may not be quite as tough as that of last year, but with any luck, Yoncalla should give the oppon ents some trouble. The Yoncalla Eagles play their first game against the high school graduates Friday, Sept. 23. The regular Purple and Gold schedule follows: Yoncala at Glide, Sept. 30; Oakland at Yon calla, Oct. 7; Elkton at Yoncalla, Oct. 14; Yoncalla at Glendale, Oct. 21; Riddle at Yoncalla, Oct. 28; Yoncalla at Canyonville, Nov. 4. The raster, Including age, class, weight, height, and letter earned, follows: D.n MrDon.ld. 10. IM. S ft 11', In. 3: Dirk McDonald. 18, ISO. fl, S; Si Wix. IS. 170. S ft 11 in,. S: Bill Gordon. IS. 115, S ft S in... 2; Rlrh.rd W.lktr. 17. IfiO. S ft. 10 in... S: Chrl Hushes. 17. 16S. S ft. S In . 3: Wilfred R.v. 13. I7S. S ft.. 1: Erby WlM. 17, 1U. S ft. 10 Int.. 1; Johnny Monn. 17. 133, 3 ft. 10 In... 1: Homer Waters. 17. 173, S ft. ll'i in... 2: Don Vest. 13. 113. S ft. ins. 0: Jark Metz. 18. 118. 5 ft. Ins. 0. Jim Metz. 18. 148. 5 ft. Ins . S: Bill Past. 14. 1U. 3 ft. S's Ins., Oi Bob) Means. 14. 123. 3 ft. 7 Ins.. 0. Kiner Hits 50th Homer To Excel Record Pace NEW YORK, Sept. 20 i&i Pittsburgh's Ralph Kiner hit his 50th home run last night to go ahead of the pace set by Hack Wilson when he established the National league record of 56 In 1930. Klner, however, Is still behind the Major league record pace of Babe Ruth, who poled 60 hom ers in 1927 for the New York Yankees. Kiner's home run against tha New York Giants was made in his 143rd game with 11 to plav. Wilson hit No. 50 on Sept. is In his 143th game. Ruth's 50th came In his 138th gam on Sept. While Mawsll nn Baa sanl iliws muliissl at MtiaseM CO. Phono 129 Suit Yourself at Joe Richards Ttf fir