The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 20, 1949, Page 32, Image 32

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    I The News-Review, Roseburfl, Ort.-Tuti., Sept. 20, 1949
Parking at
Rear of Store
7 , -rff
Reteburg, Oregon
S - , f"
PREPARATION For what? Why, Oregon's deer season, of
coune. And tttired in the red flennel shirt, red hat end wool
trouieri, John Hene promiiei to be out there with the best
of them. Equipped with the new Huiquarne Swediih 30-06 rifle
he ii shown holding, Hene will be reedy for that big one when
the local season opens Oct. I. Completely outfitted from heed
to foot in clothes from Montgomery Ward's men's department,
Hane is admiring the feel of the new Swedish rifle, just ar
rived at Ward's sporting goods depertment. (Picture by Mas
ter Photo Studiol.
Wool Fabrics Highlight
Campus Fashion News
Gay Color Contrasts Predicted
To Share Fabric's Honor Spot
As Co-eds Plan New Wardrobes
Thli Fall, the predominant note
of your bark-to-school wardrobe
is In the fabric, rather than the
Many exciting new fabrics and
color combinations ate on your
curriculum ai well as classic fa
vorites. Wool Jersey will take on a new
look and resulting importance.
You can expect to see lots of
sportswear made of a new heath
er Jersey, a patterned Jersey and
"tweedy looking" Jersey. There
will be colors galore, and even
dotted Jersey to choose from.
Next in importance is velve
teen. Velveteen for your best date
dresses. Velveteen used as a
smart collar and cuff trim, or as
piping, with sheer wool, even
seen with lightweight tweeds.
Date Wear
Heavy slipper satin, glamorous
lame, softest velvets, crisp failles
and ribbed silks will be featured
on your off-campus date dresses.
Dark cottons In plaids or solids
will be popular on campus again.
Many will be combined with gab
ardines or velveteens.
And camel's hair, a long time
favorite, is appearing once more
In "little boy'1 coats, classically
tailored Jackets, novelty soles
and slim llned skirts.
Colors will be rich and used
more imaginatively than ever.
Expect to include many reds. Ev
erything from rose to garnet will
be wonderful.
Expect to Include many blues.
Everything from navy to slate
will be right.
Expect to see Interesting color
contrasts. A jeiney top and a
ribbon striped taifeta skirt. A
shutter redingote dress in two
Tor exciting, scintillating de
tailing. Miss Co-Kd will have
pockets and buttons everywhere.
In all sizes. In all shapes. On
all clothes.
Coat Dress.
Skirts promise a generous of
fering of buttons, running down
the back on pockets, all over.
Other skirts will he worn with
pocket belts. The latter, usually
of two leathers or leather and
fabric combinations.
Hutton-frnnt or coat dresses
will crowd the school fashion pic
ture. The coat dress will appear In
tweeds, corduroys, in velvet-trimmed
faille, in opulent satin and
satin and silk combinations.
You'll choose it In either double
or slnRlebreasted styles. And
you'll even find this button-down
dress featured for informal dance
One such dress, is available in
satin with decorative Jewel but
tons in a high double-breasted
front and soft draped pockets.
Wide open rcvers add further
front details to this dressy beau
tv, while the back has simple
fitted lines.
Watch for pockets on even your
most dressy dresses. You .can
expect to see them most often In
a fullblown bellows shine or
patch style, wide and flapped.
Often, they are used as little nigh
patch pockets that button back
and show color contrasting fac
ings. Other Important back-to-school
fashion Interest centers upon the
"little Jacket" suit. This peren
nial favorite Is treated in attrac
tively unusual new ways this
vcar, with matching blouses and
linings; a great deal of pocket
detailing and often narrow belts.
Baslo Dress
Skirts are any way you want
them, slim, wrapped, easy-full or
extravagantly pleated.
Also, look for fashion Import
ance In the basic dress. This will
be shown with a matching coat, a
stole or some other tricky acces
sory to afford you plenty of ward
robe variety.
Jumpers, with an overhlouse
or a separate Jacket, are also ex
pected back in the young fashion
Kor evening glamour you'll se
lect ankle or full-length gowns.
Importantly fabrlced in crisp
taffeta and' romantic velvet com
binations, in nylon nets and sup
ple velvets. Necklines will con
tinue low, either strapless or pet
al pointed. Skirts on your formats
will be full and out standing.
f 'i ' t " ' 1 ' ' r- T ' ' r , ' T i
in ni:rtAh' ,,ai
Mew. r. - .
Early American furaitur In th w. oft bonoy-ton finish. Is naxl to
cral this charming Colonial dining room. Th dropIal lablo. which
lolas down to consolo aiso im an intvrotting eonTonivneo Uaturo. Tho
fcookod nig hi an oarly Provincial dorian. ProTtncial patlora wallpopoc
tuttlod whito curtainav and hraoo nccoosorioi complol tho MtUng.
Wgi 4 BJG
I " "
You'd expect to pay as
much as 3.50 for all
these luxury features I
Who soys you have to invest in expensive links to wear
a smart French cuff shirt! Every handsome shirt in this
special purchase group comes equipped with stylish
jewelled links to match the shirt. And for smartness pus
we've thrown in your initial too. It's all included in the
one low price . . . much lower than you'd expect to pay
for these shirts alone. They're handsomely tailored in
the new spread collar style, fine broadcloths in latest
pastel shades. All sizes hurry for yours I
5onfoWxd 1 fabric iftriniog7
Hemet or HooJl
Sues to 4
Our special buy saves you dolloril Here's quality
plut warmth for your toll Sturdy rayon satin twill
thick-piled rayon fleece lining a zipper Irom
neck to knit cuffl Girl's in red or copen, boy's In
brown or dark green. A real dollar-saving buyl
Or- Hj
BOYS' 4.98 ALL
Priced Ward.
Low for Value I
A real buy for rough 'n reody action in the cold
Outdoors or just extra warmth for school wearl
Made from sturdy 20 oz. 100 wool with 2
pockets, shirt style cuffs. Asst'd plaids. 10-18.
e Jr. boys' sizes 4 to 10, Reg. 3.98.... 3.(3
REG. 14.98 COAT
Speca Soe
Several Styled
All in superb quality 100 reprocessed wool
me'tonl Fitted or ftor.d with rich trims of luxurious
fur, leopard-printed cotton plush, contrast plaid.
Some hoods! Rayon lined, warmly Interlined.
Skipper blue, g'..n. wine. S z.s from 3 to 6
e(J ?--j7
Softly napped)
Bold plaldsl
Full-cut shirts of worm, strong flannel) Tailored
O gv. a man pfenfy of wear and comfort. Non
rip sleeve facings, double -sewn main seoms, rip
resistOBt toil gussets, long toils with lots of
twcl-W 14 to 17 necks. Save now!