Tue., Sept. 20, 1949-Th News-Review, Roteburf, Ore. 7 f Footwear New Tones For Fall's ' JJ f& J ' 1 wJ I -rlrZxzrf rJ-LisJ Iv.i Jrxl-i Kr - 1 - svv-otf teiij Eui in f:- fz: - ' $3 V" "' ' 1 11 V , ; 'lir'!! .v iir NO CUESSWORK HERE Young Janic Batcher will thank her mother, Mrs. Paul Batcher, someday that some of her first "walking shoes" were purchased at Coldie's Booterie. Here Irvin Brunn demonstrates the X-ray machine which Goldie's Booterie salesmen use to eliminate all guessing as to proper fit. A complete line of school and dress-up shoes for the youngsters, as well as modern stylings for grownups, line the walls in Goldie's Booterie. (Picture by Master Photo Studiol. Colon Provide Right Contrast To Fail Styles Promenade brown, cooper rust and parkway green are Just a handful of the exciting colon chosen by shoe designers for new shoe patterns to accent and com plement the latest fashions In this color-conscious Fall season. No longer does the little black dress, suit or shoe fill every re quirement of the well-dressed woman's wardrobe. Brown, navy and taupe will be the leaden this season when color is more than news. It is essential. Fabulous fabrics give us an other current fashion trend. De- signen gave free rein to their imaginations and designed clo thing and accessories which fea ture exciting and often unrelated fabric combinations. Town fleeces pair with chiffon and jer seys in the coat and suit world Just as effectively as suede teams with satin or reptile in the latest shoe patterns. J ne National snoe institute re ports that the shoe designer with thorough understanding of fa shion currents has Interpreted shoes In step with these and other Fall trends. An interesting color and fabric combination Is the team of brown suede and grey lizard. Sooty black suede Is livened with shin ing faille; rep trims often form ing thin strtpplngs that wind a round the ankle or cross the in step are found on dark shoes. Metallic silk kid is a new fabric that adds a festive note to dark suede dress shoes. Tone-on-tone color combinations are still popular with gunmetal attractive on grey suede. Pigskin is a consideration for casual wear In natural or cocoa tones. Color ed brocades woven with metallic threads and often used -villi me tallic leather trims make dainty evening slippers. Gold or silver flecks are used with satin In twi light and starlight shoes. Jet Is New Jet Is a new note on grey or blue shoes for semi-formal wear. Wool crepe and silk rep are love ly in high heeled pump or Instep ktrap styles. Tweed Is the fabric world's ret this Fall in street and casual clothes. Shoe designers foresee ing this trend have run the gamut oi designs in THEY'RE 'MILE HIGH1 Milady's Shoe Styles Told By Goldie's Booterie "Mile High" Is an apt descrip tion of the latest fall creations in fall shoes for milady. A subtle combination of South American, French and American features, the "Mile High" shoe sets a new trend in footwear. Mrs, Brunn, "Goldie" of Goldie's Booterles has on display the new shoe one of her new fall ar rivals. The "Mile High" is an open sandal with four Inch heels and an Inch high platform sole. The shoe Is black suede and has the popular wrap-around, criss cross strap. Goldie explains the "open" style of sandal Is of French originality, the platform sole and ultra high heel comes to America from our neighbors to the South. The popular and comfortable strap Is of American origin. The shoe Is In the papular price group while offering the originality of more expensive footwear. Also available In the closed design, the "Mile High" will be seen more and more In the coming fall months. which will be tailored but grace ful. Polished calf is first choice for this type of shoe. The tapered wall toe, slightly extended sole and built-up heel are features of this revived classic. Spat shoes which combine tweed and smooth leather; neat oxfords, instep straps, spectator pumps with black leather heels, diagonal strap treatments and closed toes are marks of these shoes. Speaking of toes, there are still two active schools of thought on this matter and more than enough variety In shoes to satis fy each group and perhaps woo some converts from one camp to the other. There is no doubt however that the closed shoe with the open look is Increasing in fashion Impor tance and in consumer accept ance. Women like the neatness of closed toes and heels combined with airy lightfooted treatments. Stripplngs, straps, cut outs and mesh work create this wizardry of open yet closed. Asymetrlc strups are new, they break the broad look of the foot and are very flattering. Shoes are side swept, showing a maximum of foot on the inside hut presenting a closed view on the outer por tion of the vamp. Pumps Detailed if L item f - ft' iiwiMnisiiiiiiisarifm Hans ".n mtff f Vr-ifr aT Tirt'-fT."ii .rfinr",w"in-Jtoiiiii'r-;UMiJ-i l..',S.V. S rv i'V.T lsuH tr4iMa. tij mrdf , ttr vff Georgia Dew, right, saiesledy for Bob's Music store, as Polly Heckathorn listens carefully. Magnavox radios, such as the one shown above, records, sheet music and instruments ere just a part of the stock Bob's has on hand to satisfy the dis criminating musician's needs. (Picture by Master Photo Studio) Dressv shnes Km whlmsloa nf the walking shoe I straps that weave over the In step, round and round the ankle. High is the vamp this year, some times the treatment is a solid piece of leather, other times a grillwork of straps. New walled or square toes are very comfort able and give a neat and finish ed look to street costumes. Tur kish and Chinese turned up toes are new and fun. Platforms are found on strappy styles for dress wear as well as the sling pump which is open or closed In ih t" area. Pumps are deiaileu this Fall with touches of braid of satin trim. Cut outs and open work, V-cut throats and shell silhou ettes In new fabrics are features of this pattern. The T strap Is here again but It looks new when combined with very thin straps that wind around the ankle and sometimes form a crisscross pattern on the instep. Ankle straps appear infrequently tnis ran dui are found with plat form soles and on casuals. Closed Wedges The biggest news In the casual field is the' boot. With shorter hemlines forecast for Fall the boot is an attractive accessory with turn down cuffs, high peak ed backs these boots are found In suedes or In mixtures of suede and calf. Closed tailored wedges are pop ular tor casual wear with this Fall's tweed sportswear. Sabots sometimes with a suede wedge, ' deeply curving throat-line, are handsome for Informal wear; handtoolcd leather is a new note. SARONG ENHANCED ' Dorothy Lamour, who parlayed a sarong and her charms into a successful film career, is going to have a spcond career. She recently announced at a cocktail party at her home that she is realizing a lifelong ambi tion to become a dress designer as wpll as an actress. Dotty displayed a number of her creations, based on a sarong motif. 8 1 ' mo(Q o fashion scoop with Scallops! Nsw ind eurvetoma casuals! Their flatteringly scalloped straps and vamps put new femininity on your lest la the most easy-joinj little walkers you'vi ver worn. Uw platform soles, low wedge heel and sling back all add up to high style with famous Kickerinos comlort! Soft suede with smooth triml Get yours nowl Price S'S NORMII Goldie's Booterie "Roseburg's oldest exclusive Shoe Store" 318 N. Jackson St. Fall FashionSi New Styles Told At Clinic Local Montgomery Wards Fashion Head Hears Forecast For Autumn "Fall fashions elve the Amer ican woman a greater choice In fabrics than she has enjoyed in years," Miss Olive Smith, New York fashion coordinator for Montgomery Ward stores told a meeting of fashion department managers at a recent Portland fashion clinic Mrs. Marion Corkeram, fash ion department head for the local Montgomery Ward store, joined delegates from four Pacific North west states at the clinic. Miss Smith reported that low er prices for fall will make it easier for every woman to be better dressed for less money. Suit and coat prices will be 15 percent less while a dress which cost a customer 12.98 and 15.9S last year will cost her only 10.98 this year. Featured fabrics in the new coat line are twill broadcloth, a sturdy all-wool weave with a satiny broadcloth finish, hand some tweed and deep pile fleeces. The two-way coat, spotlighted for fall, can be worn with or with out a belt. Luxurious fur trims, warm zipouts and flare coats continue in popularity. "Suits return for fail In a med ley of worsted and all-wool fab rics," Miss Smith told the meet ing. "Patterned fabrics like tweed, sharkskin, glen plaid and checks are very important. All wool flannel and worsted gab ardine also rate high. Suits con tinue along tailored lines with a new softness seen in pockets and collar details." Miss Smith enthusiastically pre dicted that suit-dresses will find a place in every woman's ward robe. Extremely versatile, they are fashioned from lightweight worsted-like rayons (menswear, frostpoint and gabardine), and will be the choice of many to wear Instead of regular tailored suits. Precision-tailored, they have the expensive look of a wor sted suit, but are priced as low as a rayon aress. "Crisper fabrics will be used to enhance the dressy fall scene. Women will look prettier than ever in striking dresses of rayon slipper satin, laille and talleta, dramatically styled with gathers. tucks, jutting pockets and back Interest. The new fashions are very different, very exciling and priced within the reach of ever American woman," Miss Smitl concluded." The use of perfume was forgot ten after the fall of Rome. It was brought back to Europe from iiiilt -svs.- mi -o Asia Minor by the Crusaders.