6 The Newt-Review, Roseburg, Ore.-Tuei., Stpt. 30, 194 f " "fST E ! . fl "rat, onion T0 10 ID-OM ...... V HOME OP FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCES in Roseburg !s the Umpqua Vallay Appliance store at 120 West Oak street. A part of the main ale room is pieturad, with fwo of tht staff of courteous employees ihown displaying the advantages of Frigi. daira buying. Includad in tha store's complete lina of applianeas ara rangas, rafrigarators, homa freeieri, automatic waihars, dryars and ironars. Umpqua Valley Applianea is also tha homa of Quakar Oil htatars. IPictura by Master Photo Studio). 1 1 MMMMMHilMMR ti i - ? ar ...-a 1-vaV ) a jaw PHILLIPS OFFICE SUPPLY has long bean tha headquarters for Roseburg businessman's office needs. But whether you need new account pages, a paper stapler or just a few pencils, you can find them all here at Phillip's Office Supply. And you needn't be a businessman in order to appreciate tha quality of goods or tha friendly courtesy of sales personnel such as Betty Lou Stidham and Vera M. Jones, pictured above. (Picture by Master Photo Studio). o T- v ln A I ill CONSTRUCTION, SOUND seams to be the verdict of Andy Caraway, shown above with one of tha Craftmaster davenports now on display at Modern Furniture. Caraway is a salesman in tha store's furniture department. (Picture by Master Photo Studio I. How To Get Along Well With Junior's Teacher By DAVID TAYLOR MARKE AP NewsfcRturei Some sensible advice for parents and children about getting along with teachers Just has come to hand In the form of a little book to be published soon by William Morrow A Company, New York. Entitled "Children Know Their Friends." It Is written by Ruth Wendell Washburn, child studv expert who is at present consul tant In child development for several schools In Massachusetts, psychologist of the New Hamp shire Children's Aid Society and research associate In ci In lea I psychology at Harvard Univer sity. In any school situation, child, parents, teachers together form a triangle with the child occupy ing the most important place at the apex. It Is only as the lines of communication from one to another are kept open that good work can be done, says Miss Washburn. There are many times in the course of his school life when a child stands In need of parents and teachers who are working together. Rarely do we find a child lik ing all of his teachers. Some he will find too hard, others too easy. When children bring home con stant complaints about a teacher, parents can play an Important part In meeting the problem, says Miss Washburn. To lend an overly sympathetic ear will only increase the child's conviction that he has cause for complaint. To turn a deaf ear may make the child take his next confidences elsewhere. Perhaps this child is not going to have the pleasantest possible winter with that teach er, hut with the right kind of parental comment he or she can have an Invaluable experience In human relations. In the course . of his life, a child will work with a great many people with whom he does not feel congenial. He Is not really In school for the purpose of liking his teacher, nice though It Is when he can. He is there because the teacher can help him to do the work w hich will lay the foundations of his education. To finish the year's work would be his first concern. The school year has hardly started before a teacher knows that some of the children are going to need more attention than others. Children are, how ever, keen observers, and it will be remarked at once if more of the teacher's time goes to one child than to another. If a child reports this to his parents, thev can make It clear that there must be some reason. Such a child, for example, can be reminded that when he had the measles his mother paid more attention to him than to the other children that things are always happen ing which make It necessary to spend more time now with one child, now with another. He will find that teacher will be just as ready to help him over a bump w hen he needs her. Kven though a child spends part of his time at school, con cludes Miss Washburn, part of It at home, his life is one life. While he is growing 'up. he and his parents and teacheri work it out together. Silk Threads For Sewers According to Belriing Corticel II. manufacturers of fabrics and threads, a silk dress sewn with cotton thread will tear faster than one using silk. A woolen suit after several cleanings and pressings will part from its seams sooner because of the different effects cleaning and pressing have on wool and cotton. In addition to these advant ages, silk has a greater resili ency. Laboratory tests certify that silk stretches at least 10 per cent more. Miller's Store Places Stress On Friendliness Deportment Head Tells Of Shopping Sections On 'Floor Of Fashions' Bv ELLA M. THORPE Women's Clothing Buyer Mlllera Dep't. Store Miller'! second floor of fash ions, the "spot where friends meet," Is an example of Miller's stress on helpful friendliness. The entire staff of Miller's j fashion salon continually nnvra to maintain a harmonious rela tionship among themselves and those we serve. We try to mak" you welcome and we are glad to serve vou in person or by tele phone.' We want you to consider Miller's a spot for friends to meet either In business or so cially. Women are turning their at tention to fall clothes, and stu dents returning to school after summer vacations, are shopping for their fall wardrobe neeos. At Miller'! second floor of fash ions they will find sportswear, coats, suits and dresses as weil a complete selections of lingerie and foundation garments. Miss Gertrude Hildeburn. assisted by Ann Bartlett will aid In crlnos ing the proper garments for the proper figure for perfect fit and comfort. Mrs. Norma Harvey has charge of Miller's Fur salon. She will be most happv to have you come In and let her help you select the proper fur garment to fit your figure, either in coat, cape or stole. Shop the millinery department where Miss Jean Severson shows vou the proper hat to complete your ensemble, either in tailored, dressy afternoon or diminutive styles for that cocktail or dinner frock. Pause to choose a suit or coat from this spacious department. Mrs. June Browning and Miss Ruhv Rutter assist you here. mm t CHRISTMAS DOLL LAY-AWAY PLAN Malta tura your little girl it not disappointed on Christmas morning because her doll was not under he tree. Come in now and pay a little down on any doll with balance of payments at your con venience. Better hurry and buy while stocks are complete. See Our Window Display Wednesday, Sept. 21 GOETTELS Established Since 1912 249 N. Jockson What is quite so impressive os your own name imprinted on the holiday greeting cards you send? Practical too, for you can whisk out cards in half the time. Come in now ond place your order, while a complete selection of styles is available, and prompt delivery is assured. PHILLIPS OFFICE SUPPLY 124 S. Jackson hone 849 We're particularly proud of our wide range of suits and coats and can serve your every need. Here are offered such famous brands of suits and coats as Swansdown, Jaunty Junior, Jun ior Deb, Donnybrook, Lillie Ann, Pamm Jean and Lou Schneider. Sizes range from 7 to 15 and 8 to 20. In our half size depart ment you'll find sizes 144 to 241 In these famous name garments. Presiding over Miller's dress department are Mrs. Susan Thi one and Mrs. Hiloh Nicodemus who will find the proper frocks for the proper occasion. Our Jun ior miss dresses are made by famous manufacturers such as Marlene, Jean Lang. Max Kopp, Carol King. June Bentley, Minx Mode, Trudy Hall. Nelly Don, Georgianna, Bloomfield, Musman and Marjone. Larger styles ani half size dresses carrv such labels as Brock, Madam, rtenaud, Her bert, Levy, Mynette, Martha Man ning, Meera Brooks, Marjone, Young Hearted and Puritan. The brand of the garment of jour choice so often assures you its unchallenged quality that we em phasize brands in mentioning ready to wear clothing it's your assurance. Take a look at our sportswear department where Mrs. Eva Mor gan and Miss Virginia Rubling assist you. See the glamorous displays of skirts, jackets, sweat ers, slacks and blouse. Here, too, are famous names Tish-U-Knit, Serbin Knits, Marjone, Textron, Carol West, Coddington and many otheft. And don't forget the Ship'n Shore and Hendon blousei Just the thing for students and sport fans. An ultra-important department, too often unsung, is the altera tions section where experts pur sue their profession of fitting your attire to perfection. Here you'll meet Mrs. Mary 3ordeau and Mrs. Roberta Kaller. I extend an Invitation to every one to come to Miller's and ac quaint yourself with the latest fall styles. Feel free to ask help from anyone mentioned in this article. We all will be happy to see you. You'll find why the name was so well chosen when you visit our "Second Floor of Fashions." temperature. Under the same conditions the roaster uses 19 per cent more current. To get the maximum coopera tion from your kitchen, every nook must be "workable." Here are some efficiency-boosting tips for you who are planning to build or remodel. Use one good wall-switch con trolled ceiling light for general illumination instead of several inadequate lights. Have handy ceiling or wall lights over the range, sink and work counter. Install small light! In cabinet and closet interiors. This helps keep the floor free from beef stew and shattered dishes. For portable plug-In appliance! have duplex outlets placed el bow high, every four feet of work area in your kitchen. Plan Wiring Well Carefully planned wiring can Increase the efficiency of vour kitchen; lower the operating costs too. Recent studies by electrical technicians have shown that a roaster plugged Into an overload ed circuit takes 28 per cent more time to reach required cooking A new plastic package, the shape of a strawberry basket. ! now allows small fruit such as berries and chernea to be packed in the fields and orchards, wash ed, crated, shipped and served without multiple handling of tthe fruit. For Friday fare dip fish fillet! In salted milk then in slightly crushed corn flakes. Bake in a very hot oven for about 15 to 20 minutes. HuiitinqSeason Season Opens October 1st It won't be long now until the nimrods take to the field. The right equipment can make a lot of differ ence on your hunting trip. Come in now and get the right equipment from our large selection of field-tested and proved hunting supplies. .Ajar? IV . Umbrella and Wall Type fif TENTS LJ jjl Keep warm and dry - s4P A few deer rifles are still available buy early. ..Get your hunting licences and deer tags here. Coleman 2- and 3-burner stoves Coleman lanterns Sleeping bags Air mattresses Camp cots Red hats Hunting knives to Is As Complete gun cleaning kits and supplies Get your f r copy of the OREGON GAME SYNOPSIS . Shells for most all calibers J. V. Sporting Soods 245 N. Jackson Phone 872