The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 20, 1949, Page 28, Image 28

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    4 Tht Ntws-IUvUw, Roieburg, Ort.-Tuti., Stpfr. 20, 194f
Mixed Fabrics
Color Mates
Hit Campus
It's the smart college and high
school girl who'll make her ap
pearance on campus this Fall In
the very latest of sportswear sep
arates, color mated and blended
sweaters and skirts teamed with
clever accessories.
A basis for a complete outfit
ran be chosen Irom sucn wonaer
ful fabrics as Sheltle tweed,
Homespun, Donegal tweed. Bank'
er's Grey flannel, "Cameltan,"
and Jersey In fresh Fall colors,
There are eav tartans and a
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EMPHASIZING TRIMNESS in J. C. Penney's fall coat stylings it this all wool two-way shag
coat being ihown a customer by Mrs. Dal. Sehrader. Notice (ha fitted affect of the back with
bait fastened. Tha coat may alio ba worn without the belt to give it that full, boxy flara.
Another new ityla note it tha four pocket front, with the two top pockets let high and closer to
tha shoulder Una, Other coats featured by Penney's are sharkskin, broadcloths, tweeds gab
ardines and coverts. (Picture by Matter Photo Studio).
Nylon aoln the pace in short
hose, this Fall. Extra swell lor
teens and sorority circles, they'll
wear like an armored car, laun
clpr like a hanky. In all nylon, or
mixed with angora, olhrr wools
and cottons there Is a June gar
den of colora to pick from, to
match, contrast and go with ev
erything. In all tha itylee you've wen
before, plua a new extra length
crew sock and shne-tophlgh sock
lor golfing. Slipper eocks tap
their toea for attention.
Fashion calls for a heavy ac
cent on the handbag for Fall
'49. The experts are fabricating
them from pinmoney-andllpstlck, right on up to the "saddle
hag." You'll see them In more
styles, colors, shapes, and mate-
whole range of Scotch District
checks taken right from the au
thentic checked woolens of Scot
land. One such District Check Is the
Fannich check, a blend of wine
and olive green checks against a
yellow ground. An ensemble
might consist of a skirt in this
check teamed with a matching
weskit or Jacket plus a checked
cloche and dashing ascot. Added
to this, a Garland sweater, hand
loomed and hand-finished, mas
ter dyed bv Bernat to match a
nredominating color In the check
Camel's hair has always been
a campus favorite and this year
they 11 be wearing skirts or cam
eltan fabric with dyedtomatch
sweaters and Jersey blouses. A
cameltan stole Is fringed all
around and to complete the out
fit, theres a choice 01 eitner a
cameltan beret or a cony of Jac
ques Fath's famous cloche band
ed with dark green suede.
Tweed and nubbv fabrics have
made a big come-back this year
and 'hey have never neen more
becoming. With either a rosy
flecked hnmesmin tweed or a gol
den tweed as a basis, one could
ensemble a blended look from
head to hem.
Heads Turn
A finely knit sweater set In a
firedomlnatlng color of the tweed
ooks fine worn with a tweed skirt
and a matching 'weed ascot loop
ed gaily about the neck, a hand
some tweed belt encircling the
waist. There's even a little tweed
carrv-all to slip onto a belt, com
pletely fitted with mirror, comb
and tweed-covered compact.
This year's college girl return
Ing to the campus will find many
a head turned to admire ner wen
planned wardrobe of mixable,
matchable color coordinates.
t-tat than .v.r hefnr Vnil're
sure to find ones that flatter es
pecially you.
Pigskin and ostrich will be pop-
1a- in Hiutlm. hflfll T.(nH With
lots of pockets and accessories.
tney u oe ieicning yei junctional.
Newest fabric for fall fashions
Is chiffon-weight tweed, with all
the texture Interest of regular
tweed, but feather light.
Trowbridge Electric is proud to
have been selected as the installa
tion contractor. We wish to thank
the residents of Roseburg for their
cooperation during the installation.'
SIZES. SHAPES AND COLORS are not problems when presented in Jo. Richards Men's store, .specially the question of six..
Nearly all heights, ranging from five feet five inches in stocking feet, to an even seven feet with a hat on, are represented
here by their smiling salesmen waiting to show you the latest in fall fashions for men. Reading from left to right are "Mr.
Average," Manager Dale Sims; "Mr. Vary Tall," Jack Loomls; "Mr. Tall," Ed John; and "Mr, Short," Russ Osborn. (Picture
by Master Studiol.
Men's Clothes
Lighter In
Color, Shades
Some Dark Blues
Shown But Mostly
Colors Arc Bright
Manager, Joe Richards
Men's Store
Men's clothing Is definitely
lighter In color for fall and win
ter. A trend In recent months
has developed In men's suits and
topcoats that shows that shadings
and colors are much lighter than
before. Men of all ages are wear
ing colors now for winter wear
that used to be only shown and
worn during the spring and sum
mer months.
The ever popular gabardine
suits and topcoets are being
shown in lighter tan and grev
shades for fall and winter and
predictions are that thev will
continue to be worn in lighter
colors. About the onlv dark
colors in clothing racks today are
the navy blue solid color suits and
a recent addition called "skipper"
niue mat is a medium snacie te
tween dark navy and royal blue.
Other than these dark blues, most
all men's clothing stores are fea
turing only light and medium
shades in sharkskins gabardines,
wool worsteds, and tweeds. It has
been noted that even the tweeds (bands prefer the lighter
are lighter color and more color-1 shades on them. This Is probably
ful than before. the reason for the gradual change
Most men will look better in to lighter colors by the leading
the lighter shades of grey and: clothing manufacturers.
tan than they are aware of, how-
ever, and women who most al- A small vial of rose perfume
ways have the final sav where 'can have as much at 200 pounds
color is concerned for their hus-of roses In it.
Your New Hat
Oh! You're gonna look good In
a hat this fall. Why? Because for
the first time In years, hats are
different! New color-, shapes and
finishes make the difference.
The gents who make 'em con
sulted the rainbow, in selecting
hues. You may see some dark
greys around in October, but
"high pastel" is the pass word.
Hats to match your shirts, sport
clothes and top coats are the ob
jective. Don't forget. Hold out
for color.
' f l "s ' I 'af
a J
- "Sunbeams" Is the nmrne of
this new coiffure Introduced by
Victor Vlto. New York stylist,
who says It needs no settinr but
Just a whisk of the brush.
have you noticed this?
We are proud of this slogan . . .
because it's more than a slogan . . .
Sail IJJoiirSel