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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1949)
Colors. Pockets New c c-n mo I Turn., Sept. 20, H49 THe Newt-Review, Hoseburf, Or. $ I Vl I Mil a NIIICIIC Persons Adhtre To Fashion In Slim Linos And Detailing Color gets top billing In the lingerie scene for this Fall. Colors are effectively used In many solid or two-tone pajamas and gowns. Big coin dots are featured on nightgown and negligee sets. Pas tel plaids are nightie and pajama favorites. Two tone teams run rampant in the pajama selec tions. Fireman's red, perennial college girl's choice, is here again in all its glory on nighties, pajamas and robes. Navy creeps into the lingerie picture In smart complement to the many major apparel items being featured in this color for the coming season. Novelty prints cover every lingerie item imag inable. Dark blue, rust-coral and tropic leaf green are headline colon used many times in three-piece pajama and coat sets. Fuchsia or medium blue are accents on pastel rayon pajamas. Two and three-tone plaid combinations in dark or paste hues are featured in pajamas and have matching partners for the man In your life. Floral motifs distinguish long gowns. Pockets, fashion feature of Fall '49, are also featured on lingerie. Back-to-school housecoats, study coats and the more luxurious crepe and satin negligees use pockets to advantage. In the tailored styles, the pock ets are big and obvious; in the dressier types, they're small and slashed. Typical of the prominence of pockets in this Fall's styles, is an iridescent taffeta negligee. This negligee has quilted and pucker ed trim used on wide lapels and on big pocket tabs. Some paja mas have cuffed pockets and con trasting braid trimming, these styles may be-had with plunge necklines or shawl collars. A Reflection In all, the lingerie picture is a perfect reflection of what you will wear "above" this Fall. Dolman sleeves, cowl effects, floating panels, the coat look and plunge necklines in gown and pajamas. This look is also reflected In housecoats; in the coachman-coat silhouettes and the wrap-over styles. And basis of any look Is the worthiness of the foundation gar ment beneath your major appar el. The longer and straighter lines being shown and worn for Fall 1949 will get due emphasis in the corsets, girdles and bras you'll wear with your new finery. Longer and straighter founda tions are the answer to fashion's demands. Girdles will be higher waisled with wide sections of elastic for supple ease. New cor selets also stress the long, straighter lines. Introduced this Fall in lightweight fabrics de signed to give the illusion of a natural waistline and to lift and separate the bustline and to con trol the figure under the arms and at the back by means of side stretch elastic sections. Long line brassieres also do their bit In enhancing your long, slim lines for the coming season. The princess line and banded type with firm diaphragm con trol are two popular styles. For fuller figures, foundations are becoming more and more fashion conscious Instead of merely "reducing" conscious. In dented waistlines are achieved with curved panels, wide elastic sections help provide lifted bust lines and good hipline control. Embroidery Still immensely popular Is the wired plunging bra. Designers are using the U-shaped wire for figure-smart separation. Decorative touches provide del icate eye-appeal on your more personal items of apparel. Warners offer nvi.- -' S Y W'- if & oft -Mi fei Urf-- L W , : . : Ms)'k 1- Am -' ' . W 1 1 1 ' - ' : --. :ivrlM' I 5 J4 ii u -in" V XW:, I ;n J i !LU-" lJ. Up TIMELY CLOTHES, pictured in timely fashion for t Vi Fall Opening are illustrated above as they are saen at Roy's men's store. The popular argyle style socks, the latest in men's tall suit itylings and sturdy Mansfield's shoes are all In stock at Roy's for discriminate male shoppers. (Picture by Master Photo Studio). A? i i 5" "5 ft 1 7s HATS SOX i Tain m 7 pi SHIRTS CLOTHING FOR MEN 10!S SS.",' COATS and girdles with embroidered front panels. A high waisted gir dle by Lily of France is of power net witn openwoiK ana a irom panel of embroidered design on marquiseue. mis aesigner aiso shows leno elastic girdles with lace over blue nylon and pink ribbons across the front panels. Keep Your Hands Out And Bo Proud They're In Trim With Fall comes a sense of rising excitement, a surge of re newed energy and desire for self improvement. There are new wardrobes to plan, new accessories to choose. Which brings us to an important item on the good-grooming agen da, your hands. Youa De surprised now oiten you are judged by your hands. Hands that show neglect detract from your whole appearance. Here's How We've worked out a special hand-care routine which should be followed nightly to keep your hands at their smoothest and loveliest. All you will need Is a good hand cream, Pond's has a new one which is pale pink in color and leaves no sticky residue, an orange-wood stick, and a couple of minutes to yourself. After carefully washing and drying your hands, dig your fin ger nails into the jar of hand cream, packing the cream under neath each nail. This will soften and protect the delicate skin be neath the nails and help to pre vent nail breakage. Then, with the orange-wood slick, gently clean away the cream and any accumulated grime. It's Easy Next, smooth more hand cream around the cuticles and, again with the orange-wood stick, push each cuticle back with light cir cular downward pressure. Used this way, the hand cream will remove any surface cuticle, will ward off little tears and keep the cuticle smooth and pliable. Finally, apply a generous amount of hand cream to the hand itself. Massage the cream onto your upheld hand with smooth downward strokes, or downward "wringing" motions. Massage each finger the same way and don't skimp over your wrists. Keep massaging until ev ery bit of the cream is thoroughly absorbed. Then buff your nails lightly. 213 N. Jackson Here's Variety! Nvlon uniforms for nurses and beauticians are now finding use as sports and housewear, because of their convenience and trim ap pearance. Since these garments are made of nylon, they are easy to wash, quick to dry, need no starch and want little or no ironing. Nylon krpps more immaculate because collee, rood ana iruit Juice stains can usually be spot cleaned with soap and water. In addition, nylon fabrics hold their size and shape because they can be heat-set. For this reason shrinkage In washing and sagging are claimed to be controlled, thus assuring a trim fit. To date, fabric weaves for nv Ion uniforms are mainly white and colored twills, taffetas, and other plainer types. They include practically all designs with Peter Fan, lanorea collars or couar less models. There is also a choice of sleeve types and other style details. STAR'S DRESS COSTLY Virginia Mayo's newest dress cost $1000. It glitters like pure gold the effect of thousands of sequins. To show Mayo's shapely game, the skirt has Insets of Formal and extremely formal are the styles shown above, modeled by Susan Motschenbaeher, left, and Nancy Lehman, center and right, in creations now being shown at Luvern's. (Pic tures by Master Photo Studio I. Renewal Interest In Suits Seen As Fashion Keynote For Fall Suits are the pivotal Item in the wardrobe of you, the Ameri can woman. You wear- suits for their flat tery, 'heir practicality, their ver satility, the ease with which they fit Into your routine. Because of a suit's importance, you probably deliberate before you buy. Your suit must appear undated" despite repeated wear. It must have a distinctive touch, but be sufficiently basic to change mood with different ac cessories. Then too, blouses, shoes, bags, your general choice of accessories depends upon this suit. You wisely consider with particular interest luits to be worn this season. This Fall '49 the daytime aulty story Is texture, line, color. Bloused backs have replaced peplums as the exit note. Sleevea are gentle, in keeping with un derstated shoulders. Many Jack ets are belted with a low-slung, slimming effect achieved. The stem slim skirt Is univer sally endorsed following Its Spring acceptance. Skirt lengths average 12 to 13 Inches from the floor, a trifle shorter than last Fall. Colors are warm and glowing, and closely related to the weave. In monotones, rosy rust, the en lire range of brown, and ahade green dominate. Soft heather, greyed blues, bright teal, tangv conber. brick red, and squash ellow are boldly featured. Style Tips To Working Girls AP Newsfeatures HOLLYWOOD How to look like a million on a secretary's salary is explained by Irene, noted designer who has worked out a three-suit wardrobe for Loretta Young, playing a career girl in a forthcoming picture. Hera are her tins: 1 Buy simple, well-cut suits of neutral color and wrinkle-resistant fabrics. 2 Vary them with colorful ac cessories scarfs and blouses are easiest. 3 Select a simple hat that will go with all the' suits,' pos sibly with a change of band or trimming. A sailor or poke bon net ii safe. Either may be dress ed up by the addition of veil or flowers. 4 Don't try to buy gloves to match each outfit. Wear plain white cotton ones with every thing. They are always correct and easy to keep clean. - Use summer apples with celery and walnut meats tor a salad to serve with meat or fish. Moisten with sour cream to which a little vinegar and sugar have been ad ded, and serve on watercress or a combination of salad greens. Sprinkle the top of the salad with paprika for color. " 1 ( LtlW , -ffrV Tit I i 'i f J II There's a wonderful promise of complimentary glamour in our newest group of Fall-into-Winter dust-ro-dawn dresses. You'll love the soft draping . . . the lines that nip you in the right places, fall straight in others. You'll cherish the "after 5" fashion Tightness of our many styles and you'll most certainly be delighted with the wide orray of heavenly colors and low, low prices. But do come see for yourself, today! life mm Step-In-Dress . . . this fashion-wise daytime Moss Crepe with dramatically dipping tunic effect . . . buttoned side pocket for that third dimension. Ornamented with glistening nailheads on the pocket and collar . . . easy to get into because of its to-the-hip back zipper. In that basic Fall shade of black. Sizes 10 to 20. Mrs. Von Schriltz extends an invitation to the women of Douglas County to come in ond look over her wide selection of Fall Clothing. Luverne's was formerly the Excel Dress Shoppe, but Mrs. Von Schriltz, manager at that time, pur chased the store recently ond changed the name to Luverne's. 124 N. Jackson Phone 565-J (Formerly Excel Dress Shoppe) sheer chiffon.