12 Tha News-Review, Rowburj, Ore.-Tues., Sept. 20, 14 i -.''ThTi 'f rl at Penney THAT CRITICAL LOOK it given one of J. C. Penney's most pop ular style dross sandals as Wilbur Osterloh, shoo department manager, looks appraciaiivaly at tha parfact fit. Featuring tha drassy suada laathar for fall, opan style interlaced effect toe and platform sola, tha shoe is alto highly popular because of the comfortable medium height heel and slenderizing effect given by the dainty ankle straps. (Picture by Master Photo Studio). Sub-Teens Need Fret No More; Lowell's Has It In Correct Size And Style In the procesa of growing up, every girl becomes a sub teen al about junior high age. The sub tee ru used to have a major prob lem in finding suitable clothes without alterations, but now they lind that Lowell's solves many of their wardrobe desires with a selection of quality Items at moderate prices. Sub-teen are sizes 10 to 14 and designed for the girl with the petite figure. Larger than the girls range, yet smaller than the teens, they are ideal for the girl who ia "in between." Recognizing this need, Lowell's now offers the smaller figure her right size in slips, bras, panties and foundations for their lin gerie. Also available is sub-teen coats with styles both for the girl and lady. The selection of dresses offers a wide range of venality with Lowell's offering cottons for both school, play and dress, and rayons in both casual and dressy styles ranging from the corduroy jumper to the gat ardine all occasion dress featur ing Dior pockets and shRWl col lar. The sub-teens indeed have their own department at Lowell's. Of Interest to sub-teens, and in fact all iadies, is that Lowell's in response to numerous requesls now offers to those with accent ed credit the convenience of thirty day charge accounts. As they modestly phrase It. "It's another service from Lowell's." Good News If You Sew Pleasing Pric$ More Woolens; All Patterns You who custom -make your clothes have a wider variety of woolen and worsted fabrics from which to choose, than in many a season past. Even more pleasing are the new price ranges. Milli have scaled down their prices to make many of these fine fabrics available In the more popular brackets. From $2.38 to $5 a yard, Fabrlca Departments will offer a rare choice of fab rics, presenting wonderful possi bilities to the resourceful seam stress. New sheer dress weights, plaids and plains In companion fabrics, sporty tweeds and Inter esting checks permit a wide ex pression of Individuality In cos tume design. In pattern and color the choice la wide indeed. Patterns In the heavier coatings design ers have worked with a free and a lavish hand to produce a wide range of fancy patterns, herring bones, fleeces In authentic clan plaids, coverts with dull or sheen finish; a permanent finish broad cloth, suedes, camel hair and wool fleeces, and chinchilla types. Developing from a trend last season, is the fast-increasing use of companion fabrics, plains and filalds or checks, woven from dentical yarns, providing a va riety of Interchangeable gar ments which extend the wardrobe so effectively. Authentic plaid woolens are paired with plain fabrics of matching colors In dress or skirt, and Jacket combinations. Or, the Jacket may be of a heather mixed check with skirt of a plain wor sted flannel, color matched. In dress weights loo, are sheer heather mixtures, worsted sheers, an all-worsted gabardine sheer, as well as authentic clan filalds and checks. Super plaids n plain and interesting basket weaves, are mated with compan ion plain weaves, with stunning effect. Many Tweeds Tweeds continue their popular ity. They may be in pin checks or Glen plaids with companion plains for suits and skirts of the mannish type. Large checks and small hound's tooth multi-color checks, and mannish striped suit ings lend variety for the Fall wardrobe. Novelty check tweed effects ap pear In suitings and skirtings, and flannels for the mannish type of garment. For coating. Donegal tweeds are favorites for children's wear as well as for their elders. A dia mond weave Tweed is shown In light weight coating as are stripes and diagonals and wide herringbone patterns In a heavy weight. Fleece coatings In authentic plaids will satisfy the longing for a coat of many colors. Coverts, dull or with sheen, are very pop ular again. Broadcloths are show ing themselves Importantly, while suedes will be widely used for coats and toppers. Green Big Fleeces have been revived for Fall, particularly for children's wear. Chinchilla types of heavier coatings especially suitable for children, are retaining their im portant position. Now in the array of colors, green continues to he the favorite holh In patterned and plain wool ens. In the novelty plaids, green Is first rnnice with browns, rust and black following in order of their popularity. I. teen also dom Inates in plain goods, followed by the browns, greys, wines and rusts. Slice a banana lengthwise and then arrange the flat thin slices fanshape over salad greens for an attractive samel. Aud almost any otner iresn milt in season serve with sour cream dressing "Showraec Neckline," modeled after Jeweler' dleplar I"". Is worn by Mrs. Billy Rose (Eleanor Holm) te dramatise her palladium-eet 'diamond pendenta oaljedluni chaln.. ALL WOOL SHARKSKIN TOWNCLAD SUITS 4S ONLY AT PENNEY'S You'll like the feel of this hard finish 100 virgin wool sharkskin suit. Master tailors, with years of skilled know how, watch over Penney's suits from start to finish. Poy Penney's o visit soon while our stocks of crisp sharkskins, smooth gabardines ond neat stripes are at their peak. New est shades of blue, brown, and grey. 36 to 46. Regulars, shorts, longs, and stouts. FOR REAL HAT VALUE BUY MARATHON Take a good look ot our "Commando" . . . note the jaunty .factory blocked lines, the fine 100 fur felt, the rayon satin lining, the medium width band! Now take another look ot this low price of 3.98' 6 58 to 7 38 . . . Nickel Grey ond Pecan Ton. 908 Clever Detail For Fall In New Wool Broadcloth FASHION PRICED ) (p) AT PENNEY'S ONLY Zza 2 That's a beautiful broadcloth, too . . . lustrous ond gleaming, pure wool. And note the styling ... the choice of yoke back thot gives that fullness to the back. Brood cloth is the magic fabric for coats this Fall. Other of the mony fabrics to choose from at Penney's are sharkskins, gabardines, tweeds, and coverts in green, grey, wine, block and brown. The New Bare Look Dress Sandals Soft Suede Cloth Handbags Walking, dancing, dining, dating here's onf of the top favorites for Fall! High soaring heels, pencil slim straps the merest hint of a plat form. Morvelous with your new wools crepes! In black sueded kid. AA ond B 4Vi-8'i. 4 98 Frame bog with tophandle in the new Soft suede cloth for Fall. Rayon satin lining and double faced mir ror. This dressy bag will compliment ony new Fall ensemble. Black, brown, green, ond grey. plus tax 2 98