Fabrics In Star Spot This Fall Tweeds Featured In Styl Scene, Say Predictor Top fashion new for thii Fall li in the fabric. Fabric ire toft crip, gentle. They're bubblv and tweedv. They're together in surprising contrast! of texture or In imart combinations of tone. Tweeds in wool and tweed ef. fects in cottons, silks, ravons are foremost for Fall. Even a precious silk shot with metallic yarn has the look of "tweed." Imaginatively patterned, the tweeds are vastly varied. There are small pebbly and stepped di agonal patterns, often shown as interesting companions. Monotone tweeds, alwavs so practical, are in the fashion pic ture. As are worsted tweeds for suits, favorites of you who love the "weed look" tradition. Contrasts The companion idea In tweeds is more stimulating than ever. Expect to see it In two weights of the same pattern; in three-way companions, involving a small pebbly tweed pattern with two weigrit of larger checks for the suit jacket and coat; in mono tone tweeds dyed to match gab ardine for suits. Another fabric surging to the fashion fore this season is cam el's hair. It promises to be a great success for coats, jackets and skirts and will also be used as a color for major wardrobe Items and accessories. Camel's hair tweeds with color are a new innovation this season. Coats and suits of this type come in attractive contrasts with bot tle green, vivid red and royal. Woolens and worsteds for dresses are also big fashion news for this Fall. There will be many choices; supple sheer crepes, finely ribbed in the jersey man ner. There will be yarn-dyed nov elties in dressmaker weights, sometimes combined with cash mere or mbhit's hair. There will be small Datterned and small weave worsteds and wool dress tweeds for fashion popular coat dresses. And for theater and cocktail wear, there will be failles, bengalines and grosgrain worsteds. Changeable Black warp iridescent color ings, that have the color effects of stained glass, are significant headline in worsteds, woolens, silks and rayons this Fall. In wor steds and tweeds this unusual fabric color effect is most often seen in slim-lined dresses and "little" suits. In dress fabrics, the change able colorings are outstanding in silk and rayon taffetas overstrip ed or plaided in satin ribbon ef fects for evening dresses and for mal blouses to pair with velvet or velveteen suits or skirts. There is also a stronger style isition predicted for jersey this all. In jersev. there will bt a re vival of handknits. Many of the jersey fabrics will be threaded with gleaming non-tarnishbahle yarns. There will be many knit ted ribbon Jersey fabrics. The use of metallic ribbons in stead of plain acetate rayon ones is a new idea for evening fashions this year. The most formal jer sey is the revival of highly crep ed mat silk. This will be used In filmy sheer weights for eve ning, and in heavier weights for afternoon. Corduroy In The fabric fashion leader In back-to-school sportswear is cor duroy. This perennial favorite will often be seen in fine-wale versions, so smooth, it resembles velveteen. The Jersey look Is an Impor tant one for sehool-agers. As well as many blouses and skirts of this soft, warm fabric, corduroys and tweeds will be handled to attain a jersey effect. Smooth and rough contrasts will be used generously In the campus fashion group. Expected to appear are combinations of velveteen and tweeds; of thick flannel and wide corduroy, with the rough texture of one fabric pointing up the smoothness of the other. Tuei., Sapt. 20, H4'-Tke News-Review, Reiebiirf, Or. 5 Fa Jumpers' Color Dark, Mothers' Burden Light Mothers are promised a rosier outlook on blue Mondays and little girls snappier-1 o o k I n g school clothes because of dark Jumper dresses. Because they can dodge soil, need only a fresh blouse for daily sprucing up, and are as smartly styled as the next dress, dark Jumpers are answers to mothers' cries for school clothes that keep the laundry pile down to decent size. Albeit dark, there's nothing somber about the Jumper girl's dress. Designed for the sized 7-to-10 pig-tailed miss, dark Jump ers are dark red, dark green 'or winter navy. Any of these lively but dit-defying colors can take a change of white blouses and make a jumper girl look as freshly turned out as a starched up kindergartner. Crisp Denial Issued New Whire Pique Crisp white pique has as its only riva1 for awe-inspiring freshness the nurse's uniform or the surgeon's jacket. This explains in part whv pique fills up wardrobe gaps when the midseason thermomet er climbs, why pique is a wom an's favorite carry-over into the next cotton-picking season. Conservatively styled pique i has never submitted to many ' dressmaker frills the Jacket oi orcss that will see service during ; dog days and will reappear in wardrobes next year is apt to he ; a classic or a semi-classie fah- J Ion. w Y mm We're proud of our distinguished family be cause each one's a winner. The fame in these names has been won on performance and tested by time. Their constant dependability is your surest cue to thrift and shopping ease. Many of them have been associated with Miller's (another good name) for going on four generations. But remember, too, that we're al ways alert to new names that identify finer quality, superior value to every new celebrity that will save you money and serve you better. Our Family of Famous Names Furs Kirk-Made Hollander Millinery Doree Fva Mae Noreen Gen Dorln teady-To-Wear Jauntv Junior Swansdnwn Junior Deh Donnvhrook T tllie Ann Pann Jean ?u Schneider Marlene Jean Tang Max Komi Carol King June Bentley Minx Mode Tmdv Hall Nellv Don Georglann Bloomfield Marione Brock Madam Penaud Hubert Levy Mvnette Martha Manning Meera Brooks Puritan Tish-U-Knit Serhin Knits Textron Carol West Coddington Lingerie and Foundations Art emus Textron Rarhlzon I.inda Munsingwear Carter's Fverreadv Strutwcar Botanv Miss Pullman Gnssard Warner's Le Gant California Foundation Nemo Form fit Realform Perma-Llft Life Goddess Peter Pan Anne Alt l a Trique Camp Luagaae Skyway Samsontte Halliburton Fa brio Botany ABC Amerltex Ouadrlca Korde Fabric Bates Nashua Thompson CarlrajJl Belding Notions Boilfast Rove Talon Wright's Wlss J. P. Coats Clark's Prlscilla Bear T orneMe Minerva Men's Shoes Cnnnollv Kangnroos Wlnthron Tavlor Made Locke Men't Wear Kuppenhelmer ' Cllnper Craft Blltmore White Star Munsingwear Filson Van Heusen BVD Mark Twain Resistol I-ee Paris Hirkok Levi Straus Pendleton Campus Jant7en Kandel Revere Textron Don Juan Botany Regal Hanes Hansen Tom Sawver Rough Rider I)uart Wright Field Stream Ruckskein Jo Coronet Kaynee Hirsch-Welss Interwoven Champion Jewelry Marvel la Delta Richelieu Joseph Wlesner Forstner Jacques Kreisler 1847 Rogers Bros. 1881 Rogers Bros. Community Ronson Elgin American Women's Shoe Selby Arch Preservers Red Cross Carmelette Colella Johansen Ferncrat nf Hollywood Daniel Green Hollywood Skooters Golo Jeans hv Eastland . ind!v Snorts DeL'so Debt Sboes for Soyt and Girls Official Girl Scout Ped Goose Yanigana J"nior Selhy Arch Preservers vrltnron Jiinlon B. F. 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