r i ' ' I'.' ' I : f t ! I t- ? : ! 1' M " ;'- . i I. i4;o v. 830 I e-V -,..,. .TT' ft " " .' 1 iT I "l IT " f-iff"-:-' ' OH, LOOK AT ME NOW! That's the phrate Mist Dana Da Rhoden it using, judging from har look of delight at lha lookt admiringly in the mirror af what Lowall'i ttora it offering in thair juvanila department. Har cotton peatant dratt can ba worn for play or dratt, yet it thoroughly wathabla. Mary O'Briana waitt her turn at tha mirror to tea har wetkit dratt of practical cotton. Ideal with or without tha wetkit, it offert striking contratt in this season's popular dark tones, (Picture by Master Photo Studio). Fresh dill, chopped, U delici ous In a white sauce to serve over fish that has been baked, broiled or steamed. If the fresh dill Is not available, use the dried. When you make popovers, slit There are many uses for wax each with a small sharp-pointed ! ed moisture resistant paper bags knife as soon as you remove them ! in the kitchen. I'se them for pie- irom me oven; me sm win allow the steam to escape and make (the popover crisper. nle lunch sandwiches, for storing food In the refrigerator, and for kitchen waste. V I " I.-: l . - ' " -. .... ,i iii hi mi ini r" "Vim"! mf ii,' mi mem ft CHARMINC, CLEVER, CASUAL, BEST describe the above outfit from Lowell's, modeled here by Ulah Rhoden. The suit, a Betty Rose fashion in practical maroon gabardine, shows tha pocket interest and slim lines as the basis tor versatile use ot acces sories. Completing her ensemble, Mrs. Rhoden wears scarf, handbag, nylon gloves and hosiery woven in the new fall grey. All are inexpensive and smart and found at Lowell's of Rose burg. (Picture by Matter Photo Studio). Gibson Girl Blous Waist Hints Given How to have your pleated shirt front and your tiny waist too may mean ripping out a pleated shirlail and remaking it Into a fitted hip-band. If other women who want to look like a Gibson Girl in pleated shirts and slim skirts take this trouble, why can't you? If you make your own blouses, you can eliminate a bulky shirt tail when you cut and sew. Sim ply halt those rows of crisp pleats at the waistline and arid a smoothly fitted hip-band to your blouse. You can use the same techni que on the shirt tall of a blouse that you already have. Even the woman who can't sew can find somebody who can to rip the pleats out of a shirt- tail that add; bulk and remake It into a hip-band that fits as smoothly as tier slip. In Spain and Italy the profes sion of perfume and glovemakcr were combined lor centuries. iota irioie Th. really LIVEABLE home is tht keynote gone are fragile furnish ings, the spindly chairs, the deli cate appointments. Sturdy, family-wise furniture that will wear and wear ond yet retoin its original good looks are fea tured. Shop Judd's this fall and all the time for LIVE ABLE furniture. ttOMt I Tue Sept. 20, 1949-The Ntwt-Revlew, Roteburf, Ore. irom t ,v'. J c- aw "VVAy Jowclls of many uses- versatile, practical coats for every occasion ovailablt in sizes for every figure, styles for every taste and prices for every budget. Beautifully tailored in 100 wool, coat illustrated available in covert or tweed. Sweetheart neckline with matching detail on the pockets combined with a' striking yoke detail and buttons cleverly arranged will highlight and compliment any ensemble. 100 Wool Coats from $19.50 (Teens) classics to be admired from Lowell's. Soft classic lines offer changeability through the use of accessories! and suits at Lowell's are available in the desirable styles, fabrics and shade. Junior, misses ond half-sizes to please the budget. Better Dresses from $6.50 if is the word for girls and ladies with the smaller figure when their wardrobe is from Lowell's sub-teen department. Everything for the petite figure slips, bras, foundations, coats, dresses and skirts So reasonably priced too! Sub-teen dresses from 3.50. pie ' 0 - ' '00 2 L m W Sofa beds the dual purpose piece of , mmj furniture so popular with home-owners f R- -3?- M -V? V, Whatever vour wishes in J li V. f V If iff II '"v Mv ::u pJric;? : t Vl ; RS5S7iT ii M I Km' '' 0'W;Vrl 59'5fl",d "P- Free de. J ;M r&3nt ' I nkKJV i 321 N. Jackson St. Phon 24 I All suits 100 wool from $29.50. jf'VUW for the occosion with a dress selected from the many new arrivals now at Lowell's. Styles for the petite to matronly figure, from sub-teens to half-sizes. Styles for tht occasion, be it school, the job or evening quality everyone will appreciate at prices onyone can afford. in love with dresses for the tiny tots ond those not so tiny. Dresses for school, ploy or party priced from 1 .98 up sizes I to 3, 3 to 6x, 7 to 14. Also a complete department for oil items worn by girls of all ages. We Invite You to Investigate Our Lay-Away and Charge Accounts