The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994, September 20, 1949, Page 14, Image 14

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    2 Tit News-Review, Rosekurg, Ore.-Tues., Sept. 20, 194
"PERFECT FIT, MISS?' Teen-agers, too, are conteiout of shoo styles, as is illustrated here
by Loretta Short as Elwyn Jonas, salasman for Wayna's Shoa stora, fastant tha last buckle.
Noted in Roseburg for fin shoes, Wayna's has tha latest in this fall's foot wear, styled for
tha most discriminating, from tha Junior Miss pictured above to ladies of older age groups.
(Picture by Master Photo Studio).
Colors Key
To Fabrics
FuN Shades Art
Varied In Ton
Color Is the talking point of the
fabrics that highlight this sea
son's fashion picture.
Fall foliage colon and dark
ish, muted tweed combinations
are the newsiest In the great bar
rage of wool tweeds coming
through for this Fall. Subtle col
on are everywhere on dresses.
And young set colon are clear
and bright.
As an over-all picture, color
this Fall la a symphony of tones,
rather than one or several pre
dominant shades.
Teal la the color, which ex
perts prophesy will be the hit of
the Fall season. Because of Its
long absence, It will look newer
than anv other color, and It has a
wonderul Fall feeling.
Many Browns
Browns appear In muted subtle
taupes, beiges and putty shades.
k X
While spicier browns are to be
seen with a yellow cast. There
is also a generous lasnion spnnK
ling of really deep brown.
Red, which came into promi
nence last Spring aa an accent
note, promises to be one of the
most prominent colors in the
coming Fall season. There will
be many variations of this vi
brant color. Expect to see it in
anything from off-tones of brick,
live yellow reds and pink reds to
cherry and cranberry tones.
Blues, with lots of grey in them,
are quiet, but Immensely popu
lar. Navy has stepped irom tne
Hlnh Fashion pedestal to become
a popular year 'round favorite.
Medium French blues, ranging
down to deep slate blues, are
also on the Fall color chart.
Greens, too, appear with a yel
lowish cast. And vellow Itself will
be shown in bright, true tones
for evening: In Daler, more gold
en versions as an accent to the
Twetds Again
Copper tones will stand out Im
pressively In Juvenile fashion.
Mixture tweeds with a copper
glint and over-glow are promi
nent. "Burning leaves" tones also
carry out the coppery flashes.
I Even In sweaters, anklets, shoes,
hats, and handbags, copper prom
ises to make a big Impression on
the "Back-to-School" crowd.
Getting down to fashion facts,
this is what you can expect to
wear this Fall.
The natural and grey yarn-dye
mix wool dress Is still the classic
favorite. Other, stronger colors
for wools, are berry red, slate
blue, spruce green.
A green-gold shade and lilac
periwinkle tones promise to pay
Ihe most compliments under
electric lights for dressier
End Shirrfronr Pleats at Hip
For Gibson Girlish Waistline
Lff,t J V, The I
I .. X - 4 Slrnol
1 ,
1 The hand-spanning I
! 1 site of actress Gloria I
Strook's waist is kept I
. I that war bv a blouse I
hlpband. I
ft with a sleek
ttljTo eliminate
jsf plested shir
attached to a
bulk the
shirtwaist Is
r a; attached to a band 0.1-
131 ted to the hips.
Designers Thanked For
Jumpers' Crisp Look
For the crisp look of the young
daughters' Jumpers nowadays,
thanks should go to the designers
for utilizing new rayon failles
and rayon gabardines. Designers'
response to the crisp luster ot
faille, to the smooth worsted
finish of rayon gabardine, results
in good tailoring and smart de
Examples of both are seen In
sweetheart necklines, set-in mid
riff bands, pouchy pockels and
IIOW to have your pleated shirt
front and your tiny waist too
may mean ripping out a pleated
shirttall and remaking it into a
titled hip-band.
If other women who want to
look like a Gibson Cirl in pleated
shirts and slim skirts take this
trouble, why can't you?
If you make your own blouses,
you can eliminate a bulky shirt
tail when you cut and sew. Sim
ply halt those rows of crisp pleats
at the waistline and add a smooth
ly fitted hip-band to your blouse.
You can use the same technique
on the shirttall of a blouse that you
already have.
Even the woman who can't sew
can And somebody who can to rip
the pleats out of a shirttail that
adds bulk and remake it into a
hip-band that Ats as smoothly as
her slip.
The Gibson Girl fashion Implies
a hand-spanning waistline. A
woman who wants to look as tiny
wsisted in her 1949 styled shirt
waist need not sllow a bunch ol
bulky pleats shoved under hei
skirt band to defeat her aim.
contrasting braid trim, which, In
one instance, is used to hand a
dress to give It white scalloped
detail above and below the waistline.
This particular gabardine dress
Is teamed with a while rayon
blouse which owes its childish
charm to a lace-trimmed collar
and puffy ruffled sleeves:
A Jumper dress of faille with
patch pockets pouched out from
a set-in waistband, is ensembled
with a long-sleeved tailored
blouse of white cotton.
In teaching youngsters to set
a table show them how to place
knives properly with the cutting
edge closest to the edge of the
plate. All the silverware should
be placed about one inch from
the edire of the table and lined
styled to purr-fection by jjfeSik&f in
(( S ':MM &
.. Lsr .: i
Canned condensed asparagus
soup is good served cold. Dilute
the soup with cold milk and add
a garnish of sliced pimento-stuffed
olives, chopped parsley, or
I chives.
Luxurious suede fashioned Into
exciting footwear... gay u a -
kitten and just as soft! Here
are four from our Fall collec
tion of high-style, classic,
comfort and casual patterns.
Better Shoes For All The Family
118 W. Cass
Just Around The Corner From Douglas County Bank
' V j!w
Whotever you desire In dress clothes, you will be
essured of finding just the style, material and color
that you want af Herman's. All of our dress clothes
ere made of the finest materials with the most pains
taking tailoring to bring you clothes of perfection.
We Are Prepared te Suit the
Most Discriminating
Fine suits that look right for any occa
sion tailored of superlative fabrics in
handsome single and double breasted
models by Curlee. You just can't go
wrong with one of our new fall suits.
Select yours today!
Yes, you read right, we said shoes that are
built to toke wet weather. These moccasin
toe lug sole shoes by Yorktown have Good
year welts and will protect your feet against
those wet days ahead and still look new.
Cordovan colors that takes a beautiful
Blend with your outfit
Our full selection of Fall favorites assures you
of a perfect fit. No matter your style, taste
snap brim, or roll brim, you'll find it here
et money saving prices.
MALLORY Cravenerted Hats priced from
7.50 to 15.00
ADAMS HATS the newest line in Roseburg
at lower prices of
5.00 and 6.00
en J
VJoa Wilt
It 'TV t l- I 7Z. Dlaid
ra here for your selection. Whether you need warm
clothing or clothing for your favorite sport activity al
ways check Herman's, where you will find large and
varied selections of work and sport clothing.
All wool plaid jacket with that extra
ength required te keep the cold
ind from going up your back and
King you. Heavy weight wool in bright
with two pockets and full length
pper opening. Wear this coat for work
keep warmer than usual during the
ng winter months.
is this double back stag coat with the cape should
er. An extra layer of material across tha shoulders
to keep you warmer. Two breast pockets and two
slash pockets. Full length xipper front on this
virgin wool coat that sells for only
is a White Stag Cruiser, You'll never get cold in this
100o Virgin Wool cruiser. Heavy and warm yet not
bulky to wear. Available in the perennial favorite
plaids of black and white, black and red dnd black and
green. Select yours at
Also available for the worker
Whip Cord Pants, jackets, cruisers. Complete
sixe range from 28-48 at prices to fit any
Rain is inevitable but here is your chance to keep dry while you wcrk outdoors this teli
and winter. Don't wait until tha rains come, buy your rain clothing now ond be p re
pored. Our wide stock includes the following brands
Titex Guaranteed water repellent clothes
Filson water repellent coots and pants
Seattle Woolen coats and pants
White Stag coats and pants
And e complete stock of
black rubber wear
234 N. Jackson
Phone 217
I u u u
sf eTBeTV,