12 TV Newi-Revlew, Roieburg, Ore. Tuei., Sept 20, 1949 c 01 ft Jits? i To the members of the AT Wo, A their efforts, have made this Fall Opening a momentous occasion. "Hats off" to the Roseburg Retail Trade Association and the Roseburg Chamber of Commerce! The members of these organizations have done every-, thing Kssible to make Roseburg a city to be proud of a city' whose merchants offer the best possible merchandise for your family and home at the lowest pos sible prices. These people work hard and long to satisfy your every want. They're proud of Roseburg and they want you to be proud of Roseburg. Attend the Fall Opening tomorrow evening and see what a grand job they've done! The Roseburg Retail; Trade Association deserves your support and pat ronage. Those Hvho display the emblem shown above have pledged themselves to the highest ethics of retail selling. In this organization retail merchants work hand in hand, retail problems are outlined and discussed, occasions such as this Fall Opening are planned for just one purpose: to bring to you, the most important person in the world their customer, the kind of service and merchan dise you want at a saving. Trade where you see the sign of the Roseburg Retail Trade Association it pays. ATTEND THE FALL OPENING TOMORROW Of LOOK FOR YOU PRIZES IN THE TREASURE HUNT. Window Shop the Latest and Finest in New, Fall Merchandise YOU AND YOUR FAMILY ARE INVITED TO HELP MAKE THIS THE GRANDEST FALL OPENING IN ROSEBURG'S HISTORY In the following pages you'll see news stories, articles, pictures and advertisements of the latest fall and and winter merchandise. Pay particular attention to the contents of these pages, note the advertisements well. The mer chants whose advertisements appear in this and other issues of the News-Review are proud of the items they sell. They know the quality is right, the style is right, the price is right For advertising is an indication of faith, confidence and pride. By selling MORE items, through MORE volume the advertiser can offer you the item you want for LESS money so advertising helps you SAVE. The News-Review is proud to be the medium through which your Roseburg merchant can better display his wares and invite you to buy. m