lum "Dust Cattheirecsir Onto "Cash Catchers" With Want M CLASSIFIED RATES I day per were) 3 un " 1 day " . 4 daya J days -Ilk JOe Rffli Estate Valley Real Estate Agency 1 ACRE on South Vmooua river, with bedroom home; plastered and stucco, mall chicken house: 1 room cabin garage: family orchard: good garden oil. imw, a.ouu. oown. BRAND NEW HOME, right her In lawn; never oeen uvea in: nam bedrooms; plastered; hardwood floon city gas; wired for range, city sewer vacant now. srrauu. oown. NEW 1 BEDROOM, modern home that is a aanay; narawooa floors, luuy in sulated: d tattered: owner la leavina. must sell. 38730. 3-1250. down. The owner la taking g lose on this. NEAT AND CLEAN S bedroom home in town: dining room: hardwood floors J as lurnare, wire a ror rente, sewer, year old. Largo lot. $8000. Easy terms. 4i ACRE In edge of Roorburg. with almost new 2 bedroom home: city bus: or will trad for 3 bedroom homo. 38873. H300. down. 1 HOUSES on on lot. Llv In one and rent the otner; nose to city center; one nouse rentea now ai sou. month. M50. 32430. down. LARGE 4 BEDROOM unfinished house. Beautiful view: well constructed; some Interior fimshin done. This h a real buy for some handy man. Only 82200, or take all 3 lota for 92830. Borne terms. GRADE A DAIRY RANCH: IfiO acres fixed to care for 24 cows. Milk oar lor, lots of outbuildings, 4 bedroom house and bath. mm good timber a money maker waao. gsaoo, aown. S3 ACRES of rood soil. mllee out with very nice 3 bedroom home, large chicken house, lots of road frontage, suitable) for sub division. 310,500. easy terms. I ACRE HOMESITES, rich black loam, iws. sj9u. aown. Valley Real Estate Agency 11S W. Case St. Phone Real Estate Bargains 1M ACRES. 20 acres tillable, balance pasture. 3 gooa au-year springs: large oarn: gooa o room nouse; ismiiy or- cnara. rrice aosou.uu. t aown. go ACRES. Nlcelr located. Nice 4 bed room home; good well; electric pump a au-year springs; extra iooq Darn family orchard. 35 acres tillable, bal ance open pasture. A real nice place. rrice aoow.w. St ACRES. Close In. 7 room home: elec tricity; work shop: garage; chicken nouse. uniy ouu.ou. IS ACRES. Nice level land In dandy location, uood road. No buildings. aiouu.w, fiuu.uo aown. Buy ana Duua. 10 ACRES. Nicely located In Sutherlln vallev. Good home. barn, chicken house, brooder house. 86850 00. Terms or trad lor coast property. 1 BEDROOM plastered home. Close In. Good location. A real bargain for 1 BEDROOM HOI 'RE. 100x100 lot. Close in. w ny pay rent when you can buy or wu.w aown. gjuuo.oo run price. NEW S BEDROOM HOME FHA proved. Nice location. $7875.00. 640 ACRE STOCK RANCH with aood all year creek and lots of springs. 225 acres tillable: water available for ir rigation. Beautiful 3 bedroom modern nome. Also 4 room Bouse for em ployee. Good barns, shop, garage. Timber will help pay for this place. Priced at 830,000. 06. Terms. WE HAVE LARGER RANCHES, reasona bly priced. Also good income prop erty. Paul H. Krueger, Realtor Bruce Tavlor. Salesman Opposite City Hall Sutherlln rnone wii TtrLL PRICE Or ONLY 81737 small nome on soxlfto lot with hlchwav frontage. 1 bedroom, living room, kitchen with double sink, utility room with double trays, hot water heater, room for bath, city wster and elec tricity, must nave aiooo down. VACANT NOW 1 -bed room home In cltv on paved street for 35230 with 31250 aown. yiaer nome out nice and com pletely modern. BRAND NEW COUNTRY HOME In Country Club district and a real bargain at $7100 with $1200 down. 3 bedrooms, living room, full bath, love ly kitchen, utility room. acre land ana more it desired. Move in today, REALLY NICE 2 bedroom home In sub urb. 70x110 level lot. surrounded by nice homes. All hardwood floors. plas tered. central heal, wired for range, electric water heater, enclosed utility room, attached garage, 38500 with 11300 down to Oregon Vet. NICE BUILDING SITE on river close In. nearly 4 acres, fine garden soil, bordered on one side by small creek, some fruit trees, $4000, terms. . 70x180 LOT In commercial rone be tween North Stephens and seconderv highway with good 2-bedroom house worth saving, $8500, terms li desired. RANCHES AND FARMS from 2S acres for IW0 with $1000 down to some of the best paying ranches in the coun ty. NEW COMMERCIAL BUILDING 4000 square feet floor space right in town Now rented month to month. Right price. No phone Information please. Roy O. Young, Realtor SOS W. Cass St Phone 417 When It's Real Estate in Myrtle Creek and South Douglas Co. Winston & Wynter PHONE 643 1 BEDROOM HOME, kitchen, living mom. utility room. bath, but not in stalled; hardwood floors; insulated Utility tubs, oil heater and water heater go with home. Slftno cash or lono down and 850 month. V. C Green. Rt 2. Box 396-J, Roseburg Highway 90, N. APPROXIMATELY 1 acre on South I'mpqua river: 4-room, modern house, fireplace, 2 room cabin, garage, win ters wood, pressure pump 8 fruit trees, strawberries, lawn, hedge. Hr old Yost. 2 mil- South of Jtoeeburg on Tipton Road. E6TS FOR SALE Two" highway lots in Winston; good level, deep lots. 72 ft frontage, each let Pr.ce Siooo. each Contact M. L Schubert Jr. Looktngglaas Rt. or ph. 27-F-4, eve nings. 0 ACRES. 30 tillable, room house, outbuildings, lot of fruit, 2 year around prtng. pressure nstem 1 mi le from E I k head on Howard R oad R V Hutchesen. Rt 1. Box 23-A. Yon calls. WILL SELL 1 or 3 3-room ' houses.""! rented, other vacant Both for $.1,950 . terms. Take car or house trailer in trade. Tom Burke, Mountain View Road. Always Have It Surveyed Jii Daurnertt the Ph g7 R FCS SALE -?3 acres farm land, or trade rr equi:y in late model car PY .V7-P-l. or call at I'mpqua Cabinet Shop, 2O40 n Stephens. 40 ACRES fof sale: small cabin. 12 miles out Will trade jeeo ai own payment C. C's- - 1- - ' fc-s-'er Park. Garden Valley Rood. Ton SALE -Small. ndern houe be rm-ed. Deister, Page Road. Winches- ?e7 Estate LOCATION Minutes from down town Roaeburg, in another world from the hustle and bus tle of industrial and business activity. Na turally beautiful rolling terrain has been divided Into large lota by con toured streets paved for perma nence and cleanli ness, with each lot affording a view Cloverdale Par Is Roseburg's g Si!?"-: "... raw rut suburb. CONSTRUCTION FOUNDATION, continuous con crete FLOOR JOISTS, on 19 centers, 2'xir. PL1B graded. No. 1 and better. CEILING JOISTS on 18" centers. 2' X PLIB grade d, number 1 or better. WALL STUD DINGS, on 18" centers. 2" X 4" PLIB graded. No. 3 or better. DOUBLE WALL construction, papered or painted imide wall, Reynolds Alumi num foil Insulation, wood sheeting, building paper, siding PLUMBING AND WIRING according to code. CEILING INSULATION Of Kimsul In batts. WINDOW GLASS area exceeds FHA re quirements. WINDOW VENTILATION ditto. ATTIC VENTS louvered FOUNDATION VENTS screened. INSPECTIONS MENTS WATER HEAT ER, Rheem 4C gal. electric. FURNACE. 70.- 000 B T U. oil forced air. auto matic, spun glass iiuerea. WINDOW SCREENS. Rylock aluminum. DOOR SCREENS, front and rear. WINDOWS, Lock wood, "non-stick, float itner stripped, front and rear. DOOR LIGHT, front and rear. GUTTERS, DOWNSPOUTS, aluminum. BATH TL'B. Briggs, "non-skid." SHOWERS in everv bath. FIREPLACES, genuine "Heatllator". LAWNS, planted and tended to first cuiung. FINANCE The most flexible f 1 nclng ptsns ever offered Roaeburg home buyers. FHA financ ing on low Interest, low down nay- ment, long term schedules, or CON- LLT financing down, or NO DOWNPAYMENT special arrangement. "Live in Cloverdale Pork" Drive out now or phone for transpor tation. It doesn't cost a dime to look. FIES AND CLUTE REALTY Exclusive Agents Phone 1506 Open 10 a. m. 3 p. m. Cloverdale Office Open Daily Including Sunday Here is a place alt ready to move Into, even furniture. 'No stork or equipment. i 2.1S acres with about SO tillable. Balance is fine paiturt land. Dandy five room home Includes a full base ment, furnace, fireplace, plas tered, hardwood floors. It is a lovely home with good modern lines inside and out Located on paved highway, only about 20 minutes from Rose burg. $12, 000. Easy terms, JUST A WESTSIDE DANDY A huge lot with full lawn sets this attractive home off nice ly. Two nice bedrooms with plenty of space. Kitchen and di nette are combined. The front room has pretty wallpaper de sign on walls with a plastered ceiling and velvetv carpet on the floor. Nice bath, large utili ty and attached garage. Picture window. Heated with gas wall furnace units. Flowers, shrubs and retting are something you'd be proud to own. $10,V0 with $1000 down. Balance can be paid like rent ROSEBURG REALTY ft INSURANCE CO. Umpqua Hotel Lobby Realtors Genuine Sacrifice ISM. OR LESS DOWN, centrslly lo cated near new school, stores and bus. This nicely arranged 2 year old home Is landscaped, has two bedroom with ample closet space, oak floors, oil floor furnace heating. Venetian blinds throughout, garage. Total price is only gfieoo. Bal. at $1 lnt Quick possession. Stanley E. Short Phone 1003-R 3 TWIN eVROOM bungalows, hardwood floors, all modern Double cement driveway and garage. Lot 90x100 ft , industrial part of town Worth $1 OOO Full price $10500. $7VK cah. balance termi Call U4-J, if no an suercall tMY FOUR OPPORTUNITY to buy one of S. W. Oregon finest ranches far be low building replacement cost 139 A. new modern 4 bedroom house, barn etc Variety fruit, nut trees, springs, creek, eacellent ctimete. $11. ion C. Swinon. PnT- R'ddle Oregon. EASY TERMS or "will take Trailer house ai down pavment 3 erres with un finished house and small barn S E of town. 3 miles. See Jack Butler. Roveburg Feed Seed Co., Oak A Spruce Sta. FOR SALE Two bedroom, modem home, well-located, on bus line. lOrtm lo ft. mee lawn My equity ard balance. $n.l M mnth 14 Miller Lane LOTS FOR SALE City afer"and lights available. Lod down a v meat. Eugene) Ridenour. Poone 730-j-e. -SaaaiiV Inspectors 1 1 JrYvV ' Financ Wt Inspectors aPf - JesjSS-JS of I Ti XV7W3 contractor M 1 , -t Inspectors Lsaal. 1 ?7 rj Homea. "NC lniDectora pendently. APPOINT. Real Estate WE ARE NOW Doing Business at our new location. 1T01 N. Stephens. We would appreciate you railing on ua for your real eauiio proo terns. THS IS A GOOD BtrV . S bedroom new home just completed 69x120 lot $1,000 an. run price owner will carry Mel. on terms te suit MODERN HOME with 3 bed mil.. Mr. din. Kit., bk. nook and utility Also 3 rm. modern cottage in rear that rents for $33 00 per mo. In city limits. All for $8 000, $3,000 dn. Good terms on Bounce. BRAND NEW 3 bed rm. home In Laurel wood, $4,000. dn. Bal. FHA. This U nome you couia oe proua to own. AIMOST NEW HOME at Winston 3 bed rm. Liv. rm.. and din. rm., comb, kit. Attached garage, large lot. nice garden and lawn. Full price 84.800, $1,000. dn. or will uko In good car. 30 ACRES all tillable 3 m. modern nouse witn rront and back porches, garage and fairly large barn on paved Hwy, all for $3,000. Dn. payment and M.rma wj suit. 33 ACRE RANCH nice modern home eoxsu oarn, c nick en nouse. 3 wells. 300 turkeys, 200 chickens. 2 cows. 3 calves. 1 saddle horse, lots nice fruit trees, ail for H MO, $3,000 dn. Bal. $30. per mo. Inc. tnt NICE 3 RM HOUSE on Winchester St with Bldg. iota; all for $377$, Terms. WE HAVE TWO of the finest grocery stores in Roaeburg. Can be bought for inventory and fixtures. No phone inrarmiuon, pieasa. Williamson Real Estate 1T01 N. Stephana Phono 1330-J HERE IS A BARGAIN 1200 feet of floor space. 3 large bed rooms, full concrete basement, oil furnace, dining room, large kitchen, lota of closet space. Hardwood floors. insulation. Garage. Large lot with sidewalks and concrete driveway. Nice iawn wnn nne snruos. r M-A. ap proved. Priced at $10,500.00. 4 ACRES NORTH UMPQUA RIVER FRONTAGE Best of soil and all in alfalfa with some nice shade trees. i miles out Electricity and good road. $4300 00. NICE WEST SIDE LOCATION Attractive 3 bedroom home with at tached garage, lot 6.1x90 completely and beautifully landscaped. Good fur niture for sale. Price (good terms) $8950.00. LOG HOUSE ON ODELL LAKE Built right in the woods on the shore of Lake Odell. large rooms, elect, plant, oil heat. This Is a beautiful place but owner must move due to Illness. Only 0500.00. DILLARD BOTTOM LOTS FOR SALE Price $750.00 with only $75.00 down. SEVERAL CHOICE BUSINESS OPPOR TUNITIES SOME EXCELLENT STOCK RANCHES. Earl & Gladys Wiley Realtors ROM HOTIL BLDG. PHONE 7M-R Laurelwood Special Roseburg's newest home: best view of tennis courts and ball grounds. See all the games from our picture win dow. 3 bedrooms, fireplace, hardwood floors: dream kitchen, utility room, automatic gas furnace. Today's best ouy i3,3oo; approved FH A. Loan r . -. layior. tao-H Convenient Terms MODERN 3 bedroom home near new Green school situated on fair sized lot. Concrete foundation. Interior In sneetrocK. papered, rull price g4m0. sam down, balance at 338 per month. Vacant. Stanley E. Short Phone 1001 R Surveys Maps Plan. Percy C. Armstrong Civil Engineer 911 So. Main St Ph R1T-RX LOTS FOR SALE Large 30x130 ft". closo In. small down payments, liberal ai quire jiuo (armor bl. Loam MONEY 31 f 333 390 373 31W 200 3300 UP TO 3300 Borrow on your salary All steadily em ployed men and wdmen may qualify today for a salary loan up to 3300 whether you're In a new lob or an old on your ear or furniture- Your furniture or automobile make excel lent security at Local Loan paid for or not I'p to 3300 on your furniture, up to 3300 on your car Special "Pay Day" Loans, 310. 333. SM loanen iiu iay uay or longer fay only for the actual number of day you keep the money 33 co is 13c for one week. No other c harass. Phone for your Loan LOCAL LOAN CO. Ut Sv7, Mffr. Xa No Jckjo Pon 1171 LM. a-rri: H11J RiiMburf LOANS UP TO $300 On Four Signature. Furniture m Livestock UP TO $500 On your automobile tpald tor, or son Loans msde quickly, privately for any worthwhile purpose suck aa Unexpected expenses Medical and Dental Mlla Vacation expenses Consolidate debte Re-financing When you borrow get your money from tne company mat mattes it convenient to borrow and convenient to repay Lower psymenta now available up to 30 monthe to repay. CALKINS FINANC" CO. 303 Douglas County ate Bank Bldg Phono 406 M-33T State Lie. t-344 Personal ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Pa 1113 or PbeM 1303-L or SOSW. Thq'H Do It Every Time ,T WM ID kjeva n ' I aAy& rwwr i&i s--y,yj S ' ' ''.i lj Ay ACKi Anikin.u L 4 L I SUANDM0TWER r f WAVE TO BE V MTTVS 69ANP- Jl.V USED TO HAVE L CAf?BTJL WHAT W AcnviER nbve J saaasBi - rr i t v it"" i nc imjkt in ' . li FTPTT-JJ Scl of Cs4e .VI 1 slNEVv Wanted Wanted VEAL AND PORE Fred Boyer Phono 323 R -3 or eea-ft-g or writ Route 1. Roseburg Will Pay Cash Wl BUY used furniture, all types Call at 444 no Jackson. Phono 13U-JJ The Bargain House WANTED TO RENT 3 to 3 bedroom. lurnisnea nouse or apt. win pay for good place. Please call Umpqua Hotel, room 423. WANTED Well drilling rig Please quote your lowest price. .. HI Haworth, noii. uregon. WANTED TO RENT 3 or 3 bedroom modern nouse in or near Roieburg. References. Ed Claussen. Dtllarg. WANTED Junk, all kinds: ronner. brass, aluminum, lead, rags, batteries. nnni saivaaa lira. n. niennens WANTED Furniture, tcwine machine ana tools Anything of value. Private party rnoni ui-n-J. CALL AI s for a fair bid on your fur- WANTED TO BUY -All kinds of" fuml ture lai us oia on your nouse or fur niture Call 803-R at 509 N Jackson St WANT Small bld-fashloned Iron pot Write box 12, News-Review. WANTED TO BUY Hides. Roseburg aura i lo. onone zou ft'ANTKD-?AT WS Myrtle Creek Fruits and Vegetables Canning Tomatoes 91 00 ner bu . tr-nfek miles South of Rose burr Turn left on Winston Road, So. of Winston nnage. Also cantaloupe; all types squash. James Garden FILBERTS. Starting Sunday IB. U plck, 10c lb. Large nuts, very plentiful. Turn down lane between Fisher's Store and school; go to forks of river. Trussell Bros. Canning Tomatoes 91 00 bushel " mllee out East Douglas. Chaa. Neav FILBERTS Starting Saturday, Sept. If. U-pIck, 10c per pound. Curry Estate, turn west at Rlversdale Grange. John Burkhart. ph. 1391-R-2. Tomatoes for canninS! squash. CANNING TOMATOES and sweet corn. Ray M. Young. Garden Valley on Cleveland Rapids Road- Prunes, soc bushel, or 3 for gi oo. U-pick, bring boxes. Geo. Barter, Mel rose Rt., Box 243. 6RAPE3. many kinds. U-plck. Dale Zef- ler. Brock way. CORN AND TOMATOES, you pick. Low- er Garden Valley. G.L. Young PANNING TOM ATSeS and ""prunes. C W Schmidt. Garden Valley Farm Equipment Used Tractors 13 Caterpillar Tractor 1943 John Deere Model B 1942 Farmall A with plw 1040 Farmall A with plow, cul I 7 V) no . 1075 00 730 00 iivaior ana woooiaw uu oo 1941 Model 81 Masaey Harris with 1" plow. 450 00 Used Implements T IHC Field Dtae Harrow . 1 125 on T Killefer Field Disc Harrow .110 00 3 Bottom 12" IHC Tractor Plow. IV) oo 1 IMS model New Holland Automatic Hay Baler. Low price. Many used Implements to fit the Ford Tractor. Coma in and look them over. Umpqua Tractor Co. FORD TRACTOR DEALERS )',t South Pino Street OLIVER 70 trector on rubber and eteei; ft. Oliver combine: 7 ft, power motor; 3 ft. disc: 2 -bottom. 14-inch plow; heavy tractor trailer: dump rake: T ft. swather. Will take fond car. small cat, or cash. Noble Snider, Yoncalla. Case SC tractor witn plow, disc and harrow: used only few hotrs: 32000. Rt 1. box 42 A Vonrslls. Oregon Business Opportunities For Sale Popular Drive-In Excellent equipment, owner selling due to illness rest young trade, drive in. restaurant and home delivery food service. Smell down payment. Owner will carry mortgage for bal ance No reasonable offer refused Phone Grants ass 514 or 3I.T1. FOR SAi.E New pumice stone store lie 14x30 Uving quarters in beck Shelves and gondolas It Is in very ?ood location 3 mites south of Mvrtie reek on Hiway fit See owner Frenk Grensky next to Melody Mountain Rsrn Phone 100 MyrMe Creek Miscellaneous NO HT'VTTNC OR TRESPASSING on my Olalle property. M. C kteUew. lostburf. Oregon, n - Th BACKHAND- C&MPUMENT (SALS "MY IN MIOM SDW Help Wanted Wanted Auto Mechanics Service Salesman ALSO SERVICE FLOOR HELPER NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY Lock wood Motors HELP WANTED Representatives for national organisation to cover estab lished territory in Southwestern Ore gon and Willamette Valley. Substan tial income and car allowance. Men or women. Opportunity for man and wife. Selling experience not neces sary, but preferred, as we train you. For further information, contact Mr. Cheney, Umpqua Hctel. evenings. Wanted Experienced Studebaker Mechanic KEEL MOTOR CO. 443 N J.fkum CAR HOP WANTED At THE DRIVE INN 1 mile south on Hlway 99 Wanted Experienced Salesgirl Bob's Music Shop buTToywaNted Apply Immedtstely Steady Position HOTEL UMPQUA HAVE OPENING FOR TWO experienced beauty operators at Leona a Beauty anop, mannaii w eiis Building. Ph. 37-R. 203. 67.VJ FILBERT PICKERS WANTED. Slart wonoay. n. m unapp, (iarden Valley Rt. 2. Box 2K1. CAdieS Would you invest 3 hours a dav for earnings of 940. each week? Write Box !W4, News-Review WANTED A Choker aetter. aner o. POND MAN wanted at Hudson Mill, WANTED Log trucks. Call 003 R 3. Work Wanted Rsbg. Sanitation Service Septic Tanks Cleaned Tanks opened free, prompt service, rea Honaoie raiea. no mileage charge. Phone 1294.Y 74ft Short SL J. Edmond. Pron. ALL BUILDING construction, new and uiu. remoaeunsj, iu' aown, no jod too large or too small All type masonry con t ruction, flagstone and brick barbecues and patios a specialty. Mag netite floors and drain boards Phone 1590-R-l, contractor. A R Snow DRESSMAKING. ALTERATIONS All types, rractlral nursing. Taking rare of your home and children while you are vacationing or week end trips or hour work. Call 1I43-L at 412 r owier FOR HIRE-D-7 cat and loading don- r. van nrrmin rusjaie at uaKiand, or call evenings -Home on Highway (M. N. across from New Land Hotel ARRANGE rOR YOUR fall plowme now 20 to 1000 acres, contract or by the hour. Good equipment Ph 693-J -3 Notice AH septic tanks and cesspools cleaned. special lan rates- jnu sjar tank, lie.. aw gai. tana, 977. pnone 1204-V. Rsbg. Sanitation Service WI DO W LADVwouldlkeo7ka r". Ing for elderly couple in their home. Call 824 R. Mrs. Blaskev. CURTAINS and lace tablecloths laurT- dered and stretched. Also ironing. houeworkJy the hourCail 3IW L. CASEMENTS AND hack yards c leaned. Light pickup and delivery C A Dea).Phone IiWU.-J.3 Host burg. FLOOR COVERiNQ Complete sales and installations Free estimntes. Modern r joor covering rnone :n In tr 10 and 19 ft iocs. See, L. M. Kn amer. Camas Valley. ALTERATIONS DRESSMAKING All tvpes. Un Don W Garrison, 1005 Madmne St Phone "J02-L Experienced carpenter wants work . reasonable wages. Phone iift-j- WANTE D-Falling and bucking. Geor ge Watson, Rt. 2. Box M K. WASHING AND IRONING in my home' zrZa ... 1 ""o- wnn cat, plowing or dlnHng Phone H'Ut, F. I Belts. TRAILER TOWING Ph .110 - R - X - J 'Sciir.tl9 Garden Valley Road WANTE D Iron ing In m v home 831 FowlerSt. Phone JMtt-JX. fRACTiCAirVuRfE Mabel L Crouse Rt 1. Box 201. Sutherlln. Fuel WOOD Fireplace and furnace. Old growth fir biora peeler core, small round core mill ends, plsning endi. oak and laurel Special price on plan er enda for short time See Inn wood 1 mile East on Douglas St Rt I. Bos 43 Prompt delivery Claude Wllley, Phone 15-J -3 or 143-J-3 FOR SALE Sis h wood, sawdust, planer ends Phone 307 Johnson Fuel Co Financial F. H. A. LOANS See UMPQUA REALTY Across from Poet Office ) Hignway ft 113 N Stephen Ph. 1333-J By Jimmy Hatlo THEM TWO RL WTFCS ASSYf WLL STAY UP ALL A N3MT MAKING ONS V) TN UKE IT-y S' V NEW SIMME"? S A SUCCESS- 1 SMEW fiOT TWB KXK SSTERS EATiNS SOUR UTTINS THE STAMP APPROVAL ON Tie TVAMX TO MARIE T. '.VC-T. Rentals FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, men only. If you are working outside of the city and would like to spend the week ends in town, save money by renting one of these rooms, and have a place of your own. 1 room, 332. per month: 1 room. 337. pr month. Llghls. heater, water furnish ed. Single beds, springs and mattress. Bathroom and toilet. Private outside entrance. Lareje living room: very attractive: easy walking dlitance. Come and ee them at 1109 Corey Ave. Ph. 13dR. rOR KENT New Clark Floor Sander and POLISHER Denn-Gerretsen Co 03 W Oak St Phone 13S TOR RENT POLISHER. WAXER and scrubber All In one tool. Light enough any child can handle finger-tip control. F & W Floor Covering Co. 337 fl Stephens Phone 1478-R MODERN, furnished house; large yard, near school. Available Sept. 30. Alio 2-room apartment, partially furnished, 32.1 per month. AUn 1 sleeping room. 91 VI week. See Mercy BueTl, Dll lard. Rent A Singer Electric portable sewing machine for us In your own home. SINGER SEWING CENTER 304 N Jackson Ph. 723 Basement UNDER LOCAL store In renter of Rose burg Ideal for storage. Alley entrance Contact Manager Jo Richards Men's Store. On river: house. 3 large rooms, modern. newly decorated: ard and garden space. See Mr. Bailey, Roy Young TRAILER SPACE BY WEEK or month. Constant hot water, heated showers. laundry: dry. well-graveled park; chil- a ren welcome. At-Last-A Trailer Psrk, north 90 FOR RENT 1 bedroom house. lights and water; with furniture for sale. No drinkers. On Looklngglass road i mile off Melrose road Mr. Broad bent. 2 ROOM APT. nrtvate bath, gas and light meters. Cloe In; no drinkers. References, f ifl !W per week, Mrs. Payne, 112 Brorkway. pt , cloe in, unfurnished; or will partly furnish gtiil. per month. Can le ieen JL3-''0W. MosherCall 1307-J. REFINISH your own floors, easfiv don with our high speed floor sender in expensive. Montgomery Ward as Co. Phone 93 OFFICE. 230 N. STEPHENS: southern expoiure, 2nd floor. See L. A. Rhodcn 114 N Jackmn. J-ROOM, UNFURNISHED house for rent. 1 mil west Porter Creek mill on Highway 42. Ed Lewis. FOR RENT 2-room, furnished apt. Lew- a,, jnnes, nk S SSOX iJH, at ana E. Douglas. Trucks for hent-You drive, nf or short trips Bee Hive truck rental 7 id South Stephens. Phone 1436-J TRUCKS and trailer for rent, move yourself. Thompson Signal Service. Siephens at Washington Phone 7B5 ROOMS FOR RENT. Private entrance and bath, g minute walking distance from town 544 N. Pine r aer 1142-L FOR RENT Small furnished apt suit- oie i or i iaav tan im-r ROOM FOR RENT; man preferred, no drinkers. 131 N Kane. SLEEPING ROOM for man. 90S N. JarKnn. Dn furnish e5Tj upLe X for rent. 340. per month. Bert Lauranre, Dillard. fN REAR, room and garag;cooking privileges. Ph. 1454-R SLEEPING ROOMS. gentlemen. No drinkers lfKtt1, Madrone St , ph. 302. FOR RENT - Room for gentleman. Phon 1222-J. 724 Cobb SLEEPING ROOM7 for rent. Phon IW.I-J SlEEPINcTro6m for men. B30 NT7ack- son. NlCE,CLEANooinor"'renL43ooth. ThJ512 LCall evenjngs. FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. " Phon IM2-J ROOM FOn RENT, young man. 1043 M 111- tarv. fn BtMj-j SINGLE SLEEPING Room near high school. llft4 Military. CAHINS BY'WEEK, 3'i mlWN on 9 Pacif c Cshim. Ph BH5 J-2 Rooms for rent, with and Without kilrhen privileges. 303 Fowler. U DRIVE TRUCK rental Wlniion TralW er court, Winston. Phone Pu-j-2 SI jr. P I NGROOM 1 201 N Jackson SLEEPING ROOM. 857 W. Mo her. Dogs AKC Reg. Bernard puppies; strong. nesitny. farm raised from flnet Swl-American bloodlines. Ridgewood rrti, noi no, aiianion oao, X.U gene. Oregon Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J CX fi RA DO R RETRIEVE Rpup, 10 wee k's oio i-iurr rrgimierra r emaiea as. earh. 112 Alameda Ave CR A-HO COCKER KENNEI-S. P'inne T1 or 4-2-Y Reg and ped. pupotesli colors Stud servlre ffPEAT DANES, female, cropped" 'Make an orrer i-none ism MANCHESTER RA"f terriers. Rt. 3, Boa 3V9 C, H. G. Curry. Lost Found Reward For Informs! Ion leading to arrest of party breaking Into Chevrolet panel near Umpqua Sept 10. and taking fth!ng kit. diamond ring, billfold containing Southern Pacific t tem paa snd drivers license. Leonard A. Fverlv. Ph 444-J STRAYED to place, brown mar Owner ran ha-f tnr cost nf d and i feed MIL J S. Sitter. Day Creak, i Mon., Sept 19, 1949 The For Sale Miscellaneous SPARTAN iv - ar - - m The life time trailer Mm todr imimv viu iu M ran of more No dry rot. Kit Columbia 13' IV 30' 33 - S3 The West's Fastest Seller and Other Trailers eg Quality Ala used trailers, trade-ins accepted Bank con tract a Contracts to 3 years on Spartans. Earl E. Smith N W Largest Dealer Eugene Ore Phone Springfield 3031 3 Mllee South on M IL 1 Box 33. Kuaeno NEW Oil Heater STILL IN CRATE 40.000 BTU. 1 to I room. PAID $89.50 PRICED NOW $59.50 Oscar Weeks. Myrtle Creek, ph. 3M 3 Compact vacuum cleaner complete witn aiuicnmenta. Tneao mac nines are practically new, been in use only about 3 months. Will accept fcuda. 1 Singer electric Iron. 1 Motorola portable battery or electric radio. Good condition. 330. Inquire at 303 Douglas Co. Stat) Sank Bldg. or phone 46. River Loam Delivered GOOD fOR GARDENS AND LAWNS W hav an abundant supply. Paul Casey SS7 W Mot. her Phone 11T-T THREE GOOD CAR radloa. 3 Philco 1 Silvertone; four 700x17 six-ply truck t pe tires, tubes, wheels and axles; 1 Pierce 3 motor In good shspe: 1 trod Brlggi-Stratton motor. Walter lault,ph 4BI2.Canyonville. FOR SALE Washing machine, Western Auto make, year old, 323: also M. W. table - model cream separator trade for good cook stove, or sell. Mrs. A L. Paulson, Id It y Id Rt , Box 137, City. FULLER BRUSH MAN PHONE 615-Y-X PERFEX 33CaHHYINO CASE ATTACH MENT, G. E. Exposur meter, carry ing case, 3 flood lamps, Argus En larger and dark room equipment slide holder Slop. Phone 127. oi; ver s ARK OUT OF TOWN for m short Mm Sep'ic tanks and drain fields BARGAIN. Worthington Special 13 gaug shotgun, double barrel. Ilk new cheap. Also 10 millimeter Ctnklox movia camera: new, will sell for half price. t-n.ioaa-j. joo ueMarsh. HUNTERS A sure hit: converted" field, new stock, Redfleld 70 sight, excellent condition. Umpqua Valley a ii w r "1 "i,LJ".' ir it.. it. i ma American, iiae new. mwu. down, balance 303. per month; also i ii.. aew, tn. a-v-4. Th nw Br4T WiURLABOUf tRAlLtR. 3873. ftx reliant condition, sleeps 4, Butan "r "ntj rooaing. id no, ajiepnena. Kenneth Keck. TWO BEVERAGE refrigerators, on 30 cu ft. Suitable for reitaurant or tavern, inquire iaie MOUT t avm !m N Jarkson WESTERN MOLLY- table top gaTTange, tnod condition. Quick sale. 630 W. ane. KODERNTCdTTAGi tYprtViero1B w. n uruendine, inquire at A. F. Suksdnrf'a Wlnilnn 0SED DINING ROOM set." 8 pleVes. Sooa condition. Reasonable. Phone 303, utherlln. 33 CAL. SEMI-Auto. Springfield J 3 3 weaver scope. 330. Flrit house west of M on Winaton-I4nkln'i ClGHTLANT. 3O00 watts; will trade catn or livestock. Phon 37-F-33, Oak land. 300 GaTTOtaNE tank. 3200 delivered": nw oown payment, month. 313 E. 2nd Ave. N. Ph. UM.1. STURbSTtwo-wheel trailer, good tires. wu. acs nan at -vqeu Trailer Court. SAW, Multiplex radial arm. model 40A: nrw ana a una ouy at sviao.on. gee John Heas. Melrose Rt . Box a. 1943 GLIDER 23 ft. trailerhous. butane r.,.iipp--fi. on nfai. gooq condiuon. New Moon Trailer Court FOR SALE Locker meat, good Aneus cattle, t or whole unit C J Hodge t;itde, Oregon HOUSE MOVING, foundation. teveTlng. viptntnce r at h lowing, 74.1 S Stephens Phon 323. 23 WHITE NEW zFALAND rshblts and nuirnes .or saie. u u HUDDard. Aus tin Road. Phon 1&AK-R.4 HA RGB CEDAR fence posts for sal. ntrtruurn sningie wo., n umpqua Hd. Phone 1273-J 1347 13 ft trailer.' Good condition: priced lo aril. Inquire at Pitts Bu tton. Myrtle Creek. TWO e.SoxIS tire and tube.. o rub ber. Ph Boa -L. 6 KEEFE and Merrllf 'apt. lce7i burntr as ranie. mon 4B-Y-X. AQifA WELCH hshy buggy and paT very good condition. Call lrt42-lT HOUSE TRAILER. Phone 71SJ-B after 5 p. m. I A LSBlr R YSCOOTE RdTleclriTTieaN er. f-n.wo-j aner p. m. l SMALL cream separator: l ued sad dle, eood condition Phona fOR SALE-Largv Hereford calf, grain fed. Phone 42-F-2 bedrSom SET. Phone 803-J 1. nC5, FOR SALE-Fin hunting rifle, 30 03. 220Ford St ,Roeburg. FOR SALE Piano, cheap. lThtham Trucks FOR SALS 1 set lumber rolls with sub ira me sno can guard. aio 1 set 14 heavy utility tags with BOO tires: also 1040 Ford lumber truck, with job 8 miles eaet on Divonvili road. Chaa. Bommerfeld. Idlevld Rt. r43 Gt INTERN ATIONAt equipped abort .offer or lumber rig 001 1 A Brownie, dual drive, 00 runner, tern, heater: 81 ,900. 1U30 S. Riverside, Mad ford. Orecon 37 FORD Flat- bed, 3- speed B row n i e. si moior, recently overhauled L. M Cothni . g miles from Wilbur on Coles Valley Road 1 M INTERNATIONAL pickup. I mimwnmiwnat piraup, I inie vie piling trailer For Information Phon 412 120 2nd Ave South AXLE SHAFTS" for ail make ...trucks. ftav-s True a shop. 1053 N Stephen. Phon 433-J -4. Machinery For Sale GMC DIESEL IA3 h. p. motor 'mounted I imuoie arum American aonaey. tw. Ballbearing 30' swing saw. ball bearing blower Keystone Machine Work. llH e, fltephfru Ph 447 Tractors FOR DSOM TR ACTOR Inquire A O Cummlng. New Method Cleanerf, News - Review, Roieburj, Ore. t Autos Better Buys at Barcus la rord Club CK boti n rum Uk mw 1MT Dodf. Cu.tom Mdin, It. & H . mw Urm, prlet condition. , 1M0 Ch.v. Coup, with factory built pickup box lMoror V- eoup, IM0 HudMA Mdin IMS (iud.b.r Cluunplo, coup. . lNt Old. ( .-door MdlH 1M Chov. Coup, 1934 Ford Tudor, food Him. food motor i , Ilia rord Mdan in. ITS TRUCKS 1M4 Ch.- pjrnbor trurb. nw motor and tlrac. Thornton dual drive, rolla and bunk, (or .hnrt lof,. Motponilhla party can handla with v.rjr .mau oown payman. IH4 Btudabak.r pickup, weal- lent condition. pff 141 O !. 4x4 1H ton truck aoulp. pmI with flatbed; alao haa dump bad and hoiaL Xiccal. lanl coBdltlaa - Com In Today For Your Fr Demonstration Rids In ths New Golden Anniversary Packard BARCUS SALES 3. SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Highway P H at Cardan Vallay loal YOUR PARTICULAR TASTE! Choice varies. And so w have a wide selection of Guaranteed ITsed Cars, most every make and modal from which to choose. Your Inspection I Invited. Wo stand behind every car w U. Cork-rum Motors, Inc. Your DeSoto PLYMOUTH Headquarter , 330 S- Stephana Ph. B00-J ''We'll be her Tomorrow t Back up What W Say and Do Today!" Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS Reasonable priced. G M A C tarsag, CbavTOiet - Buick - Pootiaa Cadillac trada-lna. 13.13 CHRYSLER Royal 4. door sedan. Body & paint very good. Tires Uk new, Mechanically In A-t condition. Just completely overhauled. Fin trojble free transportation. Soma terms. Inquire 308 Douglss Co. State) Bsnk Bide., or nhone 4M. SEE THlS 1041 Old Six club coupe. i -aw mnes on a motor; n at h. new brakes, rear shocks, tires, battery and generator. Clean throughout See at 430 S. Stephana evenings or call 300-Y davtlmes. "TRADE MY EQUITY In 1941 Ford sedan. ariw i itin, now moior; ior or 19.13 Chev. sedan. Inquire 333 So. Pine, Apt. 1. FOR SALE 1 Navy "Jeep; motor and brak ay stem completely overhauled. 3323. Write Box 11, Nsws-Revlew, fit. tne ph. number. buRi MONEY for your car Cash um the spot. Cork rum Motors, Inc La Soto, Plymouth Phono 403 lU N. Rose St FOR SALE1941 Pontlac g 4-door aedan. iooa con rim on; axceiient buy, 3000, Phon 1M1-J. FOR" SALE- 142 B41 Indian motorcycle. nw noucn nuiirovi, eui St Wll llamelte St. In Sutherlln. FOR SALE OR TRADE for plckup,"lft4T iuaDuier rrstsiaen. seaan. rft. is fi!7F&RD-V-8 sedan deliver v. Reason '"' .11 w ; ano Ave.. N rn. irw-u Logging Equipment T. D. 18 COMPLETELY overhauled within last 8 months. Including new tracks and rollers, Isaacson otada. Carco winch. One donkey: new motor and all lines, blocks, spreader bar. tonus: complete. This equipment re possessed Will sell for bafanc due Phone 403. Mvrtie Creek f4 CAT serial number 7-J-4173 wit ft nysier arum ana L-sfiani (.noat, ny draullc doner I25O0. cash. See at Tye Lumber Co. Sutherlln, Ore. or phono 1202 Sutherlln. FOR SALE DT 18 tntematlonsl tractor a-i conattion. nx sou skagil yarder, A-t condition K3 International dump truck. Ph 9IR-J-S eveninas. R-7 International dual drive and Walker trailer; real Dargain tor quick sal. 4.10 West St. FOR SALE TD-B International, blado ann arum, waiier rtenring, hi, i. Box 40-A Poultry Baby Chicks Hamps, Rds, Cross a. Every week la th year Best of breeding. Puiioruim paaMd, Matching Eggs WanUo! Year around market City agent. Douglas Co Flour Mill Carr's Hatchery Looklngglaa Rt Phono 18-F-3 FOR SALE About 1M New Hampshire pullet. 13 weeks old. Located mil west of Wilbur on Garden Valley Road No Sunday Sate. Ph. lt-F-31, RoMburg Ira J Headlne. Rt 3. Box 3o3, Roseburg. Oregon. Red Fryers 33c LB very day tn th week, year around. First houae on Curry Road. C tar-Mar Poultry Farm. Ph. 1303-J-4. FOR SALE New Hampshire fryers' S to 4 lbs . .14c lb , live weight Located l mile west of Wilbur on Garden Valley road. No Sunday sales. Ph. 12-F-31. Roseburg. Ira J. Headings, Rt. 3. Box .WI, Roseburg. Oregon. Fryers. 30c ib.. rbbiioib.7 itv. NlrVla-on's. Tenmtle. Rabbits WITH FABBIT MEAT A MEALS COMPLITC. I' V B A Uay, Grain, Feed ton SAI.I -B,l lit. titd. and Jrt rut. tint Alfalfa. Thla h.v U aira. bnfkt ana fr-n. f. L Batta. eve weeds. Phona S3S,