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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1949)
Th Nw-Rlw, Retaburg, Or: Sot., Sept. 17, 194f Cfenyonville Masonic Lodge Lays Building Cornerstone Bv MRS. H. M. ANDERSON Newt-Review Correspondent Laying of the cornerstone for the new Masonic building in Can yonville was attended by a large crowd Saturday afternoon. Miss Barbara Snyder opened the program by singing 'The Star Spangled Banner, after which Mayor Albert Mault wel comed the contingent of grand officers of the Grand Lodge of Oregon, members of the South Umpqua Lodge No. 72, and other Masons and friends. Frank Bennett, superintendent of schools at Salem and grand orator, addressed the group. The End of Perfect Day7' was sung by Mrs. Margaret McGee. She was accompanied on the pi ano by Mrs. Gladys Michaels, who wrote the history of the Ore gon chapter of the O.E.S. for the 50th anniversary. The ceremony was very Im pressive and In charge of Shalor C. Eldrldge, worshipful grand master of the grand lodge. The stone was donated by Leon L. Jones of the L. L. Jones and Son firm, Portland, and their rep resentative, Harry G. Rapp, of Roseburg. Quarried in Missouri. the stone Is known as "Missouri red." Carving Is known as "Ro man classic" with Incised letters and dates in dull panel finish, aouDie process. Ihe vault was hermetically sealed in with Ger man cement Centtnts Listed Contents of the vault included: History of the South Umpqua Lodge No. 72. A. F. A A. Al.; lodge membership roll; history of the community; membership of eeinei no. d, uaugnters oi Job; hand forged nails used in early days; Eugene Daily News, de scribing the start of World War If in 1941; Roseburg News-Review; Myrtle Creek Mall; golden anniversary program of the East ern Star; pictures of officers of Eastern Star, 1948; history and membership of the Oregon chap ter No. 57, Order of the Eastern Star; history of early days of Oregon, Canyonvllle Chamber of Commerce folder; donors of stone, labor and carving; mem bers of the Odd Fellows and Re bekah lodges of Canyonvllle; per sonal card of Shalor C. Eldrldge, grand master; trowel from Cot tage Grove lodge No. 51; Can yonvllle Bible Academy folder, and a list of the grand officers. Visiting and local Masonic members who took part in the laying of the cornerstone includ ed: Shalor C. Eldrldge, worship ful grand master; Worth Harvey, right worshipful grand master; Ralph Nesbltt, grand senior war den; Mr. Summerhays, grand Ju nior warden; Harry Proudfoot, grand secretary; Carl M. Hill, acting grand treasurer; Henry Beckley. acting grand senior dea con; Mr. Hays, acting grand Ju nior deacon; Howard T. Mill ward, grand senior steward; Mr. Dillman, grand Junior steward; Claude Howard, acting grand ty. ler; Huron W. Clough, craftman; Fred Elliott, craftman; Frank Burr, craftman; Frank Bennett, grand orator; Jay Chaney, acting grand chaplain; Glenn Riddle, color bearer; Enoch Carlson, grand marshall; Guy MdGce, grand architect and architect of the Canyonvllle temple. Los Angtlts College Ttst Televising Gamtt LOS ANGELES, Sept. 17 UP) This city's two big time foot ball schools Southern California and UCLA set out last night to determine whether televising grid contests will hurt the gate. The first test was notably suc cessful for the tclevifion au dience, but not so good for the athletic department's bank ac count. UCLA and Oregon State opened the Pacific Coast confer ence season before 37.420 fans, the home town Bruins winning 35 to 13. That compares with a turnout of 43.399 for the first PCC game last year, which wasn't televised. Then UCLA beat Washington State, 48 to 20. That's a drop of nearly 15 per cent at the gate. And coupled with the fact that last year 55.211 fans had paid their way inio memorial coliseum the night be fore to watch USC trim non-conference Utah 27 to 0. the drop was enough to put another fur row on the brow of any gradua.e manager. In frying eggs, cook over low heat and cover the skillet tightly. SOUTH END FUEL CO. Phone 1195-R 207 Rice St IN THE ROSEBURG AREA If YOU Wont - - RELIEF and HELP Send For Our BIG Sinus Book (W$ Haw A'd Medicine or N matter how lone you have suffered, or what you have tried, this Interesting;, instructive and easy to read Sinus Book will en able you to fully understand your own case and may save you years Of suffering . ' This Book contains Informa tion heretofore known only to Specialists. It exDlalna the Ana. tomy and Physiology of the Sin usesLists the? causes and symp toms of Sinus DlseaM Describes complicating Secondary Diseases. Treatment methods are fully explained It tells how opera tions may be avoided, and where to look for Help and Benefit near Alleged Kidnaper Makes Attempt To Gain Freedom PHILADELPHIA (JP A grey-bearded man Is making his eighth attempt to win his free dom after spending 29 years in prison for kidnaping of a baby. August Pascal, listed by police as 64 but who savs he is 74. test ified In U. S. district court he was "forced into admitting the kidnaping In 1920. George H. Coughlin of Laguna Beach, Calif., took the witness stand to tell Judge J. Cullen Ca rey how his 13-month-old son was taken from the Coughlin home, then at nearby Norrlstown, fa. Coughlin said the baby was never seen again although ran som money was paid to Uie kid naper in response t o sever al notes signed 'The Crank." Pascal, who was sentenced to life imprisonment, told the court the ransom notes he admitted sending to the Coughlin family were not genuine and that he had made a confession only after a beating by state police. Coughlin said he received a to tal of 11 notes. A package con taining $12,000 was left at a de signated spot after the first note, he said, and a dummy package was dropped near Egg Harbor, N. J. after a second note de manded $6,000. Pascal was arrested after he had picked up that second pack age. He contended at the time that a man and woman paid him to retrieve the package. The white-haired old man. who came into court with the aid of a cane, previously made seven fu tile attempts to gain his freedom. LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Brown Home Mrs. Quln cy A. Brown returned to her home at 205 East Commercial avenue Thursday, after spending 111 days at tne Kosenurg Sani tarium receiving medical treat ment. Returns to Klamath Tails Mrs. Ida Grimes left Thursday for her home In Klamath Falls, following a visit with her cous ins, Mrs. Anna Peterson and Mrs. Fred A. Goff in Roseburg; Ros coe and Kenneth Conn at Mel rose, and with other relatives and friends. Leave For California Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Crocker and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Abeel of Roseburg and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Noltensmeier and son, Donald, of Newell, S.D., left Thursday for Pasadena to visit Miss Minnie Noltensmeier, sister of Mr. Noltensmeier, Mrs. Crocker and Mrs. Abeel. They plan to spend 10 days on the trip. Back From Taeoma Robert P. Kidder has returned to Rose burg, following a trip to Tacoma to take his wife and children, Robin and Phyllis. Mr. Kidder is making preparations to move the family household goods to their newly purchased home on Last Cass street. on la Born According to word received In Roseburg, a son, Larry Raymond, weighing five pounds six ounces, was born Sept. 1. to Mr. and Mrs. Ray. mono scnmicinammer, in han Francisco. The baby Is the first great-grandson of Mrs. D. C Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. Story lies of Roseburg. Mrs. Schmld hammer, the former Nancy Lee lies, is well-known here, having spent a number of her vacations visiting here. Six Surviving Teams In National Softball PORTLAND, Sept. 17 i& The six surviving teams in the women's amateur soil hall asso ciation tournament plunge todav into a round of game that wiil cut the field to two. Only the Fresno Rockets and the Phoenix Ramblers remain unbeaten In the double-elimina tion tourney and they will clash in tonight's feature contest. Other games beginning in the afternoon will throw once beaten teams together. Orange, Calif., will play Peoria, III., and the rortland Florists will tangle with the Chicks. A double round was plaved yesterday to make up for two aavs oi neiay ny rain, ine re sults: Houston Grocers 6. Dav ton, Ohio Orphans 2 (eliminat ed!: Denver 3, St. Joseph. Mo., 2 (eliminated); urange, cam. 6, Denver 0 (eliminated : Boise 1, Houston 0 (eliminated!: Fresno 4, Portland 1; Phoenix 1, Peoria 0. surrcrcro Anything EUt to Sell You) t home without the experts of traveling to another climate. This book Is sent only to Sinus Sufferers who want and need help. The edition is limited. Notice may not appear attain. Write at one now today for your copy. Send 1 Three Cent Stamps ftc) to help cover distri bution cost. You incur no obit-ra tion. We have no medicine or anything else to sell. You will not be asked to send us a penny of money. Address Rlttenhouse A Revere, Ine, P. O. Box . . , Dept. TH 2 sllbaqeertoe, N. M. Bowling Scores COMMrttrtAL Lf AOt'l Toasa elaaelofs Turn Won Huddles tons Shorn Store v. r. w. 4 sif rtu . Yoncalia Merchant! Umpqua Dairy Coen Supply 3 Todd Bid. Const J Lock wood Motors 2 Way not Shorn Store 3 D aV L Stationers - ..... 1 Loot CaL Pac. Utilities - 1 a!B N'lsrkt Hudd lesion 3. Todd Bldf. Conat 3. Big rott 3, Umpqua Dairy 3. Yoncalia 3. Waynes 2. D L Stationary 0. Cal. Pac. Utilities 1. V. F. W. 1, Ump qua Cloanara 0, Coon Supply 1, Lock- wooas i. marks High Individual gome acoro Huddle ston. 2AA: high individual series score: Huddles ton, JM. Wayaas Ikoo Store ftchlndler 12S 181 113441 H Mobley 121 13 117 3tA W. Wagoner 1)4 112 12 354 R. Hill lord 126 157 130 4J3 1. Ritner Hdcp. , Total! Lockwooi H. Kirk .... E. Nelson A. Schlick O. Bell Hdcp. .123 153 15042. 12S 129 120387 Tots Is 773 SIS S7S 243 Yeacslls Merrhaats C. Hire . mi 141 145403 r. Boom W. Sherley . G. Kremkau R. Booth Hdcp. ....... . 124 124 124373 Total! S42 863 033 3037 Coca I a paly Co. A. Mills 1S4 1B3 170 SOT J. Shearer .. 147 179 lHS 411 M. Cowln 1.17 ISO 124 420 F. Patterson , 78 132 120 3- C. Shlrtcllff 1M 173 210510 Hdcp. SS Sfl 10S Totals 7IS 803 S64 3474 I'asaaaa Clsutii a- mney . ion ft. Bates i: S3 111417 14 1.11 380 R lon Knock or ... 128 I. 'IS 77340 Brunei ta .... ia lOfl HO 3fl 117 178 152407 Maddox Totals . li 1 Kroll V. A in worth Berg I. Tomashek 1. Pattison . Hdcp. ... 7B5 737 qaa Dairy 147 1.10 140 113 1.18 12S 650 3103 136423 123374 1. 17400 115 420 153 444 136 40S 780 3460 143500 133351 121375 113373 183505 70310 141 14 133 13S 136 135 S49 F. W. SOS 148 101 118 1. 46 108 - 114 140 183 140 ..- 70 70 Totals Kidder Denton Caifel D. Anderson Tannlund Hdcp ToUls - 833 733 761 3316 Sl( Foils t. Bartlett . 135 88 143385 J. Thovoon im 1M0 1H8 525 L Anderson 113 143 140405 Myers no M 1.12431 O. Gnsntll ........ 103 07 110310 Hdcp 117 117 117351 Totals 787 824 "sis 3407 HuSdlssloas Shoo Mors Hutchinson 142 1!K) 170502 nuuuifiiun IflC IS 5 ASR ivior Horn ' Boot Hdcp. .... 143 im 171483 136 126 113 3H4 150 130 173432 81 81 81343 704 857 071 3632 L Slallonors 70 02 118380 131 128 117376 136 125 loft 3H6 120 148 140417 107 150 151 417 IBS 105 105585 Totals Durham Colley Crenshaw . Lewis Bishop Hdcp. ..... Total! 788 847 r.i . I'.i.n.. 826 3441 1 OS 447 loO 311 00300 08343 137431 117351 666 3104 183433 11)2307 128347 1 33 3.'WI 143 422 OA 2H8 F Aamot 175 184 H. Bat well ... 101 loi r-n - 131 G. Palmer . 120 120 A. Parson 146 148 Hdcp. U7 H7 Total! ... 747 781 L. Tvler .' in int J. Todd 142 133 S LP 123 08 G. Greenlao ., on lf4 K.D,vU 127 IM Hdcp. 06 06 Totals .. 60S 789 763 2345 To make a Dastrv cover for a rolling pin use a child's white stocking and cut the foot off. LBOAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notlra la herehv iw.M th. .h. .... designed Administrator of the Estate of Samual S. Knepley, deceased, has filed Its final account In the Count v Court of Douglas County, Oregon, and aiu roun nit nxea i uesaay, Septem ber SO, 1040. at 10 00 o'clock a. m. in the forenoon In.lh rnunlvrniirtnwun In lh Courthouse In Roseburg. Douglas Counv. vrvRnn. as me umo ana place tor hearing objections. If any there be. to said final account and lor th sot (la ment thereof Tin? UNITED STATES NA TIONAL BANK OF PORT LAND (OREGON) Admini strator of the Eitate of Samuel S. Knepley. Dec ee boo:. NOTICE TO CERDITOaS Nottro la hereby stvea that tho un derBigned has been duly appointed as admimsiralrtx of tha estate of John M. Throna, deceased. bv the County Court of Douglas Counljr. Oregon. Alt persons having claims against said enlato are notified t present them to tho undersigned In care of Rav B. Compion. Room f. United State Nation al Bank Building. Roseburg. Oregon, duly verified, wiihln si months from the date of this notice. Dated this 3rd dav of September. 104S. SUSAN A THRONE. Administratrix of the E.tate of John M. Throna. Deceased. NOTICE TO CEEOITOKS Notice Is hereby tiven that tho un dersigned have been appointed executors of tho eitats of B. K. Jenkins, deceased. All perions having claims against his state are notified to present the same verified as required by law to the un dersigned executors at the office of Dexter Rice. Umpqua Savings Si l.oon Association Building in KoMburg, Doug las County, Oregon, within sin months from t-j date of this notlre, DATED September 3, 14. paul jenkins Frank jrnkina Executors of the Estat of a. tv jenains, deceased. NOTICE TO CREDITOR. All persons having claims agalnt the estate of rreeda L. Easton. de ceased, now pending In tho county court In Douglas Countv. Oregon, are hereby notified to present the same, verified as required by Uw, to the un dersigned at tho office or Orcutt. Long ft Neuner. attorneys, RoMemirg, Oregon wtthin six months from September 17th. 1040. HENRV EASTON. Executor oi me i,sb! win and Testa ment of rreeda L. Easton, Deceased, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that Tuesrtat the 11th day of October. 1040. at the hour of 10 o'clock In the forenoon. In the Countv Court Room in tha (-.,- House. Roeehurg. Douglas Countv. Ore gon, nas oeen nxea as the Umo and place for hearing obiectiono, if anv to the final account filed bv the under signed In the County Court of tha Stat of Oregon for Doug's Countv Fl.LEN RUTH HAFF1.Y Executrix of th Last Will and Testament of David Frankltn Haffly, Deceased. notice to carniTORs AM persons having claims against the estat of Martha C Coenenberg, de ceased, now pending In the countv court In Douglas Countv. Oregon, are hrrehv notified to present th same, verified as required bv law, to the undersigned at th offices of Orcutt. Long A. Neuner. attorneys, Roseburg. Oregon, wiihln .fx months from Sep tember 17th. 144. MARY A EI.50N, Admini stratrix of the Rttat of Martha l Coenenberg, de ceased SCREENS Screto Ooora Screen Wlrs Window Sertsns PAGE LUMBER A FUEL m E. nr1 Av S. Prion 242 f TN THE COCNTT COFBT 4 OF THE STATE OF ORG EON FOft DOLGLA8 COtMl CITATION tn tha Matter of tho Adoption go nun alu uv Am (iabi. To: Carl Norman Wilaoo. and Lucille Francos Wilsoa. You are hereby cited to be and ap pear In th County Court room of th State of Oregon for the County of Douglas In the Court House la th City of Roseburg, Oregon at th hour of 11:00 o'clock A. M. oa th 30th day of September, 1040. then and there to show cause, if any. why tha petition of Owen Arthur Blandish for th adoption of Ranald Duane Gasa. your minor child, should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal In the County Court of the State of Ore gon In and for tha County of Douglas, this 18th day of August. 1040. D N. Bl SENBARK, County Judge, ATTEST: ROY AGES. County Clerk. M. Larson. Deputy. Dated and first published this 30th day of August, 1040. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATS OF OREGON. IN AND FOB DOUGLAS COUNTY SUMMONS LENORA 1. LOWREY, Plaintiff. vs. GLENN M. LOWREY, sometime known as GLENN N. LOWREY. Defendant. TO: GLENN M LOWREY. sometimes known as GLENN N. LOWREY, De fendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You ar hereby required to appear and answer the complaint ,ftled against you In th above entitled court and cause within four weeks of the data of th first publication of this sum mons, and for want thereof, th plain tiff will apply to th court for th relief prayed for In her complaint, a succinct statement of which is as fol lows: For decree cancelling and annul!, ing the marrlag of plaintiff and de fendant and for decree restoring to plaintiff her prior name of Lenora E Jones, and for general relief. This summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to tha order of the Hon. Carl E. Wlmberly. Judge ' of th above entitled Court, dated the With ttmv of Auiuil. 1040 BAY B. COMPTON. Attorney for Plaintiff. Post Office Address; Roseburg, Oregon. Date of first publication; September 9. 1040. NOTICE FOR BII18 FOB BONDS OF NORTH BOSI HI RO SANITARY IIIKTRICT OF DOUGLAS COUNTY. OREGON NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned will, up to BOO o clock P M. Pacific Standard Tim, on the Kith day of October. 1040, receive ad dressed to her at Post Office Box 176. Roseburg. Douglas County. Oregon, sealed bids for the purchss of nego tiable serisl coupon bonds of North Roseburg Sanitary District of Douglas Countv, Oregon, in the sum of Two Hundred Twenty-five Thousand Dol lars 1225.000 OOi. Said bonds will be in denominations of One Thousand Dollars iSl.OOOi each, all dated January 1, 1030. maturing: Bonds numbered t to 10 Inclusive shall mature January 1, J951. Bonds numbered 11 to 30 Inclusive shall mature January 1. 19.43- Bonds numbered 31 to 30 incluslv shall mature January 1. 19S1. Bonds numbered 31 to 40 Incluslv shall mature January 1. 1054. Bonds numbered 41 to 50 Inclusive shall mature January 1. 105A. Bonds numbered 51 to 80 incluslv shsll mature January 1, 1056. Bonds numbered 61 to 70 Incluslv shsll mature January 1, 1957. Bonds numbered 71 to 80 Inclusive shsll mature January 1, 1958. Bonds numbered 81 to 00 Incluslv shall mature January 1, 1950 Bonds numbered 01 to KM) Incluslv shall mature January 1, 1060. Bonds numbered 101 to 112 Incluslv shall matur January 1, 1061. Bonds numbered 113 to 124 Incluslv shall mature January 1, 1082. Bonds numbered 125 to UM Inclusive shall mature January 1, 1083. Bonds numbered 137 to 148 lnclusiva shall mature January 1, 1084. Bonds numbered 149 to 160 Incluslv shall matur January I, 1085. Bonds numbered 161 to 173 Incluslv shall matur January 1, 1066. Bonds numbered 174 to 186 Incluslv shall mature January 1. 1067. Bonds numbered 187 to 190 Inclusive shall matur January 1, 1068. Bonds numbered 300 to 213 Inclusive shall mature January 1, 1080 Bonds numbered 213 to 225 Inclusive shall mature January 1. 1070. Said bonds will draw Interest at the rate specified by the successful bidder, payable semi-annually on January 1st and July 1st, and tr principal and Interest shall be payable at the office of the County Treasurer for Douglas County. Oregon. All bids must be accompanied by a certified check pay able to North Roseburg Sanitary Dis trict of Douglas County, Oregon, In an amount equal to five per cent 5t of tha bid. to be forfeited to North Rose burg Sanitary District of Douglas County, Oregon, In case the successful bidder shall fail to complete the pur chase of said bonds In accordance with the terms of his bid. Ssid bids shall be opened at a public meeting of the Board of Directors of the North Rosehurg Sanitary District of Douglas County, Oregon, to be held at the office of the Land is Iron Works, I North Stephens Street, In ssid district, Douglas County, Oregon, on the 13th day of October. 1040. at S.OO o'clock P.M., Pacific Standard Time, or at any j legal adjournment of said meeting, and the bonds shall be sold by the Board of Directors to the highest bidder for not less than par and accrued Interest. 1 The Board reserves the right to re ject any and all bids and to re-advertise the sale of said bonds. By order of the Board of Directors of North Roseburg Sanitary District of Douglas County. Oregon. EDITH A. LANDIS. Secretary of North Roseburg Sanitary District Douglas County. Oregon. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY No. 12421 LEON A CREASON KOIT, Plaintiff. s. The Unknown Heirs of FRANCIS M VLIFT, deceased. ALLAN ODEN and FRANCES OUF.N. hts wife: MARGUER ITE ODEN; GEORGE A- BONFBRAKE. KATHLEEN WEBER and MAURICE WEBER, her husband: HELEN FRED EH1CKSON FIFKER and JOHN DOE F1KFER, her husband. The unknown Heirs of LAURA M. FREDERICKSON, deceased: HERMAN ODEN and ESTEL LA ODEN. his wife: Also, all other per sons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest in the real estat described in the com plaint herein, Defendants. TO: T Unknown He Ira of Francis M Vliet, deceased; Allan Oden and Frances Oden. his wife; Helen Frederick son Fitter and John Doe Flffer, her hus band: The unknown Heirs of Laura M. Frederick on. deceased: Also, all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate described In the com plaint herein. Defendant' IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON You and each of you ar hereby required to appear and answer th complaint of plaintiff filed against you in the above entitled court or cause, on or before four 4 weeks from the 17th dav of September. 1049. that being the date of the first publication of thla summons, and lf you fail to so appear and answer said complaint, plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the court for the relief demanded in said complaint, a succinct statement of which Is as follows: That It be decreed that plaintiff Is the owner In fee and entitled to the possession of the following described real property, to-wit: The NE, the SE,, the E of the NW', and the South en acres of the SW of Sex-1 ton 5. Township 37 South. Range 3 West. Willamette Meridian, in Dnualas County, Oregon, subject to a coniroct of sale entered Into between plaintiff and Fred C Hetnr and Paula N Hems, huvbond and wife, on the 3rd dav of October, 1045. and that the right of possession and title to said premises be forever quieted tn plaintiff, and that It be further de creed that any claim ot the defendants, or either of them, tn or to said premises, or any part thereof, is with, out foundation In law or in equity, and that plaintiff Is the owner in fee of said premises and of the whole thereof, free from any and all claims and in terest of maid defendants, or either of them, of any kind or nature whatso ever, and that said defendants and sll persons claiming by, through or under them, or either of them, be forever restrained and enjoined from asserting any right, title or interest in or to said premises, or any part thereof, and for such other and further relief aa to Ihe court shall appear equitable This summons is served upon vou hv publication once each week for four -4 conecutlve weeks In the Roseburg News-Review, a newspaper of general rirrulatlon. as provided bv statute, pub lished and Issued tn Rooeburg. Douglas County. Oregon by .order of the HonoraMe Carl E Wlmberly. Judge of ihe above entitled court, made on th 14th day of September, 140 ORCUTT. LONG NtUNSR, Attornevs for Plaintiff Postoffico addresa: Roseburg. Oregon. NOTICE OF RETIREMENT Notice is hereby given that effective September 1. 1040. Ted Tozier has re tired from the T M Logging Com- rny. a partnership consisting of George Clawson. Floyd Monn and Ted To iler, and that tho undersigned, Ted Tozier, will not be responsible for any debts contracted by said partnership or any of the member thereof after th aforesaid date. TED TOZIER Rt 1.- Box 313 Sutherlln, Oregon. IN THE COUNTY COURT Or THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNT 1 CITATION In the Mstter of th Adoption of Terence fishxr ana iihua ywn ER. To: Almond Fisher and all other per- Ana Interested. You are hereby cited to bo and ap pear In the County Court room of the State of Oregon for the County of Douglas In the Court House In the City of Roseburg, Oregon at tho hour of 10 00 o clock A- M. on the 30h day of September. 1040. then and there to show cause, if any, why the petition of Daniel David Weatherford and Cath erine Rae Weatherford, husband and wife, for the adoption of Terence Fisher and Tereaaa rimer, your cmiaren, should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal In the County Court of the Stale of Oregon in and for the County of Douglas, this 19th day of August. 1940. D N BU8ENBARK, Countv Judge. ATTEST: ROY AG EE. County Clerk M. Larson. Deputy. Dated and first published this SOth day of August, 1040. IN TNE JUSTICE COURT FOB DEE B CREEK DISTRICT I.N AM) FOR THE COUNTT OF DOUGLAfl. OBEOON CA8E NO. 346 SUMMONS ALBERT G FLEGEL. dbi. Flegel Transfer St Storage Co., Plaintiff, vs. MAURICE LANGFELDT and JANE DOE LANGFELDT. husband and wife, De fendants. TO: Maurice Langfeldt and Jane -Doe Lang fold t. husband and wife, defend ants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE UF OREGON: You are hereby required to appear and answer (he complaint of plaintiff filed against you In the above entitled case on or before four 4 weeks from the date of the first pub lication of this summons, and If you fail so to appear and answer said plaintiff's complaint, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take Judgment against you for the full sum of 9133 83 together with Interest thereon at 6'i. per annum from March 10. 1040, until paid, and for costs and disbursements Incurred in this action, as demanded In the com plaint. Further, said Judgment shall pro vide that the moneys heretofore gar nished tn the above entitled case in the sum of S352 07, belonging to Mau rice Langfeldt, shall be turned over to the above entitled court by said gar nishee for and In behalf of the plant Iff toward the satisfaction of said judg ment in full. This summons Is served upon you by riublication thereof once each week for our i4t successive weeks in th Rosa burg News-Review 3 newspaper of gen eral circulation as provided by statute.' Eubllshed and issued in Roseburg, Doug is County, Oregon. By order of A. J. Geddes, Justice of Peace of the above entitled court, made on the 9th day of September, 1040. The date of first publication of this summons Is September 10. 1040. GEORGE LUOMA. Attorney for Plslntlff. U. S. National Bank Building, Roseburg, Oregon. IN THE COUNTY CO! tRT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY ORDER IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTAB LISHMENT OF THE WEST ROSEBURG SANITARY DISTRICT Th matter of the establishment of the West Roseburg Sanitary District in Douglas County, Oregon, coming on regularly for hearing on petition con taining the signatures of 30 persons and duly verified by ona of said petition ers, and m It appearing that each of the peti tioners is a resident and freeholder within the proposed sanitary district and each is a legal voter of tho State of Oregon: and It further appearing that notice of the time of presentation of said peti tion to the County Court was duly pub lished once each week for two succes. ive weeks in the Roseburg News-Review, a newspaper of general circula tion In Douglas County, said notice be ing published in the Issues of August 6. 1040, August 13, 1040, and August 20, 1049; and It further appearing that there Is no newspaper published within the pro posed district; and It further appearing from th affi davit of Albert M. Howe on file herein that copies of said notice were posted In three public places In the proposed district more than twenty days before the hearing: and It further appearing that ail the lands described in said petition will be benefitted bv the formation of said sanitary district: and It further appearing that no lands which would be benefitted by aaid dis trict have been omitted: and It further appearing that a good and sufficient bond has been filed condi-1 Uoned that tho petitioners will pay the J cost of attempted formation, election and organization la case said organiza tion be not effected. IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that1 the nam of the proposed district shall j be the West Roseburg Sanitary District IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the boundaries of said district shall b as follows: Beginning St g point where th city limits of the City of Rooeburg, Douglas County, Oregon, Intersects tne center lin of the South Umpqua River in Section Thirteen U3 Township Twenty seven 27i South, Range Six l West Of the Willamette Meridian. Thence following said eenterlln of the said South Umpqua River down stream to a point due North of the East property line of the George M. Brown Heirs properly In Section Four teen (14i Township Twenty-seven i27t South, Range Six (6) West of the Willamette Meridian. Thence South to the Smith or left bank of the said South Umpqua River. Thence continuing South along the East line of the said George M. Brown Heirs property to its intersection with the North Right-of-way line of the Mel. rose County Road. Number Thirteen 13. Thence across the said Melrose County Road to the Intersection of the South Right-of-way line and the West property lino of the Herschel D. and Vera M. Scott property as recorded in Volume 107, Page 481, Deeds of Douglas County, Oregon, on file in the office of the Douglaa County Clerk at Rose burg. Oregon. Thence South along the West line of the said Herschel D and Vera M. Scott property to the South boundary of said property. Thence continuing South on the pro jection of said West property line of the said Scott property to the inter section with the South Right-ofway line of the County Road Number One Hundred Thirteen (Hi' known as the old Military Road in Section Twenty, three i33i Township Twenty-seven i27) South. Range Six tSi West of th Willamette Meridian. Thence following the South Right-of-way of said County Road tn an Easterly and North Easterly direction to its intersection with the city limits of the City ot Roseburg of Douglaa County, Oregon. In Section Twent-four 24 Township Twenty-seven 27 South. Range Six t6 West of th Willamette Meridian. Thence along the said city limits In Northeasterly direction through Sec. tions Thirteen US' and Twenty. four 24, Township Twenty -seven i27 South. Range Six 6 West of the Willamette Meridian, to Its Intersection with the center line of the Umpqua River, the place of beginning. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that an election be held within the proposed West Rooeburg Sanitary District on Thursday. October 6. 1040. between the hours of S o'clock a m. and 8 o clock p m. for the purpose of determining whether or not the said proposed dis trict shall be organized as a sanitary district and for the purpose of electing three members of the Sanitary Board for said district: that all registered voters resident within the proposed dis trict shsll be entitled to vote IT IS FURTHER ORDERED thst all of the area proposed to be incorporated In the sanitary district shall be con sidered as one precinct, and the polling ?lace shall be the Free Methodist hurch at the corner of Harvard Avenue and Umpqua Avenue In said district; and Salvia Pierce and Dorothy Gorthy shall be Judges of said election and Mrs. Paul Abeel and M rtle Baker and Melissa McGregor shall be clerks of said election, all being qualified elec tors resident within the propooed dis trict: the ballot shall contain a des cription of the area propoeed to be in corporated into the district and the words "Sanitorv District: Yes " Sanitary District: No ... and the voters shall place a croaa "X" after the words Sam tar y District. Yes" or "Sani tary Din net No whichever shall in dicate his choice. Dated this Snd day of September. D. N. w.i sen bark . s ' R. O. Baker Lynn B. Berkley. NOTICE Or ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE SALS OF BE AL PBOrKBJY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tho undersigned as sdmlnlstrator of the Estate of James W. Smith, Senior, will, from ar.d after the 3rd day of October. 1040, at the offices of WINSTON at DIM1CK. 4o5 Pacific Building, Rooeburg. Oregon, proceed to sell at private sale subject to con firmation by the Court for cash In hand all of th right, title and Interest of tha Estate of Jamea W. Smith. Senior, in and to the following described real property, to-wit: Lot Eleven Ul, Block seventy five '75-, Third Southern Addition to the City of Roseburg, Douglas County, Oregon, as tha same la mapped and platted and of record In the office of the County Clerk, Of Douglas County. Oregon. HARRISON R. WINSTON Administrator of the Estate of Jamea W. Smith. Senior, Deceased. SUMMONS No. 13358 IN THB CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY. HILDRETH ORE R MAN, Plaintiff, ATHOL W KING?" lf living, and the unanown neirs or Ainoi v. tving, n deceased; RALPH L. KING and HELEN KING, his wife: ZEPHYR PEARL. BOYCE and ALTON BOYCE, her husband; The unknown heirs of ELIZABETH EDNA STANBRA, de ceased; IRENE SATTEHK1ELD. a widow: HARRY MARLAND HALLTN and JANE DOE HALLIN. his wife: GWENDOLYN HALLIN BLOOM and ARTHUR MELVIN BLOOM, her hUS band: REAS A HALLIN and MAR known heirs of LYDIA BROOKS LEAoU, deceased: Also, all other per sons or parties unknown claiming an right, title, estate, lien or interest In the real estate described la the com plaint nerein. Defendants. TO: Athol W. King; The unknown heirs of Athol W. King, if deceased; Ralph L. King and Helen King, his wife Zephyr Pearl Boyce and Alton Boyce, her husband: Th unknown heirs of Elizabeth Edna Stanbra, deceased: Harry Marland Hallin and Jane Doe Hallln, his wife; The unknown heirs of Lydia Brooks Lea bo. deceased; also, all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest In the real estate de scribed in tha complaint heroin. De fendants. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON you and each of you are here by required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff fllrd against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before four i4j weeks from the 20th day of August. 1949. that being the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fall to so appear and answer said complaint plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint, a succinct statement of which Is as fol lows: That it be decreed that plaintiff Is the owner in fee and In possession of the following described real proper ty, to-wit: Beginning at the northeast corner of tha land deeded by A. F. Brown, Administrator of the Estate of Alex ander Brown, deceased, to Wm. H. Brown, said deed dated December 3. 1880, and recorded June 20th, 1800. on Pages 248 and 349. Volume 23. of the Records of Douglas Coun ty Oregon: thence South 1 30' East 1 87 chains: thence south 80" 50' West 5 96 chains: thence North 1 30' West 167 chains: thence North BO 50' East 5.08 chains to tha place of beginning, containing "one aero, and being a part of the above named tract which was deeded by A. F. Brown, Administrator, to Wm. H Brown. Vol. 23, Pages 248 and 249. Said trsct being loco ted in tho City of Oakland, Douglas County, Oregon. and that the right of possession and title to said premises be forever quieted In plaintiff, and that It be further de creed that any claims of th defendsnts or either of them in or to said prem ises or any part thereof. Is without foundation in law or in equity, and that plaintiff is the owner In fe of said ? remises and of the whole thereof ree from any and all claims and In terest of said defendants or either of them of any kind or nature) whatso ever; And that said defendants and all per sons claiming by, through or under them or either of them be forever re strained and enjoined from asserting anv right, title or interest In or to said premises or any part thereof, and for such other and further relief as to the court shsll appear equitable. This summons Is served upon you by publication once each week for four successive weeks In the Roseburg News Review, a newspaper of general circu lation as provided by statute, published and Issued in 'Roseburg, Douglas Coun ty. Oregon, by order of tha Honorable Carl E. Wlmberly, Judge of tho above entitled court mad on tha 17th day of August, 1040. ORCUTT. LONG St NEUNER. Attorneys for Plslntlff. Postoffico address: Roseburg, Oregon. SUMMONS No. 13383 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE UF OREGON FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY. DOUGLAS COUNTY. OREGON, a Body ruiiuu ana corporate, riainun, BLANCHE HISAW: SOPHIE STORT.: FRANK McSP ERR ITT; ORPHIE Mc SPERRITT; HENRY McSPERRITT: AMANDA KEATON; LAURA SNOW RAY McSPERRITT; IRENE CROSS Th unknown heirs of A. J. A. Mc SPERRITT, deceased; CYNTHIA B , GERMOND, VERNEL GERMOND; LU CILLE GERMOND WERTZ and EARL LERRY WERTZ, her husband; DOR OTHY GERMOND DENT and FRED DENT, her husband: 1NGA MERRILL; W. R. MERRILL and CHARLOTTE J. MERRILL, his Wife; RHODA M. RY CHARD and W. A. RYCHARD. her husband: SUE WESTROPE and E. L WESTROPE, her husband: Also, ail other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or Interest In the real estate de scribed us the complaint herein. De fendants. TO: Blanch Blsaw, Sophie Storts, Prank n jp-i i hi. urpnie nacapernii, nenrv McSperritt. Amanda Keaton, Laura Snow. Ray McSperritt, Irene Cross; The unknown heirs of A. J. A. Mc Sperritt, decessed: Inga Merrill; W R Merrill. Charlotte J. Merrill, and Also, all other persona or parties un known claiming any right, title, es tate, lien or interest In the real es state described in the complaint here in. Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON you and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of plaintiff filed against you In the above entitled court and cause, on or before four 4 weeks from the SOth day of August. 1049, that being the date of the first publication of this summons, and if you fail to so appear and answer said complaint plaintiff for want thereof will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said com plaint, a succinct statement of which la as follows: That it be decreed that plaintiff Is the owner in fee and in possession of the following described real property, to-wit: TRACT I. An undivided one-half (Hi of the NW1, of Section 23 Township 35 South, Range 1 West. Willamette Meridian, Douglas County, Oregon. TRACT 3 Th SW4 of Section 33. Town ahip 35 South, Range 1 West. Wil lamette Meridian, tn Douglaa Coun ty. Oregon. TRACT 3. Lots 1. 3, 3 and 4. and the S't of the S of Section 4. Township 36 South. Range 3 West. Willamette Meridian, in Douglas County, Ore gon. TRACT 4. Lot 3. and th 8W, of the NE4 of Section 4. Township 37 South, Range 3 West. Willamette Meridian. In Douglas County, Oregon. Each of said tracts being subject te the rights of North Umpqua Timber Company, and Its assigns, under a con tract with the plaintiff for the pur chase of said premises. And that the right of possession and title to said premises be' forever quieted in plaintiff, and that It be further de creed that any claim of the defendants or either of them In or to said prem ises, or any part thereof. Is without foundation in law or in equltv, and tht plaintiff is the owner In fee of said J remises and of the whole thereof, free mm anv and all claims and Interest of said defendants, or either of them, of any kind or nature whatsoever, and that said defendants and all persons claiming by, through or under them, or either of them, be forever restrained and enjoined from asserting any right title or Interest In or to said premises or any part thereof, and for ouch other and further relief as to the court shall appear equitable. This summons la served upon you b publication once each week for four 4' consecutive weeks In the Roseburg New-Revtew. a newspaper of general circulation, as provided bv statute, pub lished and issued In Rooeburg. Douglas County. Oregon, bv order of the Honor able Carl E Wtmberlv. Judee f the above entitled court, made on tho 17th day of August. IMS ROBFRT G DA. IS. ORCUTT, LONG VtUNIR, Attomev for Plaintiff. Postoffico address; Rosehurg Oregon. Read Your Classified Ads Autos 1946 Chevrolet Fleetmaster Club Coupe THIS IS A SHARP CAR Beautiful jewel blue finish on the lower nail conuastea wun a spar una; sirs blue top. Clean Interior, Mech. A-l. Rariin. heater, windshield washers, cus tom seat covers. Exc. rubber. It won t last at this senaauonai price. Only$1195.00 BANK TERMS TRADE Pacific Motors THE ONLY DEALER W HOSEBI'BO WHERE TOP QUALITY CARS AND LOW PRICES GET TOGETHER HIWAY M NORTH PHONE 1SST-R 3-Day Driving Trial Why take a chance when you can have a three day driving trial on your new used car. 1049 Land Cruiser. Just like new with very low mrieage. Radio, ciima titer. Overdrive aj Hill Holder. 1847 Commander S pass. Cpe. Radio, cli matuer. Overdrive, Hill Holder. Ift4g Mercury Sedan. 1&46 Plymouth Sedan. 1041 DeSoto 4 -dr. Sedsn. 1941 Buick Special 4 dr. 1R41 Chev. 2 dr. lfl.18 Chev. 4- dr. 1949 Siudebaker Pickup. 11H6 rnrd Pickup Open In evenings until 0 p.m. Keel's Quality Used Car Lot Nut I Row Hotel 239 S Stephen. Phone, 129 Roseburg Used Car Center Oak and Rose FINE USED CARS Beasonably priced. G.M.A.C terms. Chevrolet Buick Pontlao Cadillac trade-Ins. DON'T MISS THIS Special Deluxe '41 Chev. B-pass. coupe, low mileage, radio, heater, new slip ooTors, other extras; extraordinarily good mechanical condition. Best offer takes. 222 W. Douglas. SEE THIS 1941 Olds Six club coupe. 14.000 miles on 48 motor: R St H, new brakes, rear shocks, tires, battery and generator. Clean throughout. See at 420 S. Stephens evenings or call 980-Y daytimes. '40 FORD Convertible for sale or trsde for older car and cash. New while wall tires, lifeguard tubes, new Mer cury motor, paint and top like new. Ph; 396- R -3. TOR SALE 1 Navy Jeep; motor and brake system completely overhauled. 523. Write Box 11, News-Review, glv "Ml V- numoer. FOR SALE OR TRADE for pickup, 1941 S Hide baker President sedan. Ph. 140- 19M BUICK BUSINESS coupe, 19S Call -1 67A:iee w 1 ? L? t M oo sLod g e SMALL HA RLE Y motorcycl. Umpqua FOR SALE 1936 Plymouth sedan, good i-unamon. box ZOH. hi. 1 1937 FORD sedan delivery. Reason able. 316 E. 2nd Ave., N. Ph. 1093-L. Trucks FOR SALE 1 set lumber rolls with sub from and cab guard: also 1 set 1946 heavy utility tags with 900 tires: also 1946 Ford lumber truck, with Job 8 milea east on Dixonville road. Chas. owiimrneia, laieyia Hi. 43 C.L INTERNATIONAL equipped short logger or lumber rig. 6031A' Brownie, dual drive. 90'. rubber, tarh, heater: 1 1 .KM. 1050 S. Riverside, Med- ford. Oregon. FORD- Flat-bed, 2-speed Brownie. 42 motor, recently overhauled. L. M Collins. 1-16 milea from Wilbur on "'cv aiiey noaa 1939 FORD Pfe ton truck, '46 Mercury motor, Eaton rear end, dual wheels Good shape, gtiuo. M. L. Shephard, l194g INTERNATIONAL pickup. 1 1948 International pickup; 1 single axle piling trailer For Information Pjione t.U 129 2nd Ave. South 42 EQ MAC log truck and tralleT $1800. Will take pick-up as part. Call for Clair. Rose Motor Co. AXLE SHAFTS for all makes erf trucks. Ray's Truck Shop, 2055 N. Stephens. Phono 499-J-4. Financial F. H. A. . LOANS So: UMPQUA REALTY Across from Post Office on Big awit go 112 N Stephens pn 1S35-J For Trade FORD A COt'PE for Ford A pick-up. H S. Cheek. Box 224. Melrose Route. Lost Found STRAYED to my place, brown mare Owner can have for cost of ad and feed bill. J. R. Rltter. Days Creek. Tractors FORDSON TRACTOR Inquire A G Curriminrv New Method Cleaners Personal ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS. Pa 1116 or Phone 150B-L or 506-J NOTICE OF FINAL ftETTLEMF.N'T Notice Is hereby given that the un dersigned executrix of th Lat Will and Testament of Mary J Graham, deceased, has filed her final account In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Douglas Countv and said court has appointed Tueodav. the 4th day of October. IMS), at JO 00 o clock in the forenoon of said dav tn the County Court Room tn the Court House in Rooeburg. Doug t as County. Oregon, as the time and place for bearing ob jections if any. to said account and the settlement thereof DATTD September 3. 1940 RTBY A WILDER. ETeewtyta eg the Last Wit and Testament of Mary J. Graham, deceased. Autos Lockwood's USED CARS Best Buys Anywhere 1949 FORD CLt'B COUPI '"5 ! 1948 FORD FORDO ..104S 00 1942 DODGE TORDOR SDN. 75 00 1942 CHEV. TUDOR SDN . v : 1941 PO.NT1AC FOR DOR SF.DAN SW5 00 1940 PLYMOUTH Fordor dn. MS 0O 1917 FORD TUDOR SEDAN S29S 00 1931 MODEL A SDN. M OO Open Sunday From 9 To 3 Truclci And Pickupi 1945 WILLYS JEEP .. 1195 09 1947 INTERNATIONAL PICKUP 1095 00 1946 CMC 1',-ton Ch.itifl c Cab 795 00 1942 FORD l,-ton Flatbed 495 00 1945 FORD LUMBER TRUCK 1995 00 SINGLE Whl Car Tr.lltr 45 00 You Pay Less For Used Can At L0CKW00D J VIW I WIJ Easy Terms Better Buys at Barcus 1946 Ford Club Coupe, looks and runs like new ..JIM 1947 Dodge Custom sedan, R at H , new tires, perfect condition. IMS 1940 Chev. Coupe, with factory built pickup box 1940 rord V-8 coupe 1940 Hudson sedan . , 1940 Studebaker Champion coupe 1939 Olds 9 2door sedan 1939 Chev, Coup . 445 438 39S. las. 17S 1934 Ford Tudor, good tiros, good motor. . ..MmwM 1935 Ford sedan TRUCKS 1946 Chev. lumber truck, new motor and tires, 'mormon dual drive, rolls and bunks for short logs Responsible party can handle with very small down payment J150 1940 Studebaker pickup, excel lent condition , - Boo 1942 G I. 4x4 ton truck equlp- pea wun naioea; aiso nas dump bed and hoist Excel lent condition -MM Come In Today For Your Free Demonstration Ride In the New Golden Anniversary Packard BARCUS SALES & SERVICE Your Packard Dealer Highway 99 N. at Garden Valley Road Enjoy the Difference You'll never know the pleasure of effortless, trouble-free driving until you slip behind the wheel of a Riverside Motor Co. Better Car 1949 Ford 8 Club Coupe. 1047 Olds. 76 Sedan Club Hydrt. It H 1947 Ford 4 -door, '48 model trim, very low mileage. 1940 Ford 2-door. 1M Ford Coupe. 1M7 Stude. 2-door sedan. 1M9 Jeepster, nearly new. 1H Willys Station Wagon. 1943 Plymouth 2-door, rebuilt motor, new paint. 1940 Hudson sedan. 1939 Mercury Cony., Columbia axlt. R & H. ft. Riverside Motors 450-R n. Hway at HOW CAN YOU KNOW? Whether a car Is a sincere valu can be determined only bv its continued performsnce. Moke certain you KNOW VOIR DEALER and your satisfac tion is assured. Come In todav! See these Guaranteed Used Cay values: SPECIAL 1941 Dodge ton pickup ..$423 OTHER GOOD BUYS 1942 Ford Club coupe, ,a- S H . sou 194 Dodge sedan. R a H . 11495 1941 Buick Sedanette. R V H , 189S MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM Corkrum Motors, Inc. Your DeSoto PLYMOUTH Headquarter 8 Stephens Pl S9S w U be here Tomorrow ttt Back up wnat ', Sar and Do Today ,L5BJYS,-I" "OT" 4"X"- 0"- P' M-.nVe.uV'.n'T, .SSleS? Ju.t completely overhauled. Tine, trotinlo . free transportation. Snm. L'.Tw.- o?u,r lu ""Sla. Co. Slat. HanK Bide . or nhon. aut MORE MONEY for your car Caan on J. . ornrum Motor. Inc u. Role" St1,1BouUl Pho N "io-poNTlAli art.n. SSjj. N,w ,. lec"nr t0 con1'u"- . e 1Tn; "cUm bu'- M00- PnJ9sS.Rr.S"'I '"c,,u' "- Uametta St. in Sutherlm.