- "v r WCTU Back. Portland's Mayer And Mis. America n,??WJ?FfN?i?y-MJ?- Dor-1 back from the State Woman1! pthy McCullouRh Lee, Portland's Christian Temperance union lor lady mayor, drew a pat on the I "her stand against vice and earn- blind." The croup, meeting In conven tion here, also sent congratula- j tions to the new Miss America, Jacque Mercer of Arizona, "be- i cause her mother neither drinks ' nor smokes." ' Mrs. Maude M. Issacs of Seat ! tie was relected president, and , Mrs. Stella Klser of Wenatchee I was elected vice president. PAINTS All Kindt PAGr LUMBER I FUEL ' el 2nd Ave S. Phnn- 212 TO-NIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT at the SHALIMAR ROOM 122 South Stephens MUTUAI fc CO rm Featuring the Famous RAY WATSON "King of the Ivories" (Shewn Above) And His Father Manager and Entertainer Ray and hit father coma to us highly endorsed Dlrsetly from soma of Southern California's and Hollywood's Swanky Night Sen. Magnuson Asks Legalizing Of Hiring Halls NEW YORK, Sept. nJi!Ft Senator Warren G. Magnuson (D Washt said he will lead a tight in Congress to legalize the tilling nail system lor maritime workers. Magnuson told cheering dele gates to tne LIU National Marl time union's national convention: "If we can't repeal the Taft Hartley act, which I hope to do. I am going to see that hiring halls are legalized.'4 Magnuson is chairman of a Sen ate subcommittee on merchant mm 01 ' Accident Ties Up Traffic 0 Portland Streets PORTLAND -IX A railroad switch engine and an automobile collided in the midst of heavy home-bound traffic Wednesday evening. In the tangle, one man went to a hospital. Traffic was snarled lor several Olocka and backed up on two Willamette riv er bridges. Police said Cheater Lee suffer ed severe head cuts. He was driv ing the car overturned by the en gine. That tangle of can was the worst resulting from 27 traffic accidenta reported In a two-hour period during a heavy rain at peak travel hours. PAYMENTS STOPPCD WASHINGTON, Sept IS UP) John L. Lewis today announc ed suspension on welfare pay- menu to miners eitective tomor row. Lewis said the action waa due to lack of funds. It was ordered in a resolution adopted at a five hour meeting of the fund's trustees. marine problems. The hiring hall la a system by which workers needed by em plovers are assigned to jobs by their union. Its legality la being challenged in the courts. Of America's merchant ma rine, Magnuson said: 'To meet foreign competition, management must be inventive, imaginative and willing to run reasonable risks. "Labor, while working con stantly for better wages and working conditions, must remem ber that its welfare bears a direct relationship to the ability of man agement to compete." NMU President Joseph Curran, who for the last two yeara has been battling to drive what he calls pro Communist elements from union leadership, scored an other victory yesterday in the choosing of a convention rules committee. All 15 membera picked were Curran backers. C? E)CDE) PUBLIC DANCE at the EAGLES Every Friday and Saturday Nights CHUCK'S RHYTHM KINGS 5-PIECE WESTERN BAND Dancing from 9:00 p. m. 'til 1 .00 . m. Admission S0 Everybody Stoy Cool ond Dance! Hall is Air-Condi tioned! EAGLES Corner of Cass and Pine Roseburg Retail Trade Association Fall '...peni i?Io)fl! A(cnn fo)fc IU1 DS u T Wednesday, Sept. 21, 7:30 P. M. Starting today, Sept. 14, you will receive tickets in the retail stores of Roseburg. They ore your chance's to win prizes in the big treasure hunt sponsored by the Roseburg Retail Trade Association. All you have to do is get a ticket, fill in the stub with your name and address, and deposit it In a box at the store. On Wednesday, Sept. 21, the winning numbers will be posted in the store windows of Roseburg. If you match your ticket with the stub, you will win a valuable mer chandise prize. Here's how you can win FREE PRIZES: 1. Ask for your ticket at any Roseburg store. 2. Fill in the stub and deposit it in the box. If your name and address are net en the stub, your entry will be disqualified. 3. Match your ticket with the stubs displayed in the win dows of Roseburg stores on Wednesday, Sept. 21. Do not expect to find your stub displayed at the same star that issued the ticket. No more tickets will be issued after noon on Wednesday, Sept. 21. After 3 p.m. all merchants will take their tickets to the stand in front of U. S. Nat'l. Bank where the winning numbers will be drown between 4 and 5 p.m. Wednsday evening at 7;30 p.m. the winning numbers will be disployed in the windows of Roseburg stores. Each merchont is responsible for delivering tickets for his store. The tickets have both a fetter and number. This has been done to make it easier for the shoppers to match tickets with the stubs displayed. THERE'S NOTHING TO BUY Tickets art free at any store. FIND YOUR NUMBER AND WIN A FREE PRIZE "UD D Washington met Utah in a pigskin clash in Seattle this after noon beginning at 1:45 .... the first in the series of exciting football features to be heard each Saturday in the Pacific Coast Conference Collegiate Football games. The outcome? Dunno. On accounts this is a prematura write-up .... being written on Friday. This evening at 7:30, Professor Carroll R. Daugherty, one of the country's outstanding economists, and Chairman of Presi dent Truman's Steel Fact-Flnding Committee, will hold a press conference on the air during the head-line making "Meet the Press' broadcast this evening at 7:30. This Is a new time period for the regular "Meet the Press" series. Don't think you've missed It when it doesn't appear at six. SUNDAY! The Mlstsry ot the Harp and the Blaek Mirror" titl.s th "House of Mystsry" broadcast at ens. Tun In William Oargan as "Martin Kane, PrlviW Eys" at 1:30, and th. Invisible, mystsrious "Shadow" at 2. Sunday at 4:30, Guy de Maupassant's famoua story, "Made moiselle Fifi," will be adapted for broadcast by "The Family" Theater." The story deals with the Prussian Invasion of a village In Northern France, when Prince Otto Bismarck's troops went roughshod over French territory, and is based on Incidents from De Maupassant's own early life. Wendell Corey will be narrator, and Joan Leslie will be the hostess for this special adaptation. Earl Wilson, famoua New York columnist who has Just returned from a European trip, will try his hand at radio's version of the "animal, vegetable, mineral" game, "Twenty Questions" Sunday night at eight. NIW PROGRAMS WCtK OF 19TH Our schedule hangts a bit beginning Monday with th return of such shews as "Captain Midnight," "David Ross" and many others later in th weak. For a clear pletur of th KRNR setup, study our Radio Log in ach issu of th Nsws Rsvltw. Thank yu, and goodnight. Sat., Sept. 17, 1949 The News-Review, Roseburg, Ore. S men dragged the neary-by mill pond because he had been seen In that vicinity early in the evening. CONTRACT GRANTED SEATTLE (.'Pi A contract granting improved working con ditions but no wage increase was signed Thursday for 2.500 furni ture workers union (AFL) work ers in 57 Washington and Oregon plants. J. W. Truman, executive sec retary of the union, said the con tract provided better seniority rights, one week vacation with pay after one year, two weeks atler three years and six paid holidays. Your Sewing Headquarters New and Used Machines All machines and lepairs guaranteed. Hemstitching, Buttonholes, Buttons and Belts made to your requirements. Sewing Machine Center 542 N. Jackson Phon S84-Y TODAY AND S U N D AY BUCK JONES "Death Valley Rangers" 2nd Western HOOT GIBSON "Dawn on the Great Divide" tomorrow! KRNR Mutual Broadcasting System 1490 on Your Dial BEMAININQ Ol'KI TODAY 1:48 With in tort vs. UUh Football uamt). 6 30 Sporti Pag :M Muatc. 40l,oc I Now.. 6:45 Eddy Duchin. T:00 Lorn bardo land V. E A. 7 .TO Mut th Preaa. S Oft Happy Vallty Cowboys. S 30 Bamto and Hla Ore 0:00 Nawa. f:S Dink Tarn p? ton. a 30 Wrtithnt Parad. 1030 Ray Hackatt Oreh. 11:00 Cuaa to Muiic. ll;30 Sun Off. SUN DAT, SEFTKMBIft IS, IMS S OO Bark to God Hour. :.m Vote of Prophecy. too Radio Bib la Claaa. t .W Lutharan Hour. 10:00 Nawa. lo ts Organ Concur. 10:. 10 Muaic. 10:49 Momenta of Devotion. 11:00 Church Barvlca. 12:00 Music. 12: IS Sunday Favorite. 12:10 Canary Chorue. 12:49 National Nawa. 1:00 Houa of Myetary. 1:30 Martin Kane, Private Kya. 2:00 Tha Shadow. 2:30 Trj Datactlva Myitarta. 3:00 Ray Bloeh Shew. 3:30 Nick Car tar. Muter Dataatlva. 4:00 Walking la Rhythm. 4:15 Muaic. 4;3Aramlly Theater. 5 00 Lay men a Hour. 8 30 Can You Top Thiar 6 00 Meat Your Match, a 30 Sh ailah Graham. 6:45 Bill Cunningham. 7:00 Sing for Your Suppar, 7:30 Roy Roger Show. 8:00 Twanty Quaatlona. 30 Walter Wmrhell. :4ft Harvay Harding Sing. OO Nawa. B 1 Memorable Muale. 6:30 Amarican Legion 6:45 Church of tha Opn Blbl. 1000 Muaic. 10:30 Ruaa Morgan Oreh. 11:00 aign Off. MONDAY, REFTKMREft 16, 6:00 tunrla Bartnud. SIS News. 30 Muale. 6:30 Rta hi 7:00 Nawa. 7:1(1 Break fart Gang. 7:30 Muaic. 7:4S Local Nawa. 7 .10 Muafc. 6 00 Muaic for You. fl 30 Modern Home 6:49 Muale br Morgan. 6:00 Wally'a Coffca Tim. :1ft Book of Bargain. 30 Man About Town. 40 Muatcal Interlude. t.M Shopper' Guide. 10:00 Nawa. 10:19 Goapcl Slngfri. 10 30 Say It With Mut. 10:49 Art Baker. 11.00 Lad lea rirat. 11:30 Queen for a Day. 12:00 Muale at Noon. 12:19 Sport pgj. 12 29 Muaic. 1140 Local New. 12 45 National Nawa. 12 55 Market Report. 1:00 Man on tha Street. EMM 51 (icUel CuUe SHOWBUT' in POpmflR cohcert miDO mm tilt ID 14114 Sat.-Sept. 17th :1S p.m. Junior Hifh Auditorium Admission: 2.40 Rmrvnl Seats 1.80 General Admission T5c Students Tax Included Tickets on sale at LAWSONS and ROY'S SDonsored hv Roseburg Junior Chamber of l:ts Partr Lin. I v Againat th. Storm. 1:.K) It t RequtMtd. 3 00 Johnann r.mtly. 3 ia All sur Dane Parad. 3 3tt Muiic. 3 4.1 MubIc. 4.00 rulton lwta Jr. 4:15 Frank H.mtnfway. l:.TO Loral 4:4.1 Nawa. mow. S.OO Ttpa and Tuna. 8:10 Champion. 3 43 Curl.v Bradlty. 6 00 Sawing Marhin Cntr. S .IO Sporu Pasa. S:3fl Muale. S 40 Loral NMtra 6.43 Southland Slnftna. S-SS BUI Hanry. I.flo Dirk Havmaa Show. T13 Sammy Kay Showroom. 1 w ci.co Kid 8 00 Lt Gaorg Do It S.IO You Nama It 8:43 Bob Ebarl. S 00 Nawa. S 13 Hi Naighbor. S 30 Scandinavian Malody Tim. S 43 Fulton Lawia Jr. 10.00 Murder bv Experts, 10:30 Danca Orcheetra, 11:00 Cua to Muaic 11:30 Sign on SMALL BOY DROWNS LEBANON, Sept. 16-im The body of two-year-old Dana Jen sen was found in a mill pond Thursday, ending a search that had been joined by virtually the entire city. The little boy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Jensen, wan dered away from his home. Fire- OUR BUSINESS is giving old floors the beauty of new with DURA SEAL "Th. lif.fim. 3 finish" & linilican- Phono 102-R-3 Carlson's Floor Service s'.lljTjil i II mm L II ,i V) HIZAtlTH BISDON I l J V PHILIP IIO ,.. fir, v " V 2nd Feature Eddie Bracken Virginia Welles 'ladies QuY LAST TIMES TONIGHT A "JAM!tIIU M jf D r HMMt trPOII - PtNWT tDWsRJIS A Km tAtmi u rr mm I iSs? j r FLAMING FLAPPER DAYS m:.$i smash musical hit OF THE EXCmNO JAZZ ERA Nr. s Anne REVERE Shari ROBINSON ilea aOWWUY Stooief RIOGES Ihfrf O'WItt Sele4i ROY LI f Last Timet Today Complete Show 7 and 9:15 P "I SHOT JESSE JAMES j0 A .vWI M ll MJ V mil 3z VI l Commerce