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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1949)
MINISTER The noml. nation of Nathaniel P. Davis (above) aa Minister lo Huntary haa been confirmed by the Sen ale. Confirmation had been held up for more than two month a, Storh Infants' Laundry Daily Diaper Pick-Up and Delivery Bubble Bath for Baby's Clothes $2.50 per week Phone 827-LX TO TRY NEW COMBINATION CREAM SI pui fox fconomr ilit $1.75 p'ui toi votm also iNjor Fullerton's 127 N. Jackson The 3 DAY SERVICE CLEANING - PRESSING To Residents WINSTON-DILLARD Leav soiled clothing at the Tot Shop at Winston. Ws pick up and return your clothing fresh, clean, and neatly pressed in Just three days. No extra charge. the DRIVE-IN CLEANERS Winston Roseburg Phone at the Tot Shop S. Stephens St. Roseburg 1 649 Burtau of Mints Namts Sevtn Region Directors WASHINGTON, Sept. 16.-4.D The Bureau of Mines, now re organizing on a regional basis, named seven regional directors yesterday. Taking office on Oct. 1 will be: Sinclair H. Lorain, Juneau, Alaska; and Stephen M. Shelton, Northwestern region (Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana) Albany. Ore. Lorain has been chief of the Albany branch of the bureau's mining division nearly five years. Major projects he will direct in clude two copper development projects near, Lake Ilianna In southwestern Alaska, examina tions in southeastern Alaska, sur veys of construction mineral ma terials, continued work on a lime stone deposit in McKinley Na tional park, and drillers of coal reserves in the Wishbone Hill area of the Matanuska region. He is a native of Phllipsburg, Pa. Shelton was born at Sennets ville, S. C. Fukien province In south China equals New York state - areR and population but Its 12,000.000 people do without railroads. -Sen vice This stating new fixe cream combines cleansing and complexion-aid creams in one formula. It benefits either oily or dry ileitis because it absorbs and removes both oil and water soluble types of fadal grime and nuke-up.. .cleanses your skin thoroughly. To aid your complexion. Pearls in Vint Combination Cream contains lipids from lanolia Similar to skin lipids normally present in youthful skins. It leaves your skin so soft t foundation is rarely necessary. With new "Combination" you need no other face cream. Rexcll Store Phone 45 announce Winston Branch . TOT SHOP The Tot Shop at Winston is one of Douglas County's newest businesses offering famous brands of better children's clothes. Mary Hutcheson, owner-manager, is the , Drive-In Cleaners' agent at Winston. See her for outfitting your children and patronize the Winston branch of the Drive-In Cleaners. AUTO-PLANE This , 1 wheels and breakaway wings "A - SCOUTS, .LEARN ABOUT THE D E S E R TAmerlean Cub Srouls. sons of Artblaa American Oil employes In Saudi 34 Rabbit Growers And Families Enjoy Picnic The U.V.R.B.A. picnic and ta ble show, held at Umpqua park last Sunday, was enjoyed by 34 members and families. Three large tables were set for the group with fried rabbit as the main dish. Wm. H. Belding, Grants Pass, Judged the entries, giving awards of Blue Ribbons to C. E. Bow nam, New Zealand white doe and buck; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Clark, New Zealand buck; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cummings, New Zealand white buck and Californian buck and doe; Mrs. Inez Stancliff, New Zealand red doe and buck. Dex ter Sims, New Zealand red doe and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wiles white Flemish Giant doe and sandy Flemish doe. Canned grapefruit sections go well with tuna fish in a summer salad. Serve on saiad greens and pass well-seasoned French dres sing. a new ON REPAIRS of AREA flying automobile. Invented by Lulrl which fold into the sides. It has an Arabia, are tauiht how to mount a "I DON' FEEL GOOD" Four - s Jx c of Omaha, Nebr., admitted I don't feel good" es she lay in a hospital after a 40-foot fall. The girl, daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Gail Bennett, toppled from third floor fire escape to the ground. A wire clothesline broke her fall. She suffered a broken elbow, possible skull injury and a black eye. (AP Wirephotol. Your Candy Center Is Sanford's Candy Kitchen Delicious, Nutritious Home Made Candy 125 Weat Cass Who has the new Speidel Golden Templar Wolthband? vvicVave the ngw SPEIDEL y v Golden Templar Watchban; TV rvtvd trmat of Chiv!ry ' k nighu of old impred thw hndome man'i witch bnd. o- hox eolaVn Hnki will do wondtr. for your itch . . . hoe convenient "over-your-handonto-your-writ" action will do wonder for you. It Poys to Buy From craf-t Jewelers Where Your Dollar Has More Cents Soellarinl. In Milan. Italr. has air speed of lis milts, an hour. camel by Bedouins at Dhahran. year - old Carol Ann Bennett of Dressmaking-Alterations Women and Children Zoe Newman 925 Cobb St. Phone 387 RX 12.95 (TtM Tn W4 Uc Gta To rniwh yo yellow, rnnl or white (old witch, Jnoj (FedenlTM included). Sutherfin By MRS. BRITTAIN SLACK Mrs. Bill Thomas left for Port land Monday, where she will re ceive medical treatment. Mr. and Mis. William McCor mack and children enjoyed a trip over The Dalles-California high way over the weekend. They re port that they had a "very en joyable trip." except that they damaged their new car quite bad ly when a deer jumped out in front of them. . Clyde Holman. who Is affiliat ed with the military Intelligence of the Army and a former resi dent of Sutherlin, was in town Monday greeting old friends. Mr. Holman at one time was city water superintendent and city po liceman. He states that he will go from here to Yokohama, and that as soon as he can find living quarters for his family they will join him. He experts to be sta tioned there for the next three years. Mrs. Belle Cook, who spent sev eral days at North Bend with her sons children returned Home Monday. Mrs. Cook reports that her son, Dean, who underwent a major operation at the Veterans hospital in Portland last week, is getting along very nicely and that he expects to be able to return to his home at North Bend In about three weeks. Dick Hensley was taken sud denly ill last Thursday and was removed to Mercy hospital, Rose burg, where he underwent an emergency appendectomy Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Squler and children, Delvin and Arlene, en joyed a two weeks' vacation vis iting at Lake Louise, at. Banff National park. Alberta, Canada, and on their return they slopped at Glacier National park, Yellow stone National park, Tieton Na tional park, and were overnight guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gerloch, at Ply mouth, Ida. Mr. Gerloch was a teacher in the Sutherlin school last year. Claude Goff of Grants Pass spent several hours in Sutherlin a couple of days last week, tran sacting business for the Triangle Feed mills of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Rogers and daughter spent several days last week in Portland, transact ing business. Several members of the Rebek- ah lodge met at the home of Mrs. Mary Barker Monday evening to work out some tableau for the degree work. After the meeting Mrs. Barker served delicious ap ple pie and coffee to Mrs. Belle Cook, Mrs. Maggie Francis, Mrs. Helen Squier, Mrs. Leona Slack. Ice-cold cocoa is delicious on a hot day. For a party, top the cocoa with a little cocoa whipped cream. To make the cream put two tablespoons of cocoa in a bowl with two tablespoons of sugar and mix them together Mrs. Charles A. Brand Teacher of Singing Voice Building, Song Interpretation Miionlc Building rati TVrm f nun. ojn-n September s i'l y- cT , Frl., Sept. IS, 1949 The News-Review, Roieburg, Ore. t NAVAL ARCHITECT Miss Audrey ("Pete") MuUer, of WestHeld, N. J irsduate nav al architect, studies a problem at her drafting board In fore River Shipyard, Quiney, Mas. well. Add a cup of heavy cream and beat until it begins to get stiff. Thi Prica The Taste ..of Oni iottli makes 4 FULL riNTSI PARENTS) tiJHkl.a: TL1t, 1 T tiig tiirr .' ..- iens and Cass Phone 97 For " fops" on Oralnboards See Phil Dutnam Lino'eum Laying and Venetian Blinds 920 S. Main 1336-J J I PICTURE FRAMING House, Commercial and Industrial Wiring Electrical Trouble Shooting Motor and Appliance Re pair Free Pick-Up and Delivery Service . 17 Yean Experience ACE ELECTRIC Licensed Electrician 316 2nd Ave. N. Ph. 1095-L Sts. Thrill! Jf fi Thrill! A A M9 (I)) ' T ret r m - j .