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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1949)
8 The Newi-Rtview, Roiebjrg, Ore. Frl., Sept. 16, 1949 By LOTUS KNIGHT PORTER NOTICE Social Itcmi submitted by tele phone lor the society page must be turned in before 12 o'clock Monday through Thursday and by 10 a. m. Friday at whuh time the social calendar and Sat urday'! society page are closed weekly. GOLD STAR MOTHERS DEDICATION OF COLORS TO TAKE PLACE TUESDAY Roseburg chapter, American Cold Star Mother Inc., together with all patriotic organizations (both men and women) will pre sent a dedication of colors cere mony Tuesday night at eight o' clock at the armory. The cere mony is open to the public. Practice for the ceremony will be at two o'clock Tuesday after noon at the armory. All organiza tions are asked to bring their col ors and attend the practice ses sion. Gold Star Mothers planning to attend the installation of officers at North Bend Sept. 19. are asked to call either Mis. Martha Wells or Mary Lou Newhouse. Those planning to attend the state elec tion and Installation of officers at Tillamook Sept. 24. are also asked to call Mrs. Wells or Mrs. Newhouse to make reservations and arrange for transportation. NAVY MOTHERS TO MEET AT DINNER AND PROGRAM ON SUNDAY All members of Umpqua Navy Mothers club are urgently re quested to be present at a z o clock noon potluck dinner Sun day, Sept. 18, at the Veterans hospital. Members from Medford, Grants Pass, Kugcne and Coos Bay Mothers clubs will also be present. A program will be pre sented for the patients by the vis iting mothers during the after noon. The regular meeting of Ump qua Navy Mothers club will be held Monday night at eight o' clock at the home of Mrs. Cora Rogan, 1010 S. Hamilton street. DINNER GUESTS AT SHEPHERD HOME SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. Louis Garrison of Grants Pass; Mr. and Mrs. Keith Leonard and Larry and Glenna Leonard of Umpqua; Mrs. Gladys Law, Becny and Berta Law of Portland; Mr. and Mis'. Fred Applegale, Susan and Mary Lou Applegale of Yoncalla; Frances Shepherd of Roseburg and Mr. and Mrs. James Shep herd and Terry and LcRoy Shep herd of Rice Hill were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Shepherd and Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Shepherd of Rice Hill. BAND PARENTS HOLD FIRST FALL MEETING AND ELECT OFFICERS The Band Parents association met for the first regular session Tuesday night at Senior high school band room. Election of of ficers Included Howard Ott, pres ident; Bill Adair, vice-president; Mrs. A. R. Evans, secretary, and Eton Reed, treasurer. The Association voted against sending the band to the Tourna ment of Roses at Pasadena on the grounds of the seeming Im possibility of raising the neces sary funds without the coopera tion of the Chamber of Com merce. Charles A. Rickets, band di rector, reported the purchasing of uniforms to outfit the new members coming into the band this year. The band will make its first appearance this fall to night at the football game. MRS. TRUE IS HOSTESS AT PARTY Mrs. Frank True was hostess Thursday afternoon to a group of ladies at a "Benefit Glamour Parly". These parties are being given In behalf of the Community club, and is one of a series to follow. Mrs. Bill Schcll demon strated a new line of cosmetics. This demonstration was follow ed by delicious refreshments. Those present included the Mes dames Ray Asbury, T. J. Havens, Roy Thompson, O. E. Ammund sen. Cecil Calahan. Al Dotson, C. Holteen, Ivan Brosi, Archie Wilson and Bill Schell. VOICE AND PIANO RECITAL TO BE PRESENTED MONDAY A charming voice and piano recital will he presented by pu pils of Mrs. Ethel Mlnturn Mon day evening, Sept. 19, at eight o'clock at the Methodist church. The public is cordially Invited to attend. Mrs. Minturn conducts a home studio for both voice and piano students. She has two pianos in her studio. Two pianos will also be used for the recital. The do nated piano for the evening la by courtesy of Bob's Music shop. GOLDEN WEDDING OF ATTORNEY ANO MRS. RICE TO BE OBSERVED SUNDAY Attorney and Mrs. Dexter Rice will observe their golden wed ding anniversary Sunday, Sept. 18, at a reception from two-thirty to five o'clock in the afternoon and from seven-thirty to ten o' clock in the evening at their home at 241 South Kane street. Relatives and friends are most cordially Invlsrd to call. GROUP ATTENDS (JOUGLAS COURT NO. 1t AFFAIR HERE SATUROAY Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rlemen Schneider of Sutherlin had as their guests Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Halverson, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Holgate and Mr. and Mis. Harry Barker, when they attended the Installation of officers of Douglas Court No. 18, Order of Amaranth, at the I.O.O.- F. hall In Roseburg, followed by a reception at the Masonic Tern pie. Mr. and Mrs. Riemenschnei der are members of the court. MRS. MABEL BRUMBLE HONOREO ON BIRTHDAY Mr. and Mrs. A. M. B rower entertained Sunday evening in honor of the eighty-first birthday of Mrs. Mabel Brumble, mother of Mrs. Brower. More than thirty guests dropped In during the eve ning, including two sons and a daughter of Mrs. Brumble from Klamath Falls. Those from out of town were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Brumble. Mrs. Dora Wright and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Brumble. The guest of honor received many beautiful gifts. Refreshments were served durjng the course of the evening. LUNCHEON IS ENJOYED WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON Mrs. Margaret Packer enter tained at a delicious luncheon Wednesday at her home on '42. After the luncheon was served the afternoon was spent making plans for the P.-T.A. for the com ing year. Those present were Mrs. Reha Buttler, Mrs. Margar et McCord, Mrs. Ruby Jones, Mrs. Gertrude Hunter and Mrs. Marie Buttler. MELROSE GRANGE TO MEET TUESDAY NIGHT Melrose Grange will meet at eight o'clock Tuesday night at the hall. A play, "If men played cards the way women do," will be presented by the men of the Grange during the program hour. Refreshments will be served by the Clings, Beckers and Dale Bu senbarks. All members are asked to be present. MRS. ATWELL IS HOSTESS WEDNESDAY Mrs. Bonnie Atwell was host ess Wednesday afiernoon at her home to a group of friends who enjoyed the afternoon playing pi nochle. Delicious refreshments were served. Those present were Mrs. Tillie Chambers. Mrs. Doris Chambers, Mrs. Vivian Bargus and Mrs. Gill. EAGLES AERIE AND AUXILIARY TO HOLD SPECIAL MEETING TONIGHT A special meeting of the Eagles aerie and auxiliary has been call ed for tonight, Sept. lfi, at seven thirty o'clock at the Eagles hall to make plans for a benefit dance for the i'nlio emergency iuna. All members are urged to be present. She can't take her puppy dog to college with her, hut she can take along a supply of these brushed rayon gowns and pajamas at EXCEL ftf DRESS SHOPPE. They are so Jf. soft and warm, and glamor- 4 igS ou' ,0- Luscious colors of mi : Wrfj 'II P'nk- blue, orchid and nlle "ZYTZia green will flatter her blonde, '. brunette, or tillan complexion. lV IS rs) She can have her choice of it' VT"jL 'be long gown with elastic V fifnBI midriff and push up sleeves .jw v-' with dainty ruffled trim, or pafamas, shortie gowns or bed Jackets. The bed jackets have tiny angel-wing ruffles up the shoulders, arid three-ouarter ' length flaring sleeves. She will he all set for those college slumber parties In these night time pretties. Something else for your college hound son or daughter a new watch bracelet by Gemex, from ASHCRAFT'S. There Is a small expansion Jink bracelet with a dainty flower engraved In the renter of each Joining link, in yellow enld. filled. Another bracelet in yellow gold filled is all hearts and flowers with a ratchet-type ciasp. tine mar is. a -ommnatlon snake-chain and square link has the new safety-guard chain fastener that prevents the bracelet from falling off her wrist. Men's styles are the popular ex pansion type in yellow, rose, or white gold filled, and mesh tvpe with a double clasp opening, in white or yellow gold filled. With the weather run. nlng cooler, these davs, the ICE CREAMERY'ls again offering toasted and grilled sandwiches. You have your choice of grilled ham, Swiss or American cheese, or ham and cheese In delectable ' combination. Toasted, you have lettuceand tomato or tuna fish sandwiches. And to go with Ihem, delicious hot baked beans, spaghetti or chili con carne. For dessert, try a dish of Rum Bisque ice cream or a sundae of Rum Bisque and marshmallow sauce. Need a breather In mid -afternoon? Try a cup of good hot chocolate at the Ice Creamery they serve It with marsh mallows! By repaying oni friend, we invite many friends. JOSSE'S has a shipment of new lamps that you'll love the base Is a plain cylinder on which wallpaper is mounted. Shades of paper parch ment top them smartlv. Why not have a lamp made of left-over wallpancr from your living room? Josse's will make them up for you. These lamps are the last word in deisgning with 3-way switches and reflector bowls. They come In lti inch up to 32 Inch heights, and those on display have lovely ivv and floral patterns or English hunting scenes. Some of the shades have Ivy or floral trim. A new shipment of Bambu dinnerware In all pieces has arrived at LESTER'S GIFT SHOP. There are serving sets, starter sets, and Individ ual pieces In the popular Dawn. Coral, and Aqua Bambu. Permallue tumblers are acain in stock, too. They are the gaily colored aluminum "glasses" you've found so practical. Now, about Lester's Bid-Away: it doesn't cost you a thing to enter your hid. This is a regular auction, and not a lottery. H votir bid is the highest, you may buy an Ice tub, for instance. has one up for the Bid-Away next week, of solid hammered aluminum with porcelain lining. It's a regular $9.95 Item, and r-rand for keeping drinks on Ice. You may bid on the ice tub, or you may prefer to bid on the $18.00 set of Vargas Jewelt. It's gold filled, in yellow, rose, and green, and set with multicolored stones In a flower bouquet pin and flower earrings. The third item is a man's fitted ease of genuine leather, with brush, comh and mirror and little containers for groom. Ing items. Now you ran decorate your kitchen Just as you would any other room In your house. No need for glaring white walls unrelieved by touches of color, when you ran put up these clever wall plaques and string holders from the Housewares department of UMPQUA VALLEY HARDWARE. The small strawberries and peaches may he hung In pairs, or big red apple or klttenwlth varnball string holders hung separately. Flying ducks In the hall or den go in sets of three. There are Scotties in white or black, horses in brown or w hite, and many gay flowers and fruits. These plaques are nicely boxed and make perfect bridge prizes or shower gills. Bare walls make gadding housewives, It says here. When you're walking up North Jackson street, you'll smeu tne enticing aroma of freshly home-baked bread from CLEO'S QUALITY BAKERY. You can't buy iread with a better flavor han Cleo's whether you stop In on a Tuesday for their salt-risin? bread or nn a l-'ri. day for their American rye. They have Russian rye on Wednesdays and French sourdough bread and rolls on Th irsdays. Every dav of the week, they hake 100 "r wheat, cracked wheat, and fmlato bread. And every day. of the week they ake Dutch Krunch, cinnamon, date-nut, and cheese bread, too. You'll be glad vou bought it baked at Cleo's, for those wholesome school lunches for the kiddies. Going hunting? Then vou'll want to see J. v. SPORTING GOODS for binoculars. Thev carry the famous Hausch A Lomb "World's Best by Any Test," In 6 x 30 or 7 x 35 power lenses. 1 hey are adjustable for any user, and the leas has the new Balcote coating that eliminates glare without coloring the glass. Individual focusing or central focusing eyepieces are oh. tamable. The plastic finish In morocco grain Is weather-proof, wear-proof, attractive, and furnishes a good grip. It will not peel. During the last years of the war, the armed forces requested coaled lenses exclusively, and now lor the first time civilian users can enjoy them. 1 his amateur cameraman neeus a Kodak AIK photo lab kit from CLARK'S STUDIO ANO CAMERA STORE. This kit Includes chemicals, piper, a graduate for meaMinng chemicals, developing trays, thermome ter, film clips, safe lite with bulb, and a book of Instruc tions, all neatly parked in side a grey riackle finished metal printer. The. price for all this equipment Is only S7..SS. Com plete replacements are available, 'too. For the advanced amateur. Clark's have professional type printers and enlargers. papers and chemi cals of all types. Flash bulbs are down in price, now. so here s your chance to put In a supplv. See Clark's today for your beginner s or ama teur's camera needs. It's a peer workman wh quarrels with his tools. i -. ' r n AT ;.,:' -. T 1 X w iH4 ! mwwm linn m U i ' ' I NtW JAPANESE TYPEWRITERS Allied personnel In Tokyo watch the operstioB f new Japanese typewriters with cylindrical beds instead of the old-style Hat bed at left. V7 . r vi, ... mm J 1 '; A FAIREST OP THE FAIR Wearing a roie tiara, Marianne Dem. ereckil labovel, 18, of Chicago, tmilei after being chosen "Mill Railroad Fair, 1949," af Chicago Railroad Fair. Miu Demereckis, repreienting the Pullman Company, competing against eleven other aspirants entered by railroads exhibiting at the fair. Con test was open only fo regular railroad employes. (AP Wirephoto) Slot Machines Moving Out in Klamath County KLAMATH FALLS 4.P- Slot machines are fast moving Into hiding in Klamath Falls and Kla math county. The latest gambling shutdown came at the Insistence of state police and probably will extend to Lakeview and Lake county since the Jurisdiction of the local state police office covers both counties. Sgt. E. W. Tichcnor set mid night Thursday as the deadline lor all illegal-type machines, the cash-paying consoles and pinballs to move out. 4 TIME' FOR A CHECK-UP ' it JUST as a mis used car can fail when you need it most ... so may your insurance pro tection disappoint you, if you let it go from year to year without an expert Check-up. Don't "g u e $ $" that yo u r insur ance is adequate. Make sure. Call on us for your protec tion review today. R. 0. YOUNG Phone 417 205 W. Cast St. Roseburg GOLF FOURSOME A two-ball mixea toursome golf tournament will be played at the Roseburg Country club Saturday, Sept. 17, at 3:30 p.m., to he fol lowed by a buffet supper and dance at the clubhouse. The enter tainment committee will be in charge. All members and their invited guests have been asked to attend. China's population Is roughly made up of 60 million city dwell ers and 400 million farm and rural folk. Elkton By PHYLLIS A. SMITH Carter Dixon Powell of Rose burg was a recent overnight guest at the J. Boyd Rader home at Kellogg. Ira Nicholson of Portland, who lived at Kellogg when a child, called on old time friends re cently. Mr. Homer Ladd and Bill Smith have returned from a trip to Ry derwood, Wash., where they went for a load of railroad irons for Long Bell Logging Company. Visitors from this vicinity who went to the State fair at Salem included: Mr. and Mrs. Arley Marsh. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Compton and family; Mr. and Mrs. William Carlson, Mr. George Lavoy, Mr. C. C. Jensen, Mr. J. Ross Hutchinson and grandsons. Bobby and Gerald Haines, and Misses Donna and Darlene Madison. Recent visitors at the Homer Ladd home included his father Mr. I. E. Ladd. a sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ebb Phil lips and her mother-in-law Mrs. Phillips Sr., of Drumwright, Okla. Mrs. Glenn Walker and son, Jimmy, of Klamath Falls, were recent visitors at the John Abra ham home. Mr. and Mrs. George Madison and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Madi son attended the North Douglas Fair at Drain Saturday. Cecil Denny and mother, Mrs. Agnes McNeil, were weekend guests of relatives at Five Mile lake above Gardiner. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. McNeil, residents of Bremerton, Wash., are spending a couple of weeks with Cecil Den ny at Kellogg. Recent overnight guests of the Boyd Raders were Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Roe and children of Onalaska, Wash. The Roes, cous ns of Mr. Rader. have been on a trip down Highway 101 as far as Crescent City and back by way of the Oregon Caves. Miss Frances Owens, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Owens, left Sunday to attend the School for the Deaf at Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Mitchell .went to Gold Beach Fridav to attend the funeral of Mrs. Mitch- naomi scon Teacher of Violin Rm. 11, Masonic Bldg. Phona 921 Registration Saturday, September 17. Let Us Show You the World's -Everybody'' PointingTo Hotpoint '-"f Easiest-Operating Ironer... HOTPOINT FLATPLATE 0 Applies 400 lbs. force Automatically Cri, Dry Ironing with Proonioaaf finite Surface Area of 12 Hand Irons With this smizing new principle, you imply smnge the article, bring fontrd the hindle . i . then sit relaxed while your Hotpoint FlitpUie Ironer does ill che workj Vou get crisp, dry ironing fA m put tu jy tr uttr! See it demonsmted todtyl Payments as Lew as $2.00 per Week JkoniM, TROWBRIDGE ELECTRIC LOCAL NEWS Club to Meet Twelve and Won club will meet at a noon lunch eon Tuesday at the home of Miss Bernardine Princen at 231 N. Chadwick street. N. of W. to Meet Neighbors of UnnHrraft Lilac circle No. 49. Will meet Monday night at 8 o'clock at the I.O.O.F. hall. Refresh ments will be served. Daughter Is Born A daughter, Rosemary, weighing four pounds nine ounces, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dean Roe of Oakland. Sept. 14. at the Booher Maternity home near Drain. Back From California Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Knudtson return ed to their home on North Chad wick street yesterday, following a vacation trip to California. Study Club to Meet The Study club of the P.-T.A. of Green school will meet at a noon pot luck luncheon Tuesday at the home of Mrs. John Wilhlte. Mem bers and friends are invited. First Fall Meeting The first fall meeting of the Arts and Crafts club will be held Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Turner on Ala meda street. Choral Society to Meet The Roseburg Choral society, under the direction of Charles A. Rick etts, will meet at 7:30 o'clock Monday night at the Junior high school music room for the week ly practice. Birth Announced A daughter, Carolyn Ann, weighing seven pounds three ounces was born Sept. 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Rogers of Yoncalla at Booher Ma ternity home near Drain. Enjoy Trip Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Snyder and the latter's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Rhoads, have returned to their homes in Roseburg. follow ing a trip to Salem to attend the State fair and then going to Otis and to other Oregon coast points. While at the coast, they enjoyed seeing the York fuchsia gardens. Club to Meet The Methodist Keystone club will meet at an 8 o'ciock dessert-supper Monday night at the home of Mrs. E. E. Lindell, 40 Clair street, with Mrs. William C. Woods, hostess chairman, assisted by Mrs. Lyle Eddv, Mrs. Hilda Peterson, Mrs. O. F. Richman and Mrs. M. M. Nelson. Daughter Is Bern A daughter, Shirley May, weighing seven pounds three ounces, was horn Sept. 9. to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Currier of Yoncalla at the Booher Maternity home near Drain. Will Visit in Taeoma Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Amiot of Roseburg plan to spend the weekend In Ta eoma as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moen and children. Mama and Stephen, former residents of this city. Mrs. Moen will accom pany the Amlots back to Rose burg for a visit here. Leaving For School Miss Shir ley Parker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Roland Parker of Rose burg, is leaving Saturday for Cot vallis to begin her Junior year at Oregon State college. She is member of Delta Zeta sorority and is social chairman of her house. Bethany Circle to Meet Beth any circle of Faith Lutheran church has invited members and friends and as special guests, members of Faith and Dorcas circles, to attend a meeting Tues day night at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs. Annie Sansted. Melrose route. Box 109-C. Those desiring transportation are asked to meet at 7:45 p.m. at 45 S. Pine street. Here Frem Iowa Mr. and Mrs. Norman S. Frye and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rennie of Inde pendence, la., arrived In Rose burg last Saturday to spend a week visiting the Frye's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. , Roy E. Crain. They are leaving tomorrow for California en route back to their home. They mada the trip west via the northern route. They are traveling by automobile. ell's brother-in-law, Mr. Charles Briggs. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Farm er and Mrs. Sarah Farmer ac companied the Mitchells to Gold Beach. Dale Mode was released from the Eugene hospital Friday. His leg is in a cast and he is only able to be about on crutches. The Joe Bishop family are proud owners of a new Mercury; Mr. and Mrs. George Lavoy have a new Chrysler. ffff v' - -.- . -JT ' - yu"'!,.yni,iiH.,.i m jwmi,i, -.r.'-.t ha i I ' How long since your watch has been checked? Your good watch deserves good care the care Roseburg Jewelers is equipped to give It. No mat ter what the make, our trained experts will check your watch carefully with no obligation to you. If it should need attention, we'll be glad to serv ice it economically and promptly. And, while you're checking up on your watch, dress it up as well. See our large selection of hondsome watch bands in metal, fabric and leather. They're designed to go with any type of watch and to make your old watch look new. i o oKATnauarjctLt 246 N. Jackson Phone 1329-J For The Gifts You'll Give With Pride Let Your Jeweler Be Your Guide. Phone 268 136 N. Jackson