Frl., Sept. 16. 1949 Tht, RoMburf, 0r. I UP IN THE AIR Gary Pogue, at 5-months the. youngest fractura patient In tha Frtmo County General Hospital, smilei bravely despite the awkward traction splints used to mend the broken leg he suffered when he caught the limb in the bars of his crib. (AP Wirephotol. fv. i3lt I ' I "Let me out of here . . . I've got to be ready ot 9:00 ... I have a date to go to the RAINBOW CAFE." LET US TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEATING OIL Phone if Top quality stove and diesel oils. V Prompt home and commercial delivery. Courteous service, sV Any quantities. fa Correct metered readings. i( Service close os your phone. -j L9ARCUS SALES and SERVICE Hiway 99 at Garden Valley Rd. FUEL OIL , u DISTRIBUTORS PERKINS OIL PHONE 1354 Of EiQUE) T2D D Tony Alamo will atlr sentimental sighs when he sings "Four Winds the Seven Seas" on the "Sammy Kaye Showroom" tonight at 7:15. Completing the program will be the Kayedets with "Five Foot Two." Laura Leslie in "Homework," Don Cornell in 'Again," and the Michigan "Victors" March. . In "Guns for a Gamble" the stakes are high the prize a sizeable chunk of east Texas which It sought by a bandit gang In an abortive attempt te open rebellion against the government. Their attempt to engage frontier parole In open combat, In which they would use newly developed repeater rifles against the single shot weapons of the patrol, are thwarted by "Straight Arrow" tonight at on KRNR. Let's talk football: Tonight at ten, Roseburg meets Medford in a tape-recorded broadcast featuring the announcer-voice of Frank Purdy. The feature will conclude with a question to be asked of listeners, who must supply the correct answer when they call number 4. The right answer will mean ten good old American dollars In cash for the winner. Don't let this opportunity pass you by! For the 24th year, the Don Lee network will carry the Pacifio Coast Conference collegiate football games for the western division of the Tide Water Association Oil Com pany of San Francisco. The gamee will be aired over KRNR each Saturday beginning tomorrow, September 17 through November 19. Tomorrow's kick-off game le slated for 1:45 p. m., PST, displaying the gridiron prowess of Washington vs. Utah originating from Seattle. KRNR Mutual Broadcasting Svstem 1490 on Your Dial BE MAIMING HOIKS TODAY 4 06-Fulton Lewi Jr. 4 1 Frank Hemingway. 4 30 Marvin Miller 4 O Tip and Tunc. 5 UO Music. 3: IS Music S 30 Champion S 45 Cur ley Bradley. 00 Magic Garden 15 Mutual Newtret .TO Sporu Pac. ;15 Music. 40 Local Newt. 45 Southland Sin ting. 55 Bill Henry. 7 00 Dirk Ha me. 7:15 Sammy Kty Showroom. 7:30 Cisco Kid t oo Straight Arrow. a -TO Music S 45 Bob Eberl. 9:00 News 9 15 Hi Neighbor. 9 30 Scandinavian Melody Tima. 9 43 run on iewis jr. 10:00 Roseburg 11:30 Sign Of! 8 ATl'aVD A Y, flKFTEMhER 17, 1949 00 SunrtM Serenade. ;I5 News. 6:20 Music. ;to Yawn Patrol. 7:00 News. 7:15 Breakfast Gang. 7 45 Loral News. 7:50 Book Review. 7:55 Music. 8:00 Haven of Rest. 8 :tO Modern Home. 8:45 Four H Club 900 Wally a Coffe Time. 9:15 Music. 9 TO Telephone Request 10:00 News. 10:15 Sweet wood Serenade. 10:30 Shopper's Guide. 10:iS Music. 10:45 Jimmy Wakelv. 11:00 Poo lea Paradise. 11:30 Air Force Hour. 12:00 Music at Noon. 12:15 Sporte Page. 12:25 Music. 12 40 Slate and Local Newa. 12:45 National News. 12:55 Market Reports. 1:00 Man on the Street 1:15 Veterans' Request. 4:45 Washington va. Utah Football Game. 8:13 Frank Hemingway. 5-30 To Be Announced. 8:00 Music. 8 . to Sporta Page. 8X5 Music. 6 40 Local News. 8:45 Eddy Duchin. 1:00 Lombardoland U. S. A. 7 30 Meet the Pre. OO Happy Valley Cowboys, 8 :to Bar nee and Hia Orch. 9.00 News. 9:15 Dink Temple ton. 9 30 Wrestling Parade 10 .TO Ray Hackelt Orch. 11 OO Cues to Music. 11.30 Sign Off. BIND AT. SEPTEMBER 18. 1949 8 OO Back to God Hour. 8 30 Voice of Prophecy. 9 OO Radio Bible Clan. 9 30 Lutheran Hour. 10 00 News. 10:15 Organ Concert 10 30 Music. 10 45 Momenta of Devotion, 11 oo Church Services. 12:00 Music. 12 15 Sunday Favorite. 12:30 Canary Chorus. 12 45 National News. 1:00 House of Mjstery. 1:30 Martin Kane, Private lye. 2 OO The Shadow. 2 30 True Detective Mysteries. 3 00 Ray Bloch Show. 3:30 Nick Carter. Master Detective. 400 Walking in Rhythm. 4 15 Music. 4:30 Family Theater. 5 00 Lay mens Hour. 5 30 Can You Top This? 600 Meet Your Match. 6:30 Sheilah Graham. 6 45 Bill Cunningham. 7:00 Sing for Your Supper. 7:30 Roy Rogers Show. 800 Twenty Questions. ' 8 . TO Walter Winrhell. 8:45 Harvey Harding Sings, 9.00 News. 9:J5 Memorable Music. 9:30 American Legion. 9 45 Church of the Open Bible. 20:00 Music. 10:30 Russ Morgan Orch. 11:00 Sign Off. Everett Nimmo Is New Canyonville Officer Everett W. Nimmo is Canyon ville's new traffic officer. He be gan work Wednesday morning, Sept. 14. He was owner of the Pioneer 'motel and cafe, thrrt miles south of Canyonville the past seven months. Nimmo and his wife and their six months' old daughter, Exxic Eilene, are making their home in Canyonville. He comes to the ed. Prior to coming to Canyonville seven months ago, he resided in Drain and drove for the Asbury TO-NIGHT AND EVERY NIGHT at the SHALIMAR ROOM 122 South Stephens MUTUAL .(ft V. .I Jl jf b Featuring the Famous RAY WATSON "King of the Ivories" (Shown Abovt) And His Father Manogtr end Enttrtaincr Ray and hit father umi to ut highly endorsed Directly from torn of Southern California's and Hollywood's Swanky Night Club. J7 CALE PAGE ARRIVES IN ROSEBURG Gale Page, tinging star of concert, motion picture!, radio and telovition, arrived here last night with the internationally famous concert pianist' and composer, Count Aldo Solito de Solis. These two artists will present a program of music "everyone understands and loves." Cershwin, Chopin, Kern, Debussy, Porter and original compo sitions by Solito de Solis will be featured. The concert will bo presented at junior high school Saturday, Sept. 17, at 8:15 p. m. Tickets are available at Roy's Men's store, Lawson's Jewelers, and junior and senior high school. The Roseburg' Junior Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring the concert program locally. Red Cross Will Sponsor Football Danes At VA The American Red Cross will sponsor a dance carrying out the theme, 'football and college." at the' Veterans hospital recreation hall Monday night, Sept. 19, from 8 to 10 o'clock. Mrs. Leland Van Allen it chairman of decorations and Mrs. Joe Boudreau la In charge of refreshments. All wom en of the community are asked to attend to assist as hostesses. By courtesy of the Musicians Un ion. Judy Flora's orchestra will furnish the music for the dance. corresponding to those of t h e United S'ates. mm SOUTH END FUEL CO. Phone 1195-R 207 Rica St North China proper, between the fabulous Great Wall and the Yangtze River, lies In latitudes PAINTS All Kindt PAG' LUMBER ft FUEL ii. 2nd Ave Sj. Phon 212 Riddle Roping Club To Sponsor Another Rodeo Recause of enthusiasm and the wish of numerous cowboys around Riddle, the Riddle Riding and Roping club has agreed to sponsor the second big Rodeo for Riddle this year, Ike Orr, presi dent, announced. The date has been set for Sept. 24 and 25. The well known Blackie. Smith and Walt Mask have again been contracted to supply the livestock. There will be all the events and thrills of the previous Ro deo's. However, the prize money will be slightly smaller than the prizes of the annual July 4 Ro deo. The two-hour show will be run off in the usual efficient man ner, which is one of the outstand ing features of the. Riddle Rodeos, said Orr. All who have seen Riddle Ro deos know the thrills and chills to be enjoyed and those who haven't are urged to turn out. The admission price will be only $1.00 for adults and 50 cents lor children. Transportation, Portland, on the run between that city and Ash land. He has worked two and one half years for the Arrow Trans portation company, Portland; five years for the North Coast bus line, Seattle; four years for ine uay Liiy iransit company, Santa Monica, Calif.; and three and one-half years for the Los Angeles Motor Express, Los An geles, Calif. Nimmo was appointed by May or Albert Mault, upon approvel of the anyonville city council. He is replacing Officer Darrell Vredenburg, who under doctor's orders is to rest for ' several weeks. PUBLIC DANCE at the EAGLES Every Friday and Saturday Nights CHUCK'S RHYTHM KINGS 5-PIECE WISTERN BAND Dancing from 9:00 p. m. 'til 1 ,00 a. m. Admission 50c Everybody Stay Cool and Dance! Hall is Air-Conditioned! EAGLES Corner of Coss and Pine liatcl showboat; ff&xniAtZnd Q&fyjeAe. in PDPULRR CDnCERT o fit 10301 ttafflifr TOMORROW AND SUNDAY BUCK JONES "DEATH VALLEY RANGER" AND HOOT GIBSON Dawn on the Great Divide" f Sat.-Sept. 17th " 8:15 p.m. Junior High Auditorium Admission: 2.40 Reserved Seats 1.80 General Admission 75c Students Tax Included Tickets on sale at LAWSON'S and ROY'S Sponsored by Roseburg Junior Chamber of Commerce COMING SUNDAY 3 DAYS ty'r'Zj 'wfM T i mam HIZAtlTH RISOON PHILIP RIID STIVI HOOH . 2nd Feature EDDIE BRACKEN -VIRGINIA WELLES LADIES MAN ENDS SATURDAY HiiTiii Kits iriiui ttiMf ,-'"x TR U C0L O R i i2n r l RL3 Second Feature "TUCSON" Starts Sunday TsTHEY SING W j in and DANCE... 'if J 'rfit THE MUSKAl jis IVNv X LADDER TO rl m Anne REVERE jv ') Shari ROBINSON r T Al ALAN MOWBRAY f'f Z J STANLEY RIDGES h'f ' f HENRY O'NEILL W J , fc' JVe? NOWt CONTINUOUS SATURDAY FROM 1 P. M. CHARGED WITH EXCITEMENT and BLAZINO DHAMAI id PRESTON FOSTER BARBARA BRITTON iOMN IMIAMO MIO HAOiffY J. COWAIO NOMSflO VICTOC KaMAM v D 02