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About The news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1948-1994 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1949)
(Turn "Dust Gatherers'' Into "Cash Catchers" With Wani M r V i i CLASSIFIED RATES t days t days 4 daya J days Real Estate Real Estate Bargains ISO ACRES, SO arm tillable, balance pasture. 3 food all-year springs: large turn; gnoa 9 room noun; umuy or chard. Price 45250 00. H down. 0 ACRES. Nicely lor ted Nice 4 bed room home; food well: electric pump 2 all-year SDnnai: extra aood barn family orchard 33 arret tillable, bal ance open pasture. A real nice puce. Prlca 40500.00. Si ACRES. Clot In. T room home: elec tricity; work shop: garage; chicken house. Only 4500 00. U ACRES. Nice level land In dandv location. Good road. No building a. 91500 00, $100.00 down. Buy and build. SO ACRES. Nicely located In Sutherlln valley. Good home, barn, chicken houae, brooder houae. 46850 00. Terma or trade lor Coast property. I BEDROOM plastered home. Close In. Good location. A real bargain (or (4900.00. S BEDROOM HOC RE 100x100 lot. Close in. Why pay rent when you can buy for 4500.00 down. 43000 00 full price. NEW BEDROOM HOME EHA ap proved. Nice location. 47873.00. 440 ACRE STOCK RANCH with good all year creek and lots of springs. 125 acres tillable: water available for Ir rigation. Beautiful 3 bedroom modern home. Also 4 room house for em ployees. Good barm, shop, garage. Timber will help pay for this place. Priced at 430,00000. Terms. WE HAVE LARGER RANCHES, reasona bly priced. Also good Income prop erty, Paul H. Krueger, Realtor Bruce Taylor, Salesman Opposite City Hall Sutherlln , Phone 9711 I Better Homes Move In Todavi K JACKSON HOME with lovely round a, fine home with fireplace, bedrooms, den, breakfast nook, liv ing room, full basement with furnace. Price 411,300 make an offer for terms. NEW, lovely a grand view, a perfect kitchen, bathroom that Is a dream, fireplace, huge basement .Piped heat For 913.430 and an FHA loan act up, you can not go wrong. TWO BEDROOMS and room for two up, a nice home near Rose School all set up on FHA loan. Price 49.000 Sea this today. PAY LESS THAW 91.000 00 down on thta home priced at 97S.V). on an FHA loan. Two bedrooms, kitchen and well just all that goes to make up an extra fine home on large lot In a good district. TIMBER TIMBER 3.000.000 ft., cat show, winter show, county road, land, home '2. farm land. Will pay for itself. 420,000.00 and you make the terma. LOTS OF LOTS (any place any price) FOR GROUNDS, guest house, living room with frenrh windows and wall to wall carpeting shake exterior you can't beat this lovelv west side nomi, rm- oe'ier living pnoe at 900.00 and we will make up your Umpqua Realty , "99" from P. O Compare These Buys IRRIGATING CREEK flows right uirouan 111 ii zij acres; iiiiaoie, '.u bottom), 13 acres timber, balance good pasture. Fair 6 rm. house in beautiful aettlng. 14 stanchion barn, implements d pumps, unoeaiaoie value at is. 000. half down. 13 minute drive from HoseDurg. S ACRES with 4 bedroom house. 3 room apt. Small barn, in good location on city ous une, as.OQ mil price. . 383 ACRE RANCH close In 13 arret creek tot torn with Irrigating equip orchard, some timber. 9600 year lease on mm site Macninery, etc for 919t 000; good terms. 10 ACRE FARM with nice 1 BR home, large barn. etc. Lots of fruit and shade. Good soil, 8 miles Out Owner asks S9.00Q with easy terms. What do SEE Its fop river frontage, farm and hnmefttes. Irrigated ranches, stock 1 aiiv.iea 01 any size. Home Specials NEW 3 BR With attached tfrace and shop, utility, dining, bright kitchen iimi rwm. dmuiiiui ntrawroa floors. Insulated. Nice view and sur roundings Near Vet's Facility, 48300. 42.000 down. OLDER Dt'PLEX. re-decorated. In nice city location Tine view. At 47,400; wa pmcs can pay lor useii. C. S. Briggs & Co. REALTORS A GOOD BRAND NEW LISTING Two bedroom home located on the west side. It is a newer type home, very well construct ed, neat and clean. Lot of ahrubs, lawn, hedge. Big kitch en, lots or closet, bath and shower. Big lot. This Is a mighty comfortable home, 46230. Convenient terms. 4300 DOWN FOR STATE G L Hera ft another westalde home, well located on a corner lot. Beautiful fenced-in yard will please any child. Older home, but well kept and main tained. Two bedrooms, full din ing room, very cheery kitchen and glased-in utility room Ga rage, small workshop. 98300. FOR Bl'SINTSS AND PLEASURE Nice little 3 bedroom house within industrial rone few blocks from our office. Two adjacent lots nicely located for man who wants business next to home. Can put up Sheet Metal building House la mod ern. $3900 with terms for all. or can buy house alone for 94.330 with terma too. ROSEBURG REALTY & INSURANCE CO Umpqua Hotel Lobby Realtors SAFE BUYS NOW PROFITS AHEAD Henry C. Kelley, Realtor Sutherlin, Oregon 4'i ACRE RANCH 2-bed room home. Bsrh fixture, ready to he Installed With chicken house. Priced at 93 ton with 9Vn 00 down. City water and electricity Save your r-nt monev. 33 ACRE RANCH. 'room d last .'red home with bath Fife drilled well with electric Dump Garage, chicken hou se, la -e shoo. On I v 3 mf les out Prle- t-Vjnn. only 92 n.TO down. 400 ACRE RANCH Good spot on Hirh wav 99 10 acres cleared. SO a-res bi"f farmed. Some timber. Price 49.000, terms, or 97.500 cash. Henry C. Kelley, Realtor HIGHWAY 99 AT SUTHERLIN OPEN SUNDAY ?e Estate WE ARE NOW Doing Business at our new location, 1701 N. Stephens. We would appreciate you caning on us for your rcai estate prooiem. THS IS A GOOD BUY 3 bedroom new home jut completed. R5xl20 Int. (l.ono an. iuii price Sfc.uuu. uwmr will carry eai. on terms to suit. MODERN HOME with 3 bed rms.. Mv. din , kit . bk. nook and utility rm. Alio 1 rm. modern cottage in rear that rents for 933 00 per mo In city limits. All for 98 000, 42,000 dn. Good terms on oaiance. BRAND NEW 3 bed rm. home In laurel wood. 94.000 dn Bal EH A. This la noma ou could Da proud to own. A! MOST NEW HOME at Winston 3 bed rms. Li v. rm., and din. rm., comb. kit. Attached garage, large lot. nice garden and Uwn. Full price 44.800, j.wu. an. or win taxe in gooa car. 30 ACRES all tillable 3 rm. modern nouse with front and back porches, garage and fairly large barn on paved Hwy. all for (3.000. Dn. payment and terms to suit 3d ACRE RANCH nice modern home 40xw barn, chicken house. 3 wells, 300 tur-ceys. 200 chickens. 3 enws. 3 calves, 1 saddle horse, lots nice fruit trees, all for 96.300. 43,000 dn. Bal. 430. per mo. inc. int. NICE S RM. HOt'SE on Winchester Rt. with 6 Bidg. lo(, all for 43773. Terms. WE HAVE TWO of the finest grocery "'ii-i in ninruui tin dv Dougni for inventory and fixtures. No phone Information, please. Williamson Real Estate 1701 N. Stephen Phone 1480-J HERE IS A BARGAIN 1300 feet of floor space. 2 large bed rooms, full concrete basement, oil furnace, dining room, large kitchen, lots of closet space. Hardwood floors. Insulation. Garage Large lot with sidewalks and concrete driveway. Nice lawn wttn fine shrubs r H A. ap proved. Priced at 910,300. 00. 4 ACRES NORTH UMPQUA RIVER FKONTAGE Best of -oil and all in alfalfa with some nice shade trees. 4'i mile out. Electricity and good road. 44300.00. NICE WEST SIDE LOCATION Attractive 2 bedroom home with at tached garace. lot 63xo completely and beautifully landscaped. Good fur ninire lor sale. Price (good terms" 40930.00. LOG HOUSE ON ODEM. I.AKF Built right in I he woods on the shore of .Lake Udell, large rooms, elect, plant, oil heat. This 1 a beautiful place but owner must move due to Illness. Only 46300.00. DILLARD BOTTOM LOTS FOR SALE Price 9730 00 with only 973 00$ down. SEVERAL CHOICE BUSINESS OPPOR TUNITIES SOVE EXCELLENT STOCK RANCHES. Earl & Gladys Wiley Realtors ROSE HOTEL BI.DG. PHONE 720-R INCOME PROPERTY AND HOME: Main dwelling consists of 3 lovely room's. Really modern. Full cement basement with auto, gas furnace and all the modern conveniences. House number two is now rented for 930.00 per month wntrh will make the monthly payments. This house la on the pave ment and a fcus goes by the door every half-hour. If you want to see lovely hard wd. floors, beautiful rooms, especially the kitchen you will not be disappointed. All for 915.RO0, '1 down, bal. 930.00 per mo. inc. int. at 3'- 11 A. ON PAVED HIGHWAY: Rich free soil, B A. under plow. Lots of water the year round with good electric pressure system. Also live stream through place that never goes drv. Temporary dwelling 16x20 with cement floor. Dwelling 20x40 under construction. Nice cabin with finish ed walls 12x12. good strong barn fairly new. 3 brocdrr houses, 1,300 cntcics each, 4 brooder stoves, feed troughs, etc. Also lame pump house with good cement floor. Laundry trays. uarge cnicken nouse. S3.9.M). 91330 dn. baL 972O.0O per year 5". LOVELY VIEW CITY LOTS: 10 bike. from Post Office. 41.000 each, 9100 un , auruu p-r mo. LOTS IN DEFR CREEK MEADOWS: 73 x 150 and larffer. MOO and ud E Z terms with small down payment FRED LT'MM, SALESMAN PHONE 1212-R JAMES L PAYNE. BROKER 112 BROCKWAY PHONE 1301 Genuine Sacrifice 9121. OR LESS DOWN, centrally 1o- uira nrr new acnooi, stores ana bus. This nicely arranged 3 year oia nome Is land-.raped, has two oearonms witn ample closet space, oik floors, oil floor furnace heating, Venetian blinds throughout, aarase. Total price is only 96900. Bal. at 3 ui. vjuic possession. Stanley E. Short Realtor 114 West Lane St. Phone 1082-R 1 BEDROOM HOME: kitchen. living room, utility room. bath, but not in- at a i lea; hardwood floors; Insulated l. tuny tubs, oil heater and water heater go with horn?. 9! Hon cah or eimm aown ana S5o month. v. c Crfen. Ri. 2. Box 396-J, Roseburg Highway no, n. House Lots In Restricted Subdivision 450. down, balance low monthly pay ments. News-Keview Box I. 2 TWIN 6-UOOM "bungalow, 'hardwood floors, all modern Double rement driveway and garage. Lot 90x300 ft , industrial part of town. Worth 416. Xi Full price 910. "WW. 9?'O0 cash, balance term Call U14-J; tl no an swer call 4.1H.-Y YOUR OPPOHTLNITY to buy one of a w. uregon s finest ranches far be low building replacement cnM. 135 A. new modern 4 hedroom houae. barn etc. Variety fruit, nut trees, uprings, rreek. excellent climate. 9i:t.5iO. C. Swunsnn, ownT. Riddle Oregon. FOR SALE- Houte, not "quite finished 1 acre orchard; good well, electric pump, floor furnace. Only 2?oo Winston: turn left at fir:.t through road south of Edwards Auto Court; road runs directly into properly. Surveys Maps Plans Percy C Armstrong v-ivii angineer PIT So Main St Ph S17-RX EASY TERMS, "or will take trailer house a aown payment a acres with un finished house and small barn S E. of town, 2 miles. See Jack Butler. Ro-eburg Feed & Seed Co., Oak 4c Scruce Sts TWO BEDROOM, unfinished home on w Umpqua Highway about 12 miles out. situated between old and new h(gftwa . W T. Singleton. Idleyld Rt . Box 211-A. HOl'SE FOR SALE, with bullt-ins. hot water inn smx house not complete- i imisnea rrice s.h'ju can. O dres Yount St., Owen Gallop, after 9 pm. t ACRFS30 tMlabTeTroomhouV. outbuildings, lou of fruit. 2 ear around springs, pressure svs'em. 1 mile from Flkhead on Howard Road R V. Hutcheson, Rt. 1, Box 23-A. Yonratla FOR SALE PartTy finished .Vronrn house. 50x50 lot 9700., or will take car as part payment Call after 5 no p. m Cabin 1, Harts East Side Trail er Cimo 1 60 C R r.S G"-ade A d a : ry set up! modern. 4-room house, larce hay ham with 22 'anchion. srav tiv v'em at"r. plenty of -m and berries. V!roe Rt . Box 301. FO SALE Two bedroom. modern rime, well-located on Ou line, l'xm I4A ft, nice lawn Mv eouity and balance, 9-L1 M month l M lltr Lane TWO " Six l"f" CITY LOTS Goodview. cir.-e to town a-d school Reasonable - 25- down, low monthly pay men L Call Mw-tieCrkJ25 Si ODER N 2 bediw-n hoje with ba r"ert. fruit garden, and acreage. 92S Mart ten. Real Estate LOCATION Minutes from down town Roseburg, In another world from the hustle and bus tle of Industrial and business activity. Na turally beautiru rolling terrain haa been divided Into large lots by con- toured streets, paved for perma nence and cleanli ness, with each lot affording a view Cloverdale Park is Roseburg's largest, and wV.3rg.l!t most beautl' ful suburb. CONSTRUCTION FOUNDATION, continuous con crete FLOOR JOISTS, on 16' centers, 3-B PL1B graded. No. 1 and better CEILING JOISTS on 16" centers. 2 x 4-, PLIB grade d. number 1 or better. WALL STUD DINGS, on Iff" renters. 2" 4" PLIB graded. No. 3 or better. DOUBLE WALL const met Ion. papered or painted tnude wall, Reynolds Alumi num foil Insulation, wood sheeting, building paper, siding PLUMBING AND WIRING according to code. CEILING INSULATION of Ktmsul In halt WINDOW GLASS area exceeds FHA re quirements. WINDOW VENTILATION ditto. ATTIC VENTS louvered. FOUNDATION VENTS screened. INSPECTIONS BY APPOINT MENTS WATER HEAT ER, Rheem 40 gal. electric FURNACE. T0, 000 B T U. oil forced air. auto matic, spun glass filtered. WINDOW SCREENS. Rvlock aluminum. DOOR SCREENS, front and rear. WINDOWS, Lock wood. "non-sUck, float ing sash", weather stripped. DOOR BELL, front and rear. DOOR LIGHT, front and rur GUTTERS. DOWNSPOUTS, aluminum. BATH TUB. Briggs. "non-skid." SHOWERS in every bath. FIREPLACES, genuine "Heetllator". LAWNS, planted and tended to first cutting. FINANCE The most flexible fi nancing plans ever offered to Roseburg home buyers. FHA financ ing on low interest, low down nav- ment. lone term schedules, or CON TRACT financing for as: little as 95oo down, nr NO D0WNPAYMENT special arrangement. "Live in Cloverdale Pork" Drive out now or phone for transpor tation. It doesn't cost a dime to look. FIES AND CLUTE REALTY Exclusive Agents Phone ISM Open 10 a. m. p. Cloverdale Office Open Dally Including Sunday For Sale 1. 3 Bedroom modern plastered house insulated on paved street. Basement with utility, ground level. Sawdust furnace outside fireplace with lawn fenced, garage, shrubs, arbor. This house ia completely furnished, wall to wail new carpet, aavenpori, cnairs, dining and brk. sets, beds complete, refrigerator, elec. range, floor lamps, drapes, curtains. Priced at 48000., 92000. Wn. Bal. like rent. 2. New 2 bedroom home plastered, hard wood floors, large living room, large DeOTooms, lots closets, hitmen Duilt im, move In now. Only 97600, 91600. dn. This la two specials, we have manv nt her good buys. SEE US BEFORE BUYING. Paul H. Krueger Real Estate A. V Taylor. Salesman fllfl S. Stephens Roseburg, Oregon Convenient Terms MODERN 2 bedroom home near new Green school situated on fair sized lot. Concrete foundation. Interior in sheetrock. papered. Full price 94OO0 9V down, balance at 455 per month. Vacant. Stanley E. Short Realtor 114 West Lane St. Phone 10M-R LOTS IN WINSTON with ten thousand ft of lumber Lights, water and phone line in front of lot; will fur n'sh you a place to live at reasona ble rate, while building 9AP0 your terms within reason. Why not buy something you can pay for 3 rooms and 1 acre land 3't miles south of Rnt-eburg Your terms within reason. 9I1TQ. Charles White. 4 mile west, mile north of W I niton. When It's Real Estate in Myrtle Creek and Soutb Douglas Co. Winston i Wynter Realtor MYRTLE CREEK. Ore PHONE 44A APPROXIMATELY I acre on SouTh t'mpnjia river; 4-room. modern house, fireplace. 2 room rabin. garage, win ter a wood, pressure pump 9 fruit trees, strawberries, lawn, hedge Har old Yost. 3 miles South of Roseburg on Tiptnn Rod 3-Bedroom Home Modern, attached garage, concrete drive and walks, beautiful view, corner lot; ".hn?' ous service Phone ewQ-R-l Cots FOR SALE Ctty rater and ItghTs axailahle. Lnd down na ment Eugene H idenour. Pbone 730-J -4. -Sl 19k WjM Inipectors fm fr5fW Inspectors Wf ' aTeneral I anVt-3 contractor L tl r3L Inspectors e 1 9ijiJ burg kssal I ( JJ M Homes, l 4t Inspectors pendently. Theyll Do It Every JUVVm rib IWKN KI6EKAT0R (SASTWC BLiys JUST TD PLACATE HER- why don't a,ssiH ni rn rifrn WE 6ET ONE ) pppfffcSSJ rrL II J ZZS I Real Estate Valley Real Estate Agency 1 ACRE on South I'mpoua river, with 1 oearoom nome; piasterea ana stucco: small chicken house: 2 room cabin: garage: family orchard; good garden aoii. esiuu. eiauu. aown. BRAND NEW HOME, right here In town; never occn uvea in; nas bedrooms; plastered; hardwood floors: city gas: wired for range, city sewer; vacant now. 97500. down. NEW 9 BEDROOM, modern home that la a dandy; hardwood floors; fully in sulated: Dlaitered: owner is leavine. must sell. 98750. 43250. down. The owner la using a loss on mis. NEAT AND CLEAN t bedroom home in town; dining room: hardwood floors Sss furnace; wired for range; sewer; years old. Large lot. 49000. Easy terms. a ACRE In edge of Roseburg. with almost new 2 bedroom home; city bus: or will trade for 3 bedroom home. 46475. 91300. down. 1 HOUSES on one tot. Live In one and rent the other; close to city center: one house rented now at 450. per month. 44050. 42450. down. LARGE 4 BEDROOM unfinished house Beautiful view: well constructed; some Interior finishing done. This ia a real buy for some handy man. Only 922.V), or take all 4 lot for 4250. Some terms. GRADE A DAIRY RANCH; 1M acres fixed to rare for 24 cows. Milk par lor, lots of outbuildings, 4 bedroom house and bath. ' mm good timber; a money maker $8250. 43500, down. 22 ACRES of good soil, T1 miles out. with very nice 3 bedroom home, large chicken house, lots of road frontaee. suitable lor sub division. 410,500, easy 3 ACRE HOMESITES, rich black loam, 4095. 4250. down. Valley Real Estate Agency 119 W Cass St Phone B6fl Weighing Values 44500 total price for a brand new two bedroom home. Beautiful tinted plaster finish, electric heat, hardwood floors throughout, full hath. See this one before you buy. 4500 down to State G. 1. Stanley E. Short Realtor 114 West Lane St. Phone 102-R FOR SALE Approximately 10 acres"! large, partly modern house, barn .and other outbuilding!. Family orchard. 9iMX down, balance Ilka rent Phone 922.R-1. WILL SELL I or 2 3 -room houses. 1 rented, other vacant. Both for 9.1.930 . terms. Take car or houae trailer in trade. Tons Burke. Mountain View Road. FOR SALE Equity In 4 -room house, 1 acres; half finished. 424O0. down, car or cash. Balance 9:W22. Rt. 1. Box 141, East Douglas.after 3 p. rn. Always Have It Surveyed Jim Diughertv the engineer Ph fi7-R Work Wanted Rsbg. Sanitation Service Septic Tanks Cleaned Tanks opened free, prompt service, rea wninif raies. no mileage cnarge. Phone 1294. Y 74ft Short St camond. Prop. ALL BUILDING construction, new and old, remodeling, 10 down, no Job too large or too small All type masonry construction. flagstone and brick barbecues and patios a specialty Mag nesite floors and drain boa rdi Phone l.VW-R-l. contractor. A R Snow DRESSMAKING. ALTERATIONS All types. Practical nursing. Taking rare of your home and children while iou are vacationing or week end rips or hour work. Call 1146-L at 412 Fowler. FOR"HIRE D-7 cat and loading don key. Call Herman Fugate at Oakland, or call evenings Home on Highway W. N. across from New Land Hotel. ARRANGE FOR YOUR fall plowlna now 30 to 1000 acres, contract nr SoS-j'he hour. Good equipment. Pit Noti ce All septic tanks and cesspools cleaned special lan rate a" gal. tank. 919., 5u0 gaL tank. 427. Phone 1294-Y. Rsbg. Sanitation Service CTRTAINS and lace tablecloths laun. aerea and stretched Also Ironing, housework by the hour. Call 488 -L. BASEMENTS AND back yards cleaned. i.igni pickup ana aenvery t;. A Deal, Phone 1!S-J-S Roe. burg. FLOOR COVERING Complete sales and installations. Free estimates. Modern Tlnor Covering Phone 348 WANTED Work for short log truck, 16 and 18 ft logs. See L. M. Kramer, Camas Valley ALTERATIONS DRESSMAKING AH types Mrs. Don W Garrison, 1005 Madrone St Phone 8H2 L Experienced carpenter w a n t a work, reasonable wages. Phone jaia-j.i WASHING AND IRONING in my home Ph. ll-R-2 CARPENTER WORK. painting and cement M J. Magness, ph lTf-X. EXPERIENCED CASHIER wants day hlft Ph l04-R-l WILL CARE for 1 or 1 childTenrPmy home da vs. Phone IW-L-X WORK WANTED with 22 caL piowfngor dlringPhone g-Pi r. I. Belts TRAILER TOWING Ph 5.10 R X 2 -Sours 419 Garden Vallev Road Practical nlrse, h'wpitai evperT- enre News-Review. Box 8. WANTED Ironing In mv home 531 Fowler St Phone 519-JX. Practical ni.rpe Mabel L cToum Rt 1 Rni Ml. Sutherlin For Trade FORD A COtPE for Ford A pick-up H S Cheek, Box 224, Melrose Route. Time IWklEW Help Wanted Wanted Auto Mechanics Service Salesman ALSO SERVICE FLOOR HELPER NO EXPERIENCE NLCESSARY Lock wood Motors TIRED WORKING FOR OTHERS? Would you like the satisfaction and inde pendence of your own business? We can probably arrange a good Rural Locality or City District for you in City of Roseburg and viclnltv. Large lines some 200 household, farm pro ducts Well known. High grade. Buy on credit at wholesale sell at retail. Large profits. Write todav. Rawlelgn s. Dept. ORI-2TO 21L., OaklandCali7. WANTED: 2 or 'j good men that are money hungry. Have more definite appointments than have men to handle them. You can work 1 hr. or 24. Can average better than 9150 per wk. if you don't believe it come down, and I'll show you, but If you don't need money, don't wapte your time or ours. Apply between 9 to 12 a m. Reserve Li f e In surance Co. , 230 N. Stephens, Rm. 20.1. Wanted Experienced Studebaker Mechanic KFEL MOTOR CO. 4 N Jarkion BUS BOY WANTED Apply Immediately Steady Position HOTEL UMPQUA Wanted Immediately Man between ages of 30-24 for Paris Department clerical work. Ability to type helpful Ultimate goal Sales or Management. Phone 1220, Parts Mgr., CARE FOR 1st grade boy from noon to 4:30 week days In vicinity of Ful lerton School. Leave name and address by calling 247 Saturday till noon, week da vi 4 to 8. HAVE OPENING FORW6eTpeHenced iramjr operators at ieona a neauty Shop, Marshall Wells building. Ph. .17-rf. arw. 67.1-J. EXPERIENCED AUTOMATIC trimmer- man, nignt sntrt; steady job. Call Natron Slatlon before (100 p. m Phone 72204 Springfield after 7 p. m. FILBERT PICKERS WANTED. Start Monday. H. M Knapp, Garden Valley Rt. 2, Box 2fil. LADIES Would you Invest 5 hours a day ir cam ma 01 su earn week 7 write Box 984. News-Review. WANTED Man with power saw to fall ana duck, rnone 13-J -4 after B p. m. WANTED Log trucks. Call 993 R 5. Wanted Wanted BEEF. VtAL AND PORK Fred Boyer Phon 032 R J. or M l.! or writ Roula I. RoMburg Will Pay Cash WE BtTY used furniture, all types. Call as sr no. jscksoo. rnone The Bargain House WANTED TO RENT-a 3 or 4 bedroom house In or near Roseburg. Refer ences exchanged. Call 4HA-J after 3 p m., or R0 anytime, and ask for A I Lou n bury. WANTED" TO RENT - 3 to 3 bedroom. mi limned nouse or apt. win pay for good place Please call Umpqua Hotel, room 422. "WANTED Used wood c,reulaTlnVhVaT er with large fire box. 242 S. Pine, ph 24.1-L-X WANTED TO RENT-2 or 3 beiroom modern houae In or near Roseburg. References. Ed Claussen. Dlljard. WANTED Junk, all kinds; copper, brass, aluminum, lead, rags, batteries. Bob s Salvage YardJKirM N. Stephens. WANTED Furniture, sewing murhlne and tools Anything of value. Private party Phone 355-R-3. CALL AT for a fair bid on your fur niture Al's Furniture Center. 914 Win chester St Phone 1.127 -R Wanted to buy-aii kinds of rumT- lure Let us bid on your house of ur nitur Call 903.R st 5 N Jackson Rt WANTED Best old car under 1211 W 1st Ph 479-L 430. WANTED TO BUY HldesI itoseburg Meat Co.. phone 280. Dogs Registered Pointer Pups And trained female. Reasonable. 2445 River Road, Eugene, Oregon, or will -307lt M Stearns AKC Rg. St Bernard puppies; strong", healthv, farm raised from fineit Swl-a-Amencan bloodlines. Rtdgewood Arres, Hox 114, B lan ton Road, Eu gene, Oregon Jacob's Kennel's Ph. 73-6-J LABRADOR REfffiZVKR pup,, tn we.k, old Lititr r-KiKtcrM rcmalM 25. rarh 113 Alam.da Avf &RA-HO C'6CKKR KENNriTTHonTsn or 4&3-Y Het and pt pupolMll coior,!lliid Mrvtra CHEAT DANES, female. (Topped. Make an off.r. Phr-ne IVia-R 5 BASCHrstER RAf lerrleriTTuTiTrWi M-t, H. U. Curry. Financial F. H. A. UMPQUA REALTY ArrnM frm Poet Offlea on Hifieav 113 N Staphena Pb. 1M3-J By Jimmy Hatlo 0 WHAT POES SHE KEEP IN THIS SPACIOUS CUPBOARD? LESS fOCO THAN OLD MOTHER HUBSARt? Rentals FOR RENT Sleeping rooms, men only. If you are working outside of the city and would like to spend the week ends in town, save money by renting one of these rooms, and have a place of your own. 1 room. 922. per month: 1 room. 42T. per month. Lights, heater, water furnish ed. Single beds, springs and mattress. Bathroom and toilet. Private outside entrance. Large living room: very attractive: easy walking distance. Come and see them at 1100 Corey Ave. Ph 124B-R. FOR KENT New Clark Floor Sander and POLISHER Denn-Gerretsen Co. 402 W Oak St Phune 124 FOR RENT POLISHER. WAXER and scrubber All in one tool Light enough any child can handle finger-tip control. F & W Floor Covering Co. 337 S Stephens Phone 147B-R MODERN, furnished" house; large yard, near school. Available Sept. 20. Also 2-room apartment, partially furnished, 92.1 per month. Also 1 sleeping room, 44 30 week. See Mercy Buell, DIL Rent A Singer Electric portable sewing machine for use In your own home. SINGER SEWING CENTER 304 N Jackson Ph. 723 Basement UNDER LOCAL store In renter of Rose burg. Ideal for storage. Alley entrance. Contact Manager Joe Richards Men's Store f R AILER SP A iTT YWE F. K or month! Constant hot water, heated showers, laundry: dry, well-graveled park: chil dren welcome. "At-Laat-A ' Trailer t arn, norm ww. FOR RENT 25 acre' ranrh, with "fl-room, modern house, with wall to wall car pet, 971 month. Responsible people only. Ph. 12-F-24. REFIN1SH your own floors, easily done with our high speed floor sender, in expensive Montgomery Ward 4 Co Phone 99 SROOM, modern apt. furnished: also Roy utility room; at Looklngglass. num. prion l-T -1. 3-ROOM HOUSE; no lights, well water. 5 miles west Highway 42. M. R. Niel- fn. jnrncK way, uregon. ROOM TO rent with bath. Gentleman preferred. J'n, iwh-h, 1240 ti. Jack son TRUCKS FOR RFNT You drive, long w iKuri rips or mvst trues: rental T:9 South Ste p hens. Phone H36-J lKUiKa and trailers for rent, move yourseir. innmpton signai Service. Stephens at Washington Phone 795 3-BF.DROOM furnished modern house wun acre garaen ana orcnard. l mile bevond Glide Store. B. T. Litton. HOUSE FOR RENT Fisk property, end oi fveasey noaa. aiB-K-j, evenings onlv. fN REAR, room and garage ; cooking privileges. Ph. 14M-R. SLEEPING ROOMS. gentlemen. No drinkera. ions', Madrone St.. ph. 593 FOR RENT OR LEASE 3-room modern nous nox iiA-A, raeirose Hi. FOR RENT Room for gentleman. Phone n conn SLEEPING ROOJ4 Jot rent Phone SLEEPING ROOM for man. 30 N. jact". ton. rTK'E. PLEAN room for rant SiaTBootn. rn. i.-ii-l.. au aveninaa. FOR RENT Sleeping room,. Phone 1K42-J ROOM FOR RENTT jouniman. 103 11111- lary. Ph. 8IW-J SINCLE SI.EEPINO Room near Tiiih arnnol. 11R4 Military. CABINS BY WEEK. 3', mile, N. Parlflc Cablna. Ph. OM-J-J ROOMS TOH RENT. llh and without aurn.n priviieeea- vis rowler. 0 DR!VE TRUCK rental Wln.tnrTTrilT. er Court. Win.toq phone PQJ-J-2 SLEEPINOROOM SLEEPING ROOM. 37 W. MoaharT- Business Opportunities DEALERSHIP Roseburg and vicinity. Eastern corpora tion nffrrs an exclusive franrhlse to qualified party. Business provides excellent Income Immediately. Liberal finanrlal assistance enables rapid ex- rsniion. Business fully established be ore ynti take over. Applicant must have 427. W capital for Inventory. This places you In a stable lasting and well paying business Will stand your bank ers Inspection. If cash la not available do not waste your time or ours. Write futlv, give address jnd phone number. Address Box 10. care News-Review. For Sale Popular Drive-In Excellent equipment, owner selling due to Illness. Fast young trade, drive in. restaurant and home delivery fnnd service. Small down payment. Owner will carry mortmee for bal ance No reasonable offer refused. Phone Grants pass .'MU or 4I.U. FOR SAL.E New pumice atone atore, sue 34x30 Living quarters In back. Shelves and gondolas It Is In very food location 3 miles south of Mvrtle reek on Hiway 09 See owner Frank Crensky next to Melody Mountain Barn Phone IOOjMyrt! Creek 18 UNIT MOTEL. Owner, phone 1423. ' Notice We Wish to Thank the Fire Dept. and Volunteer Firemen for Their Quick and Efficient Service in Controll'ng the Fire at the Roseburg Paving Co. Fri., Stp. 16, 1949 The Newt-fttview, RoMburf, Ore. IS For Sale Miscellaneous SPARTAN ' - M' - JO - 34 The Ufa time trailer Hu body w tolttv, wiu lu W yri or mora. No try rol Kit Columbia 13' 14' SO' S3' 13' The West's Fattest Sellers and Other Trailers of Quality Also used trailers, trade-ina accepted Bank contracts. Contracts to 3 years oa Spartans. Earl E. Smith N W Largest Dealer Eugene Ore Phone Springfield 3431 3 Miles South on 99 Rt 4. Bo 33, Euaene New 40 Gallon Gas Hot Water Heater Can he used with city gas or Butane, This la a good buy at $75 The Ice Creamery 314 No Jackson House Trailers Zimmer 28 Ft. Tandem wheel , electric water heater. A real buy. Contact J. O. West. Mont, gomery nerd Appliance) Dept., ph. 45. Sportsman 25 Ft. For sale or will trade as down payment on house. Contact Darwin De Hart, Montgomery Ward, ph. 44. 3 Compact vacuum cleaners complete with attachments. These machines are practically new, been In use only about 3 months. Will accept bids. t Singer electric Iron. 1 Motorola portable battery or electric radio. Good condition. 420. Inquire at 208 Douglas Co. State Bank Bidg. or phone 44. New Home Exchange Winter coats, 9V all sizes skirts, all wool, 41. sweaters all wool, 91. ana nvlons while they last. Also rum mage table shoes and dresses, your price wnue mey last. River Loam Delivered GOOD TOR GARDENS AND LAWNS Wo have ao abundant eupply. Paul Casey ST W Mother Phono 11T-T WASH the Way You Want to at The Self Service Laundry la Cobb St. Try Our Friendly Service CfiTTffiAYER with fan, "Sunlite", 8 to 4 room alze, M-lnch burner, 440. Or gan. Deautirtu old instrument, ei reliant condition and tone, 4123. 1193 Ma -1 rone. FULLER BRUSH MAN PHONE 615-Y-X THOR AUTOMATIC WASHER, latest model. 1123. Must sell due to water shortage. Turn left at Winston Bridge, about 2 miles from Highway. F. Llcnlng. C V. Star Rt. iRRf.X'S9 CARRYING CAKE ATTACH MENT. O. E. Exposure mater, carry ing rasa, S flood lamps, Argus En larger and dark room equipment slide holder. $100 Phone 127. Oliver's ARE OUT OP TOWN for S short time lstlc tanks and drain fir Ids. FOR SALE H. P. Kellogg air com pressor, complete with automatic switch and lank, l.w id. pressure, wis. Thor washing machine, 430. Edwards Auto Court. Winston. TRAILER, Psn American, tike new, 4ntM. down, balance 409. oer month: also u ft., 4400. Ph. 4A5-J-4, The New ainon. '48 27-ft. Curtis Wright trailer house, fully equipped. Butane range, sleeps o. si7wj. nays Automotive service Oakland. JO West era ft trailer house, 4H0D Terms considered g miles north on Highway n, ' mile west of former Western Kquipment nlng 1447 WHIRLABOlltfRTT.ERr479jr eel lent condition, sleeps 4, Butane neat ana coo King, low No. Stephen. Kenneth Keck. two BEVERAGE refrigerators, one 3D cu it. nuiianio lor restaurant oi tavern. Inquire at Idle Hour Tavern 58 N Jackson. J-ROWNINO PUMP SHOTGUN. 13 aa . full choke, .12" barrel. 4). 4th house on left, Bllger Creek Road, Myrtle EOR SAI-fc--Winchester rtfles 25-35 and . auto.: peep sights and shells. 301 E 1st Ave ,N. h. 1145-Y. CIRCULATING OfC HEATER; bench with vise; baby g high chair. Ph. 280 GaCTjUTANE tank 4200 delivered: no down pa ment, 47 no month. 314 E2nd Ave N. Ph 10B5-L. IOR RALE 3 piece Chartreuse sectlon el divan. 1200 Winchester St. Ph. 813-J-X STURDY two-wheel trailer, good tlreT. rack body. See Hall at Coals Trailer SAW, Multiplex radial arm. model 40A: new and a fine buy at 4-150 00 See JohnHes, Melrose Rt . Box 94. SMALL CHEST Or tR AWERS for"a!e. Virgil Anderson. Masonic Cemetery Road. Eden bower ONE BKND1X waahe7r"onPBend7rdfy er: both unite 4.K. 2nd house on cross of Melroseand L. C Roads. 4 DOORS, ihlnged togtheri ilro4"iP bv 2 10". See and make an offer. C'anvonville Rlble Academy. 4-WHEEL TRAILER. sultablefoTTarm wagon, 4125. 1813 Ellen St. near Edenbowrr Trailer Court. FOR SALERheem gas heater. 34.000 BTU. ied 4 months, looks like new. 450 972-R f OR SALE Locker meat, good Angus rattle. or whole unIL C 4 Hodgs (;iide, Oregon HOt 'S MOVINdTTouidettoiiT".-velmT 14 years experience PAR Towing. 74.1 S Stephens Phone 926 45 WHITt NEW ZEALAND rabbliland hutches for sale O D Hubbard. Aus tin Road Phune I5fli R-4 LA RGE CEDAR fence posts for sale Roseburg Shingle Co. N Umpqua Rd Phone 1273-J 0SED lPRIGHtfANr tlon. 4IH0 2 miles out trtod condl iddle road from Canynnvllle 8 D Hemphill 1947 1 4 ft trailer. Good condition; priced to sail. Inquire at Pitts Sta tion. Myrtle Creek. For Sale Miscellaneous 1943 GLIDER 39 ft. trailer houae. butane) equipped, oil heat, food - condltlen. New Moon Trailer Court. ( EI. AT ALTO tax. Inquire Umpqua 'lorlaU. Call 930. rSMAL cream aeparator: 1 uaad aatfV dle. good condition. Phono 1314-R. 6ne "Piper Cub' is urn ur.nee. sooC Call for Clair. Roaa Motor Co. fOR SALE Larfo Hereford calf, frala fed. Phono -r-3. STINSON IM, furThape7TS)t. cC call for Clalr Roaa Motor Co. iEDROOTET7TnOno 993W-1. St. 1, Box FOR SALE Fine hunting rifle. 30 0. 330 Ford St., ftoaeburg. Loans MONEY ti m w n $int 4300 4300 UP TO S3O0 Borrow en your salary AU steadily env 'loyed men and women may qualify odav for a selary loan up M 4300 whether jrou'ra la a aaw joo m aa oi4 Borrow on your ear or furnltura. Tour furniture or automobile make excel lent security at Local Loan paid for or not i'p to 430O on your rural tut up to 4900 oa your car Special "Pay Day" Loans. 410. S44. 4M loaned till "Pay Day" or loafer Fay ool fur the actual number ot 4aya you keep the money. 434 coats lite for one woelL No other chargoa. Phon (or your Loaa LOCAL i LOAN CO. Loo Sot 7, Mgr. 0 No Jarkaoa Phone 1173 LU. S-371: U u Roaa burg LOANS UP TO $300 ' Oa your tignature. runuturt or - Livestock UP TO $500 On your automobile (paid for, or pott. Loans made quickly, privately fog worthwhile purpose such aa Unexpected expenses . Medical and Dental MUa Vacation expenses Consolidate debts fte-l-nancing When you borrow gel your mono? from the Company that makes It convenient to borrow and convenient to repay Lower payments now avallab-p up to 40 mo the to repay. CALKINS FINANCE - CO. 304 Douglas County Stat tank Bldf , Phono 444. M-337 Btato Lie. B-304 Logging Equipment Clean-Up Sale NEW 4 USED LOGGING . TRUCKS nd TRAILERS M Suaoubl Offar Xafuaaa: Trada-Ina Takan Tarma Ua to . 14 Monthi NO CASH DOWW PAYMENT aqulrad U You Ara Baaponalbl DIAMOND T 6-WHEELER Brand Nsw tO OOxM Utm. 1M h . DART 6-WHEELER Brand naw 1000x30 Uraa. 17 h p. 1MT Intarnatlonal 4-Whaalar 1 00xJ0 Uraa. 1MI Intarnallnnal -WhMtor a.ooxao uraa. 19M Inlamallonal (.WhMlar 00x20 Una. 1H1 Whlla 4-Wliaolar 11.00x10 Uraa. Baall and Tnomaa Trallart 8 00x30 uraa. Olympic Motors Aberdeen, Wash. Phone 14S D4 CAT serial number T-J-41T2 wlta Hysier drum and LaPlant Choat, hy draulic dozer See at Tvee Lumber Co., Sutherlln Ore, or phone 1202 Suther lin FOR SALE Dt 18 International tractor. conouion. ba auu aaagii yaraer, A-l condition K5 International dump truck, Ph S14-J-4 evenings. Timber Sawmills Wanted 8 Ft. Fir Cants THE PRICE IS UP Sullivan & Son Timber Wanted One to four million feet good growvn aium pair . must om winter show. C E. Crasser, at Look bigg lass Store Ph. 27-P-22. FOR SALE Complete sawmill." CMC motor, eager, new carriage and saw husk. Donald Brady, phono 121-F-l, Box IM. Azalea. f OR SALE Aaw mill or any' parT vj s v itisi vau ana ai nmr miH Boy Denay. 434 Winchester.