10 Th News-Review, Rotcburg, Ort. Frl., Sept. 16, 1949 "1 y x ...... .. V aa X " ... A-'".-- -i U . S. IOCKEY ABROAD Johnny LonrdVn (left) rhata with Irlih jockey Moray Wins it Currach racetrack, Ireland, where Lonideo won on Pink Larkspur, hU Bnt mount abroad. WOMAN KILLED BAKER, Sept. 16. (JP A young housewife died near Baker Wednesday aflrrnoon when 'he car she wan driving loft the road on a long curve and threw her lrom the car. Emma Safah John on, about 24. Pondosa, was the accident victim. She wai driving alone. Her body wa discovered bv Pondosa people driving be hind her to Baker. Protect Your family with the. B. M. A. Polio plan. Call Mr. Lincoln, 938-J-4 t drop card to Box 108 Melrose Route. CROSBY BUYS RANCH COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho P) Bing Crosby has bought a $75, 000 home on the shores of Hay den lake near here to use ai a vacation headquarters, a real es tate dealer disclosed. The singer bought the E. J. Gibson Point home overlooking the lake. The Grldley Investment company, which handled t.e sale, did not disclose the price, but the home la In the $75,000 class. Three Hour Luncheons The Greatest Evil In Sin Ridden Manhattan I8L5 Wind under the door Means colder and harder to heat rooms during the com ing winter. Check your doors now ond see how they fit. Do. they fit tight? If not call us for the latest in doors that will enhance the beauty of your home. Do it today ond be assured that your heating bill will be lower this year than it was last. 1 ' ' By HAL BOYLE NEW YORK (.P What will finally destroy New York City? Time has washed down the drain the great metropolises of many previous civilizations. And in time this hubbub-on-the-Hud-son probably will also be reduced to the whisper that now echoes from Sodom, Gomorrah, Nlnevah and Tyre. But how? It is unlikely that atom bombs will make it a wilderness again. The pigeons may slowly cover it up as the starlings are fast ob literating Washington. D. C, or, as some believe, the city may be wiped out in a sudden mass out break of violence by maddened riders of the Long Island rail road. Three-Hour Lunch My own theory, however, Is that Shangrl York will be done to death by the three-hour Manhat tan lunch. This is a spreading epidemic that attacks our social, economic and cultural structure at the top. The modern three-hour Man hattan luncheon is the old simple businessman's blue-plate special raised to the stature of a Holly wood production. Its temples are the popular res taurants of the midtown and fi nancial districts places where the waiters purr and the menu prices look like a listing of the war debt. Gathered around the table are two to four people who ostensibly (have met to undertake Important ; business, but whose real objective lis to gossip, see, and be seen. Ritual Begins The ritual begins prompt!y at 12:30 o clock.. "Anybody going to have a drink?" says the first man ten tatively. "Think I'll pass myself." "Pass," says the second, after a pause. "Well" hedges the third. "Let's have one anyway," says the fourth, mad because they have all palmed the real decision off on him. So they all lap up a double round of martinis extra dry. And the first man orders a third martini, wondering if the others think he is drinking too much. He bonders himself, too. Cares Disappear By then the havoc of the night before and the cares of the morn ing are gone. In a mellow glow they go on to a half dozen oysters SLABWOOD In 12-1 6 and 24 In. lengths OLD GROWTH FIR DOUBLE LOADS WESTERN BATTERY SEPARATOR Phone 651 lor clams for energy. Next comes a huge plate of chicken au gratin I with asparagus tips and a side or I der of salad. Like women they hestltate over whether to try a I dessert. The answer Is always 'e.-." a chunk of pastry big I enough to throttle a nlppo- poiamus. Then cpmes coffee and "brandy?" "Oh, why not?" and a double round seems only sensible. Why let a gooa lire die once it s burn ing well? The four gents by now are cooking on 16 burners. If they are radio writers they are pitying Shakespeare. If they are bus iness executives, they are agree ing that J. P.Morgan would have died a really wealthy man If he hadn't made so many boners. All Geniuses A rosy glow wraps them In goodwill, and they are all geni uses together. Then someone says: "Good lord, It's 3:30!" They waddle out and grab a cab back to the office. There the double martinis, chicken, oysters, salad, coffee and French pastry churn them Into a torpor. The afternoon is lost. Until quitting time they sag like sugar sacks over their desks. They have to stop off for a couple of quick highballs on the way home to Keep a live. "Tomorrow I'm going to Just have a snack lunch, they promise themselves. But they don't. It's bark to the same old trough for another wallow. Three-hour luncheons may take a long time to destroy New York. But they do a quicker Job on the men who eat them. JA mAtv 'P S f X . STUDYINC LAY OF THE LAND Gerhard Hornemann (seated, center). Berlin schoolboy who won a prise of foor weeks In Em land and the I'. 8. in the European Recovery pro tram essay contest, studies a map of America, surrounded by bis mother and five brothers and sisters, f Three States Agree On Trucking Tax Law SALEM UP Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho have agreed tentatively to recognize each other's system of licensing com mercial trucks, William E. Healy, assistant secretary of state, de clared. Healy said the agreement was reached at Spokane last week end at a conference of officials of the three states. Healy said the new agreement provides that each state should receive Its proportionate share of license revenue from inter-state travel In the three states. Last year, Idaho cancelled its reciprocity agreement with Ore gon on grounds that Oregon's truck taxing law penalized Idaho truckers. The recent legislature changed the law so that Idaho now is satisfied. Under the new agreement, truckers will be able to operate In any of the three states with plates' bought In only one of the states, provided that state is the truckers headquarters. Healy said California, Montana, Utah, Wyoming and Arizona are considering Joining the agreement. Stubborn Ruhr Fire Guards 418 Victims Of Mine Blast By TOM REEDY KAMEN, Germany, Sept. 16. (P) After three and one-half years, a stubborn fire still guards the tomb of 418 German minets in this tiny Ruhr valley coal town. The men were entombed In Feb ruary, 1946 by a mighty explosion that never has been explained. It was one of the worst mine disasters in history. The entire shaft was cut off. Engineers flooded it in an effort to halt the raging fire that fol lowed the blast. Then It was seal ed off to protect other veins. Fire Never Stopped The fire never has actually stopped, officials .of the Essen Steinkohle Werke said. Crews have dug steadily from another direction ever since to reach the area and remove the bodies. "It will take another year," said Director General R. J. Wern lng. Eventually the bodies will be extricated for burial in the vil lage cemetery. The disaster cost the company an estimated ten million marks ($3,000,0001, without calculating the unexplored coal veins which I were blocked off. The effect never has worn off ! in a community of only 8.OO0 fneonle. Trades union officials said even now the young men of Kamen are reluctant to be come miners and risk such an experience. Werning said mine experts have examined every possibility to explain the blast that shook the Ruhr countryside. They fi nally blamed the weather. "That is the only conclusion we could reach," he said. On that February night, the Ruhr valley experienced a pecul iar phenomenon. The air sudden ly became heavy and hot. Then it was split by a deafening thun derstorm and a brilliant display of lightning. The mine men think some thing In this peculiar combina tion must have touched off gas that otherwise would have been harmless. The Kamen mine had the reputation of being among the safest In the Ruhr. The United States has more than a dozen communities named Berlin. CAR DRAGS BOY PORTLAND, Sept. 15. l. A 14-month-old boy, playing un. der his father's car, was dragged 10 to 15 feet when the car started up. The father, Lt. Cmdr. Walter P. Ramsey, drove away Tuesday night without knowing that his little boy was injured. He did not learn of it for several hours. When making baked custard us a slow (325 degrees F.) oven and have the water in the pan in which the custard cups are set come to about the level of the custard. Individual custards pre pareC this way may take as long as one hour to bake. LOOK Tms SIGN PA1NTIN0 ' f!FCOCATN0 AMERICA IT IS YOUR PROTECTION Fully Guarantee Reliable Quality Work At No Added Cost Roseburg Chapter P. D. C A. Phone 208 Western Distributing Co., Phone 1294-L SPECIAL 2 WEEKS ONLY ON GOODYEAR'S FAMOUS SAFETY TUBES We will allow you lull list price for your present tubes .up to .! . . lii CSOlt HCflOM Of 'Ml liriouAiot L ' a;. -? 'f;7" Mm.'; vv i " I 'g.20 1 each when traded In SI on now llftOuardi 9 LifeGuards make blowouts harmless as siow leaKS. 9 LifeGuards outwear as many as 3 sets of tubes. HERE'S HOW UFIGUARD SAFETY TUBES DIFFER FROM ORDINARY TUBESi OIDINARY TUH SLOWS-. In t ant I y both tfr and tub go flal, Iroquontlr throwing car out of con-trot SAn ON llflOUABDI RrTo of atr in strong cord fabrie tnntr cbatnbor upportt cor long onougli lor a tato gradual stop. DON'T MISS THIS BARGAIN) COME INI WE'll ARRANGE CONVENIENT TTRMSI Large Expenditures Arc Listed For Hartford Plant LOS ANGELES (JPI Fig ures of the atomic energy com mission's area manager showed close to 90 per cent of the ex penditures planned In the west ern states are slated for the Han ford project. Area Manager Walter Stagg told a chamber of commerce con struction committee the planned construction in the west totals about $501,000,000. He said some $450,000,000 will be spent on the Hanford, Wash., project alone under the present plans. He described it as possibly the largest peace time construc tion project in the nation's his tory. Construction work has been under way there for some time. The Hanford figure was described as a long-range one, possibly for a 10-year-period. Stagg said the AEC's western budget for this year totals $98. 000.000 and that it will be $112, 500,000 next year. Nationalists Forces Wreck Huhwan Island CANTON. Sept. l(f CT) A Na tionalist amphibious force dam aged or destroyed all military establishments on Huhwan Is land. 230 miles south of Shang hai. In a daring raid today. The Island Is an important Red base off the coast of Chekiang province. An official announcement said the amphibious force landed un der the protection of naval gun fire. It withdrew, the announce ment said, after accomplishing its mission, the first of its kind hv the Nationalists in the Chinese civil war. The small Nationalist air force assigned to the defense of Kwang tung province began attacks on Red forces there. SHOP AT YOUR CO-OP Electric Refrigerotor$ Electric Woter Heater Electric Space Heaters Bath Tubs, Lavatories, and Toilet Combination Shower Stalls Septic Tanks Electric Washine Machines All Sizes of Galvanized Pipe BUY WHERE YOU SHARE !N THE SAVINGS DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange ROSEBURG, OREGON Phone 98 Located W. Washington St. and S P. R. R. Tracks REMEMBER IAST JANUARY to- AND FEIBUARY B coaforuble now tad preptnd for the resltycotd weather to com . Spsrk Oil Healers always five you jute the temperature you want vbea yon want it. See thea today. $77.50 114.20 SpAfk dctui Oil Heater giv both cifculttinft tnd rtdianc hL For complete com fort, you need both. WILL YOUR CAR PASS EVERYTHING BUT A GAS STATION? SERVICE STAT I O M 1 WWW w ."m. xs.-.- -v". - -m. repair. vWaimafeJf NMfc V 1 A r m 3 Nsm 1 I m s7K..f Solution Get a Crosley! If your present car is expert at burning gasoline (at 29c a gallon) and you flinch when the gas attendant names the price for re filling your tank . . . GET A CROSLEY. Your new Crosley will run up to 54 miles on one gallon .of gas! This does not mean that you can expect exactly 54 miles per gallon continuously . . . but you will, we II bet, average more than 40 miles per gallon regard less where you drive. Servic. and lhaitf half vou'd expect to pay for th. earn, servic. on heavier cars. Delivered in Roseburg your Croiley costs less than you'd pay for many used cars! OIL HEATERS ROSEBURG ELECTRIC 131 N. Jackson Phone 121 SandS CARTER TIRE CO. motors 444 N. Stephens St. Phono 1683 707 S. Stoat V. Phon 7071-R I