King Crosby's ' Nitct , Awarded $5000 Damages LOS ANGELES .P For chip- ped teeth and face cut, the 18-year-old niece of Bing Crosby has received $5,000. A superior court Judge approv ed settlement for that amount for Mary Sue Crosby. She had sued for $25,000 for injuries suffered when a car in which she was riding collided with a truck driv en by Homer A. Barnhart July 21. 1948. She brought suit against Barnhart and B. L. Honeycutt, truck owner. The Unitjd States it the best country In tht world . . . OWN PART i OF IT SEE US FIRST for listings of residences, farms, stock ranches, acreage, business oppor tunities and lots and lots of lots. C. FORREST LOSEE u. ' 230 N. Stephens St. ; . Fullerton Realty Disemployed Man Plaintively Pleas For Reinstatement LONDON -m A British colon ial office of Nigera reported re ceiving the following plaintive plea from a West African who unexpectedly found himself "dis employed." "Dear Sir On opening this epistle you will behold the work of a dejobhmt nerann and a very bewildered and much childreniz ed gentleman, who was violently dejobbed In a twinkling by your good self. "For heaven's sake, sir, con sider this catastrophe as falling on your own head, and remind yourself on walking home at the moon's end to five savage wives and sixteen voracious children with your pocket filled with non existent pounds, shillings and pence and a solitary six pence; pity my horrible state. . "As to the reason given by yourself esquire for my dejob ment the incrimination was lazi ness. No sir. It were impossible that myself who pitched sixteen children into this vale of tears can have a lazy atom in his mor tal frame, and a sudden depar ture of eleven pounds has left me on the verge of destitution and despair. "I hope this vision of horror will enrich your dreams this night and the Good Angel will melt and Dressmoking-Alterotions Women and Children Zoe Newman 925 Cobb St. Phone StT-nX G.A.R. Head Returns Following Convention VANCOUVER. Wash. (.- Theodore Penland, chipper as ever at 100 years, returned ' to Vancouver in triumpn. Penland, the G.A.R.'s last com mander, was back from the or ganization's Indianapolis conven tion where the last six able-bodi ed mintbtri were paraded through town. . He came from the Midwest by train to Portland, then was whisk ed by automobile to Vancouver. The mayor, the high school band and several veterans' organiza tions met him at the state line and escorted him through town. The beaming Penland, who said he felt "tine" after the long trip, then went to the home of friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Cook, where he has stayed periodically since spring. , , Portland Woman Reaches 103rd Birthday' Today PORTLAND. Sept. 1& Mrs. Melissa Hogan chalked an other year her 103rd off the calendar yesterday. There won't be any celebration, although her health Is considered good. She is one of the few remaining Oregon residents who crossed the country to Oregon In the pioneer era. She came with her family when only nine years of age. Dulverize your heart of nether milestone so mat you win awaKen with such alacrity to rejohulate your servant. So mote it be, Amen." Officials In London did not know whether the native was re I associated with his job. We're headquarters for Campus and Career Casuals Teen-Age has designed these darlings especially for your bustling business day or campus rounds. We have dozens, all crafted with much more than casual attention to fit and fashion. Such big values, at such small prices. Do see them soonl MM till MAM UII Right on Jackson 13 .aaaaaaaeBeaMaassaesseaB (M 1 1 bnl mien 1 - I I ili T 1 i' VI I Ill 599.95 1 ore happier (fays (for mother) if she has a csb air 3 Yes, a Speed Qtoca makes quick work of "school day washings. Batch after batch is freshly laundered in S to 7 minutes! You save time you save soap aod hoc water you save money when you buy your Speed Queen. You get America's fsstest and most economical wash day! See the new Speed Queen models this week. O Dxffcb Wall Tak keeps water hoc longer O Sewl-lhisW '' T.k for fate, cleaa waihingi O TaafU-Praat Afitafat for super-speed actios) Wriager with automatic pressure O Steal Chaeele Ceoetraetieej FIVE EXCLUSIVE FEATURES with fall-leniril less a"." wm Nfc, frT,,"2-.V k- - lle-La Cut Ironing Time in HALF with the new SPEED QUEEN I RONE R. Wonderfully easy to operate just sit and relax while the machine docs the work. V Tlmr., See. U, 1M Tlie Newt-Review, Reteburf, Ore. t aV. . Jf PREDATOR TRAPPED Julius B. Shaffer, federal government trapper for the southern part of Douglas county, recently caught two large cougars, three miles east of Canyonville, about 2i miles back of the Ralph Weaver ranch on Big mountain. One of the snarling . beasts is pictured above. These animals prey on dter and livestock and wherever they are found, there are usually no deer. Shaffer, who is hired by the government to trap for predatory animals, reports he trapped a targe cougar last year behind Mesia's Pie shop, about 3 miles south of Canyonville on Highway 99. Shangri-La WAC Wedded Secretly On June 24 . ANNAPOLIS, Md. -(.? Mar garet Hastings, the Shangri-La Wac who wanted to "find a good man and get married." now says she did three months ago. In 1945, while a corporal in the Women's Army Corps, she and two army men were the only survivors of a plane crash in New Guinea. They were rescued after spending 47 days In a hidden val ley later tagged "Shangri-La." Upon her return to civilization Margaret expressed her desire lor matrimony. She spent a good bit of her time last March denying reports that she was engaged to Robert C. Alkinson, former Lake Placid, N. Y., hotel official. Her home town before moving to Annapolis was Oswego, N. Y. Tuesday Margaret said It hap pened. She and Alkinson were quietly married last June 24 at Forestville, Md. DIES or POLIO . PORTLAND. Sept. 14 (JF) Wrex Karl Hickok, 50, a Cottage Grove resident the past year, died here Tuesday In the isol ation hospital of poliomyelitis. He had been associated with a brother In the Cm tin lumber company. Collage Grove. Pre viously he had worked for the Portland Traction company. Coyotes' Howl Lessened As Five Bagged In Day McMINVILLE W-The howl of the coyole is becoming thinner in Yamhill county. County Predatory Animal Trapper Clarence Mullins re ports the beasts are on the wane. This week he had a one-day kill of six five of them large pups, and the olher a mature coyole taken in the foothills west of Carlton. naomi scon Teacher of Violin Rm. 11, Masonic Bldg. Phone 921 Registration Saturday, September 17. YOU'LL LOVE THESE WRIST TABS They're new! A They rt exciting! 5 A wonderful array 4 of clever tab brace lets with dangling per fume vials, thermometers set whether he raises your temp.), hearts,, rlovers, whistles, etc. i i 1 y Jewelry Dept Main Floor '. t latest - vv fan Mvi creations jj J -V' is i if j i f -fts.f i i til n Ifli WfA I r-r A coat -for . f f i you, the gal I ft " ' As II about town . . . H V i I ( ,0 sDeet' you 00 H Y l i'f i yur fashionable I J' ' I l V. W woy ,0 ga""1 1 ,1 i I compliments for you D ? I V l s. X wherever you go. The i . if V wv collar is minv-blended Q VI k( v ' squirrel... soft and f lot- B X .ltmafiffT V terinn nhnut vour form n I I f'f f V v coot ' simply styled, V '' 1 i " expertly tailored . . . fosh- H ill ' 'A V A loned of fine Venetian brood- I U yt-Jy Y cloth. Sizes 9 to 15. $79.95.;...JC5- I II 1' 'I Witness o suit, as fashionable os the . , I I ; ,nf f. i .' liM ; Jatest Innovations fom , I II ' j ' " ,iv' jf 1 1 ' Paris ... as flattering as a v ' v ' .V , 1 IB ill - , jt' jl compliment from your favorite ' , ' 1 ' I I ll beau. Newsworthy are its I 1 1 I i ' I clever hip tucks that poke out j I II I . ' f A krnf k f It tinijt nf wnitlinac . f. .' I ''' t il Wear it whenever you must H ' , J look smartest, smothest, , . . II 5 II best. In pure worsted sharkskin, j -"IS Vti sizes 9 to 15. $59.95. J ; ' " Ml With your busy social calendar . I ' si V - X. in mind ... for your L l . r ) . days that run into evening . -j I . it dates . . . Jaunty ' 'I ' y 1 C Junior designs a suit that's I I dressy or tailored as the 1 , 7if'v. I ' occasion demands. Its : I t "t I only adornments are its i!,tr' ll B petaled pockets, the l ,,I ') '7 ll 1 III , trail of buttons from its collar. ft '-'.j i I HI rtit 11 s'mP' Jj,' A ' I' I figure-flattering, chic . . . jffS I I a handsome tribute to your it " if v - il I HI good taste. In pure' ' ft Y II I III worsted Mirosheen by . ' ' I II I J Miron. Sizes 9 to 15. $79.95. M l 'I i J Second , I V I! faAltlonS A JUUs&. B I 9 I.