! i Seattle Business Man Flatly Denies He's Communist SEATTLE, Sept. 15 jPV- Low. ell Wakefield, Seattle business man, branded as an "irrespons ible statement" today testimony before a Senate committee that he is a Communist. Howard Rushmore. a New York reporter, was quoted as tel ling the committee at a Washing ton, D. C, hearing he knew Wakefield to be a Communist and an operator of a fishing fleet off Alaska. Wakefield told the Associated Press he once was a Commu nist, but "got out 12 years ago. At that time I was running a lit tle paper here in Seattle." He said he last saw Rushmore in 1936 or 1937. "On this subject." Wakefield said, "Rushmore is completely and unfortunately misinformed." Wakefield is president of the Deep Sea Trawlers. Inc.. which he said is owned by 120 people in Seattle financial circles. Rather than operating a fish ing fleet, he said, it has only one boat, a 14(Moot steel trawler YOU CAN ENJOY TAKX GAS SERVICE Propane Tanks For HmM No Need T. Buy UTILITY Y SERVICE Pacific Bldg., Roseburg. Ph. 235 Washington Stat Head To Ltavo For Now York PITJ.MAN, Wash. tJPt Presi dent Wilson M. Compton of Wash ington State college expects to leave next week for Lake Suc cess. N. Y to serve as an alter nate delegate to a general as sembly of the United Nations. This was announced by Robert E. Sandberg, Compton's execu tive assistant, shortly after Pres ident Truman nominated Comp ton for the Job. , The W. S. C. president recent ly returned from the UN scienti fic conference on the conserva tion and utilization of resources. Sandberg said the W. S. C. board of regents had approved in principle a two-months' leave of absence for Compton. Vice-President E. H. Hopkins will be In charge during his absence. Compton released a letter to the board of regents explaining that President Truman planned to nominate him for the job. engaged In king crab fishing. "The whole deal is Just the op posite of what Rushmore Im plies." Wakefield declared. "The captain of the boat is Wil liam M. Blackford, who is one of the best known naval reserve of ficers In the Pacific Northwest. We are cooperating fully with Na val Intelligence and the coast guard In the operation. There is no Communist connected In any respect with the operation. Rush more is completely misinformed." Your Candy Center la Sanford s Candy Kitchen delicious, Nutritious Home Made Candy 12S West Cass Or?E)QJE dd n If you would hear something extra-special In the way of pro gramming tonight on KRNR, tune In Lawson's "Hera Comes The Bride" program at 7:30, when the Interview guests will be Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Rice, who celebrate their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary Tuesday, Sept. 20. The "Bride" program has, up to now, featured only engaged couples as a weekly feature of the show ... but not this time. Instead, a poignant, nostalgic pic ture of the marriage scene after 50 years of married life, high lights tonight's "Here Comes the Bride" program. And there's an encouraging note for the young folks who think they can't afford to get married In these uncertain times. Dexter Rice bor rowed Two Hundred Dollars so he could get married 50 years ago. Hear Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Rice prove that "marriage Is wonderful" In a personal Interview tonight at 7:30 on "Here Comes the Bride." Tuna In "Hopalong Cassidy" at t tonight . . . when an all-metal chrome plated curry comb for dogs is being offered to listeners of the series. The comb can be obtained by sending 10c and a Or. Ross label with the listeners' name and address to "Hopalong Cassldy," Hollywood 28. Offtr closes Sept. 22. (And if your dog can't write, get the comb by writing In for him yourself). "The Fishing and Hunting Club of the Air" supplies fishing and hunting tips for the sportsman tonight at :30 , . , and "The Ad ventures of the Falcon" supplies terror and fright for the mystery lover tonight at 10. ROSEBURG MEDFORD FOOTBALL GAME A FRIDAY NIGHT FEATURE ON KRNR: The broadcast will begin at 10 p.m. Fri day featuring Frank Purdy as announcer. Listen carefully at the conclusion of this broadcast, because at that time, you'll learn how you may win $10 In cash. Gotta listen to the whole thing . , . then see if vnu ran answer a Question which will he asked, and r. rrrwer 10 numb" 4 right qulck tor ,he ,10 Co,iNew Zealanders Count r ". i hf r4: h OV rv .. mm tit, GERMAN STEEL FOR B R I T A I N cirdrr, r a bombed bridse ever the Spree, purchased by F.nilmd. are rut Into Irntlhl for shipment to furnacrs in the German weslera tone. n MORE MILK iUCAHS I I t - a 9 ' Vm ftmilst Reel XMsMtMsW SUf ULPII06P1IATCI KRNR Mutual Broadcasting Svstem U90 on Your Dial REMAINING HOl'BI TODAY 4 00 Fulton Lwli Jr. 4:1ft frank Hemingway. BUY WHERE YOU SHARE IN THE SAVINGS DOUGLAS COUNTY Farm Bureau Co-Operative Exchange ROSEBURG, OREGON Phont 98 Located W. Washington St. and S. P. R. R. Tracks is?- -3L2aeae'"h ystst I OdstedBsW . m i g snpf "tPTf TBss ii ''if im 5bu jsf jrwr-4 l.U AaV U 2 4k I iamai-a1a-aW- ELECTRICITY WOOD COAL Electricity AND Wood or Coal. Welcome, warmth for your kitchen when you want It. PLUS speed, convenience, economy, and the clean, controlled cooking heat of electricity. Hav til these advintages now in your tnedera kitchen with this beautiful new Monta( sombl nation Elctrie-Wood-and-Coal rang. See this new, modern, automatic range it your luthorixed Montag dealer's today, 315" Terms rifl.?(aj UDDS FURNITURE 321 X. Jackion Thone 26 Fin Furniturt For Mor Thin 23 Yor 4:MV PaHlng Parad. 4;4S Newt. 8 00 B Bar B Kanrh. S:.V Champion. J 4V-LM Brnnttt. OO Cavalcade of Safety. 15 Mutual Newareel. 30 Sports Paf. 8 .15 Musical Inttrluda. 40 Local New. 45 Southland Singing. 55 Bill Henry. 7 oo frank Purdy. 7:15 Munc You Remember T'.TO Her Cornea the Bride 00 Hopalonf Cataldv. 30 riahinf Jg HunUnf Club of the Air. 55 Mel Venter. 00 Newt. 15 Harm tllawnrth. 0 30 Shaltmar Boom 9 45 Fulton lewla Jr. lo.oo The falcon 10:30 Rusa Morgan. 11:00 Cuei to Muale. U:30SIn Off. rmnAV, HEPTF.MHEB 1, 111 8:00 Sunrtat Serenade. 615 New. 20 Music. 630 Rise ii Shin. 7:00 News. 7:15 Breakfast Ganf. 7:10 Mustc. 7:55 Local News, 7:50 Music. 6 OO Music for You. 6:.TO Modem Horn. 45 Music 900 Wally a Coffee- Time. 9:15 Book of Bargains. 30 Man About Town. 9 4fl Music. 9 40 News. 9 50 Shopper's Guide. 10 00 News 10: is Gospel Sinferi. 10 30 Say It With Muste. 10:45 Art Baker. 11:00 Ladles rtrat 11:30 Queen for a Day, 12:00 Music at Noon. 12:15 Sports Paffl. 12 25 Music. 12 30 Clocklnff the SUrs. 12:35 Music. . , , 12. 40 National News. 12 5ft Market Reports. 100 Man on the Street. 1 15 Party Line. 3 00 A gain it the Storm. 2 30 It s Requested. 3:00 Johnson family. 3 15 Music. 3 30 Music. 3 45 Local Loan Show. 4 00 Pulton Lewis Jr. 4:15 Prank Hemingway. 4 30 Marvin Miller. 4 : 45 Ti ps and Tunes, fl oo Music. 5 15 Music 5 30 Champion. 5 45 Curl ey Bradley. 6:00 Magic Garden 6:1ft Mutual NewarMl. 6:30 Sports Page. 6 35 Music. B 40 Local News 645 Southland Singing. 6 55 Bill Henrv 7 00 Dick Haymes. 7:15 Sammy Kay a Showroom. 7:30 Cisco Kid. oo Straight Arrow. 6 .10 Music 6 45 Bob Kberte. 900 News. 9 15 Hi Neighbor. 9:30 srandlna vta n Melody Tim. 9:45 Pulton Lewis Jr. -M4tot4 Football Game. 11:30 Sign Off. On Scenery And Lamb To Draw U.S. Dollars By ERIC BENTON WELLINGTON. New Zealand (JP This country is going to try to sell scenery and lamb to Americans to help meet the dol lar crisis. New Zealand finds It difficult to prune her dollar spending by 25 per cent along with other Bri tish commonwealth countries. The reason Is that dollar spend ing already is down almost to the bare bones. Two years ago New Zealand cut Imports of American news print, motor cars and olher con sumer goods. Not one new 1 1 -cense to import American auto mobiles has been issued this year. Cut Dollar Spending New Zealand will cut dollar spending still more. She likely will stop importing timber from the east coast of America, cut down on other imports. She will seek more newsprint, farm trac tors, and Industrial machinery trom sterling countries. At the same time New Zealand hopes to build up her dollar earn ings. New Zealand's trout streams, Child Scold.d In Fall In Yellowstone Pool YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK, Wyo., Sept. 15 P Burns received when she fell into a Yellowstone Park hot water pool were fatal to four vear-old Karen Anderson of Grand Coulee Dam, Wash. Park officials said she tumbled into the pool after breaking away from her mother, Mrs. Theodore Anderson. Karen was taken to a hospital at Livingston. Mont., where she died of second and third-degree burns. Her father is a reclamation bureau employe. Move To Chang Circle Headquarters Protested PORTLAND The Grand Circle of the Neighbors of Wood craft has rejected a proposal to transfer the lodge headquarters to California. Opponents of the shift said some officers apparently wanted Protect Your romlly with th. B. M. A. Polio plan. Call Mr. Lincoln, 9.38-J- o drop card to Box ins Melrose Route. WeismuMer Loses Weight To Again Be Movie Star HOLLYWOOD (.1 Johnny Weismuller who ate himself out of his Tarzan role has dieted him self hack into Jungle movies. He weighed In at Columbia Stu dio at 199 1-2 and will begin work as "Jungle Jim." a sort of Tar 7an with-clotheson role. A clause In his contract stipulates that he must pay producer Sam Kalz man $1,000 for each pound of weight over 200. The swimming star Inst his Tarzan role when he zoomed up to a paunchy 238. to live south of the Oregon bor der. The lodge owns an eight story modern building here. In a reprisal move, a motion was made to transfer the Riverside. Calif., home to this state. This also w-aa turned down. If NIGHT GAME ROSEBURG v, MEDFORD HIGH SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL TOMORROW NIGHT 8:00 P.M. Friday, September 16 FINLAY FIELD Admission 1.S0 Reserved Seats 1.00 Gen. Admission 3Se Students (with Student Body Card) J So Children (Under 12) Prices include tax hot springs, ski resorts, moun tain scenery and deep sea fishing grounds are big tourist assets. The government is sending Roy M. Firth, a good salesman and assistant manager of Ihe tourist department, to the United States to sell New Zealand from a tourist angle. Meanwhile, the government is getting ready to welcome dollar spending Americans, bpruce Up Ideas All stale-owned hotels and tou rists houses have been told to spruce up their Ideas of service. They also have been granted li quor licenses. Even New Zea landers say there are not enough drinking places In th. country. New Zealand Is a great pri mary producing country. She hopes some of Tier products will win more U. S. dollars. Almost all her surplus meat, butler and cheese goes to Brit ain. The flag-loving New Z.a landers want thia to go on. But New Zealand government men, worried by the dollar prob lem, think some lamb can b. sent to the United States without much loss to Britain. The quan tity being talked of Is two ship ments in a year something over iiMHs) tons. Butter Is Earner Butter la another potential dol. lar earner, but men close to the government see a political snag here. New Zealanders are ration ed to eight ounces a week. They will stand this rationing only aa long as all the surplus goes to Britain. If the government decides to send butter to U. S. and retains I the ration, the labor party will lose a lot of votes In this year's general election. New Zealand also Is trying to i plug a dollar leak In the resale of New Zealand wool to the United States by continental buyers. All I are required to sign a declar-l ation of the ultimate destination 1 of wool exported. ! TKyr., $. IS, 14 Th Newt-Review, Mk-urf, Ore. I Lumber Industry Sets New Record For Orders Token PORTLAND. Ore. Records of a year'a standing fell as Douglas fir sawmills of Washington and Oregon took an average of 182, 709.000 board feet of lumber or ders weekly during August, said H. V. Simpson, executive vice president of the West Coast Lum bermen's Association. Not since August, 1948, have West Coast fir mills been offered this volume of business. A sharp upturn In demand In creased unfilled order files of fir mills by nearly 100 million feet in August over July, Simp son said. Depleted retail lumber stocks throughout the country, now being filled to meet stepped up home building and heavier in dustrial and public construction in the past 60 days were given credit for the Improved market by the lumber leader. A critical freight car shortage In the fir region, especially tight In southern Oregon, served to curtail shipments and upped the gross stocks of mills some 36 million feet to 967,238,000 board feet for August. Production con tinued strong wilh August weekly averages totalling 167.260,000 board feet, best since May. Simpson said total order for the first 35 weeks of 1949 contin ued to lead both production and shipments. Orders of 5.597,000.000 board feet through August were 180 million feet over production tor the same period and 155 mil lion feet over shipments. The weekly average of West Coast lumber production In Au gust was 167.260.000 b.f. or 111.8 percent of the 1943-1948 average. Orders averaged 182,709,000 b.f.; shipments 162.927,000 b.f. Weekly averages for July were; Produc tion 125.090.000 ( 83.6 percent of the 1943-48 average.) Orders 149, 926.000 b.f.; shipmenta 129.845.- 000 b.f. Thirty-five weeks of 1949 cu mulative production 5.418.880.000 b.f.; Thirty-five weeks of 1948. 5,969.281 .000 b.f. ; T h 1 r t v - five weeks of 1947, 585.551.000. Orders for thirty-five weeks of 1949 breakdown as follows: Rail 3.531.532.000 b.f.; Truck 264.032,-1 (MSI D.I. uomeattc Cargo 94X,3., 000 b.f.; Export 24,941,000 B.f. Local 608.139,000. The Industry's unfilled order file stood at 572.987.000 b.f. at the end of August. Gross Stocks at 967,238,000. Dog Chasing Fox ShssM Have Its Head Examined ATHENS, Tex. UPV A fox that chases dogs should have Its head examined. That's what C. T. Gurnsey and L. J. Mathewa said after they saw a fox turn on two pursuing dogs. The fox got one of the dogs down and was chewing on It Th. men killed th. fox. "W. don't know whether It was mad or not, but It acted so pe culiarly we sent Its head to Aus tin to find out," Gurnsey said. INSULATE NOW for a cooler home and a warmer one this winter. Ther. Is no substitute for our blown rock wool insulation . . . also utely fireproof. Professional ly applied pneumatically In stalled. Foi new or older biCd ngs of any type. Anywhere In S. W. Oregon. Phone 1018-R for free 'mate NOW. Builder's Insuletinf Ce. "Chuek" Edmonds 230 N. Stephen, t. Metal -Weather- -stripping Phone 101S-R A Roseburg business . EXCHANGE PROFESSOR PORTLAN I) tPV A Brit ish exchange professor. Miss Alice Pendlebury, has arrived here en- route to Monmouth and a Job at Oregon College of Eudcation. She takes a lob vacated by Miss Syl via Claggett. Salem, who left O. c. t. in July lor Manchester, England, lit an exchange program. SCREENS Screen Oeers Screen Wir. Window ere.n. PAGI LUMIER ft FUIL 64 E. "nd Ave. S. Phon. 242 Dr. E. W. Carter Chiropodist Foot Specialist 129 N. Jackson Phon. 1170 Over Rexall Drug Stor. 1M SHOWBOATS in POPULAR COnCERT nub o mt (111 lit pcioirjc)4iH 3 Sat. -Sept. 17th 8:15 p.m.' Junior High Auditorium Admission: 2 40 Reserved Seats 1.80 General Admission 75c Students Tax Included Tlrkets on sale at LAWSON'S and ROY'S Sponsored bv Roseburg Junior Chamber of COMING SUNDAY (Bit wm I - BUWII BBJBSl 1 4p iw w PIERNEY m maws t-. LIKE U CO-FEATURE Eddie Bracken Virginia Wellei In "Ladies Man" NOW PLAYING !ji TWyT ttmcw -V and i Tit 1 roeaf BWfWHf SATURDAY AND SUNDAY ONLY BUCIUONES In "DEATH VALLEY RANGERS" and HOOT GIBSON "Dawn On The Great Divide' COMING Sunday ISUUNSWKM ip i or lie ncmns MX BUI IV 1 1 3 IEKK i J NOW SHOWING e7T -trrra? r r Mini hi f ""v' I m aatiBft eaa rsMOM oh a saanaat Matinee Daily 1:00 P.M. 1 1 S.1 J u i I Commerce