The News-Review, R-esefcuf, Cm, J II lilllill Save Time! Save Money! Quick and Nutritious Meals! 13-pkg. White Star Tuinia .S. 29c Snowdrift Shortenniinig m 69c Large Lima leans ' p&b7ba. 43c Hershey Chocolate Syrup 1 Oc Pacific Salmon no. i flat.... 25c .Frtshl Oefici'ousf CORN FLAKES iftiivffft ...So Crhp They Crock! in M'Hc1 RICE KRISPIEStl SPINACH 2290 CUT GREEN BEANS tff 2 V- 290 f AIIM Whole Kernel 3 Sisters UKH No. 2 Tin . Ashley's 30 Count, con . Pound bog.. r.---.. Durkees JIIICUUCU VUlUilUI 4-oz. pkg.. f I I J -J mil x Sunshine jnreuueu vvnear 2 pkgs.. 3 pound pkg... WHITE KIMGarr. 490 m. KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP 280 cRhiT!.Dinner . . ineu nppies 8 or. bag spaghetti rir:"-" 120 wap HERSHEY COCOA 180 GRADE A EGGS S5" 430 Alb 390 COVE OYSTERS 390 PURE JELLY 12-oz Tumbler 190 CHEEZ-RITZ CRACKERS rtg 250 TOMATO JUICE 2 m 100 Ben-Gee Complete meol, pkg.. RAZOR CLAMS KSS Wheat Hearts 'W 7m. Who, WheOt 00111 Cereal pkg 98c 49c 29c 45c 17c 29c 35c 29c 23c Garden No. 2 Tin 2250 190 350 290 TAMALESTi, . 230 SPAGHETTI & MEAT t'ln... 190. GRAPEFRUIT SLICED PINEAPPLE ,,,.. CHILI CON CARNE mT OFFICIAL ENTRY BLANKS of eur ditplmy of Pillsbury's BEST Flour 25-fb. Bag 1.89 aa9 Deliciou ui Meilllfttl LETTUCE Tender Green Zueeii SQUASH . ib. 2,15c Fresh Crisp CUCUMBERS 2 1 15c Plump Juicy Sunkist LEMONS 15c mMm FRESH ROASTED Whole Bean Coffee Supreme Blend Air Mail .49c Lb 43c jiillll Sliced Bacon... lb. 49c You'll love the Fresh Flavor of These Coffees App. weight 2 lbs. Doz. 29c Selected For Slicing LOCAL TOMATOES 4, 25c Double Red Washington Delicious APPLES 2,25c Large Crisp BELL PEPPERS 6c r a mtai i h iulv a vniiinisvui lj uu A SERVING OF DELIGHT Stop while shopping ond try one of our inspired sundaes, heaped staggeringly with layers of ice cream, syrup and whipped creom. And courteous service brings this dream dish promptly. Nielsen's Fountain Lunch Beef Round Steak SWIFT'S SELECT STEER BEEF lb 6.9c Beef Chuck Roast SWIFT'S SELECT STEER BEEF lb . 43c Fresh Ground Beef Fresh Daily $ Ib. 35c Local Dillard For Mora Volue U. S. No. 1 Netted Gem 25-lb. bag POTATOES 98c Pure Pork Sausage Seasoned Right lb. 45c Nielsen's Market located one block South of City Limit! on Highway 99. More than one acre of paved parking space. We suggeet you follow . Main etreet to avoid high way traffic. City bus ser vice every hour. We re serve the right to limit quantities. ysMffl(EI sis M I JIM St ITS THE (jAV(n(j' ON EVERY ITEM THAT COUNTS Store Hours 9 a.m. te p.m., including Sunday duce prices effective Fri day and Saturday.