t Tha Nw-Rvl.w, Roteburg, Ora. Thur., Spt. 15, 1949 tvivit "'II jt'r f" - ACCUSES FATHER Leslie E. Jahn, 41, tennis coach, was booked by Hollywood, Calif., police on suspicion of incest I result of accusations made by hit tennis champion deugh ter, Laura Lou Jahn, lo. He denied the (target. They ere shown together earlier this year as they read of her net vic tories. (AP Wirephoto). '- .:-..'..., : : . . , , H ON WAY TO TRIAL Handcuffed together, Mrs. Inei Gertrude Brennan, 45, and her son, Robert, 16, (left I leave the fail at Dover, Del., on way to court for the opening of the "lonely hearts" -trial in the killing of an elderly carpenter. At right is Werden Cerrison. The mother and son are charaed with the death of the man who appeered 'at their farm to marry Mrs. orennan attar a mail courtship. I AC Wirephotol. SOUTH END FUEL CO. Phone 1195 R 207 Rice St RECOMMENDS DECONTROL SALEM, Sept. IS. UP) Gov ernor Douglas McKay has recom mended that rent control! be ended tn Albany. Calileo built his (list telescope at Padua, Italy, 340 years ago. Get Ready For Winter! Order Your Supply Of Richfield Healing Oils Now! STOVE AND DIESEL FUELS I rVf I lk i . '-FX ,- "V"'1 ".a-! ' T WE FEATURE: Naw mil proof haatlnff oil. Ellml- Tlrkat prlntar malar rafi'tar. Prmti nataa ruat In your atoraea umk and lha numNr of fallona dallvartd on fual aratam. your Involra. Automatic Fill Up Service Richfield .heating nils are manufactured from the very best petroleum crude. Because of their hied quality they burn with a clean, blue flame, without soot or fumes. We Give 2?X Green Stamps CALL 554 FOR DELIVERY 24 Hour Service Ken Linder, Agent Richfield Oil Corp. If -il,j?N It r arm' C3 t'i . SEEKS 'MISS EUROPE' TITLE Irmcsrl StroMsincer. Cermsn randldste In "Miss F.urope" beautr competi tion at Pslermo. Italy, Inspects a contest poster with manner Ksrl-Httni Bonke. Sht was runner-up in German eliminations. Sovitt Newspaper Wants Russians To Quit Smoking MOSCOW. tP Komsomol Pravda, newspaper of Russia's communist youth, wants Soviet citizens to quit smoking. It has irone on record as agree ing with the opinions of some of its readers that tobacco is In jurious to health. The communist paper claims a recent letter it printed entitled "about a certain harmful habit has created great reaction among its readers. The paper added a warning that It considers smoking a habit "inherited from the past." OLEO TAX SHELVED WASHINGTON. Sept. 13 (Pi Senate democratic leaders t o- day shelved until January the question of repealing oleomarga rine taxes. Senator Lucas (D-III) announc ed after a party policy commit tee meeting that there was un animous agreement that the Is sue should not he brought up in he senate until the next session of congress. Salvation Army Leaders To Meet With Local Youths Capt. and Mrs. Kenneth Ander son, youth leaden of the Sal vation Army, will meet with Roseburg young people Sunday evening, Sept. 18, in prepara tion for the coming western Oregon Youth congress to be held in Eugene Oct. 1 and 2, Capt. Claude Bowden, local corps officer, announced. Anderson, who is divisional young people's secretary for the Oregon-South Idaho division of the Salvation Army, will also speak at the regular Sunday eve ning service beginning at 7:30 p. m. Capt. Bowden urged all young people to be in attendance to meet with the Andersons. Brigadier Frank Wilmer, ter ritorial young people's secretary of San Francisco, will be the lead er of the congress at Eugene. It is expected that more than 100 young people from western Oregon corps will attend the two day get to-gether. Sessions of the congress will be held In the Vet eran's Memorial building. On Sat- urday night, delegates will Join with the Eugene Youth for Christ following which they will conduct a series of street meetings in the city. Capt. and Mrs. Anderson have recently come to Oregon from Glendale. Calif., where they were ,nri in cBivafion Armv vouth work for a number of years. They replaced Major ana nirs. nenry Koerner, transferred to San Fran cisco. Steady progress In the develop ment of the state-wide Salvation Army program for young people is being made, Capt. Bowden stated, a most successful phase Af u M-h u.'a the recent summer camping program which attract ed the largest group ever to at tend the camp In Clackamas coun ty. A new MO.OOO recreation hall at the camp was used for the first time this season. The hall opens the way for development of a winter program including campers re-unions, a feature de signed to bring youth groups to eether at more frequent inter vals. Another congress similar to the Eugene affair will be held in THahn fW R and 0 at which tlm Wilmer will also be present u r,v,iUB ,wr ajr fSr aif.-Ss OF : Kid. in every m&F X , box of t iXSlv -T 'LJLL-lx HI . 93ri I WISE MOTHERS ALWAYS BUY MSKITS NO MONEY OR COUPONS TO SEND IN AiX-' " i) (ffilf HKUA,C.LT- itM;:T W MyV0U T 1m5T Everyone love, I A rf I" & J FtM...ABl6B0XOF ( -VHC SU?! rULf the hearty, whole r- tJ V " iWf rtsyjAWfOtlfACH -J IL, wh.o. flavor o t? " tk tL-77s? Dl It fir X , U'Wl!Sr,AU,& W$E&??$ f ingbausetheyVeHTOgltj h- to V ' ATiiKyLC LOOK AT THE FUM it Nutritious! J&8? t Am mm. i ,.m,mMt .. bg T f IgsZT' ZT TUtY'Rt HAVING... ' ' .D.lidousl TV attack power is being wrecked KIDS SWAP DU FLIC ATE PHIZES THERE'S HEALTH & FUN IN RUSKtTS I GET tUIKITf TODAY in the Pentagon and that he ii an!aTTT"lTTa" '-i . . . . 1 w1 m m'J.A Safety pin. are manufactured l V W'lVp" I WfjW3 iAXlL A2eUl3 ViU) WULiUJ 1A' UAXJJMJ I at the rate of 90 a minute In a r,er bY "y,n9 o publicly. IAP titf --avs -Sw va-au v4-ajv-w j (Ingle machine. Wirephotol. aaaaaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa rM k HfNr 1 MriOS. A5C Nitorl. ar Mudar . tt n T Only one jmrd fits it- V Y ou know how it usually is slow and steady is the rule in automotive progress. But every now and then it happens. Along comes a car that's new all over like this one and headlines sing the news. Take the styling of it fresh and smart and really exciting from its non-locking bumper-guard grilles to the jet-plane look of its fenders. Take the outward size of it-handy In traffic, easy to garage, actually more room and a sweeter ride in fewer over-all inches. Step inside and stretch yourself in the biggest interiors ever found in a Huick Special, with a full twelve inches added to rear-seat hiproom. Try the power of big 110 or 120 hp high-corn prcssioti Fireball engines sample the restful lcvclncss of a ride that sets the standard for the industry. H are brlltv mmlomahilr. mrt kmlll BVICK mill bmlld Ihrm Check controls and note really big news: Tlie luxury of Dynaftow Drive newest, simplest and smoothest of all modern transmissions is optional equipment, available now at the lowest price level yet! Finally, look at the price tag. Measure its figures against others and see if any car, even in the lowest-price field, gives you so much of what you want for each dollar you invest. Tops in style, tops in room, tops in lift and life and traveling ease, a trip to your Buick dealer will show you this is wonderful in value too! For tha biggest buy of this year and many a year to come better go now and get your order in! tOptmrn! t arm raif TEX.STMKEt Only Ilnick SPECIAL ha nil these Features! TKAmC-HANOY SIZi a MORI ROOM FOR THI MONfY a OYNAHOW ORIVI optional of extra cost a JtT-UNt STYUNO a NON-LOCKINO UMPfR-OUARO ORIILIS a HfSH-PRUSURf RRfSAU STRAfGHT-ItOHT INOIMf a COK srninaiNO au around a iow-prissuri TIRES ON JArTTY-RIDI KIMS a GRIAtTR WSIBIUTY FORI AND AFT a SliF-lOCKINO tUGCACt UDS a STEADY-RIDING TORQlf-TUlf DRfV! a THRU SMART MODELS WITH (ODY BY HJHfR SPCAUV MO IV .a romrtr 0) 10 GrfATff if mm KOSElEUIiiG AftOTOR COMPANY Rose and Washington Street Phone 1SS1