4 ' Tlit News-Revlew, Roieburj , Ore-Thur., Sept. 15, 1949 VP -J ' X.. ' - 1 rm 0 TOPS AMONG WOMEN Mr,. America (left) and Mill America (right) give you bright imilti after their retpective victories. Mn. Americe, Mn. France! L! Cloyd of Sen Diego, Calif., wei choien et Aibury Perk, N. J. Min Americe, Jecque Mercer of Litchfield, Arit., wet choien' et Atlentie City, N. J. Employment Rose During August Report Reveals Employment In Douglas county rose perceptibly during the month of August. Several flrme in the lumber industry resumed operatloni after shut-down per iod! of varloui lengths. Produc tion was somewhat hampered by the annual railroad car shortage which has resulted In stockpiles of lumber that cannot be shipped until the shortage of transporta tion has been alleviated. The harvest of the local bean crop, completed by the third week of the month, caused a pe riod of unemployment for agri cultural workers. This was of short duration, however, because the prune harvest is now under wav. and that will be followed by the picking of walnuts. An estimated decrease of 25 rjercent In the total of unemploy ed persons was noted, and it is believed that there should be no marked change until the rainy weather closes the dirt roads to trucking. Renorts from employers In re- tall trade Indicate that employ ment trends, while not at the lev els of one year ago, are holding steady and snoum increase ny December. Construction work Is active; and, as far ahead as can be determined, it appears that there should be little falllng-off in this field. In an attempted forecast of em ployment for the coming winter montns, ine laci mat line log ging is expeced to be done must e considered. Many mills have stockpiles of logs that will carry them through the winter. It is be lieved this fact will keep the ma ority of the mills In operation and help to hold the employment total up to a siigntiy nigner level than that of last year. '111$ t e H U""i'iiii i wiuvf Wfli 1 DANES TELL OF SHIPBUILDING Workmen finish a model of the Kronprlns Olav, latest Danish-built Dlesel-powerrd passenger liner, named for Denmark's Crown Prince, on display In a Copenhagen exhibition of Danish shipbuilding from the Vikings to the present. Actor Eugene Pallcttt Stlls Ranch In Oregon LA CRANDE, Ore.JP)-Eu-gene Pallette. veteran character actor, was selling his Wallowa mountain retreat today and pre paring to return to Hollywood. Friends here said the film act or, who retired to the eastern Oregon wilderness along the Im- naha river five years ago, hopes to resume screen activity. They said he told them he had recover ed from a throat ailment which forced his retirement. Pallette's legendary ware house, which he had stocked with all kinds of provisions to last for years, was being sold. One La Grande merchant bought five tons of sugar, rare spices, and Imported delicacies. Also sold from Pallette's 10 mile long ranch were 300 head of cattle, lumber, a sawmill. A moving company was arr anging shipment of his household lurniture to Hollywood. .CW VilL rTV iii . jut iv - i.TiW r..-. .-'' 'wv WW CrCDCEDOD Goes attend our biq Harvest Food Festivall Heap biaaer earring oa Fall food needs I Red Whit rood Stores bar a h arrest of food barootus lor yoei during thi ealel Com and make yaw selections and lerrel Don't Forgtt Your Homo 0wnJ Red & White Store Hot A Cottioltro Lino Of School Noodi SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY SEPTEMBER It AND 17 RE WWTI Peas & Carrots No. 0 Cm 1 Iw 35 RID A WHTTI Sauer Kraut Ne. m Cm .1 lor 25 Shredded Wheat 33 . 10' RBs 4 WHTTI Pumpkin No, IV, Com BIO MORI Dog Food N. 1 Can .1 tor 27 REB&WHOT 3 Sieve Peas ItM O. Com .1 lor 25 RED 4 WHITE KERNEL Com Sc No. 1 Co I for W RD WHTTI PEANUT BUTTER 1 Lb 2 Lb iy OUR VALUE CREAM CORN No. Mi Com I tor 29' RED WHTTI COFFEE 1 Lb 53c 2 Lb. 1.05 Army Engineers And Reclamation Said Overlapping SEATTLE UP) A "tremen dous overlapping and powerful competition between the army engineers and the reclamation i service was cited bv a former director of the National Park service and member of the Hoo ver study commission. Horace M. Albright, president of the U. S. Potash company and a member of the Hoover com mission study group on reclama tion, mining and natural resourc es, said that millions of dollars could be saved if recommended reorganization would be carried out. "The two agencies, doing the same kind of work, are compet ing for funds," he said. "We strongly recommended that the two agencies be com bined. But there you run into difficulty. The army engineers, with only about 200 commission ed engineers concerned, have 30, 000 civilians working for them. The reclamation service also Is a powerful agency." Albright said that neither agen cy wants to be stripped of Its individual powers and funds. However, he asserted, they should be appraised In the Na tional Interest so that no dupli cation of energy and funds occurs. Sreamfirter Pickets Own Union In Protest DALLAS, Sept. 13 t.W A steamfitter who charged his own union with "unfair and discrim inatory practices" against its members is picketing the unions' headquarters again today. Ray Booker has said he will picket local headquarters of the AFL Plumbers and Steamfitters union each Monday until the un ion "stops Its boycott of mem bers who want to do a full day's work." Booker charges the union "is Interested in stretching out con struction jobs as long as possible, and to do so instructs is mem bers to work at a certain pace to insure that jobs last as long as possible. Union officials have offered no comment. Nassau In the Bahama Islands was the bse for ships running the Union blockade In the U-3. Civil War. Portland Gas And Coke Rates At Pre-War Level SALEM UP) A $652,000 annu-! al rate reduction by the Portland Gas and Coke company will put the company's rates hack to the pre-war level, Public Utilities Commissioner George H. Flagg said. The reduction is effective Sept. 23. and Flagg predicted further reductions will be made. i This reduction is the fourth made this year, and they total $2,000,000. All reductions were made possible by the falling price of crude oil, which is used to make the gat, WATER RATION OFF j LA GRANDE. Sept. 13 .F Water rationing for lawn and garden sprinkling was at an end here today after a six-week shortage. The World Moves So Do We Pocking Crating Storage See Us for Free Estimates Agent for Lyon Van Lines Phone 927 Evenings 3 20-J -3 . i Roseburg Transfer & Storage Illegal Radio Operation Draws Prison Sentences SEATTLE, Sent. 3 (JB Two former New York men, convicted last week of operating a non-licensed radio transmitter, were sentenced here today to serve seven months in a federal prison camp. George LaClalr. 35. of Fort Ed ward, N. Y.. Ralph Casey, 33, of Glens Falls, N. Y.. and a third man, Edward Plesa, 23, of La cey, Wash., were convicted on six counts of operating the trans mitter for the purpose of beating horse race bookmakers. Plesa, a former Longacres jockey, was sentenced to five months In the prison camp. u - . - '.S'v 'v ;,f f f OUR VALUE PEAS Ne. 1 Cam I for 35 HID WICTX Tomato Juice No. I Co. ior 25 RED i WHTTI Tomato Juice U Ot. Cam : 27' Aml 1 rVJ fX Na.W.Mi iM i A TM V ... ; Custom Slaughtering and Curing Have your onimal slaughtered ond cut by us. W cut ond wrap each piece for your locker, fork Sleujheree" Tuesday Beef and Veal Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Limit ed to these days in accordance to the Brand Inspection laws. Beef, veal and pork for your locker at wholesale prices. ROSEBURG MEAT CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS 424 Winchester Phone 280 oii emit make a mistake whenyuu bake a GndiCake Easiest to make ... finest flavor cake. Cinch Cake Mix comes full prepared and contains oil the quality ingredients delicious cakes require. You simply add water, mix and bake. The rich flavor and fine texture will bring you compliments galore. ADD ONLY WATER II , 1 l Divii s rueei DELICIOUS FLAVORS e if