2 The Ntwt-Rtvitw, Roseburg, Or. Thur., Sept. 15, 1949 H7 PI A, A HEADS VIKING ROCKET PROJECT M. W. Roien. who it di rector of tho Navy'i Vicking" Rocket project, standi alongside the tall section of a rocket before it was fired at the White Sands, N. M., proving grounds. Rosen and C. H. Smith drew up the 'preliminary set of specifications for the project. (AP Wirephoto). N . Strlkt Idled Miners . Leave For Other Jobs ' WALLACE. Idaho (JP Many men, idle because of strikes and mine shutdowns as a result of this district's labor dispute, are leaving to take jobs elsewhere. Officers of the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smeller Workers said some of the men have gone to Holden, Wash., to work Tn the mines, while others have gone to Lewiston, Boise, Pa yette and Weiser to take harvest ing Jobs. Officials of Local 14, Wallace, said they have been Informed there are 500 temporary farm jobs available in the Payette -Weiser area, and are urging their idle members to go there. Officers of Local 18, Kellogg, said 210 men had been given re leases to take Jobs elsewhere, and that "probably an equal number have left without getting releas es." About 2,500 men are Idle be cause of a dispute over a health and welfare clause the union in sists be Incorporated In a new contract. The brink of Niagara Falls re cedes at a rate of about 2 12 feet each year. JOBS AVAILABLE We have jobs for trained workers. If you have the training, we hove the Job. If you don't have the -training, come in or call tomorrow Fall enrollment now u idr way GRANT'S BUSINESS COLLEGE 112 N. Stsphena phone 1533 R Washington Conference Does Practical Job On British Crisis, Analyst Confirms Bv HEWITT MACKENZIE AP Foreign Newi Anelyat That seems to be a business like and practical Job the Ameri-can-Britlsn-Canadlan conference at Washington has done by way of giving emergency aid in John Bull's economic crisis. It's more than Just an economic remedy. It gives a real lift to the morale of a very hard-pressed England and to the numerous other countries v hose welfares are interlocked with hers. The agreements were worked out with due regard to the dignity of Britain, and to the bonds of friendship. The conferees tackled the problem in the same spirit of u lily and cooperation shown dur ing the dark days of the World War. Saved Collapse Undoubtedly the aid would have been arranged had no other na tion than Britain been concerned. But quite apart from the proposi tion of helping a staunch war time ally it was very clear that an international catastrophe whuld be precipitated if she were allowed to collapse. As Canadian finance Minister Douglas Abbott DUt it: "We go up or down together." The task of the conferees in this initial meeting related to Britain's shortage of dollars. She is earning far less dollars than Revetment Repair Bids To Be Let This Week PORTLAND, Sept U-OPi A series of revetment repair and channel Improvement on the Mo lalla, Clackamas, Willamette, McKenzle and South Santiam rivers will be up for bid this week. The corps of engineers report ed that the following work Is contemplated: Channel excavation and clear ing four miles southeast of Jef ferson of the South Santiam; band protection works 10 miles east of Springfield on the Mc Kenzle; revetment repair at three points on the Molalla and three on the Clackamas rivers; and at lower Goodpasture on the Willamette three miles north of Eugene. she has to spend for essential Im rorts. This shortage had to be made up, and the conference de vised a ten-point program to meet requirements. I ne agreements in clude these: Agreements Stated The United States and Canada are expected to buy more tin and ruooer from Britain for stock oil ing Britain will be permitted to i ipi id Marshall plan dollars in countries otner tnan tne united i .ates, such as the purchase of whett in Canada a 1 1 h o u e h America has an exportable sur plus. Britain will be free to dis criminate against ). s. and Cana dian goods to build up her non dollar Imports, and so conserve aonars. On the face of it. of course. Eng land will be benefiting in some ce es at the expense of America. The answer to thit is that Uncle Sari's contribution is an invest ment for insuranc. against a greater calamity. Steps Drain Sir Stafford Cripps, British chancellor of the exchequer, says he is convinced the agreement will block any futher dangerous d-alns on Britain's gold reserve. However, I don't believe we should take this as Indication that I Britain's economic problem has been solved. It Is first aid. Her trouble is far more deep-seated, as this column pointed out. The vast industrial develop ment of other countries during the past generation greatly speeded by two world wars has upset Britain's economic apple cart. She must devise new ways and means to meet this situation, She may achieve this by carrying out her plan of developing her potentially rich colonies. However, such development isn i an overnignt jod. Big Planes On Display At Spokane Air Show SPOKANE (JF An air show Sunday will open the 13th annual convention nf the International Northwest Aviation council. Sec retary Don Hilterbrant said to day. Delegates from three northwest states, Alaska, the Yukon and western Canada will take part in the three-day session. Hilterbrant said national and regional leaders in various phases of aviation were sched uled for convention addresses. The air show Sunday at Spo kane air force base will feature a B36 bomber, R.C.A.F. Vam pire Jet planes and other military aircraft. Democrats Think Right Man May Win At Polls PORTLAND llPt The Demo cratic National committee thinks republican Congressmen Lowell Stockman and Homer Angell can be beat If Oregon Democrats will nominate good men to oppose them. For that matter, Victor Hunt Harding, executive secretary of the committee, said here, "I see no reason why we could not beat Harris Ellsworth and Walter Nor blad." The key, he said In an Inter view while on a look-see trip here, is picking good Democrats. "There Is material available and (t should be looked over care fully." Last year the national commit tee decided Oregon's democratic candidates failed to measure up, so the committee stayed out of the state. Harding said while selection Is a local Job, "if they nominate good ones we will support them." Would the national committee support a poor candidate? "Well, said Harding. "If it is necessary to win, we'll make a face and do It." fall Roseburg Retail Trade Association pen-in TREASURE IUI 111 u IM1 IN T Wednesday, Sept. 21, 7:30 P. M. Starting today, Sept. 14, you will receive tickets in the retail stores of Roseburg. They are your chances to win prizes in the big treasure hunt sponsored by the Roseburg Retail Trade Association. All you have to do is get a ticket, fill in the stub with your name and address, and deposit it in a box at the store. On Wednesday, Sept. 21, the winning numbers will be posted in the store windows of Roseburg. If you match your ticket with the stub, you will win a valuable mer chandise prize. Here's how you can win FREE PRIZES: 1. Ask for your ticket at any Roseburg store. 2. .Fill in the stub and deposit it in the box. If your name and address are not on the stub, your entry will be disqualified. 3. Match your ticket with the stubs displayed in the win dows of Roseburg stores on Wednesday, Sept. 21. Do not expect to find your stub displayed at the same store that issued the ticket. No more tickets will be issued after noon on Wednesday, Sept. 2. At that time all merchants will take their tickets to the Chamber of Commerce office where the winning "numbers will be drawn. Wednesday evening at 7:30 p.m. the winning num bers will be displayed in the windows of Roseburg Stores. '. The tickets have both a letter and number. This has been done to make it easier for th shoppers to match tickets with the stubs disployed. THERE'S NOTHING TO BUY Ticket are free at any stare. FIND YOUR NUMBER AND WIN A FREE PRIZE NOT A SCfcWCH X NOT A BLEMISH.' THIS HORSE V. ""SA NOT A BRUISE SURE KNOWS HOW ID TAKE K NL HOW'RE OU, CARE OF HIMSELF 1W THE ROCKS.' ) v A N saov? y-y w YC r ( NOT A SCRATCH.' V A-v 1 NOT A BRUISE.' ) VNOTA BLEMISH - 'A BORM ' ' J Rocjut Rlvtr Dtvtlopmnr Will U Dcloytd To 1953 MEDFORD l.Pt The Roga River basin development project J probably won't go to Congress ' tor authorization until the spring of 1953. That was the word received by the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce In answer to a query on status of the (90,000.000 pro posal. J. Lyle Cunningham; acting re gional director of the bureau of reclamation, said recreational and wilderness values are now being studied to see how they might be conserved under the program. , The bureau is spending $60,000 thir year on studies of the Talent project, $42,000 on the Merlin project and $36,000 on the over all Rogue program. In June, 1952, recommendations are expected to be ready on the first two proj. eets, with final recommendation for authorization of the entire program due a year later. Cun ningham's letter slad. , OUT OUR WAY By J. R. Williams TV1 Smoky says- ""k " "J i . , .f 'if vim ceo TUET US ' tir'- ,''' REAL QVER-TH'-FIRE if p r ' FLAVOR, V0 CAN'T BEAT r lr ' MCKORV SMOKW J !! II POTATO CHIPSJA TUMBLE IN WI&HTMAN TENNIS Doris Hart, Jacksonville, Fla., goal down as she returns a drive from Mrs. Betty Hilton, in the Wightman Cup tennis matches at Philadelphia. Miss Hart's victory in the opening singles match clinched the cup for tha American!. Note Miss Hart's racquet and the ball both flying through tha air as she goes down on tha court. (AP Wirephoto). Polish Ship Lin Accused Of Un-American Activities WASHINGTON. Sept. 14-0 The chairman of a senate sub committee Investigating commu nist spies accused the Polish-owned C-dynia American line of "ac tivities contrary to the interest of the United States." The line owns the passenger ship Batory on w hich communist leader Gerhard Kislcr fled this country last spring. Officials of the line, owned by the Soviet-dominated Polish gov crment, were questioned by the committee behind closed doors. Senator O'Conor iD MDi, acting chairman, said their testimonv f probably will be made public ater. In a statement, O'Conor said the witnesses would be grilled about Kisler's escape and about the use of Gdynia-American line ships "for activities contrary to the interest of the United States, including their Illegal transport ation of espionage and propagan da agents. Kisler. frequently described in congressional hearings communist agent In the United States, Jumped bail last spring and escaped as a stowaway on the Batory. Regulation Of Filbert Sale Being Proposed WASHINGTON (. The agriculture department announc ed it will seek industry approval of a oroposed federal marketing agreement and order to regulate the sale of filberts ihaelnuts) grown in Oregon and Washington. The program is designed, the department said, to promote or derly marketing conditions and to improve grower prices. The program would permit li mitations on interstate shipments through regulat'ons on sizes and quality. It would be aimed at keeping low grade surpluses off the market. The proposal will be submitted to a referendum of growers as soon as possible, the department said. It must be approved by at least two-thirds of those voting. The department said the pro gram had been proposed by the northwest nut growers, a cooper ative marketing association. COUNTRY COTTAGE 7 ...I ' V.i3 pleasing exterior of this small but de lightfully practical home Is combined with a Useful and convenient floor plan that makes living easy. Not to be con fused with war-time prefab jobs, these units are constructed of sturdy, PRE-CJT LCX1DE materials making this a time and money saving plan. Investigate the reasons for building a LOXIDE home. TODD BUILDING CO. 904 S. Stephens Phone 302 See L W. Tyler Valley Wholesale Co. 109 Rice St. Roseburg Good Grooming , Starts With Your Shoes To be well groomed your shoes must always be in "just-out-of-the-box" condi tion. If they are worn, scuf fed, or in need of general repair we can restore their good looks. . If their worth wearing they're worth repairing HILL'S SHOE SERVICE 108 E. Washington 8 i . t ( 1 1. X ' ,14, M , i'in-ifi ri iiirt iriri-T tir'fflniftiiwriifin How long since your watch has been checked? Your good watch deserves good care the core Roseburg Jewelers is equipped to give it. No mat ter what the make, our trained experts will check your watch carefully with no obligation to you. If it should need attention, we'll be glad to serv ice It economically and promptly. . And, while you're checking up on your watch, dress it up as well. See our large selection of handsome watch bands in metol, fabric and leather. They're designed to go with any type of watch and to make your old watch look new. t JEWELERSjg 246 N. Jackson Phone 1329 J For The Gifts You'll Give With Pride Let Your Jeweler Be Your Guide. i